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"Record Number of Travelers Expected Over Thanksgiving Week"
"Record number of Americans driving somewhere this Thanksgiving: What to know
72 million people expected to drive over 50 miles"
"Record-breaking levels of travelers expected on flights, roadways for Thanksgiving in 2024"
(google record number of people traveling)
remember the polls? the fucking economy was the number one issue.
and just because trumpie is going to make his return all these broke people can afford to travel?
it's like the maga fairy flew in, waved a magic wand, and POOF! eggs & vacations & record traveling is on the menu
it just pisses me off every time i hear about the record number of people traveling for thanksgiving and soooo many were crying poor mouth just 3 weeks ago!
rant over
oh, and btw:
MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Donald Trump o wont be able to lower the price of eggs which are set to go up now in 2025.
(posted nov. 24th)
(61,924 posts)orleans
(35,493 posts)IbogaProject
(3,972 posts)Reagan, Bush, Bush & Tmp all contributed to it. And the capital gains tax cut was GOP but signed by Clinton. The middle class has stagnated mostly for the last 40 years. A small cohort have done wildly better but most are worse. The hardest hitting ones were the shift from atudent grants to loans and the FICA rates becoming fixed from first dollar to just over $100K. That while funding a progressive program have funded concentration of wealth into a?very select set of counties. And tge fact we didnt run a?clear and coherent campaign on that issue really hurt us.
(8,807 posts)What an embarrassment...
Malloy 3:16, y'all...
I said months ago that they were running to get bloody revenge for 2020. And well, they're going to get it.
(19,382 posts)doesnt mean voters were happy about paying that price.
(65,101 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)Voters in general vote for a vast many reasons. Probably only a small percent literally voted for trump due to egg costs.
President Biden did an awesome job on the economy. But voters never appreciated it.
(65,101 posts)I've talked with a few people I suspect voted for Trump, and this is what I hear:
It was hard to tell what news outlet to trust. Every channel said different things. None were fair or balanced.
There was extremism on both sides.
Trump has an emotional way of communicating but he doesn't really mean a lot of what he says.
To me, these are examples of sane-washing, pretending that Trump isn't as bad as he seems, ignoring really bad things he's done (like stealing top secret documents), and blaming the news media for being "too liberal."
I see it as 40 years of anti-Democratic Party propaganda that has convinced most white Americans that the only rational choice is to vote Republican, even when the Republican candidate is this bad.
(15,304 posts)What are farmers doing to curtail bird flu?
(602 posts)are poor.
And they take multiple vacations per year.
The tik-tok propaganda worked.
(19,382 posts)I live in Florida and make a fine salary that affords me a home, nice stuff, never going hungry and yes two vacations a year.
However, put me in NYC and Id struggle a lot.
(53,666 posts)With $250K in the area, they should be fine.
(943 posts)Allows them to continue to wear the mask. They are selfish people who are not concerned about the country or the people who are really struggling. They dont care about anything but their petty grievances.
(602 posts)She also gets all of her news from tik-tok and other social media.
She's also a very very very blue Democrat.
Wiz Imp
(3,029 posts)A Gross income of $250,000 would put them in the 91st percentile of income in the US. Only 9 percent of households in the country make more than they do.
Median household income in the US is only $80,610 (So their income is triple the median income in the country)
have to say is 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
(53,666 posts)It's not about the economy now. It's about racism and sexism. Just like it was last time. Only worse now.
(463 posts)Strategic Egg Reserve and lowered the cost of eggs.
Dammit Joe, it's all your fault.(/S)
(35,493 posts)MrWowWow
(431 posts)The propaganda will continue until morale improves...and vice versa.
(47,658 posts)Its been this way for a few years. People pissing and moaning about the price of eggs and gas while exceeding flight records and consumer spending.
Has everyone forgotten a bird disease killed off lots of chickens? You couldnt even find eggs for a while.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,026 posts)LogDog75
(250 posts)They used the price of eggs as justification for voting for the Orange Blob.
Another item they complained about was the price of gas but it you watch people driving you'd see them speeding well above the speed limit rather than driving at 55mph to get better mileage and saving money.
In reality, neither the price of eggs or gas is something Biden or Harris had control over but they got the blame because people had to have someone to blame.
(10,411 posts)"People over here are traveling, so they must not be struggling!"
First thing's first. "Travel" in this instance is defined by 50+ miles. By this definition, I travel pretty much every week. It's a dumb metric used to generate dumb media headlines. But it's an easy annual story.
Second, visiting relatives on a major holiday does not mean everything's fine and everyone was lying about their economic situation. How tf are people making the inference?
Third, this is yet more failure to recognize what is a K-shaped economy. Some people are doing well - they always were. And a lot of people are doing less well with cost of living increases. Pointing out that some people are doing well does not magically disappear the people who are not doing well.
It ignores them.
And how does ignoring them work out electorally?
It is demoralizing that we are so dead set against seeing this country as it exists and instead filtering everything through a political point trying to be made.
And lastly, about that "record number"
2024: AAA predicts that 79.86 million people will travel over Thanksgiving.
2023: 78.18 million people
2019: 77.78 million people
So, to summarize. AAA puts out its usual headline and now that means there's no more poor people.
Which was concerningly close to some people's actual political messaging during this election. Which went totally the way we wanted and everything worked out fine.
(198 posts)If it's all someone else being a hypocrite, it means that it wasn't in our control. It's a way to other those who voted for Trump.
And yes, the record travel number is stupid because the population is going up. Not all that surprising that more people means more people traveling.
(10,411 posts)Not just a refusal to see it, but then an accusation that people are lying about their suffering.
I joined the Democratic Party. You know, give a shit about the working classes and the poor. Understand income inequality. Perceive that just because some people are doing well doesn't mean everyone is.
That's still a thing, right?
WTF, man. It's just unbelievable to me. And after November 5th, still.
(3,487 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 27, 2024, 05:19 PM - Edit history (2)
Food insecure households, 2019: 10.5%Food insecure households 2023: 13.5%
Before you scold me about not caring about the additional 2.5% who are suffering, I'd like as much as anyone to see them get a hand up.
But it seems that those numbers don't really comport with the notion that living hand-to-mouth is pretty much the order of the day.
Nor does it explain the substantially higher percentage of people who claimed that the price of eggs was driving them broke.
That's the delta the people you scold are talking about. Nobody's saying, "People who can't afford food should just STFU because the economy as a whole is doing well." What people are saying is: "There actually aren't that many people who can't afford food, and a substantial number of people who say they can't afford food seem to be...ummm...exaggerating."
And your general attack about "giving a shit about the working classes and the poor" seems a tad misplaced. I'm pretty sure Democrats would extend the Child Tax Credit if they could. It's just that the party who just got voted into trifecta power doesn't want to give a shit about the working classes and the poor.
(10,411 posts)I didn't take a poll of the "the substantially higher percentage of people who claimed that the price of eggs was driving them broke," because that would be weird that eggs alone could have that much power. We must read different places and know different people. I did see a lot of media coverage of the crisis at the time. Which, yes, was because of bird flu rather than inflation.
But don't you think that maybe the sharp increase of egg prices was a straw over the camel's back a bit? That the increases in food prices had been hurting people for a while, and that was the little shitfest that finally boiled over people's frustrations?
Nobody's saying, "People who can't afford food should just STFU because the economy as a whole is doing well."
Gotten into it with posts saying exactly that. I've gotten into arguments with people - right here - who swear up and down that grocery prices have barely increased at all. I have no idea how anyone who shops for themselves has been unaware of these things.
No one's saying Republicans have better policies. Of course they don't. And voting for them is stupid. But humans in large numbers aren't rational actors. When people are discontent and want change, that means danger for whoever's sitting in the big chair. And this time around, we were in the big chair. We could have addressed the discontent, but instead it was "The economy's great. Anything you hear different is misinformation."
And after November 5th, it has been nonstop "Things aren't that bad! Look at a small increase in holiday travel! The lie is revealed!"
People. Do Not. Hear Themselves.
(3,487 posts)Not surprised to see the 28.5% there.
You and I both know the rule: If someone gives you percentages, ask for the absolute numbers, and vice versa.
28.5% of a relatively small number is still a small number.
And, again: I didn't say they don't exist or that they should buck up. Just that they don't really explain the vote.
Our mileage, as ever varies. Last word is yours.
(3,206 posts)Celerity
(47,500 posts)Keepthesoulalive
(943 posts)What are the republicans going to do to help people who are struggling. They have blocked either through the courts or with legislation help for anyone but the richest. There must be something Im missing.
(302 posts)As the population grows, so does the number of people moving about. Unserious news, IMO.
Wiz Imp
(3,029 posts)Oh, you mean like that large group of Republicans (at least 20%, maybe more) who suddenly and miraculously changed their tune about their financial situation the day after the election? Here's a clue: they were lying when they said they were worse off. The same thing happened after the election in 2106. As soon as the election was over, Republicans opinions of the economy suddenly switched from bad to good. I wonder why? Republicans are brainwashed to automatically think the economy is terrible any time the President is a Democrat, and immediately becomes great again the moment a Republican gets elected.
Wages have risen more over the past 4 years than inflation.
The Summary
- Inflation has risen quickly over the past few years but wages have been rising slightly faster.
- Lower-income workers have seen even bigger boosts to their purchasing power thanks to earnings that have outpaced the average.
Since February 2020, the Consumer Price Index has climbed a cumulative 20.8%, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Over that same period, average hourly earnings rose 22.3%.
The chart below shows the result: Inflation-adjusted hourly earnings (the yellow line) have increased 1.5% since December 2019, indicating a net gain for workers' average spending power.
(3,165 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,284 posts)While, in fact, travel is defined as >50 miles, people traveling by air is expected to set records.
The articles specifically state that.
So, the point made in the OP I'd not as far off as you suggest.
(10,411 posts)That's a bit light to rest an argument that "things aren't that bad" upon.
And it's generally in line with the continued insistence to just not see people have had a hard time with cost of living increases.
This is deadly in any political party, but when we're presenting ourselves as champions of the poor, it's a look and a half.
(71,284 posts)But, that 1.9% increase over last year is 1.9% over another record year.
So, the increase is small but it's still breaking a record set last year. Context matters.
I do agree it's a tough line to sell. Things are more expensive or they're not, and they were. No stock market talk or discussions on deficit teduction would change that perception.
Republican Congress or not, the administration would have been wise to publicly push for a more graduated tax rate, lower taxes on people under $150k per household, and some legislation on corporate house flipping. (A tax on real estate transactions involving buyers not living there?)
Even though it wouldn't have passed, the message the only one party was trying to do something for "average" Americans may have resonated.
So, we agree on some of thus, but not all.
(10,411 posts)And you've probably heard or experienced similar.
Where someone on food stamps is buying groceries, and someone behind them is making a face, rolling their eyes, sighing audibly, etc., because they do not approve of the choices the person in front of them is making. I've encountered many such stories over the years. "You wouldn't believe what this person bought!" And even if I agree it's not the most nutritious choice, am I really going to rag on a struggling person treating themselves to an Oreo? What kind of asshole would I have to be to manage that one?
Holiday travel. Even when I was absolutely scraping it together in a one bedroom apartment, I knew I had to fly home for the holidays or it would be a thing. So I put it aside, looked for deals, and generally made it work. Not easily, but I made it work.
But here comes someone huffing and puffing in the background. "You're seeing your family? Must not be that poor!"
This is the image people are putting out. It is u-g-l-y. It sucks we lost the election. But watching people turn on people who are struggling is a fucking thing and a half to witness. And it definitely comes from an elevated space. "You don't have it that bad!" And then five seconds later. "Why do they think we talk down to them all the time?" How can people not put it together? It's not a far trip from A to B on that one.
More to your point. The one thing that really puzzled me during the election is how no one hammered the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act. That is the easiest slam dunk, and I kept waiting and waiting for it to appear. Bringing home ownership back to families and out of the hands of Wall Street? Who's not for that?
It just fell to the wayside somehow, as so many economic matters did.
(103,063 posts)Yet they can't afford groceries. WTF.
(10,411 posts)It must be a lot of people who buy $100k cars and trucks but are going hungry. Do we have some data on this?
(35,493 posts)seems to me you like to do smack downs on duers quite a bit lately -- most every time i see your posts you're responding very negatively to whoever is posting.
do you really think the only people flying, packing the airplanes, are dems who voted for harris, who didn't say the economy was their number one issue? none of the republican/maga/it's the economy people are flying? pfffft
(3,206 posts)A lot of pointing fingers at fellow Dems and very little understanding of the pain and fear that many of us are going through. If you have a different opinion you're not a part of the "reality-based community". Condescension is really ugly.
(40,815 posts)mvd
(65,548 posts)Too many voters are misinformed, lazy or ignorant and just soak up propaganda.
Harris was a good candidate in my view at least. Could her campaign have done a couple things differently? Yes, but she was at a severe disadvantage in a short amount of time.
(47,315 posts)as in people are buying more turkeys than they need and then throwing them away. Weird.
(57,596 posts)"Egg prices" is code for "There was no way I would ever vote for a black woman over a white man regardless of her qualifications, but I didn't want to sound racist"
(35,493 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)Where is the evidence that it is the same people?
I'm adding zero to the holiday crowds at the airport.
This is starting to become insulting, I scrapped up donations at personal sacrifice, voted, and promoted and now I get treated to rich people mocking trying to make it.
Fucking ivory tower snobbery.
(15,238 posts)Although some of the economy is doing quite well, wealth inequality has resulted in a large underclass struggling to get by and, moreover, being blamed for not making it. As someone who works in animal rescue, let me tell you I have never before seen such an epidemic of people abandoning animals they cant afford to care for. A booming stock market means nothing to any of them.
(26,314 posts)are not crowding any airports!
It means it most cases they can't even feed themselves and are dying inside because I'd starve first and would put a home for my cat above one for myself.
Meanwhile...Lovey and Thurston are laughing it up and sneering and these are supposed to be Democrats., not the "fuck your feelings"/boot straps gang.
(161,118 posts)seriously
(26,314 posts)The offense is distinct from voting.
It is the snarling, scoffing, and hand waiving real people struggling like it is a joke that I also have a belly full of.
I don't think the nuance is that difficult to understand and my original point stands, what does busy airports have to do with a damn thing?
Well heeled people flying around doesn't mean I have a good plan to pay my fucking rent on the first so it is probably going to be late so I'll get a charge for that I can't afford so the internet will stack on a card until I can figure anything else out.
What did I do to deserve derision and shaming other than putting what I hoped was a little extra into trying to help Democrats get elected, trying to get people to vote out way, and casting a straight Democratic ticket?
Holy fuck!
(161,118 posts)I live around people who choose between rent and medicine and groceries - I know because I help them.
(26,314 posts)100% real, it is a lift just to be able to think somebody out there gives a shit about anybody really.
Forgotten man stuff probably causes some eye rolls but just the words together have some resonance to those that too often feel no one would miss them at least any time soon.
The other night I was wondering if my daughter and sisters would end up not getting my life insurance through work because of being fired for no call no show before they ever found out I was gone away from here.
That kind of thing.
(161,118 posts)yes indeed
I don't think those DUers are trying to be mean, it's just that Fox News ain't the only "bubble" around.....
(3,956 posts)I haven't paid for eggs or rotisserie chicken for 6 months now. I earn points on every purchase and they have point deals that are so easy to meet. I'm so tired of the complainers. Learn to cook already. And the truly needy, I hope they have access to food banks. That's all I have to say.
(26,314 posts)so shop better.
Eggs are cooked too and never in my life have been some fucking luxury item.
A bunch of finger wagging bullshit and malarkey.
(3,956 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)and work every damn day should not be shamed for wanting to be able to eat decent and pay our bills and have every right to complain.
I have blown through my little savings the past year just managing the same expenses as the last.
That isn't funny to me and I don't give a shit who is tired of hearing about it.
I've struggled in mostly silence enough, the election is over and now more costs I can't afford are coming because of some stupid, anti-black, woman hating morons but mostly very comfortable or better supposed allies are fucking mocking and trying to shame me!
Fuck all that. Squeezed more than enough without people making it a stand up routine.
(3,956 posts)I'm retired and have thought about doing the blood donation for $ thing. It pays fairly well here in Maryland. No effing way I'm going back to work. I'm done with that sh7t.
(1,550 posts)when the Trump administration starts, highlighting the price of eggs and how inflaction actually increases when he takes office, as it surely will with tariffs and deporting immigrant laborers.
Keep hitting the message and stoke their outrage for the midterms.
(2,236 posts)They are just hateful jackasses who love inflicting nastiness on to other people. Bunch of psychopaths.
(2,097 posts)[img][/img]
(1,454 posts)Most are going by car, and with suburban sprawl 50 miles to get to a relative's house is not that uncommon, especially in the areas with the largest populations.
(1,303 posts)Always.
Another thing to consider is that evangelical christians view their suffering as a badge of honor. You will often hear about their suffering in even casual conversation.
These people voted heavily for Trump and His Merry Band of Traitors.
(4,163 posts)Restaurants have been packed the past 2 years and many young families with kids eating out. When we were in Paris and Spain in September it was packed with Americans.
Blue Owl
(55,067 posts)Suck it you fucking fuckos.
Response to orleans (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(6,511 posts)I noticed the prices have gone up more recently again. But today I just bought two dozen eggs for $4.99 at Costco, which I think is lower than it was a few weeks ago. Well at BJs, it looked like the prices were much higher for what I usually get because I got some extra time in the fridge.
(10,928 posts)Last edited Thu Nov 28, 2024, 01:35 PM - Edit history (2)
some people genuinely struggling with their budgeting could prioritize being with family over eating eggs?