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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWell, I just had my last meal with my dad, I think.
We agreed to meet after I sent him the email I posted here a few weeks ago.
I agreed to listen to his response that he wanted to make.
Well, it was a long rant about abortion, LGBTQ+, the "open borders," for which Biden should be executed for treason, "wokeness", well, I think you get the gist of it.
He denied any "proof" of Trump's wrong doing as media lies.
He said there was no insurrection on January 6th.
The 2020 election was stolen.
Oh my god it's breaking my heart just to recount how into the cult he has fallen.
It's like invasion of the body-snatchers, but with brains.
I've lost my father.
I can't think if him the same way when he supports fascism.

(8,951 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)
(21,256 posts)Its painful and frustrating for me and Im not the best actress trying to show respect. 🌺
(153,130 posts)It's heartbreaking. And you're right: he's lost.
Try to remember the good times that you two had. And that will be hard too. Accept him as he is, if you can. There will be no changing him.
Big Hugs!
(1,631 posts)Coventina
(28,219 posts)We did not make any sort of arrangements to meet again.
(1,631 posts)If you loved each in the past then I hope that eventually prevails. It's a tough time, right now, but perhaps things will lighten up for everyone going through this.
(3,201 posts)elleng
(138,720 posts)Sad as it is to say this, it's 'good' that my parents are not around to experience what we're enduring.
(28,219 posts)How horrible is that?
Has he changed? or was he just a fascist in hiding all this time?
I have no idea, now.....
(34,662 posts)due to aging. You would have noticed if he had been like that the entire time.
(28,219 posts)conspiracies to spread them
He seems to think that women are like: I feel like getting an abortion today!
Or: I feel like I want to be a man today!
He thinks school-age kids are being indoctrinated into "wokeness".
It's insane.
on edit: typo
(423 posts)...with the link to The Brainwashing Of My Dad movie website. It will help you understand why it happened, who did it, why they did it, and most importantly, how you might be able to turn it around. If nothing else, you'll know you're not alone by any means. The really bad part is that it was deliberately planned-out by some very, very evil people.
(30,235 posts)how much I second this recommendation. Historical context. Propaganda kills.
(3,668 posts)Each time less of her comes back but always the division exists. Very sad.
(15,588 posts)How old is she Hope22?
It is supposed to affect the brain:
(3,668 posts)Mid late 80s. Thanks for the link. 🙏🏼
(15,588 posts)She must be tough though to keep going on in her 80s and after 4x Covid! Good luck to you both - pity about her unfortunate views ;-/..
(3,668 posts)When you live in a senior care facility that stuff comes in from visitors and workers all of the time. My sister does not believe in vaccines for mom .shes too old or needs to meet Jesus, so she doesnt let mom get the Covid shots. It sounds crazy but true and she is first on the healthcare POA so that is how they roll! Very heartbreaking!
Sorry to hear that..well.. those covid shots could probably have helped her brain and general health :-/. Oh but what can you do..
I tell anyone who is working on assigning POAs pick the person with empathy. They can learn about diseases one at a time along the way. Mom picked the daughter in the medical profession that has zero empathy as you can see. She happens to be ruthless.
(78 posts)What age is your Dad?
(28,219 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)I know this is an unpopular opinion. But I do have some experience.
One sister specifically who voted for him and supports him. I have told myself I love her more than I hate trump. Trump is not stealing my family. Friends I can do without. But my sister, nope.
I have another sister who has cut off ties and I am in the damned middle. I hate it.
(3,668 posts)Over the years we have had our ups and downs. My sister is caregiver of mom now with the help of a memory care unit. I just cant get around sisters hateful nature. She is a Tr and a renegade Catholic. The most judgmental human I have ever met. I feel sad not to have mom or sister in my life anymore but I am exhausted by the blind following of a hateful dictator and her continued personal attacks on me. Im proud that you are sticking in there. Im the sister who had to draw the line. For whatever reason your sister is probably trying to do her best too. It all sucks for you and Im sorry! Sending love to you.💗💗🙏🏼
(65,716 posts)It sounds like you did what was necessary to protect yourself.
(3,668 posts)💗💗
(36,014 posts)I feel heartbroken about the election and especially about my 88-year-old father's unwavering support for MFer. I really don't want to talk to him now (although I do and we talk about sports and our ailments), and I certainly am not travelling back to fucking SW Ohio for the holidays.
His support is based on the same lies and bullshit that Coventina's dad believes. He's a victim of RW propaganda, and there's not a thing I or any of my siblings can do about it. It gets reinforced every time he goes to Mass with his Republican GF or watches Sinclair and Fox.
Zygotes trump every other consideration, and Harris is a Communist. This is a man who voted for McGovern and Carter.
(604 posts)CrispyQ
(39,196 posts)She died a year before Obama & once Sarah Palin hit the national stage, I thought, it was probably a good thing Mom wasn't around anymore, cuz I doubt our relationship would have survived his presidency. It was rocky already during the Bush years & she would have loved Palin. I asked her once how she went from being a Kennedy democrat to supporting the party of big business. Crickets. And I know why she was silent. Cuz she got all her talking points from hate radio. She never logically thought through any of her new positions, they were just presented in a way that felt right & it felt good to have someone to blame for her situation in life.
IMO, once they reach this point they come to their senses on their own or they don't, but YOU can't logic them out of cult thinking. I'm so sorry about your dad.
(1,983 posts)That's a pretty extreme set of beliefs he has. I'm sorry-- it's hard to lose family.
live love laugh
(15,024 posts)
(55,019 posts)He's 86, completely brainwashed and unable to employ critical thinking skills, let alone use Google. But his bigotry is fully intact, and that's how they hooked him. There's no hope for him.
(853 posts)Many hugs to you.
(3,668 posts)Minus a mom and sister here. I wish I had wiser words for you. For now guard your heart. We cant ignore their wrong and hateful thinking. Hugs and love to you!💗
(4,123 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,424 posts)I watched a movie with friends a few years back which was made by someone going through a similar situation.
(423 posts)All of you understand actually...
The Brainwashing Of My Dad
You can watch it here:
It's a national tragedy (crime in my opinion...)
(10,080 posts)Woodycall
(423 posts)...on your computer and, I presume, your phone??
(10,080 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,627 posts)kimbutgar
(24,474 posts)Its a loss but not quite them losing their lives. Sadly sometimes it feels that way. The zombie maga cult disease have taken over their brains. Remember the good things about them before maga!
Hang in there !
(1,294 posts)Since they retired they watch it like 12 hours a day. I can't even talk about politics with them anymore. At least they're not militant about it.
(65,716 posts)Since they retired and started watching Fox News all day they've changed into angry, fearful people. They used to be fun-loving and enjoyable to be with. Now they're resentful and angry. Their marriage is suffering, too.
(162,404 posts)these folk absolutely disgust me, I cannot imagine them being a family member.
(28,219 posts)His mother was a life-long Democrat who believed Trump was the Anti-Christ.
(1,211 posts)It seems very ridiculous and I didn't have time to debate it. But you would think that the issues that deeply affect so many negatively would be at the forefront of their minds, and not some obscure thing that such a small segment might have benefit from.
Perhaps, we should push a economic message of the top 1 tenth of 1 percent have too much of the wealth.
We need a capitalism that works. Maybe point out that we used to have tax brackets closer to the 90's for the incredibly wealthy when, according to them, America was "Great".
Perhaps push the message of how most of the advanced nations have health care for all. That having access to higher education by all, would be advantageous. Could we direct their attention away from wedge issues?
(162,404 posts)several conservatives claimed they wanted "special rights" - when I asked them to tell me exactly what those "special rights" were, they really couldn't tell's something they hear from the ditto absolutely disturbs me how people can be so easily manipulated - they're told who the "enemy" is BY THE REAL ENEMY - and they eat it up! WTF!!!
it really does not matter WHAT message Dems have if these idiots live ONLY in their fucking rightwing hack bubbles - the ONLY way they "come around" is when they FEEL the pain from disgusting repuke policies....alas, WE ALL have to feel that pain too
(19,707 posts)If anything goes wrong they assume the radical socialist liberal Democrats are to blame, and RW echo chamber media like Fox are happy to encourage them to do so.
I don't know what the answer is.
(1,211 posts)I do not want to live under a dictator, democracy is important to me.
To the USA democracy is very important.
Our leaders should not do anything, on purpose, to destroy democracy.
Well on election night, at about 11pm Eastern time, while Trump knew that the mail in ballots still needed to be counted; He stood there and said, why are they still counting? It was his way to claim that he should stay in power, even though he knew the continuing vote count was legitimate.
It was part of the red mirage, that he knew about, but used it to falsely spread distrust in our system of democracy.
Any leader that would undermine the United States democracy should never be our leader again. That is a very evil thing to do.
It is worse than virtually anything else you can imagine.
And 2nd, when the rioters were storming our government building, with our leaders hiding inside, Trump stayed hidden in silence for hours. Any great president would have spoke up and called for that to stop.
These 2 things, show that Trump cares for his power, and not for the democracy of the USA.
(9,607 posts)Figarosmom
(4,725 posts)When does a person turn so bad they'd like to see someone executed?
(162,404 posts)for WHAT exactly? In the meantime they're pimping for a multi-felon conman rapist seditionist - WTF
(4,725 posts)Screwed up. I couldn't believe it when Qanon was spewing the shit about Liberals eating babies or sucking the blood of babies was being believed. That's the kind of stupidness the evil leaders in Africa have used for years and starts wars between African villages against each other. I can see in Africa where they are so superstitious, but here? Have we really lowered our educational level that much? Or maybe the lead contamination is really worse then we know.
(26,329 posts)...or sorry for people who are gullible enough to believe BS like this.
Even as a kid, I was baffled by the bold, huge font headlines in rags like The National Enquirer that were always present in the racks at the grocery store checkout lanes - "Woman Gives Birth To 2-Headed Alien Baby," and the like. I remember wondering, "Who buys this stuff?"
(4,725 posts)In church of a big boat with 2 of every animal on earth
We'd visit my grandparents in WV in the hills on their farm and there was the enquierer all the time. The county had a monthly paper and they had a radio and that was it. Hard ro know what they believed.
(26,329 posts) 34, when he was about 8, wished he could invent a time machine so he could go back in time and kill the first 2 mosquitoes that existed so they couldn't mate and create any more mosquitoes. A noble goal, IMO.
He also wanted to do that because he really wanted to know what color dinosaurs actually were, and knew that skin color couldn't be determined by fossils.
Linda ladeewolf
(774 posts)There is no proof of anything in the bible. Other than the locations. They believe in an all powerful being, so do the Mayans, the Egyptians and dozens of other civilizations. They believe in miracles to save them from the many fears they have. They believe in magical beings, who make them do bad things or good things. It goes along with the attitude that it is never their fault for anything. Its one of the reasons why I became an atheist.
(4,725 posts)Jilly_in_VA
(11,689 posts)I'd like to see the orange slime and all of his cohorts executed....does that make me a bad person?
(4,725 posts)They've actually done crimes. Biden, Pelosi, Hillary , Vindman and the others they call traitors haven't done anything other than disagree.
Trumps like a gang leader. His crew has to have done some crime he can hold over them.
(7,692 posts)Has he watched any of the violence on J6?
(162,404 posts)imagine what repukes would be saying if was BLACK FOLK storming the Capitol
(38,522 posts)Convince them it was blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Muslims who actually did the rioting, see how they react ?
Then when you tell them "oh, that was fake -- it was really white men" they'll insist that no, it wasn't ... but catch the denial on camera, and spread it far and wide .... maybe push a few people off the fence.
LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,123 posts)It's like Alzheimer's disease where a person's normal thought processes are disrupted, except being a MAGAt is actually worst than Alzheimer's, because where as yet there is no cure for Alzheimer's there are several methods -- albeit difficult -- to deprogram cult members. An Alzheimer's patient will have moments of lucidity; a member of the MAGA cult, never.
I cannot even begin to imagine what you're experiencing right now. You have my sincere sympathy for the "loss" of your father.
(21,432 posts)One brother left and he is sold on dump. So is his born again daughter.
I gave up.
I want nothing to do with these people.
They can take their B.S. Jesus world and their dump boy and f/u.
I'm better off alone. Way better off.
Oh well ..........
(1,013 posts)I could always shake our differences off and still love and respect the person holding those differences ...nothing was ever that important before. This time it is different. I can't forgive and forget who these people in my live revealed themselves to be. Love them? I don't even like them and I refuse to lie to myself about it. Somewhere along my life journey these people have dropped a hint as to who they really are. Maybe it was an off-color racist remark. Maybe it was an LBGQT passing slur overheard in their conversation. Maybe there was a nod in agreement with something Trump was saying on the TV. I am now pissed at myself for not believing what I was seeing and hearing. Pissed at myself for those times when I believed they meant what they were saying and I did nothing to or said nothing to counter it, choosing to hold onto the relationship instead of my own beliefs.
(26,329 posts) My husband was talking to the husband half of the host couple, and telling him about our younger son's most recent speeding ticket. The host replied, "You need to get yourself a good Jew lawyer." I was completely shocked, and my previous favorable opinion of this man took a nosedive.
I remember thinking, "It obviously doesn't occur to him that I might be Jewish." I'm not, but how presumptuous of him to just assume that I wouldn't be.
(10,291 posts)I would like to give an extra rec to post #21 because I was going to post the same exact topic.
I'm so sorry, Coventina. Sending hugs your way.

(19,598 posts)It's hard to believe just how far gone some of these people are. They live in a completely different world.
(21,004 posts)and I'm so very sorry.
You are not alone.
(17,917 posts)it sucks that people are so in love with that orange man that they can't love anyone else.
I've got lots of family that have given up on basic morals to follow the cult. That is how cults are, unfortunately.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)Clouds Passing
(4,000 posts)

(19,718 posts)You wouldn't turn your back if he had cancer or dementia and Trumpism is a fad that could disappear like McCarthism or Reaganism.
Politics swing to and fro, but he'll still be family. I have grandkids who voted for him but I still love them.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)Its a terrible situation but its not worth losing ones father, imo. Just agree to not discuss politics or current events.
(2,369 posts)My sister is in the cult too. I blame it on fox News and right wing radio.
(14,007 posts)But luckily, with the exception of one cousin who's evangelical church drifted from "Good Works" to Nationalism, they're all pretty much still of the "If It Doesn't Hurt Anyone, Mind Your Own Damn Business" flavor of progressivism.
I hope for you that once he's stopped drinking from the poisonous propaganda bile and throwing it up over everything he loved, he's able to come to his senses and try to clean it up.
(19,115 posts)I've lost family members as well. Brothers that i thought NO WAY would they fall for this crap. Totally unexplainable. I'm not sure whats causing this curse on our country. So much hate in my heart now. Covenina, we just gotta believe in ourselves, because WE are 100% right in our beliefs!! Please take care.
(14,376 posts)What was that we saw on TV? Was it thousands of left wing people trying to overthrow an election we had won? Was it thousands of FBI agents, and not one have the huge conspiracy away?
Ive never spoken directly to any MAGAite who actually denied that the riot happened.
(1,750 posts)spewed. It is a complete denial of reality.
Fla Dem
(26,341 posts)It's hard to believe your Dad has been so indoctrinated when he has such a smart, aware daughter. Hang in there.
(11,698 posts)I was very lucky. When they were alive both my parents were tried and true Democrats.
Sometimes it takes posts like your to remind me of how wonderful my upbringing was.
I have lost good friends over this last election though. Some of them don't even know it yet.
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)I know it's a meaningless consolation but you are not alone. So many Americans are struggling with similar situations. Your father, though--that is really terribly sad.
A college friend of mine used to say "Sometimes friendships need a revision" and unfortunately it's turned out to be true for family ties too.
My heart goes out to you.
(36,594 posts)It's all just been a lot.
(42,607 posts)The only remotely MAGA people I have in my life either have always been that wayso Ive already limited contact, or are sincerely yet functionally mentally ill, so I limit contact. (Long story)
I cant imagine losing a beloved parent to this. I am so sorry.
(35,282 posts)...with whom I've not spoken for 20 years, life goes on.
I have no idea if my brother is alive or dead, but if he's alive, he surely voted for the felon, but there were other reasons for cutting him off, to be sure.
(25,836 posts)and then he proceeded to explain to me the reasons of vile...............I then said to him our mother would roll over in her grave if she heard him say what he just said.............and she didn't raise you or me that way...............good bye..........don't let the door hit you in the ass...........
(2,369 posts)We used to get into horrible screaming matches about Reagan. My dad loved him, voted for him twice, and thought he was a great President. The only evidence he could ever supply in support of this, however, was that Reagan gave what my dad thought were engaging speeches.
My dad eventually wised up after listening to the audio version of Studs Terkles book, Working, and came to have a better understanding of the tough lives of the American working class, especially under the Reagan regime.
We eventually got past our falling out, but it was hard. (Fortunately, he didnt like Trump.)
AND MY DAD WAS A FREAKING COLLEGE PROFESSOR. The fascist propaganda machine can pull in those you might never expect to be susceptible.
(1,114 posts)Eating food, going to work, driving cars, pretending to be normal and friendly, but in their brains: FASCISM.
It truly is an invasion of the body snatchers sort of moment where you think you can bring up the importance of acting on climate change or a path to citizenship for refugees and all of a sudden the person you're talking to opens their mouths and begins shrieking in MAGAT hate speech.
I'm not sure whether to fight or flee. It's like a zombie movie where we hope there is a cure for MAGATism so we keep some around to study but what if there is no cure for FASCISM? What if the MAGATs break loose or even take control by voting--of all things? Then what??
hay rick
(8,546 posts)If he taught you to hold yourself and others accountable, it is appropriate for you to hold him accountable now. It's very sad.
(30,235 posts)I am convinced that the perpetual consumption of right wing propaganda does literally cause changes in the brains of those afflicted (a kind word, most of them were racist to the core before RW media came along).
My brother and my last living lifelong friend, same as your dad.
I have this fantasy with my brother - writing him a letter, telling him to his face - that it's way beyond politics at this point. It's who he is, a person who does not care about people. This is basic. I'll probably never follow through, but after our sister (with Alzheimers) passes on, I will also probably never break bread with him again.
I feel I understand your pain.
(65,716 posts)And it is a loss.
(8,592 posts)My mom and two liberal brothers have passed. My sister and other brother are 45 worshippers. We dont talk politics anymore and my sister doesnt speak to me. No loss with her. Shes a goner.
(1,461 posts)I don't know how I am going to be with my 38 yr old grandson this week when he visits. He's changed from campaigning for Jared Polis' first campaign to supporting RFKjr and that Rogan (?spelling) guy who are both trumpers.
(4,109 posts)It's like they've been brainwashed and possessed by an evil contrary ghost. It's really shocking, how once reasonable people can go so berserk.
(54,505 posts)Festivito
(13,670 posts)For the rest, I just say: "Oh, really!"
You are so much worse than the devil! Oh, really?!
You are so much better than God! Oh, really!?
It acknowledges and leaves it open until you can change the subject.
(37,488 posts)
Im sorry.
(285 posts)but please think long and hard about this. I lost my dad (for real) 13 years ago and there is little I wouldn't do to have him back. Can you just agree not to speak of politics? How does he feel about what you're thinking of doing (cutting him out)? Does he realize how strongly you feel about this?
(83,484 posts)When clowns like DJT have found a way to destroy families it won't be too long before loved ones are at each other's throats.
Like so many others who have fallen for this broken quasi-human structure of a "man", it will be difficult to remove him from the clutches of the Cult. This is a decision he will have to make on his own, a decision usually held back by the rantings of a lunatic, and nothing but "faith" holds them together.
Sadly, "faith" runs deep within a Cult. It strips away integrity and replaces it with an addled "dream" (usually a nightmare) in the process. Even those closest to the "leader" pay a heavy price.
Those of us who have studied history, hear the echoes long after the "It couldn't happen here!" have drifted away on the wind.
(9,657 posts)They were a bit confused. They grew up Republican and never examined their beliefs. At least they knew not to talk politics with me because I had plenty of facts behind me and they would look like fools. Its the same with my brother - he is terrified to talk politics with me. I also have an old friend who is friends with my brother since 1st grade who is Republican who basically says never mind- oh forget it any time he would post something political on Facebook and I would call him on it. He now no longer posts things political anymore. I purposefully keep him as a friend to keep him in line and to stop his bullshit posts from being spread. The funny thing is that all of our common friends and old high school friends are now liberal - including two who have genius-level IQs. We grew up in a Republican town that has turned liberal - thanks to most of us who went to good colleges. Thats why this old friend hates Universities - he states that it turned everyone liberal. Of course many of us who couldnt get into the Ivy Leagues went to University of Michigan - which is known for being liberal.
The thing is I dont think Im any more knowledgeable than the rest of the people here so it surprises me when people get beat up by their families.
Happy Hoosier
(8,802 posts)My Dad died and n 2001 he was always center-right but not a nut. But I am afraid he would have fallen victim to the right wing propagandists. Its sad. I loved my Dad, but Im glad he died before I saw that.
(4,591 posts)It's fine because I actually prefer my friends who aren't fascists, but when it's your own family, it hurts even more.
(7,400 posts)Especially when it is not a physical death.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,954 posts)He has no one else to blame other than himself for where he went, in the cult of the tRUMP body snatchers. And anything you say or do, won't go anywhere, his brain is diseased by the tRUMP cult disease.
Move on, perhaps fight your father's fascism and / or tRUMP fascination w/ efforts of your own (like this article to the DU universe), get others to join us, and fight against this scourge.
Thanks for sharing your story w/ us.
The Mouth
(3,331 posts)I long ago resolved to never, under any circumstances, let politics or political actions change how I feel about family, friends, or what art I like, but I sort of understand how other people can have different priorities. Hopefully he comes around.
To me, family tops everything, *everything* and friendship pretty much does too; but I know good people who won't even listen to music by people they disagree with
(607 posts)However, I am still his primary caregiver and so Ive got to focus more on that then all the other BS Maga bullshit
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)It sucks, but no need for you to feel bad about things that are beyond your control......
Pucks mom
(68 posts)
(295 posts)If he wasn't a terrible dad and you love him and if you've share good memories and cherished times, I suggest you consider putting politics aside. He's your dad and you won't have him forever, however wrong-headed his politics may be. Being with him and sharing in the good that is there, won't hurt our struggle for a more justice government and world. In fact, more love in the world is always a good thing. Maybe agree to disagree. I don't mean to lecture you,so please accept my apologies in advance if I'm coming off that way. These are just the thoughts of someone who misses her dad terribly since he died and knows that the bond between parent and child is a powerful and force and full of meaning.