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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThis Mike Johnson/ trans/ Congressional bathroom issue is pissing me off.
He isn't helping ANYONE by doing this.
He isn't protecting ANYONE by doing this.
He is pretending to be morally righteous by telling a trans member of Congress that she has no right to use any toilet... basically that she isn't good enough to be in Congress at all.
BIGOT Johnson isn't good enough to be in Congress or to tell anyone else where they can piss or take a dump. We need to publicly trash this asshole until he apologizes publicly.

(28 posts)Gird yourselves.
And he IS helping people by doing this.
He's emboldening bigots.
(5,639 posts)restrooms and each member of congress has a private bathroom in their office as well. I agree this is primarily virtue signaling but it is not true that 'she has no right to use any toilet'
(19,784 posts)But it certainly doesn't seem like the Speaker's job to dictate which facilities she is allowed to use.
He's a male. Why does he care where women use the toilet?
I suspect most women in Congress don't want him or any of the known sex offenders in the shared ladies room, and that should be enforced.
(10,993 posts)or does it make it CLEAR that bullying a specific individual is the point?
I think it couldn't be more obvious, even if sk**** like Mace and Marge Traitor Green weren't the scumbags behind it.
(5,639 posts)FreeState
(10,701 posts)kelly1mm
(5,639 posts)bluestarone
(19,098 posts)They had to walk LONG LONG ways to use colored bathrooms.What a bunch of no good white religious bastards they are!!
(20,174 posts)(amongst other insults)
(19,098 posts)That's how our Government people were back then. (i guess) How with Mike making this statement took me right back to that part of the movie, Hidden Figures.
Blue Owl
(55,549 posts)JI7
(91,489 posts)RANDYWILDMAN
(3,014 posts)but he and his party make it so much bigger, than it needs to be.
all about the wedge issues, love repubs
(4,104 posts)I have a trans grandchild and this breaks my heart and pisses me off,too. Idiots like Johnson are creating a problem where there isn't one.
They are F'ing grownups for g'd's sake. The behavior of these two people Nancy Mace and St Mike Johnson, is cruel and utterly laden with self-righteousness.
I don't care what their Christian teachings tell them, they are wrong and they can go to hell for trying to dehumanize another person, Rep Sarah Mc Bride, because she is trans, and they are too narrow minded, and/or bigoted and intolerant to get it. They are sick, frightened tickets in my book, to make such a public stink.
Sorry for the rant
(19,784 posts)
(34,530 posts)Confirmation bias for the Trump Campaign
(2,334 posts)Hekate
(96,585 posts)Took his daughter to a Purity Ball, where girls turn over their chastity to daddy until he hands them over to a husband. Shares an app with his son that tattles on each to the other if they sin by peeking at a porn site.
There’s more. He looks like Mr. Milquetoast, but is known as the architect of the January 6 insurrection.
And yes, he is one of those RWNJs who is utterly obsessed with other people’s genitals.