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A former Israeli space security chief has sent eyebrows shooting heavenward by saying that earthlings have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a "galactic federation."
"The Unidentified Flying Objects have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet," Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate, told Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper. The interview in Hebrew ran on Friday, and gained traction after parts were published in English by the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.
A respected professor and retired general, Eshed said the aliens were equally curious about humanity and were seeking to understand "the fabric of the universe."

(38,716 posts)Wouldn't talk to trump.
(63,608 posts)a kennedy
(32,737 posts)against him, to change their tune, and kiss his fat flabby ass.
(63,608 posts)Everyone is terrified of them or loves them.
Everyone bows down immediately and does their bidding.
Maybe alien technology or mass hypnosis.
Personally I think they just might be part Ferengi.
(1,444 posts)Except Trump wouldn't come in a flying saucer. He'd come in a flying blimp.
(63,608 posts)Scottie would be earning his keep moving Trump around.
How you doing BBP?
(1,444 posts)at the neuro-opthamologist. But I did get to see the Christmas lights in downtown Chicago.
(63,608 posts)I am so sorry to hear this.
You were afraid you might get bad news.
Is this the second opinion, or are there more options left?
I am glad you got to see the Xmas lights.
(1,444 posts)She's going to consult with my seizure neurologist (Cleveland Clinic trained) and the oto-neurologist I saw last week (Johns Hopkins trained). So far, none of them can get to an answer. This is all at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago.
(63,608 posts)It is frustrating when the top docs cannot ascertain diagnosis and treatment.
They have made so much progress in the field of neuroscience and neurology in the past couple of decades.
I hope they find some answers for you.
Sending you some good energy.
(1,444 posts)I really appreciate your sentiments. They mean a lot to me.
(63,608 posts)So it is a matter of hanging in there until the docs figure it out.
(1,444 posts)I had the aFib and stroke last Nov/Dec. It's tough for me because I have no family at all and no one to help. Blue Cross can't even find a caregiver (I went through that with my mom). Since I cant drive, I'm stuck at home/DU
I'll try the best I can, but I'm losing the fight and I know it.
(63,608 posts)I think my cousins pay out of pocket for their mom's care.
They have said insurance does not pay for caregiver help.
Kamala was going to work on that issue.
Is Uber appropriate for your condition?
I don't know how mobile you are.
Cognitively you still seem to be doing well.
But yes being homebound is frustrating and depressing.
Have you explored online support groups for your condition?
Sometimes they have a great deal of information and ideas.
And resources.
(1,444 posts)I can't use an Uber because I need help getting down my steps and I use a wheelchair. I have no energy so I couldn't go out anyway.
I'll be fine as long as I can stay where I live. I just try to think happy thoughts.
(63,608 posts)I once faced a series of dire circumstances.
Bad news kept coming on a number of different levels.
Including medical.
It hit me from all sides.
I followed advice I had heard over the years.
So some ideas to thinking about:
It may sound corny and simplistic:
One day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time.
Distraction with internet and social contacts.
Hobbies, games, projects.
Stay in the moment, not the past or the future.
Gratitude for what I did have and what I was able to do.
Roof over my head, food on the table, etc.
Service, help others with just a simple word or kindness.
Prayer, but this can be meditation, music, looking at the snow falling outside your window, breathing.
(1,444 posts)That is so terrific. I appreciate you writing that.
I'm crashing out now so I will check in here tomorrow. Thank you again and have a great night.
(63,608 posts)YW
Have a good night.
(125 posts)
(1,444 posts)Thank you so very much Vanessa!
(7,813 posts)The McFelon & his boifriend Eloon are extraterrestrials.
(63,608 posts)Musk has had extensive plastic surgery and he still looks odd.
Let's hope someone is going to beam them the hell up and move them on
to the next prison planet.
(2,676 posts)The extraterrestrials didn't want to talk to us. (This is from Season 11, one of the two "revival" seasons made more than a decade after the original show ended).
(38,716 posts)"There is intelligent life out there, the proof is they haven't contacted us."
(5,339 posts)What on earth for - he sounds nuts.
(125 posts)Father and Director of space programs for Israel Ministry of Defense for 30 years
Professor of Aeronautical Engineering and Astronautics
Chair of the Space Committee of the National Council for Research and Development for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space
Member of the steering committee of Israel Space Agency
Veteran Pilot and Flight Instructor
Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Cofounder of the Israel Space Agency and Space Research Institute in the TECHNION-Israel Institute of Technology
former Colonel, Military Intelligence Directorate
Sounds respected to me I'd agree with you otherwise because some things do sound a bit far fetched.
(20,046 posts)He might well have been accomplished and respected in the past, but perhaps he's no longer the man he was.
(5,339 posts)Linus Pauling as another example (vitamin C cures the common cold and cancer).
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)a mere 87 when this came out. (I've had relatives in their mid-90s who were highly intelligent.)
(125 posts)For the record, I find the assertion of a "secret underground base on Mars" a bit extraordinary.
According to Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israel Space Agency, Eshed went too far with his claims, which were published in a interview with the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, but his seriousness shouldnt be questioned and his standing as a leader in his field remains intact.
Ben-Israel said it has become entirely acceptable over the last decade for serious scientists to believe in aliens, as knowledge of space has increased. Is there intelligent life outside [Earth]? 10 years ago most scientists believed chances are very low. We now believe chances are significant, he said.
This doesnt mean theres a Galactic Federation and they landed on earth this is too much but much of the scientific community believes the chance of detecting life in outer space is considerable, not small, he said.
Asked for his own view, Ben-Israel said: I also think the probability is quite large. Still, in my interpretation, I dont believe there were any physical encounters between us and aliens.
While jokes have been made questioning the state of octogenarian Esheds mind, Ben-Israel said he has been talking about aliens for decades, and it never compromised his academic integrity. Ive known Haim Eshed for 40 to 50 years, and he was always a visionary and very creative.
Again, I have no vested interest in this, just curiosity and a willingness to accept that we may not be the sole inhabitants of our vast and complex universe.
Here's from another article:
Speaking in an interview to Yediot Aharonot, Eshed who served as the head of Israel's space program for nearly 30 years and is a three-time recipient of the Israel Security Award explained that Israel and the US have both been dealing with aliens for years.
The 87-year-old former head of the Defense Ministry's Space Division gave further descriptions about exactly what sort of agreements have been made between the aliens and the US, which ostensibly have been made because they wish to research and understand "the fabric of the universe." This cooperation includes a secret underground base on Mars, where there are American and alien representatives.
If true, this would coincide with US President Donald Trump's creation of the Space Force as the fifth branch of the US armed forces, though it is unclear how long this sort of relationship, if any, has been going on between the US and its reported extraterrestrial allies.
"If I had come up with what Im saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized," he explained to Yediot.
He added that "today, theyre already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. Ive received my degrees and awards; I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing."
I added the last article because of what happened a few years later:
A father-daughter duo from the US decoded an 'alien-like' message transmitted through a signal by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, a spacecraft of the European Space Agency orbiting Mars, in May last year.
As the European Space Agency spacecraft beamed a signal in May 2023, it was picked up by three observatories on the Earth, and the raw data was released online, giving scientists worldwide a chance to decipher the transmission, CNN reported.
While speaking with CNN, the two citizen scientists said they experimented with various ideas for thousands of hours and ran mathematical simulations on computers to decode the message.
The decoded message appears to be clusters of white pixels with a black background. The visualised message has five configurations representing amino acids, the building blocks of life.
Their breakthrough revealed that the signal represented five amino acidsthe fundamental building blocks of life.
The pair discovered that the message contained movement patterns suggesting cellular formation and life forms.
(5,339 posts)Too bad he risks blowing it though with the galactic federation nonsense.
(102,988 posts)The professor is in fact behaving like Trump does. I have zero respect for this professor, who is claiming to be one of the best people in the world, but has a psychological need to inform everyone about it. Total narcissist.
(54,551 posts)TheBlackAdder
(29,219 posts)Response to SunSeeker (Reply #6)
Post removed
(22,454 posts)vanessa_ca
(125 posts)"One day, we might receive a signal from a planet like Gliese 832c. But we should be wary of answering back. Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus. That didn't turn out so well."
(235 posts)is just not honestly looking at the evidence from whistleblowers that have testified in public under oath as well as in private to congress that we have craft and bodies recovered since 1940s. I only hope that their repeated demonstrations
of capabilities to disarm our, and the Russians, nuclear weapons over the years is a sign they will not let us destroy the earth.
(13,464 posts)It'd be fun if it were true.
"I only hope that their repeated demonstrations of capabilities to disarm our, and the Russians, nuclear weapons over the years is a sign they will not let us destroy the earth."
Sounds about as likely as God sending angels down to do the same. I can see how people would yearn for either to be true. Unfortunately it's down to us. Fallible, silly humans.
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)Some of them may be as you describe, but not all of them are. Yet that "proves" nothing, because it could be a program to distract people from serious earthly issues. There are people prone to believing some force from way up in the sky are going to save us. No others will save us, of course, for that is our exclusive duty. But humanity will soon go extinct, just as other humans such as Neanderthal did. Our type will not survive nearly as long as, say, Homo Erectus did.
(235 posts)in the office of National Geospace Intelligence Agency, Robert Salas US Air Force Lieutenant 20 meters underground at Malstrom AFB responsible for launching ICBMs , and we know they only put crackpots in the positions, Lou Elizondo counter intelligence officer in the US Defense Dept Intelligence office RET. Colonel Karl Nell with 30-years of organizational and technology leadership in top-tier / FORTUNE 500 firms including Bell Telephone Laboratories, Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space, TASC, CACI, and ENSCO, Karl Nell is a seasoned executive, respected thought-leader, dedicated change-agent, and accomplished multi-disciplinary engineer comfortable across multiple business models from aerospace high-end development to integrated solutions to advisory, COL> Phillip Corso Corso was on the staff of President Eisenhower's National Security Council for four years (19531957). In 1961, he became Chief of the Pentagon's Foreign Technology desk in Army Research and Development, working under Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau.
All of the above have testified, some under oath of the fact that we have recovered non-human craft and biologics, that nuclear missile sites have been compromized and we have know about their presence sine at least the 1930s.
I could list dozens more grifters and crackpots, but why bother. It tough to read anything with your head, well you know.
(38,895 posts)As for crackpots being in high positions, one can point out Gen. Flynn, former director of the NSA.
(38,895 posts)The penalty is the same for when making false statements to Congress under oath
But as we have seen, it's rarely prosecuted.
And as one can't prove a negative, how can it be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that these people were knowingly lying?
I could testify to Congress either under oath or not that I have a personal relationship with God and that I talk to him everyday and I couldn't be charged with a crime because Congress nor anyone else could prove that God doesn't exist and therefore I was lying .
So these witnesses were probably well aware that they could make up shit and easily get away with it
Midwestern Democrat
(870 posts)and videos of them in a world where practically everyone has a camera/video recorder on their phone? There's no more photos or videos of them today than there were in decades past when somebody just happened to have a still camera or an 8mm film camera on them.
(73,245 posts)thebigidea
(13,464 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,829 posts)He didn't say what they told him.
(1,444 posts)I remember as a young kid reading about Nixon and Jackie Gleason discussing aliens. The story was pretty wild with Jackie allegedly seeing bodies.
(4,290 posts)Wed truly be f-ed.
(10,078 posts)then we will know.
(61,716 posts)No, the beneficent aliens are not going to save us from Trump/Putin/Milei/Orban/Modi.
(235 posts)Could be altruistic or selfish.
(15,584 posts)I get the feeling of hopelessness driving this but yeah..
No need to worry about destroying the planet hatrack. Et will help out..
We need more fake fears and hopes so we can ignore the real kind..
Hope you are still finding the dark Humor to pull through. Thank you for your indefatigable service as an environmentalist as always..
Edit: I havent been following the news but seriously this is the new thing after Mangione?
Well there is clearly only one answer:
(61,716 posts)But this is also From-The-Heavens-themed, so there's kind of built-in affinity.
(124,431 posts)base and people in the world in general so Putin can take over the world.
Last edited Sat Dec 14, 2024, 12:29 PM - Edit history (6)
World not surreal enough with real stuff ?
I mean three-body problem was a good show and all..
Giant reality show to distract!!!!
Edit: Also this is from 2020..I cant believe this guy is actually a credentialed academic:
How can he go around saying stuff like this?
Isnt our fucking awful conspiracy and misinfo filled public dialogue lousy enough? It is one thing to tentatively speculate on such things. It is another to..what gives with these guys?
Like are they self psyoping at this point?
I really wonder about some of these guys. For example supposed ai experts who sound batshit loony - as if they are mixing up shitty Hollywood movies and science.
Surely you have some responsibility when you talk about fields like ai or astrobiology etc to not seem like someone who is pitching a bad movie.
I have wondered for years (sometimes in silent indignation) and now I am starting to wonder if instead of psyoping the public with drivel they actually buy their own bs..
That is one reason I follow Yan LeCun of meta on ai sometimes. At least he seems entirely sane. He is one well-known ai scientist I have seen discuss ai such that it actually sounds like a cool science to the lay person rather than like a depressing pitch for a (low quality) tv show.
It is bad enough that ai hallucinates. It is worse when the people working on it also appear to.
(3,956 posts)BeerBarrelPolka
(1,444 posts)It's strange that he would single out "Trump knows". If Trump knows, Biden knows. Seems to me it's more of a political "support Trump" statement.
(23,295 posts)An extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence.
Show it or shut up.
A cursory study of physics will deflate this silliness.