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Matt Gaetz can keep his job and Al Franken

Blue Owl
(55,555 posts)
(558 posts)
a kennedy
(32,960 posts)and Im still so pissed about my Senator ..🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
(12,664 posts)I think about it!
(15,801 posts)I believe, even though he won his seat in congress, he wont go back as a congressman. At least thats what I read earlier today.
(162,406 posts)while actively trashing trans gals in bathrooms - repukes are serious fucking hypocrites
(12,664 posts)At least we won't have to look at this pukes face?
(162,406 posts)WTF, Hunter Biden was a such big threat but they are A-OK with this fucking pervert? WTF
(4,815 posts)need to be in jail... starting with their antichrist. Like I wrote the other day, they'd need build a facility to house all of them.
Linda ladeewolf
(774 posts)Deuxcents
(21,259 posts)samplegirl
(12,664 posts)I don't know sometimes I think Democrats are just too complacent. I can't understand why we weren't fighting this Matt Gaetz thing tooth and nail!
(758 posts)Note: I totally agree with your statement. So what is the difference? Answer: Trump.
Think about it.
Then: We had a respectable democracy, where standards were very common and people were looked up to because of those standards. Back then, if you step outside those standards, you're out.
Now: It's expected to be disrespectful with no standards. Powerful people say fuck you, I'll do what I want. I wonder who brought this change to the landscape.
Now think about this. Gaetz can't hold a candle to Trump. And this loser went out of his way to lie to the American people (again) to get his job back, which he lost 4 years ago. Are we all living a nightmare? This type of shit should have never happened in this country.
If Franken ever runs for anything in the future, he should and will win. He's an angel
(1,619 posts)been this way as my whole adult life. While they were trying to impeach Clinton, Newt Gingrich was doing worse with his third wife, while still married to his second wife. They excuse anything repubs do. It's blatant hypocrisy. But they don't care.
Another example. Remember when President Obama wanted to address the nation students. Repub politicians and citizen lost their mind. They said President Obama was seeking to indoctrinate. Some school districts allowed parents to opt out. So their children would not have to hear the president's speech. Yet we have a religious extremist in Oklahoma forcing all school children listen to his prayers for and remarks about tsf. Actual indoctrination. Plain and simple. But it's okay. As long as you are a repuke.
(26,329 posts)...ambassador to The Vatican.
I'm not Catholic, or any other flavor of Christianity, or any conventional religion, but found that extremely offensive.
(12,664 posts)But he probably is glad he's not in office and don't want to ever again!
(12,664 posts)but I don't think he will. What a bunch of despicable
people that trumps circle is!
(96,604 posts)ancianita
(39,939 posts)Hekate
(96,604 posts)ancianita
(39,939 posts)Now they're about to do it to themselves.
We tried our best, now there's nothing we can do.
We could alleviate suffering, as always, but what's the point with those who bite the hand.
(12,664 posts)The we go high route didn't work so good!
(5,369 posts)exposed all of the weak links. It disgusted and depressed me for quite some time.
I wish we still had his loud and sane voice among us.
Franken was and still is a hero; I miss him.
(7,698 posts)D have a lot to answer for.
(597 posts)Eat our own here
(39,939 posts)The list is endless.
Both-sides corporate media and their owners make sure to treat the double standard as a feature of party politics, as if both parties are equally flawed.
(29,941 posts)And I feel some of the same characters of that debacle are responsible for this November debacle.
Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)
(30,236 posts)He made what he believed to be an ethical decision. I begged him not to.
Also, I have a question: I thought Gaetz resigned? Did he un-resign?
(7,698 posts)And wished he had not. D pressured him into it.
(37,137 posts)Or they would force him out. Not much of a choice, especially if you care about Dem goals.
Lots of sources, including Jane Mayers New Yorker article and
(7,698 posts)samplegirl
(12,664 posts)And speak!
(30,236 posts)i watch his podcast occasionally and he mentioned that on one episode.
if only. he is great.
Response to samplegirl (Original post)
polichick This message was self-deleted by its author.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)TrollBuster9090
(6,049 posts)were chased out of the Obama Administration for? It was chicken feed, as I recall. (Van Jones signed a petition without reading who had sponsored it first, and I think Valerie Jarrett said something nasty about Republicans while that little shit, O'Keiffe had a hidden camera on her.)
I'm glad that, at the end of the Obama Administration, Democrats finally stopped being so nervous about what Republicans MIGHT SAY if they actually try to do something to help the people who elected them. I'm thinking particularly of Obama's refusal to fire Susan Rice, just because Trey Gowdy-Doody was making noises about her.
I'll tell you this, though. If there is ever another Democratic Party President, they are not firing ONE DAMNED PERSON over a f--king CONTRIVED 'scandal.' If Republicans are defending a SecDef nominee who drugged and date raped women, they have ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIBILITY as critics.
(36,215 posts)The Wizard
(13,092 posts)IOKIFYAR (It's OK if you're Republican).
Sucha NastyWoman
(2,991 posts)And it really pissed me off.
He should run again.
(2,426 posts)Actually Al Franken was railroaded over an indelicate photo on a USO tour and allegations from several women (at least one of which was assoxiated with Roger Stone) which quickly fell apart.
The allegations against Gaetz are far more substantial.
This isn't a both sides issue.
(12,664 posts)mouth shut!
(37,137 posts)But they just wanted the matter to go away. I wrote to my senators at the time to urge this but it made no difference.
(55,655 posts)samplegirl
(12,664 posts)The rapist should be in jail and I hope bad fate follows him wherever he goes!!!!!
(1,648 posts)Escape
(129 posts)Trump's entire cabinet will be comprised of people who would be in prison if there had been a real Attorney General in office for the last four years.
(558 posts)The frightening picture that caused Al Fraken to resign:
(57,596 posts)And there's no way in HELL Franken should have quit unless multiple Republicans (Donnie included) followed him right out the door...