General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIf you want to know the direction we are headed.
Ask yourself, what does Putin want ?
That's the direction we are going.
We all know Tmp is in Putin's pocket.
Two predictions-
Soon after taking office, we will cut off aid to Ukraine
Within one year it will be clear that we are attempting to sabotage NATO. we will either cut off funding to NATO, or simply drop out.
Putin also wants unrest and instability in the United States, both socially and economically
So while we are all concerned that trump's economic policies will favore the rich, they will also simply cause economic downturn. And that is by design.
And yeah, Putin's real wet dream is a civil war in the US.

(103,591 posts)Now they're basically flaunting it in our faces. Hell even his #2 guy, Elon, got outed as a Russian stooge. The sooner Putin and his goons rid the world of their evil existence, the better.
(63,843 posts)He doesn't bother to hide it. Made it clear Russia was behind the bomb threats on Election Day in Dem precincts.
Putin always leaves his calling card at his crime scenes.
He loves it when people know how smart and powerful he is.
(103,591 posts)
(6,238 posts)Those under a sworn oath to the Constitution were committed to protecting it. Now it's political games as usual and everyone only cares about their own position, and how to keep it and the money stream flowing.
We have had Supreme Court justices in the past with the will to step up and take things into their own hands if that became necessary. That's what should have happened to the Mueller Report, the Supreme Court should have wrestled it out of the Justice Department's hands and put it in the federal court system. But there's no Thurgood Marshall on the court, and hasn't been any one with that kind of courage since he died.
(15,855 posts)Profiles in cowardice.
(9,249 posts)Most Americans lack critical thinking skills. I found that out on November 5th. Still in denial about it. We can't really be this stupid. Defending democracy is the only game right now. The frying planet will have to wait.
(6,494 posts)that authoritarians learn the hard way is that Mother Nature doesn't give a damn about someone's crown or title.
(103,591 posts)The bigger question should be how Fuckface won. The answer is that so many people have been brainwashed by propaganda and there is no alternative to Fox, Infowars, Joe Rogan, etc. We need to get to work on fixing that. The world may not look the same in 4 years.
(860 posts)She will probably provide safe cover for Vlad and his gang.