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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIf you have a sad about the Hunter Biden pardon.
Im laughing my ass off
It would be even more hysterical if not for the understanding that these soulless fuckwits voted for a child rapist and serial murderer.

(2,520 posts)think anyone is sad about it, I think it is appropriate. But the current circumstances make this a questionable move on the PR front.
When jackass starts pardoning J6 idiots and everyone else under the sun, how will anyone be able to argue in good faith now? Anyway, that's my only real concern about it. I'm afraid this may backfire on us.
(65,378 posts)What do we possibly have to lose at this point? Do you really think a single person will decide how to vote based on this?
(2,520 posts)I explained it well enough regarding the upcoming Trump reign of error. but I guess I'll do it again for your amusement.
Will we be able to chastise him for pardoning criminals? Or will we go back to the no one is above the law stance?
I don't think anyone her questions the validity of this pardon. Hunter Biden broke some serious laws, it is not disputable. But the man has obviously fixed his life, he's not a threat to anyone by any stretch of the imagination, and he'a already paid a heavy price for his mistakes. Like I said before, it's the optics. I believe in having a solid position on matters. If I think that this is Ok, then I have no position from which to argue when Trump starts doing it.
(65,378 posts)Literally no Republican cares. No independent cares. They literally don't care at all.
(2,520 posts)I already formed an opinion on the matter. It just appears some can't disagree without attacking. Not cool.
And no, Republicans never really cared about this, it was a political attack all along. But that had absolutely nothing to do with the point I made.
(29,332 posts)respond to people who address me.
So give it a rest.
(32,260 posts)Trump has already proved there is no justice in this country.
Dorian Gray
(13,763 posts)with regard to Donald J Trump is LONG GONE.
Our ability to chastise him should not be a consideration for any move we make.
We should make moral and ethical decisions bc that's how we want to lead; having said that, I'm quite okay with Biden pardoning his son. But yeah, the MAGAs will continue to be hypocrites complaining about Biden doing this while not giving a shit that Trump pardoned Kushner's dad for the perverted weird shit he did to his sister and her husband and then made him AMBASSADOR TO FUCKING FRANCE.
I think Biden is in "fuck it" mode, and I don't know that I blame him.
(3,048 posts)Wiz Imp
(3,491 posts)"Hunter Biden broke some serious laws, it is not disputable."
BULL SHIT. He broke laws for which next to no one (far less than 1%) who breaks them is ever prosecuted for. He was only prosecuted because his name is Biden. To compare the crimes committed by the Jan 6 insurrectionists to what Hunter Biden did is beyond insulting. Jan 6 insurrectionists tried to overthrow our democracy. Hunter Biden committed crimes for which effectively nobody is ever prosecuted and your equating them? Insanity.
Not to mention the people Trump pardoned before - Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Kushner's father, etc.
Who cares about the fucking "optics". Pardoning Hunter Biden is not remotely anything like the pardons Trump has already handed out let alone if he pardons Jan 6 insurrectionists. Anyone who thinks otherwise is being willfully blind to how little Trump cares about justice.
you guys fighting and arguing with me about things I didn't say?
"I disagree for the following reasons" would be a proper response. Cursing and caps and going completely off subject, then attacking me for stuff I never even said really doesn't make much sense.
Wiz Imp
(3,491 posts)Oh "I'm so concerned about bad PR Wah Wah". How about prioritizing doing the right thing over worrying about supposed bad PR which will not make a lick of difference?
Nobody is fighting over things you didn't say, we're pointing out the absurdity of your "argument".
You said "When jackass starts pardoning J6 idiots and everyone else under the sun, how will anyone be able to argue in good faith now?". That is the very definition of equating the actions of Hunter Biden to the Jan 6 insurrectionists and it is disgusting and sickening.
And to your statement that "Hunter Biden broke some serious laws, it is not disputable.", if it is indisputable that they were serious laws then why are 99.9999% of other people who break those same laws never prosecuted?
Your "concern" over the ramifications of the pardon is duly noted. Now quit acting like you are so much smarter than everyone else . May I remind you you said you were the only one "having the balls to tell the truth.". You don't tell the truth. You speak an opinion out of some ridiculous "concern" about "bad PR" which will not make a lick of difference
is your take, then I question your analytical abilities. I made no comparisons, I simply pointed out what was going to happen, and it already is.
Please forgive my indiscretion of floating a valid point. I'll just dig out my pom-poms I guess and post me too replies like everyone else. That always makes for engaging discussion.
Wiz Imp
(3,491 posts)By saying we have no standing to criticize Trump for pardoning people who tried to overthrow the government because Biden pardoned somebody who never would have even been charged with a crime if not for his last name is explicitly equating the two. If you can't see that, then it's hopeless to talk to you because you're living in your own reality, separate from the rest of us.
Oh and who says your point was valid? Oh that's right, you're smarter than everyone else so whatever you say is fact. Pathetic.
(2,520 posts)Rah! Rah! Rah!
(2,401 posts)Backfire as in what? They have no flipping morals. Who cares what they think?
That's what's wrong with some Dems always worried about how Rethugs feel about them.
His crime was victimless, does not compare to a bunch of rabid savages storming the Capitol and beating up police officers. Come on!
(2,520 posts)never heard the term "all politics are circular"? It's not just a catchy saying, it's 100% true.
Forgetting about that seems to get us burned quite often.
(40,961 posts)On the matter explained it quite well to sane folks like us. The argument in good faith has already been taken care of. I care not for the opinion of people who voted to enable a potential destruction of our norms because they were trick fucked into believing the price of eggs was a good reason.
(3,501 posts)is a lost and broken human being. (Not you, mind you. All the people who will be making this argument.)
I accept entirely that the right wing noise machine will scream and shout.
But the idea that this pardon excuses anything Trump might do is flat silly.
much different when the media is screeching about it. We don't end with a net gain out of this. I've just got the stones to say it out loud.
(122,007 posts)for courage?
(2,520 posts)so my simple mind can understand what you are referring to.
I'm in cheerleader mode now, that appears to be the only sort of posts that are acceptable.
(122,007 posts)Biophilic
(5,258 posts)The PR front is way behind us now and totally worthless. Trump will do what he wants, his followers will applaud, and the rest of the country will ignore or possibly pause for a moment. We are way past the PR moment. Yes, there will be news articles etc but if not this then they will find something else to complain about Biden or write about trump. This is no longer the world of November 4 th.
Think. Again.
(21,382 posts)'r worried about PR?
People being RIGHTFULLY pardoned is different than people being wrongfully pardoned. Period.
(2,520 posts)worried about the PR.
This fight isn't over, it is perpetual. If we lose out ability to think ahead, we may as well lay down and give up. That's not in my nature.
Leave it up to this place to attack me for having the balls to tell the truth.
Ocelot II
(122,789 posts)who would otherwise be subject to ongoing persecution by Trump's vicious new AG.
(19,319 posts)Let the RWNJs scream all they want. I am delighted and relieved ro see this huge millstone of GOP persecution finally removed from Hunter's neck. I was very worried about what was going to happen to him if the Trump regime were allowed to have their way with him. I'll bet anything they would have found a way to send Hunter to prison for the rest of his life, and letting them get away with that would have been grotesquely, profoundly wrong.
Allowing that pack of extremist jackals to finish ruining a decent man's life to punish his father (WHAT?!?) would have been a travesty. It is no way lessens the seriousness of what the January 6 insurrectionists did, and if anyone wants to claim this is the equivalent of Trump pardoning his flying monkeys, they can go fuck themselves.
Think. Again.
(21,382 posts)claudette
(4,979 posts)Stop it. Gopers are heartless and no matter what Dems do Gopers will fight it. This pardon is a big up yours to Gopers that Hunter deserves
(2,520 posts)differing opinion cause you pain or something? I'm here to discuss things. If that is prohibited, someone please tell me and I'll get out my pom-poms and switch gears.
I'm always happy to discuss it from both perspectives, but having an opinion one way or the other doesn't make everything else invalid. A single statement of fact does not translate into me thinking the Republicans care, where does that even come from? That happens a lot for some reason.
Think. Again.
(21,382 posts)....and your perspective that somehow this little "PR" blip is more important than a decent person's frivilous persecution, or that Hunter's pardon is somehow damaging to the entire Democratic party's integrity compared to the depravity of the rightwing, just doesn't hold water.
Defending people from wrongful persecution is a very honorable and Leftist principle, and while discussing things from multilple valid perspectives is good, arguing FOR setting valuable principles aside to avoid meaningless controversy is not.
(2,520 posts)what I said, and that's the only thing I said. If you all want to keep arguing with me about stuff I never said or even hinted at, you're going to have to do it in front of the bedroom mirror or something from here on out.
My point speaks for itself as stated, regardless of the fact that some want to use a decoder ring to translate it.
Think. Again.
(21,382 posts)Arazi
(7,486 posts)And hes clearly won the PR war as nobody mentions any of that anymore.
Pardons are now cheap trinkets and frankly since Trump was the one who gave them out like Halloween candy, I hope Biden goes apeshit handing them out to thousands in his administration who will surely face insurmountable legal harassment (from Dr Fauci all the way down to the lowliest climate scientist)
(3,468 posts)Biden did not cause the Tom $uckery we are about to get. And to think any other way is to ignore the past five years of abuse from this man. You cant argue with maga. They dont listen or learn!
(1,586 posts)and that act will be a small drop that gets lost in the bucket of the insanely objectionable things that he does.
Joe might as well save his son the endless headache.
(18,394 posts)(in response to "how will anyone be able to argue in good faith now?" )
I started with a different response but tried to make it more civil. The Hunter Biden situation is in NO way comparable to J6 criminals. There may be others for whom some comparison can be drawn. Well okay then, if it was truly a persecution then let TSF pardon them, it makes no matter.
(2,520 posts)- say it was comparable or attempt to
- in any form disagree with the pardon
Some people seem to hear a lot of words that I never say. I find this to be disingenuous and is leveraged to attack me directly rather than argue the point.
And it should be said that exactly what I pointed out is happening in the media as we speak. And this will be used against us for a very long time, long after President Biden has retired. Please focus on what I actually said rather than what you think I said.
(18,394 posts)(emphasis added)
"When jackass starts pardoning J6 idiots and everyone else under the sun, how will anyone be able to argue in good faith now? "
That seems to me you are saying it IS comparable, OR you don't know how anyone argues that it is not comparable.
That is what I am responding to. Those are words you DID say.
(9,817 posts)What consequences could be any worse than what already happened with Trump getting 4 more fucking years and Democrats losing the Senate, House, and Judiciary?
If I was Biden Id tell everybody who thinks he should let his own son go to prison for an offense that should have never involved prison, while Trump pardons thousands of real criminals, to stick their opinions where the sun doesnt shine. It would have been outright stupidity for him not to pardon Hunter. Political consequences be damned.
(40,961 posts)Im happy for the peace of mind the pardon did both the President and his son.
And the fuckwits voted for a person who doesnt give a flying dog fuck about people who voted for him.
(6,767 posts)I doubt it.
(52,786 posts)First, sad for Hunter who had the problem with addiction that led him to make bad choices for which he deserved the same punishment as others.
Second, sad for the fact that he was treated vastly worse than anyone else who had done the same thing and in the case of the gun charge, likely prosecuted for a law that is unconstitutional under current SCOTUS jurisprudence.
Third, sad that it fell to Biden to do this since clearly Trump would have continued the persecution.
(36,594 posts)dgauss
(1,236 posts)He has no illusions about Trump, though. Biden did the right thing.
(1,586 posts)violating a gun registration law.
Jack Valentino
(1,629 posts)include the words "FUCK YOU, MAGATS!" in the text of his press release.
I'll say it myself, "FUCK YOU, MAGGOTS!"
There, fixed if for you, Joe!
(7,850 posts)My thoughts exactly.
(863 posts)Ocelot II
(122,789 posts)Joe clearly has no more fucks to give, and he must have decided that rescuing Hunter from any more politically-motivated prosecutions was far more important than whatever Trump's orcs and trolls might howl about - even with Biden out of office they'd keep hounding Hunter with the clear intent of causing him to start using again, just to mess with Joe.
(35,572 posts)THIS IS WONDERFUL!!!
i'm so glad!
President Biden pardons his son Hunter Biden
The decision, which was first reported by NBC News, is a reversal for the president, who repeatedly said he would not use his authority to pardon his son or commute his sentence.

(161,633 posts)SO FUCK THEM!!!
(157,737 posts)I am sad that some democrats are attacking this pardon
(35,572 posts)SunSeeker
(54,531 posts)And Bennet is getting roasted on X/Twitter for his misplaced outrage.
(122,007 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,548 posts)And a good move
(24,582 posts)Cuthbert Allgood
(5,208 posts)based on Biden's pardon of simple possession charges.
Nobody else think it feels very nepo baby getting off while there are still people in prison for simple possession of marijuana (or see my post about pardoning Leonard Peltier)? No? Nobody? OK. Carry on.
(15 posts)release Peltier. We are going to need all the resistance leaders we can get.
Wiz Imp
(3,491 posts)He has plenty of time to issue additional pardons if he wishes.
(416 posts).....pardoning real criminals, not make believe fantasy ones, like the tax cheat who had fled to Switzerland to avoid extradition.
(54,531 posts)arthritisR_US
(7,727 posts)peggysue2
(11,584 posts)Happy. Relieved.
I can understand the reluctance when President Biden was still running for a 2nd term. But once that hurtle was removed, I was hoping Joe would do exactly this, pardon his son.
Let the MAGAs rage as their felonious God-King prepares to take office. Joe Biden has no more fu*cks to give.
(157,737 posts)City Lights
(25,512 posts)Traildogbob
(10,546 posts)I think he should also give him a presidential medal of Freedom, freedom from GQP bull shit prosecution.
Just to piss them off.
Every single appointment by trump is a piss in the face for his own entertainment.
So the Freedom award would have the Lindsays of the world stroke out and I for one would laugh as well, we need some laughter.
(36,594 posts)😍
(575 posts)President Biden did the honorable and patriotic thing by saving his son from the criminals that is ready to eat him alive. There is a whole list Biden should also pardon,including every patriot who spoke out against Trump.