General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMSNBC doing good work, imo;
I don't usually watch daytime tv/news, but making exception now.
ALSO Amanpour; on now, and reruns thru the evening on PBS (and maybe, CNN.)

(10,334 posts)kerry-is-my-prez
(9,668 posts)senseandsensibility
(21,283 posts)getting back into MSNBC. So far I can only handle watching an hour or two a day and sometimes not even that. So I am limiting myself to Chris Hayes and Lawrence, who have the attitude that I'm looking for. Otherwise, I'm getting my info here and on BlueSky.
(5,039 posts)In the end, it's a draw. MSNBC is billionaire owned and therefore in the end, they are there to support and give republican talking points.
(138,769 posts)and I've heard no repug 'talking points' on Nichole's show afternoon, lots of significant facts presented by informed guests.
(5,039 posts)hours MNSBC leaned republican with their narrative. In the late afternoon and evening, their narrative is mostly democratic narrative. That sounds like a draw to me. It doesn't matter that you don't watch in the mornings. What matters is those who watch in the daytime hours walk away with republican talking points.
(8,931 posts)Mike 03
(18,213 posts)good work too. They are not pulling their punches that I can tell. And it's exciting to have Maddow back. And Lawrence O'Donnell has simply been impeccable.
Though I said some harsh things about MSNBC, especially last summer, I think it's both reassuring and the right thing to do to inform others that they are taking their work seriously and doing a good job.
It doesn't help the Democrats one bit if MSNBC collapses or is rebranded as Fox light.