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60 Minutes last night. They featured a glowing report on Austin University, a start up, right wing school. All the brilliant students and excellent professors who reject DEI and want to go back to old fashioned learning. Brought to them with funding from Jeff Bezos, Harlen Crow and several other billionaire types. Free tuition and clean cut youth. CBS has drunk all the kool aide.

(19,382 posts)This is a new university. Im sure 60 minutes didnt add their thoughts on it.
(14,958 posts)SocialDemocrat61
(3,479 posts)that they praised it.
live love laugh
(14,893 posts)being carried out.
(53,945 posts)Silent Type
(8,296 posts)Charging Triceratops
(441 posts)60 Minutes has been a joke for years. Where's the deep dive into fascism, guys?
Not going to happen.
Oh, but surely there's some Broadway star to profile while the nation burns.
And fuck Leslie Stahl with a pipe wrench.
(16,242 posts)Some people say they drink and take drugs because it "enhances their personality".
I always thought, "but what if you're an asshole"?
(161,824 posts)yes indeed
(15,565 posts)ago cbs consumed all the kool aid, as you say. The only evening news I might watch is ABC, and lately I havent watched it.
(1,262 posts)Happy Thanksgiving..
(2,445 posts)Saw your thread title.
Gee, I was hoping it would be something surprisingly good, a topic that would make me say "Well, I guess not all the media is bad".
Nope, course not, only re-affirmed how much I hate the mainstream media. What is this liberal media conservatives speak about? Where?
All that whining of DEI and yet look at the qualifications on the orange lard 's cabinet, not one of them is qualified for jackshit.