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I dont care if she was a former Republican
Im watching clips of her. And all I can hear from her and her guests is courage.
No matter where she lands she will have my support.

yellow dahlia
(1,219 posts)She can drive an important conversation with great analysts. And she lets the conversation get as real as it needs to.
Notice she has been swearing and pretend swearing more lately?
(2,913 posts)She knows that to stay mainstream she compromises her principles
Looking forward to the podcast or what have you. And may her family and her remain safe.
(1,236 posts)Those conversations are what's needed. And it happens on the one network that still allows that.
That's why I don't understand the FU attitude towards the whole network when it's the only thing left on mainstream media where that happens.
I constantly have to stifle my reactions to all the posts trashing MSNBC, because if I replied to every one of those posts the way I would want to, I wouldn't have time for anything else.
I don't understand why anyone would say MSNBC is no different from other mainstream media, because it's just freaking NOT!
(9,552 posts)Better late than never. She has an excellent show.
(28,959 posts)Unless she apologizes for 1) helping JEB steal votes from Gore, 2) admits that she helped get Alito and Roberts on the Court, and 3) takes blame for the Bush administration allowing 9/11, then absolutely not.
I cannot stand to look at her. She doesn't seem to understand the harm W caused.
(96,054 posts)LisaM
(28,959 posts)absolutely floors me. Have they forgotten about all the people JEB threw off the voter rolls?
(58,733 posts)the discussions that brings even more insight from her guests who are mostly heavyweights themselves.
She doesn't just ask obvious questions like Welker, Bash and many of the other show hosts.
She certainly does not curry favor with trump like Mika mouse and Joe Scar did in their pilgrimage to MAL.
(307,002 posts)the Brave People of America.
(9,798 posts)There wasn't room enough in the party for both of them.
(701 posts)I do not agree with everything she says.
Prior to the election, she phrased the pandemic as a once in a century event.
No one really knows this.
(19,323 posts)I don't think it's meant to be taken literally.. Obviously no one knows for a fact that nothing like that will happen again before 100 years have passed. I think it's just meant to convey that a pandemic of this magnitude is something that doesn't happen often and is truly an earth-shaking event.
(340 posts)Is one of the most popular buses in the country
(323 posts)I respect and listen to Nicole Wallace. She comes across as genuine and passionate about the wrongs she sees perpetrated by her former party. Not because it boosts ratings or curries favors with Democrats but she's walking the walk and talking the talk. She's a perfect example of "don't tell me you've changed, show me". It takes courage and strength to notice your mistakes when you think you're right, acknowledge those mistakes, publicly, then change your beliefs and behavior. TFG was single handedly responsible for numerous prominent Republicans being forced to look in the mirror and to take stock of their chosen paths. I may not agree with some of their policies but I can still respect some of their choices.
(96,054 posts)
is at bottom a belief that no one is capable of redemption.
I myself dont make easy statements about sinners getting blessed and forgiven by God (actually, gawd) and all that, because in my core beliefs that is the work of each individual, and I cant speak for the deity.
However, it is my observation that Nicolle Wallace, who was born and raised in a Republican family, has done the work of opening her eyes and mind to the reality of Trump and MAGA. Actually, it happened when she was put in charge of Sarah Palin, and that was a very long time ago.
Back at the beginning she used to occasionally mention her parents and family, and it was clear they could not reconcile her changes with their continued belief that Trump was a great guy and the GOP was the same party they had always known.
She creates an excellent news and opinion program, and her roster of guests is peerless. She is, as you say, courageous and so are they.
Thank you, ALBliberal.