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A CNN poll finds people are hopeful for Trump's administration and think the transition is going great.
Time magazine named him person of the year.
Seems like everyone is rolling over and surrendering to TSF before he even takes office.
I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't know how to process all this. It makes no sense. You could tell me the sky is purple and the dirt is orange and I would have an easier believing that than what is happening. Is this the upside down? I hope I wake up staring at a wall and drooling because that would still be better this this insanity being real life.

Mike 03
(18,015 posts)Don't really have anything intelligent to add that wouldn't be misinterpreted as "defeatist."
(13,812 posts)Problem is....way too many still can't see who and what he is yet..... So, we all must suffer to reach the common knowledge phase.... Our suffering is worse because we already know whats coming....
(2,342 posts)He said he like DOGE because he thinks there is so much waste.
I asked him if he thought Elon was the guy to trust with cutting waste. He thought you could trust the Billionaires because they didn't want money because they had enough money.
I asked him how he felt about them cutting SS. He said he didn't think they'd get away with that. No complaint that they are trying though. He's fine with it because someone will stop them. We didn't discuss who. (Maybe those lying Democrats?)
He doesn't like Trump but he went on about the dishonesty of Pelosi and Biden. He's clearly getting info from different sources than me.
The irony is that I switched to him because he was recommended as ethical and honest. Some other HVAC people were trying to sell me stuff overpriced and with-holding some critical information. He has been transparent, affordable, and informative so far. He seems more expert at HVAC than the other's I've worked with.
I do worry about the cognitive abilities of someone so duped in politics. On the other hand, perhaps we have to consider that even reasonably intelligent and decent people are falling for RW bullshit. What to do?
(3,558 posts)Every Trump supporter I've ever met has at least one thing they don't like about what Trump says he'll do. They recognize that he is rather extreme with the things he wants to do, yet they still support him because they think someone, or something is going to stop him when he goes too far. But then they cry when anyone tries to stop him.
It's the craziest thing I've ever witnessed in my fellow humans.
(2,342 posts)as if some emorphous outrage of the people without Dems in Congress is going to protect their SS and Medicare.
(2,936 posts)Either that or there is something in the water.
(3,362 posts)A good HVAC guy is hard to find.
I had the good fortune of stumbling across a good, independent appliance repair guy. Seemed like a bit of a Trumper, but he installed a new compressor in my fridge and I'm going to get another decade out of it, at least. When I went with Home Depot repair services, and then a "certified" Maytag repairman, the fixes died within months. This guy I hired is a one-man show who had special devices with hacked software on them (like, stuff the manufacturer uses that they don't want the general public to have) that allowed him to diagnose any problem in a variety of brand name appliances.
Trump's destroying America, but I'm willing to compromise for a good repair technician!
(14,877 posts)for anything at all here, we'd be doing the work ourselves. It's a trick finding an honest one, but it's not as if we have a choice. Literally everyone around us is MAGA except for a few close friends who don't do the type of work we might need. We just never discuss politics with them. At all. They do the work, we pay them, and they leave. That's our only choice.
(2,342 posts)to make much of my work affordable. We have to discuss how long and whether the incentives will be in place. Their opinions are heavily influenced by politics.
(2,342 posts)I want to blame them, and they are in a way responsible, but it's really the con artists at fault, who know how to dupe people who have neither the interest, time, nor skill to do the critical thinking. I meet so many decent, honest, kind people who "hate" politics and are oblivious of what we are facing. I can't tell you how many I've told that no, Kamala isn't lying and Trump is. That all politicians don't lie like Trump and the difference is important.
These people wouldn't do the horrible things they've enabled Trump to do. They really know not what they've done.
These people are perhaps reachable. We won't reach them if we despise them or demean them. And we need to reach them.
But I'll make sure I get my furnace first.
(761 posts)I dont think there will ever be a "common knowledge phase."
Ocelot II
(122,673 posts)The shit will hit the fan soon enough. He's getting his honeymoon early, but his soon-to-be-appointed collection of grifters, cranks, sex pests, nepo babies, Russian agents and misfit toys will start stepping on rakes once they actually have to do something. I'm just sitting back and waiting for the opportunity to say, I told you so. I am confident that chance will come.
(1,349 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)I wish theyd only concentrate on president Biden until January 20th. Thats what an honest media would focus on.
skydive forever
(478 posts)yellow dahlia
(1,076 posts)bdamomma
(67,237 posts)Ocelot II. I hope they eat their own.
(686 posts)Hitler impacted the world negatively.
Trump will do the same, particularly as he bullies other countries with tariff threats, which will ultimately impact Americans negatively.
Mr. Mustard 2023
(276 posts)the fact that in addition to the deadbeat's tariff's raising prices, those sovereign nations will retaliate against him with tariffs on our products raising prices on more goods. The deadbeat thinks he can bully sovereign nations, and he's wrong.
(4,288 posts)senseandsensibility
(20,751 posts)CNN is pushing this poll of course but when I tuned in they had a chyron that pointed out that this number (55%) is lower than Presidents elect Bush, Obama, and Biden had at this point. So it's no big deal and not particularly significant, although many will push it as though it were.
(10,709 posts)Dem4life1234
(2,342 posts)Attention span of gnats in this country.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)From now until January 20, there is no reason to torture yourself with daily traumatization from the media.
Saturating yourself with so many what ifs doesnt help prepare you for whats coming, it just leads to burn out and stress.
Taking a break from the endless media speculation is not denial, or a betrayal of your principles or of any person or group- its self care and self preservation.
After January 20, we will know what is, and will be tanned, rested, and ready to raise our voices in opposition.
Tom Dyer
(102 posts)will erase everything else from your mind.
(16,233 posts)I just read in a NYT article that a 31 year old woman believes our food will be healthier in 4 years because Trump will "get rid of all the chemicals"
A waitress at IHOP told my mother the day after the election that she was excited because now "the war will be over." Not sure which war but somehow she believes Trump can just stop it.
I could go on ....
(806 posts)byronius
(7,655 posts)Unsurprised.
(8,369 posts)In a way, she could be right. "All the chemicals" would mean all the substance itself, because everything is chemicals. So the only way to "get rid of the chemicals in our food" would be to get rid of the food altogether.
If his policies have the effect it looks like they will, people will certainly find food harder to acquire. So there you go.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,117 posts)to provide the facts in opposition to RWBS is a national tragedy.
The average American, and I would stretch that to any nationality as I've traveled quite a bit, isn't terribly political. They don't dwell on politics or policy dailey. They skim over the majority of the news. Anyone on DU and like sites is part of a pretty small minority.
It does make it easier to live your life. Not saying that's a good thing, but disengaement does have benefits.
(48,404 posts)THey're handing responsibility to someone who's the oldest President ever to take office, who fouls up everything he touches, at a time when markets and the economy are peaking, when inflation is making a comeback. Everything will be fouled up very soon. Wars, depression, chaos, civil strife ... it's all in the pipeline. There's only one person to blame. No one else is allowed to say anything.
not fooled
(6,150 posts)he will be able to con a lot of people into believing it's someone else's fault.
Plus, remember he killed hundreds of thousands if not more than a million by incompetently dealing with COVID and people put him back in the White House.
Personally, I don't get it but there's lots of stupid, willfully ignorant, propagandized and careless people to con.
(1,444 posts)CousinIT
(10,837 posts)paleotn
(19,853 posts)
Self Esteem
(1,900 posts)Harris was going to win in a romp!
I think you people woefully underestimate how okay Americans are with Trump.
Just as long as he makes things cheaper!
Justice matters.
(7,802 posts)the "as long as he makes things cheaper" won't be long lived...
Any one of these three will get prices of things skyrocket!
(24,852 posts)I hope someone's got a "price of eggs" index ready to go. Maybe DU could publish a collection of tracking consumer goods costs daily.
(6,849 posts)He is not going to make things cheaper, lol. But he and they will claim he did anyway and blame anything bad that happens on D for sure. He will make sure he and his band of billionaire oligarchs, millionaires and other weathies get to loot and destroy the country thoroughly this time.
(10,083 posts)Headlines matter. Talking points matter. Perception matters
People have proven that details don't matter.
Most Americans have a less than 6th grade reading level and I recently read an article that illiteracy is on the rise.
Starting to really believe TSF really could order people slaughtered in the streets and most Americans wouldn't care as long as eggs were a little cheaper and gas was under $3.
(340 posts)Or you'll blow a gasket.
He's going to be the President.
Prepare yourself.
(19,853 posts)And I realize that much of what he spews is just that, spew. It will never be enacted. Never become policy. So take a chill pill, folks, and don't let the fucking bastards manipulate you or get you down.
(57,596 posts)
Did you get lost?
(8,130 posts)A couple of cranky folks here tonight. Jerky people get muted.
(57,596 posts)I've alerted on him
(340 posts)In some way, shape, form or fashion.
That's the type of disposition that feeds him and his cult.
They live to "own da libs."
Just relax, don't get triggered and respond calmly and accurately about the nonsense he's doing.
Don't give them the satisfaction.
(4,657 posts)ForgedCrank
(2,517 posts)about perspective.
I think most people don't consider their number one priority to be defeating Trump. Their priority wish is for the country to do well overall. I consider myself one of those people. I'll be pleased if the conditions in America improve, even if it's under Trump's term. I'm not picky about who gets it done.
I understand that we all know that probably won't be the case 4 years from now, but results do tell the story, not predictions. And I want things to improve, even if I have to give a nod to someone like Donald Trump. I can say that because i'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen, but that's my perspective. America is my priority, not party. and I believe most people see it that way as well.
(986 posts)Most dont care about this country or they would have voted for Harris.
He has screwed up everything he touches, he has no morals. He tried to overthrow the government. He stole state secrets and he let thousands die of covid because of his lies. I want him in jail not in the Oval Office.
(57,596 posts)You know what? Just don't answer.
(2,517 posts)people even read my entire posts before you knee starts jerking?
Do us a favor, quote the part where I said anything even remotely resembling that.
(8,130 posts)ForgedCrank
(2,517 posts)going to compile a list for you. Read the passive-aggressive and unwarranted attacks yourself. They are all available for you to read.
But in a general sense, "you people" in this context are the ones who respond to imaginary things I've never said. In fact, you are on the verge of doing it right now, desperately searching for a hidden meaning to be offended by. I re-read my post and it seems it would be pretty clear to anyone who knows how to follow a general conversation. If you aren't one of those people, then you can ignore the post. Pretty simple stuff.
(8,130 posts)
(2,517 posts)Sugarcoated
(8,130 posts)ForgedCrank
(2,517 posts)Sympthsical
(10,411 posts)Some people seem . . . put out that the entire world isn't joining them in the 24/7 meltdown they plan on participating in for the next four years straight. It's like, yeah, people have shit to do. Most people just hope things go ok.
Like you, I don't have a lot of reason to expect the next four years are going to be great. Everything Trump telegraphs screams incoming shitshow.
But people do have to get on with their lives. The terminally online political sphere isn't where most people live.
My state just elected a shiny new senator in Adam Schiff. I'll trust, as signaled by my vote, that he and other Democrats will do what they can. Outside of that, it's out of my hands. Just gotta get to work and keep living.
(5,167 posts)ForgedCrank
(2,517 posts)another one.
No, I don't "need" anything, but thanks for your offer to un-stupid me with lessons.
I prefer to react to things that actually happen, but after they happen and when there is something actually measurable to critique.
And one "lesson" I learned on my own from the last Trump term was that he didn't get jack done because congress wouldn't let him, and that included a considerable number of Republicans.
William Seger
(11,289 posts)Meowmee
(6,849 posts)without any real guardrails now.
(31,191 posts)!@#$%
(19,853 posts)It will. Secondly, a majority of people? You just said people. I can probably find some people who would be hopeful about a return of Atilla the Hun.
And why are you watching CNN anyway? Far better sources than that swill.
(10,083 posts)In fact I haven't watched any news of any kind since the day before the election. It was a story I saw on BlueSky
(18,828 posts)Just wait until he starts actually doing something.
That's when they see what they have done.
(6,849 posts)and his torturing of people in general via media etc.
(3,633 posts)That story is the closest analogy I can think of to what is happening.
(1,404 posts)including trump's appeal, his management style, his culgt, musk, sam bankman frkied, and why we are experiencing this disaster.
"they just don't care."
on edit, that is not the video i thought i was loading, but this one is shorter than the "economist" podcast and says about the same thing.woth a beat.
(43,137 posts)Jusr wait till he declares himself King
(549 posts)YoshidaYui
(43,137 posts)God Emperor
(43,137 posts)God Emperor
(9,832 posts)Right now all the pressure and power is on them. The majority of voters chose this.
Our party has to figure a way forward in a world where Trump starts to fade. He is Donald the Lame Duck and the clock will be running soon. Our system makes Presidents that are in second terms weaker. Threats and the ability to maintain a coalition decay in a second term.
(159 posts)Got em right where we want em now.
(57,596 posts)Nothing Biden and Harris did was ever good enough to get votes... Nothing Donnie, JD and Elmer did was ever **BAD** enough to lose votes -- If anything, the rampant lawlessness, disinfo, dishonesty, white supremacy and batshit insanity only seemed to INCREASE their support from the public...
It's surreal. I was telling my best friend today that I want to just scream because I do not know what the "rules" of elections are supposed to be anymore, or what people want in their candidates, and nobody seems to care that the entire ship has capsized.
(4,684 posts)stillcool
(33,114 posts)in the media world for a very long time. Nothing. Opinions, suppositions, fears of some non-existent future event, so and so that knows of someone close to someone, saying something of some other so and so, and always Trump saying something, doing nothing.
(63,123 posts)We see that in this new world good is evil, and evil is good.
And people we believed were truly good, flip into evil right in front of our eyes.
yellow dahlia
(1,076 posts)It's bizarro world. It's upside down world.
(502 posts)stupid to have a valid opinion on the matter. Can you link to the poll?
This country might just be too stupid to exist much longer.
(67,237 posts)or hopeless and hardship for us. While the felon is partying at Mar A Lago with Victor Orban and Michael Flynn, which was just on Joy Reid. They are partying away. They got their useful idiot. Sickening.
Xipe Totec
(44,198 posts)La Coliniere
(1,211 posts)The felon and his cult broadcast loud and clear what their fascist intentions were and a small majority of voters said hell yes! and another third of the voting population said we dont care. That is very hard to process. Im hoping that MAGA overreach will backfire and wake up many of the non-voters and create remorse in many of the felons supporters, causing a paradigm shift that will initiate the beginning of the felon and his MAGA movements fall. If this happens, it must be before their most nefarious and dangerous plans can come to fruition. Its my only hope. The hardest thing for me to understand and come to terms with is how all of this has come to pass after the January 6th insurrection, when the felon could have been put to rest, politically speaking. Fuck Garland for his stalling and the Republican Senators who refused to impeach him, they bare the responsibility for this moment in our history.
(4,288 posts)Republican senators bear the responsibility for this triumph of fascism in what was once the world's beacon for democracy.
I also believe that contrary to what you wrote, a LARGE number of maga voters said "hell yeah" to fascism, racism and hate,
while a significant enough number of other voters and those who didn't even BOTHER, simply didn't give a fuck.
I predict they WILL, though. And I've been pretty damn spot on about these kinds of things so far.
(9,373 posts)I'm at such a complete loss right now.........
(17,097 posts)cpamomfromtexas
(1,378 posts)mikewv
(149 posts)nm
(9,711 posts)I just say, you voted for someone that was found liable to Sexual Assault and guilt of 34 felonies.
Then turn around and walk away.
(6,849 posts)I have a lot to say but I am too tired at the moment.. suffice it to say that the media and others are kissing the ring of the fascist and as distressing as it is for those of us who understand what is happening it is to be expected when fascism takes over. The media, for the most part, is largely responsible for him ever getting power in the first place.
(97,273 posts)be the same.
(5,049 posts)N/t
(2,504 posts)Just throwing that out there for no particular reason
(10,083 posts)I stand corrected
Crunchy Frog
(27,260 posts)They will likely get a strong dose of reality soon enough.
(64,622 posts)mcar
(43,840 posts)TBH, though, Time did name Hitler man of the year.
(6,542 posts)Roll over for that fucker!
Cant say here what I want to do
(4,146 posts)Joe and Mika did. They are also giving tacit permission for tags agenda rather they approve of it or not.
I'll admit I don't like the way this is going. So far I'm in a holding pattern. Watching and waiting.
(3,971 posts)It's nuts, to the point of absurdity. That whole idea, that people are hopeful, is terrifying. What's hopeful about anyone he's picked to head the agencies of government?
No angrychair, you are not crazy. You are seeing reality, for what it is. Nope, don't roll over, don't let anyone say you are the issue. You are not. That transition is farcical. It's a train wreck.
Good grief that CNN poll is a joke. I've sworn off most news and polls.
Trueblue Texan
(3,137 posts)FM123
(10,167 posts)Some days I feel like I'm going crazy too, it just doesn't make sense anymore.
(681 posts)I too have been extremely disappointed of this fake pre celebration of a total disaster. Tens of millions are right there behind you. Before the second bout of the con man, I was watching and reading news quite often. I have now given up hope from any of these sources as all I read now is how wonderful things will be. I'm sick of all the lies and bullshit. It's time to put it all in my back pocket and check in at a much later date. I predict 3 months from now, 10s of millions of Trumpers will then realize what a huge mistake they made. By tax time in 2026, many will be broke, and have much more to pay in taxes.
What a sad state of affairs this is. I can only imagine how bad it will be 4 years from now.
(63,305 posts)they are all owed by billionaires and are doing their best to suck up and not be marched off to camps.
we are in a "brave new world" scenario. 1984 comes later.
(38,692 posts)and are hopeful they won't burn.
(41,130 posts)...doing the voting. Murika is here.
(22,125 posts)yagotme
(4,036 posts)I have seen both. I even own some orange dirt (hardpan clay). Orange, gray, light tan. Poor soil to grow crops. Sometimes, doesn't even grow weeds well. The purple skies, heavy storm clouds at certain times of the day. Purple isn't that bad. When they turn green, and start swirling, that's when you start being terribly concerned..
(1,153 posts)And I dont believe it at all because I dont believe that the MAGots make up the majority of people in this country. Id say it was just the opposite.
(15,450 posts)Soooo many drank the kool aide 😡
(9,321 posts)absolves them from any responsibilty for their lives, they don't have to make decisions-just follow orders. Others just go along to get along.
(403 posts)NoSheep
(8,280 posts)Jean Genie
(428 posts)I know the "going crazy" feeling!
It's the "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" syndrome writ large!
Trump: hero. Person of the year.
Luigi the murderer: Hunky honey, thirst trap.
Elon Musk: Big daddy rich man who's SO SMART that he know more than anyone else in the world!
Bobby Kennedy: more knowledgeable by far than your average physician
Etc. Etc.
Oh yeah, and there are drones the size of SUVs (or maybe Tesla trucks?) flying over parts of New Jersey for many nights now, and no one can figure our what they are or where they come from.
(85,100 posts)Made official on January 20th.