General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAdults may be susceptible to polio if vaccine is revoked and case numbers rise. people are vaccinated only as kids for polio in the US not because the protection is lifelong but because theres a v. low incidence of polio DUE TO THE VACCINE. Its unknown how many years the current vax protects people for. So yes, this will be a problem for everyone, not just newborns.
End snip.
Also, other countries may require vaccines for travel, and if vaccine becomes a choice, there may be no insurance coverage, as insurance companies like to not pay for anything.
Edited to add: Moscow Mitch had polio as a child. Will he want to preserve the protection we've had all these years?
Also edited to add: FDR contracted polio in 1921 when he was 39 years old.
The 🍊 child killer is not just after your children. IMHO.

(25,061 posts)what kind of access we will have to vaccines in the future or if insurance will still pay for them.
Also, consider all the vaccines you can get that you might want, RSV, Pneumonia Shingles etc
I was born in '65 and my MMR titers were low enough for me to require 2 vaccines. After the first one I'm still not covered for mumps. (I don't hear much about mumps, but my employer is paying for the titers and the vaccine so why not).
(32,707 posts)Can't remember when each vaccine came out. If you were a younger boomer, may have had a weaker case due to vaccines.
(5,595 posts)We moved around ALOT since the day I was born until my junior year in high school. Some of these places were tropical, like Panama. One good thing is you dont, or didnt at the time, get a pass on vaccines. You got them, end of story! I still remember the slew of shots we got before heading to Panama.
I also had a convo with my Dr. about these vaccines, and she ordered tests to check my levels. Also mentioned they dont know how long the Polio vax lasts. I asked if there was a booster and she said no. Yould have to get vaxed again for that.
(5,319 posts)Wonder Why
(5,254 posts)so they might have more protection than their kids and not get turned down by trump-a-care.
(3,184 posts)Was going to get it if I got a job at an expat school put of the country. Now, I will get it even if I stay here.
(24,655 posts)Lack of affordable health care is one tenet, along with zero free education and no child care. He wants us to get sick and die so the rich can steal all of our SS $$$.
endless summer
(55 posts)is highly contagious, these crackpots would not be safe from it either. Like many viruses people are contagious before they start showing symptoms. The stupidity and arrogance is staggering.
(73,524 posts)
live love laugh
(15,024 posts)Botany
(73,524 posts)Lockjaw is a lot of fun.
live love laugh
(15,024 posts)Initech
(104,058 posts)And he can go get royally fucked.
(7,698 posts)I have several others I have to do. Im starting next week. I cant get more than one at a time because I get a reaction to it so, its gonna take a while. I was debating if I should get two at a time and just suffer more but have less time to space them out. But the last time I had 2 at once years ago, pneumonia and flu in either arm my shoulders froze, and I was sick for a month.
I already had a pertussis vaccine along with a tetanus a few years ago, so I think Im good for that. Im not sure about mumps. I think I may have actually had mumps a few weeks ago, but they werent sure as its hard to test for once you have it. I have never had an RSV vaccine so I will be doing that after I get the Covid and flu shots.
A few years ago, one of my outdoor cats bit me. And although he had had one rabies vaccine, I was a little worried and was wondering if I should get the rabies vaccine because I worked with outdoor cats. And we have raccoons, etc., which are the main vector for rabies here. However, all I ended up doing was quarantining him and everything was fine. Now I am not doing anymore rescue so, I probably dont need it. It also wouldve been very expensive because its not covered by insurance I think unless you have proof you were bitten by an animal that has rabies or exposed to a bat.
I do remember reading someones story online, at that time though that he was bitten by a bat, and the bat flew out a window but his county was trying to make him recover the bat before they would approve a rabies vaccine if you can believe it.
Even if you have had a rabies vaccine. If youre exposed, you still have to get treatment and more vaccines, but youre in a better place than if you never had a vaccine.