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I got the Luigi Mangione manifesto. The real one, not the forgery circulating online.

December 10, 2024 at 3:51 PM
From the website linked above:

(121,814 posts)Why would I waste my time readin a crackpot whose publicity plan was to shoot somebody in the back?
Response to struggle4progress (Reply #1)
BannonsLiver This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to struggle4progress (Reply #1)
Hellbound Hellhound This message was self-deleted by its author.
(18,960 posts)Nimble_Idea
(2,549 posts)

Evolve Dammit
(20,279 posts)mcar
(44,163 posts)Oh, ok.
Evolve Dammit
(20,279 posts)mcar
(44,163 posts)He obviously reached his threshhold. How about the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi? Was that justified? He'd obviously reached his threshhold.
(5,473 posts)why did you bother opening the post. It said what was in it right in the title.
(121,814 posts)LeftInTX
(32,736 posts)orangecrush
(23,592 posts)Cartoonist
(7,579 posts)the American public has allowed them to get away with it.
Yeah, that jumps out
(9,842 posts)...they have more control over it than the people do, unless millions and millions of people rise up and demand change at the same time. That is very difficult.
(18,171 posts)There are many outlets such as ProPublica, KHN, TheGuardian, etc. that have done some great research and reporting.
But the "corporates" (Fox, NYT, WaPo, Sinclair, billionaire-owned outlets) are purposefully sitting on this critical information and feeding pure crap to the gullible.
Evolve Dammit
(20,279 posts)TheFarseer
(9,561 posts)Gets paid by big tech, big pharma, insurance, energy, defense industry- and other corporations in the form of advertising to put their spin on the news so we only get the corporate establishment side of the story. It’s really hard to see the truth when you are getting paid to not see the truth.
bikes and bunnies
(99 posts)-Hillary Clinton, dishonestly attacking Bernie Sanders' single payer health care plan, which would SAVE us billions of dollars.
I voted for Hillary, but that's the most detestable thing she ever said or did, in my opinion.
A Yale (ironically, her alma mater) study showed that around 300K lives would have been saved during the pandemic if we had a single payer system, which Bernie advocates.
(90,338 posts)Forgive me but thousands of lives would have been saved if trump did not lie to the American people.
"It's not just old people," Trump told Woodward, acknowledging the gravity of the disease, The Washington Post reported.
In the same interview, Trump acknowledged that the disease was more deadly than he previously thought.
"Now it's turning out it's not just old people, Bob. But just today, and yesterday, some startling facts came out. It's not just old, older," Trump said, according to an audio clip, and then added, "young people, too, plenty of young people."
Trump, speaking to reporters Wednesday afternoon, said he'd been trying to avoid "panic" and was showing "leadership."
(7,714 posts)MadameButterfly
(2,636 posts)Both Trump and access to single payer cost lives.
Let's not put this on Hillary. Mainstream Democrats have called Bernie extreme and Single payer unaffordabe for years.
Now with Trump back in power, Dems are coming out of the woodwork sounding like Bernie on how to reach the lost working class voters.
(605 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,498 posts)We all failed him. He wasn't wrong about the facts. Just wrong about the remedy.
(17,955 posts)the way our society/government is currently structured.
The filthy rich own our entire political apparatus through their ownership of the media which allows them to craft whatever message they choose and their ownership of most of congress who will vote for whatever they are told, in order to keep the dark money flowing to their coffers. The open donations are peanuts to what the Super PACs take in and spend.
Health care will never be fixed, it will continue to be great for those with vast wealth, a constant (and expensive) struggle for the middle class, and a nightmare for the poor.
No one with any power is willing to do anything about it.
Baitball Blogger
(49,498 posts)I hope that's the correct assumption, but as our society continues to degrade, ie. closing options for the young, while the wealthy continue to exploit them, I am afraid this is only going to get worse.
I mean, I never understood Timothy McVeigh's issue, but it seems like there were more that came after him. And I did understand what happened in Columbine, and I thought we were making inroads with the anti-bullying policies. But now we're in a new age where bullying is a sign of strength and shooters are politically incentivized to hunt down and kill people that have been dehumanized.
And now we have Luigi Mangione. I would not be surprised if there are copycats.
(52,278 posts)Regulate capitalism
(11,858 posts)yardwork
(65,785 posts)As the mother of four young adult males, I think 26 is very young in today's world, in the U.S. It is far younger than it was just a few generations ago.
When I was 26, I was married for the first time and we owned a house. My parents had a child by the time they were 26. My grandparents had several children and had been independent adults for many years by the time they were 26.
People are taking much longer to grow to maturity. Many young people struggle with mental health issues. Many are not resilient.
This kid - and he is a kid, imo - is obviously intelligent (masters in Engineering) but seems to have little real-world experience. It's not clear that he had a career. He seems to have bounced around, reading the internet, building a half-baked concept of the world. He's not wrong that the insurance and health care industries are nightmares. I recognized that at his age, decades ago. That's why I went back to school and tried to do something about it. It didn't occur to me to solve it with a bullet. I think that's a sign, ultimately, of immaturity.
It's very sad, all around.
(11,134 posts)Self Esteem
(1,981 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,498 posts)He had empathy for all Americans who were being screwed by the system. And see, the thing is, you don't learn to temper that emotion until you get older. It takes a while to learn that we are not all the same. As in, we are not like Magas.
Self Esteem
(1,981 posts)But I'll end with this: what's strange is your trying to reason his actions.
He's a murderer.
Baitball Blogger
(49,498 posts)But I think it's equally stupid for those who didn't see it coming. We are a country without guard rails.
Self Esteem
(1,981 posts)You said it did. He was given pretty much every advantage one could ask for in America:
Extremely wealthy
Ivy league educated
That isn't failing him. He's not some poor destitute soul here. That's all.
Baitball Blogger
(49,498 posts)I remember somewhere that many of the revolutionaries in latin America were well educated. They could see the problems in their countries. But just like Mangione, they went after the wrong remedy.
And, yes, since this country voted for Trump, it no longer has a moral high ground. Please. You know what I heard when Clinton was caught over a blow job? It's nothing compared to Trump who is a 34 count Felon and rapist and appointing rapists, chronic alcoholics, Russian sympathizers.
How does anyone not lose their minds. We have no real commitment to the rule of law -- as a country.
Self Esteem
(1,981 posts)He's mentally ill and his actions are horrific.
It's funny how we get upset when the media attempts to humanize mass-shooters, yet so many people are going to do it with this guy.
It's disgusting.
(32,736 posts)BTW, he did not write that. An internet prankster did. But I think his manifesto is quite similar.
(4,130 posts)I'd bet the pain meds available for him were scarse and inadequate. And insurance often denies request for advanced imaging which has the effect to stall care. We do not know if any family resources were availible to him. Missing since summer Mom only got around to filing missing person's request as Thanksgiving approached.
(90,338 posts)He grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. His family is worth millions. How exactly did we 'Fail' the poor little rich kid?
(1,631 posts)So no scoop on getting the real thing. It's also not a manifesto. It's a brief explanation of why he did it.
(49,185 posts)Only he could see it, only he could do something about it, and with such honesty.
Psychology has been kicking around for almost 150 years and we're besieged by loonies who can't regulate their own thoughts, emotions, and actions. Are we making any progress?
(2,549 posts)ASK MELONIA
(32,736 posts)It seems to be working.
(13,045 posts)He threw away the rest of his life. And for what? A few social media likes?
(11,858 posts)Phase 1) Kill insurance CEO
Phase 2) ?
Phase 3) Everyone receives quality, affordable healthcare
(1,055 posts)(Sadly, android emojis don't work here!)
(1,763 posts)that will result in changes. I also think he believes there will be copycats. I think he’s probably wrong about creating dialogue producing changes. I think he’s right about the copycats, unfortunately. Just as “going postal” became a serial occurrence for years.
(2,549 posts)
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Cancer patients, those suffering from perpetual disease, those who've had their claims denied over and over and over again. I lost my job because my insurance insisted that my rotator cuff surgery wasn't "Necessary", when my career depended on me using that arm.
Tell me, when my career, my lifestyle, everything I've put towards developing, becomes nonexistent because some random Artificial Intelligence has decided arbitrarily that I don't need my arm to do my job, and I've appealed twice through legal means, what do I do? What recourse do I have? I've got bills to pay, a daughter to support, a wife to support.
The guy's a hero and he knew exactly what he was doing. Gods bless him. May a hundred thousand more follow in his footsteps.
On Edit: I get better healthcare in prison than I do outside. Think about that.
(11,098 posts)...for about 2 weeks now?
I wouldn't be surprised if that was his intent.
Tom Yossarian Joad
(19,275 posts)33taw
(3,098 posts)Trellastic
(69 posts)The Corporate-church-state-media industrial complex is running the country, telling people what to think, how to think, what to buy, how to feel, how to look, what to hate, what to fear and what to be concerned about. Also who to vote for from the choices they mostly allow.
All the while most people are spending their lives and health working in hopes of affording/maintaining a home and health care.
This is obvious but people are busy and distracted. It is sad that this young guy murdered someone, but it is wonderful that he cares about people in society. I say his family raises some funds with merch- say some coffee mugs or t-shirts that say 'Deny, Delay, Depose' or whatever was on those bullets. Buon Natale to Luigi and his family.
(340 posts)Jit423
(1,027 posts)World-wide greed and corruption of the uber-class is eventually going to set the world on fire and everyone without millions will become refugees or immigrants of some kind. And mother nature will finish the job of ridding the planet of human scum.
(30,237 posts)that greed will kill the human race.
I didn't think i would live long enough to see it happen though.
(6,659 posts)LAS14
(15,076 posts)Mangione (if guilty) should absolutely face the full force of the law. He needs to pay the price he signed up for.
I still admire his personal sacrifice and commitment to trying to do something about our broken, power-dominated health care system.
(18,171 posts)Nimble_Idea
(2,549 posts)busy trying to save democracy from inside a tesla posting about mah climate change on X
(718 posts)And instead, he's being fucking rewarded. Much like CEOs are every day just for existing, but arguably worse in that he gets to try to claim "the people" are on board with this shit. When it couldn't be farther from the truth, and most all of them have no fucking idea what they're in for.
(7,714 posts)But are all in on m being brought to justice.
(6,988 posts)Who else was on his "To Do" list? I'm curious if the mysterious "spiral notebook" was indeed present, and what was in it.
(718 posts)JoseBalow
(6,988 posts)eventually, I hope.
Clouds Passing
(4,012 posts)Friend of 19th century agrarian populism
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”. -JFK
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Response to Clouds Passing (Reply #26)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,994 posts)Regardless of whether one thinks violence is or isn't the answer, it's only logical that if you back people into a corner and refuse to move out of their way, eventually they will quit asking nicely and start trying to shove their way free.
I also had a professor who said something along similar lines. He said people don't care when a politician doesn't deliver on promises, they made during a campaign. Yet once they start taking away rights and privileges people have enjoyed and come to rely on, no one should be surprised at the resentment that will begin to build and eventually erupt into violence and that never ends well for anyone.
Unfortunately I think that's where things are headed now, and those too drunk on their own wealth and power, aren't grasping that there is a likely catastrophic downside to all of their actions not only for us, but for them too. It's not only simple logic, but a basic understanding of human nature. They are just to blind to see it.
(2,566 posts)that this was done for terroristic purposes makes the 2nd deg murder charge even more perplexing.
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)LeftInTX
(32,736 posts)You want to charge when you have the maximum amt of evidence. Yesterday, it firearms just to get him in jail. However, they needed to charge him with murder to prevent him from getting bail. He is facing extradition.
If you charge without the best evidence, the defendant can get the case dropped if he has a good attorney.
(55,050 posts)And it's a lot less crazy than I thought it would be.
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)They know the writing on the wall. The rest of us just have to be stoic enough to act upon it.
(597 posts)I'll donate
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Response to Hellbound Hellhound (Reply #46)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Response to Hellbound Hellhound (Reply #55)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(8,791 posts)Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)He skirted GoFundMe's clauses that way, so it was a GFM for "Continued wellbeing and living arrangements".
(8,791 posts)
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)Meowmee
(7,714 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,447 posts)By all accounts he is very intelligent, and well educated. However, he says "...the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world...".
The US does not have a health care system. The US has a profit making system which produces as much profit as possible while producing as little health care as possible as a byproduct.
Unfortunately the US prison system psychiatric services are seriously overwhelmed. I doubt if he will get the help he needs to dissuade him from this ludicrous and harmful delusion.
(23,592 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,447 posts)malaise
(281,740 posts)Bottom line - the establishment will never p,u k heroes for ordinary folks
(16,424 posts)A Goodreads user who appears to be Luigi Mangione, the 26-year-old who was arrested and charged with murder and other felonies in connection with the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in New York City. gave a 4-star rating to the manifesto of Theodore Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber.
(2,160 posts)LeftInTX
(32,736 posts)Online pranks
According to The Daily Beast, Klippenstein "has a history of pranking unknowing targets on Twitter".[40] Klippenstein has occasionally been the subject of reporting, as well, due to him pranking individuals from across the political spectrum. Following a Twitter flame war with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, he attracted Musk's attention by sharing a Vogue photograph from the 2014 Vanity Fair Oscars afterparty showing Musk with Ghislaine Maxwell, a long-time associate of the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who had been convicted of sex trafficking.[41] Musk, who as of June 3, 2020, had 35.5 million Twitter followers,[42] publicly posted that Klippenstein was a "douche-about-town".[43] On January 9, 2024, he and other journalists were abruptly banned from Twitter, which Musk now owns. No explanation was given.[44] Klippenstein and the other journalists were later reinstated following media coverage of the incident.[45]
In July 2019, Klippenstein was covered in the media after a Twitter incident in which he was retweeted by Iowa Congressman Steve King just before changing his Twitter display name to "Steve King is a white supremacist".[46][47][48] In March 2021, Klippenstein pranked author Naomi Wolf by recommending she tweet an image of a fabricated anti-vaxxer quotation paired with a picture of American pornography actor Johnny Sins.[49]
On Memorial Day 2021, Klippenstein tricked political commentators Dinesh D'Souza and Matt Schlapp, as well as Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, into retweeting a photograph of John F. Kennedy's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, whom Klippenstein claimed was his veteran grandfather.[50] After being retweeted by Gaetz, Klippenstein changed his display name on Twitter to be "matt gaetz is a pedo". Gaetz later deleted his retweet.[51][52]
(2,160 posts)Every CEO will read this and more because they know their role in America's inequality.
And, they're fine with it.
(32,736 posts)Passages
(2,160 posts)Thank you and no worries.
(35,056 posts)because pieces of it have been described in articles on the New York Times this morning. He may have the real thing this time.
(32,736 posts)When I saw the source, I was skeptical because he was the only one publishing it. I looked at his history and saw he had a history of pranks.
I don't know why the MSM didn't publish it in the first place. Usually they all compete and publish the same thing at once.
So my apologies for saying it was fake.
(35,056 posts)Response to Passages (Reply #79)
Passages This message was self-deleted by its author.
(554 posts)See Elizabeth Warren's comments on this issue.
(13,124 posts)He admired and followed Elon Musk, RFK Jr and Peter Thiel, also reposted anti-woke propaganda. He seems more aligned with Jan. 6 rioters than the Left. He has managed to unite many on the Right and Left under a common cause, though.
(35,056 posts)And it's really more likely he'd be libertarian given his wealthy background. He is also in that "tech bro" universe - white, male, computer science major. I'm sure they can't all be stereotyped, but there are many from that area who seem to be more conservative (as you mention - following Musk and Thiel is an obvious tell on that).
We'll see how it all shakes out if he makes it to trial. I'm still afraid he'll be disappeared ... capital does not like being messed with and he took down a big CEO.
Response to Dennis Donovan (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.