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Trump has vowed to subvert the constitution and deport Americans and strip them of their citizenship.
The media has decided to frame this in the terms that white nationalist Trump wants. Their are headlines saying "Trump to end birthright Citizenship." Quoting Trump saying "it's got to end' as if he is reasonable. They are running articles pointing out the Trump family hypocrisy that they used birthright citizenship.
They need to state is as I put it above.
Trump to deport Americans and strip them of their citizenship.

(97,371 posts)executive branch wants to take-over the job that lies in the legislature where amendments to the constitution can get repealed, is the path to autocracy, and the willing sheep that make up this country allowed this to happen is a disgrace.
(5,861 posts)JohnSJ
(97,371 posts)Silent Type
(8,195 posts)Amendment is required.
(17,466 posts)He thinks he is the law. He is going to do what he wants, SCROTUS, will say he can, and our MAGA congress will cower before him and Muskmelon.
He doesnt care about the constitution, amendments, or law.
Silent Type
(8,195 posts)much room for interpretation on this one.
(17,466 posts)Supremes have already shown they dont care. And that he can do whatever he wants.
(4,336 posts)are suspect. They would happily return us to a time when only white, land owning men could vote.
Silent Type
(8,195 posts)Aristus
(69,039 posts)SCOTUS right-wingers DO love their vacations on gun manufacturers' yachts, I bet...
(35,002 posts)They have made that abundantly clear.
(37,558 posts)So they think thats their job now to just repeat Trumps lies?
(4,756 posts)Of immigrants? Otherwise i believe the 4th Amendment protects against deporting US-born citizens.
I feel theres a sort of irony in that he claims, in effect, that immigrants cause crime, yet there is no talk about deporting J6 perpetrators.
(813 posts)FakeNoose
(36,529 posts)When a family of undocumented immigrants gets into the country, and they manage to have one baby on American soil, THAT baby is given American citizenship.
Prior to the presidency of Chump, those entire families were allowed to stay in the US as a means of keeping families together. Now that's no longer the case, the families are being split up without regard to their rights. The next step in Chump's evil plan is to deny the citizenship of the "anchor babies." We'll see how far he gets with this.
(13,867 posts)Or the whole family goes.
Some of his ramblings have indicated that he's been informed that separating young children from undocumented parents is a really bad look, especially since there are still young children missing from the last family border separation move and rumors that some supporters of his administration involved with contracts to care for those children and "lost track" might have been profiting from adoption services for them -i.e., human trafficking.
Sorry for the convoluted sentence.
(35,002 posts)Deep State Witch
(11,597 posts)Let's start by revoking the US citizenship of all of those children from Russian women who fly to the US to give birth. They usually stay in the Miami area, especially at Trump-owned properties. They give birth in US hospitals, so the kids are automatically US citizens. I'd rather revoke them then the children of hardworking Hispanic immigrants.
(36,529 posts)However they are far from the only ones who are doing it.
We need a "holding tank" area where immigrants can be held outside the country while their paperwork and citizenship is being researched. I'm not talking about a prison - I mean something like Ellis Island of the 19th Century. The immigrants must be held separate while their paperwork is being researched. Once they get into the country, they disappear immediately with relatives and friends helping them.
Baitball Blogger
(49,118 posts)those with latino American heritage. That's the true sign of racism. And I guess the Latino Americans who voted for Trump are too stupid to realize that they missed an opportunity to stand together to end this nonsense.
Deep State Witch
(11,597 posts)He's a naturalized citizen who emigrated from Ukraine. She's very worried that his citizenship will be revoked.
Baitball Blogger
(49,118 posts)for a felon who had no respect for the Constitution.
(95,138 posts)Is NOT on our side.
(7,260 posts)Beachnutt
(8,372 posts)Emile
(32,310 posts)AZLD4Candidate
(6,460 posts)Hoover deported over a million naturalized citizens.
(3,479 posts)70sEraVet
(4,336 posts)Some depressing reading.
(452 posts)dlk
(12,556 posts)This is how far they have fallen into the hands of our enemies.
(24,516 posts)Oh yeah, rules and laws are only for the working class/poor - the rich are above the law if they aren't Democrats.
(72,153 posts)remember a story in his 1st term about wealthy russians doing this.
it is a thing. i had some tenants from nigeria, and they got paid a few k to let others stay w them to have a baby. twice.
(17,256 posts)or Medicare as they will not be able to use it. This would create a massive pool of employees that the employers do not have to match the Social Security withholding or the Medicare.
(8,560 posts)Why shouldn't they get that money back? I'm sorry but maybe you don't understand that you have to work at least 40 quarters in the US to get SS and Medicare paid back to you. Otherwise, it's gone. My husband is naturalized and he has not worked the 40 quarters yet. He pays a high percentage of his income in taxes and to say he shouldn't quality for those benefits is unfair. Not only that but for the past decade, we've had to file our taxes from abroad and received no benefit from those tax payments from foreign income. No highway usage, no kids in schools, etc. It doesn't matter where you live in the world, the US is the only country in the world that makes you report your income when you don't live in the country. How about ending that b.s. that only hurts the working stiffs in the world and not the billionaires.
(57,157 posts)The USA and Eritrea are the only two countries in the world that do not recognize residence-based taxation.
The Democrats Abroad are fighting for it, too, but getting nowhere, like me. Any American like me whose job is US-based, but whose residence is abroad usually gets doubly hosed. In addition to full German taxes, for example, I pay US taxes as well. My SS is taxed higher in Germany than it would be in the USA, and muchnof my US income that is taxed in the USA is taxed again in Germany. The Germans want to tax my Roth IRA again, too.
(8,560 posts)Considering me a traitor for not living in the US (I moved back this year) just sticks it too. I've followed you for a while DFW. I respect your service to our country and the amazing ability you have at languages. I lived in Germany for nearly 3 years (2007-2009) and Switzerland from 2014-2024. In between is when we lived in the states and he almost got the 40 quarters but not quite yet.
(57,157 posts)So, I have put in my time in the States. At least I get something for all those U.S. taxes I paid in, even if Germany gets to take half of it. On that small matter, at least, Germany and the USA are in agreement--the country of residence taxes the Social Security payout (of course, I'm still paying in $10,000 a year, too. It sucks that Germany gets to take 50%´of my benefit, where the USA would be taking 85% of 39.6% (or whatever the max rate is in the USA these days). But at least they aren't trying to take over 70%, which, between the two countries, they are trying to take from most of my current income. Plus, when I made my Roth IRA conversion, I paid the full U.S. tax due on the full value at the time, following the rules to the letter. Under US law, that meant that, after the conversion, if the value went down, too bad for me, I couldn't take a deduction, but if the value went up, then good for me, since the government says the same rules apply: they consider whatever it's worth as tax paid in full. I made the conversion when the Dow was 7800 (Cheney-Bush recession). Obviously, at today's 44000+, the value of the Roth IRA has gone way up. The two governments just have different attitudes toward the Roth IRA. The USA says, "you paid your taxes in full, whatever it's worth now is yours." Germany says "we don't care what the USA or the Double Taxation Treaty says, we will take half of any distribution you take out."
I made the Roth conversion when I was still a full time US resident, so the Germans have no claim on my Roth IRA. Except they say, well, we want half of that, too. I'll forego whatever fun I might have had with that money and leave it to my daughters and grandchildren before I leave it to a bunch of German bureaucrats who, besides giving me NOTHING in return, will only use it to pay for their chauffeur-driven limousines and six week paid vacations. They said they will only tax any distributions when I take them out of it, which have, of course, been zero. Luckily, since I'm still working, I don't need any of it to live on. I consulted a German international tax specialist about the Roth IRA, and he suggested I move back to the USA for a year and a day, so I can take the payout and the Germans would have no claim on it. But I would go nuts if I had to spend a full year (or even most of it) back in the states, when my life and my job is here. At age 32, that might have been considered a sabbatical. At age 72, that would reek of retirement, something I am not yet prepared to do.
Where did you live in Switzerland? I was just down there for a few hours today, meeting with the guy from my office there. He has been with me since 1984. I can hardly believe it. He was 37 then. He's 77 now. But like me, he doesn't see any sense in retiring and sitting around doing nothing all day. He inherited the house he lives in, which is within the city of Geneva, from his dad. He could never have bought it outright, Swiss real estate prices being what they are. But he has no financial worries. Like me he is only terrified of boredom. We met up in Zürich today, since the only flight from Geneva back to Düsseldorf is currently at 9:00 AM, which would have given me the time to step off the plane from Düsseldorf, say hi, and turn right around and hope the security line wouldn't make me miss the flight. Luckily, he thought nothing of making the three hour drive from Geneva to Zürich, and then the three hours back. But since I had to get up at 4:15 in the morning to make the early flight from Düsseldorf to Zürich, I had nothing to laugh about, either.
(8,560 posts)In the UK, DE, CH and US. He has spreadsheets. We lived just outside of Basel. In Germany we were near Stuttgart. I was there last week. My spouses CH residency permit expired and they wanted all of our biological data again. Photo, signature and thumb print which was new this time. Were good until 2029. We have a property there were going to rent until we sell in 2028. Biggest mistake buying that place. I dont miss it. I just couldnt learn the language. I begged to come back here.
(57,157 posts)Otherwise known as "Schwyzerdüütsch." I'm OK with Basel or Zürich dialects. Get out in the hinterlands like Bern or Interlaken, and it gets harder for me. Get out to Chur, Appenzell or Uri, and I start to cry for help, too. Even my colleague from Geneva threw in the towel long ago. He's OK with English or Italian, but Schwyzerdüütch might as well be Uzbek to him.
I have only one retirement setup. I have the Roth IRA and a 401k which I can't access until I stop working. If I stop working, I figure I'm dead within a year, and won't be able to enjoy much of anything I take out of that 401k anyhow. That's relatively small to begin with. It's different if you have two million dollars in there. I don't, unfortunately. Other than the Roth IRA and the 401k, I have a jumble of some stock, some gold coins, and a savings account back in Dallas. I also have tiny sliver of my company which is frozen colder than Greenland's last surviving glaciers until the company is sold, which I probably won't live to see. If I do, then I can afford--what? No mansions in Beverly Hills, no private planes, so, what, then? I'd probably invest in a private recording studio and make music, or something. Maybe commute to Atlanta and play on more sessions with The Freedom Toast? I briefly fantasized about a house on Cape Cod. My sensible wife stopped that one cold. "A house we won't see for eleven months out of the year, but have to pay taxes on 12 months out of the year, pay for upkeep and renovation, and might fall into the ocean if the winter storms get too violent. Are you out of your mind?" Well, I may well be that, but I have been cured of looking to buy a house on Cape Cod. We'll just keep on keepin' on. It's worked out for us so far, anyway.
(17,256 posts)never benefit from it.
(47,487 posts)way too many people don't think they'll be impacted.
(60 posts)This immigrant deportation is all just a big diversion so meanwhile Trumps swamp creatures can rob America blind.
(465 posts)we are going to sit back and watch the most venal, corrupt villain ever to come near the WH steal our treasure.
The country will be bankrupt like any other Rtump business.
And the republicants will be crying on Fux how it's all the Demonrats Fault and start a campaign to burn liberals at the stake.
The night that donnie dicko was first enshrined in 2016, my wife said "It's a good time to be white"
And now It's a good time to be White and a Male.
(813 posts)nm
(57,596 posts)Beginning with his own worthless kids...
(57 posts)The 14th amendment guarantees birthright citizenship. How does he intend to get around that? And why isn't the media talking about it?
(72,153 posts)and the other reconstruction amendments.
Elessar Zappa
(16,295 posts)Its a huge process that wont get past the beginning stages.
(72,153 posts)i wouldnt put it past him (them) to find a way.
(48,526 posts)Jit423
(869 posts)lostnfound
(16,835 posts)
Last time, his railing against birthright citizenship drove up interest in Russian birth tourism, with the agency flooded with calls.
(36,594 posts)JustABozoOnThisBus
(23,950 posts)Trump has standards.
(36,594 posts)This is why they voted for the convicted felon child rapist.
(2,897 posts)Not saying that the racist phuck isn't doing it to hurt brown people and give a thrill to his vile base.
However, the amendment contains some crucial language about how persons who "have engaged in insurrection against the United States ", or have provided " aid and comfort " to those who have done those things, that person is not eligible to run for nor occupy the offices of President and Vice President of the United States.
He is trying to make sure that the courts can never prosecute him for January 6th.
(22,224 posts)I think it's something the resistance can shift the narrative with.
We have rulers in this country, they installed Donald Trump into power. Trump is the leader of the ruling class and he's appointed other members of the ruling class to help run our government not for the benefit of the people, but for their own benefit.
The idea that the media is separate from the ruling class is what's got to go. The media is owned by billionaires and they control what we are presented. The differing view points are really just to give an illusion that there are sides to the media when really the media is just dpoing the bidding of the ruling class in different ways. The media isn't screwing up by normalizing Trump, they're doing exactly what the ruling class told them to do.
So the ruling class has decided to normalize doing away with birthright citizenship, probably as a way to distract us from something else that is worse.
(15,755 posts)Just to make you forget about "birthright".
Do I get to choose which country? I've got languages to learn.