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As rebel forces poured into Syrias capital and President Bashar al-Assad fled to Russia, Syrians surged to the streets to celebrate. Some rushed to Sednaya, the military prison they tagged the human slaughterhouse to search for missing family.
Ignored in the ignominious details of horrific torture is the rather nasty fact that even before 9/11, as the US hunted for terrorists, the CIA launched extraordinary renditionan ingenious scheme to interrogate high-value suspects outside the country and thus avoid US laws on torture. The first suspects were taken to Egypt in the mid-1990s and the program continued until 2007.
Heres how rendition worked. The CIA created lists of suspects it sought and hired small airlines (with unmarked planes) to fly its agents to grab them. Once they collected their human cargo, they were flown to allies the US knew had zero qualms about interrogation techniques. Besides Syria, the CIA dispatched suspects to Egypt, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Pakistan, Poland and Romania.
To clarify US procedures, White House lawyer John Yoo wrote in August 2002 what has been called the torture memo, stating what the CIA could do with suspects. George Tenet and Michael Hayden, CIA directors from 2002 to 2007 approved the memo. So too did the House and Senate intelligence oversight committees; and Vice President Dick Cheney had overall authority for counterterrorism activities.

Kid Berwyn
(19,450 posts)If so ordered for "national security" by the President (must always be a Republican, per Yoo's turd chums).
(14,721 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,450 posts)Two members of the Warren Commission helped bring NAZIs into US mainstream.

And that played a key role in the rise of post-war fascism. Allen Dulles, as a top official of the OSS and CIA, incorporated NAZI war criminals into the CIA from its founding. John McCloy, as High Commissioner for Germany, allowed Klaus Barbie, Alfred Krupp, eight members of his board, and who-knows-who-else to escape justice. Of course, Dulles and McCloy also were barons of Wall Street and Beltway Insiders, at the heart of the military industrial complex. We all can see what that means for the United States today.
The American who let the Nazis rebuild Germany
CIA and NAZI War Criminals
In addition to ignoring the CIA and its Castro assassination business with the MAFIA from before JFK was in office, the NAZI connections of two prominent Warren Commission are NEVER brought up anytime the Warren Commission is mentioned on TV, in the NYT or ever by TIME-LIFE.