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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhat is the most screwed up state in the Union?
It can be political, religious, or any other criteria.
60 votes, 2 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Kansas | |
13 (22%) |
Mississippi | |
3 (5%) |
Alabama | |
3 (5%) |
Louisiana | |
2 (3%) |
Missouri | |
0 (0%) |
Oklahoma | |
5 (8%) |
Arizona | |
6 (10%) |
South Carolina | |
1 (2%) |
Florida | |
16 (27%) |
Other | |
11 (18%) |
2 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(34,502 posts)because I live in Kansas and you ain't seen nothing yet. Sammy wants us to be an example and example we will be because Sammy wants that. Watch us go down. It will not be fun but it WILL be interesting.
Telly Savalas
(9,841 posts)I also saw an article documenting how screwed up things are on the Missouri side of the state line:
Granted the human impact is much less significant, but it's another good read for the student of trainwrecks.
(34,502 posts)I think I can still read the KC Star, not sure.
My local paper used to be owned by the family of Brownback's wife. At least then it was actually fairly informative. Now it is owned and run in another state, only barely informative and full of errors wants $14.95/month for it's 15 or so pages of mostly advertisement. So no local news for this household A terrific idea for the Capital of the state, make people pay that much money for it's crappy, barely relevant paper.
Yes, it is a trainwreck just beginning. Our Teabagger House and Teabagger Senate will push it the rest of the way over the edge. Watch how effectively a state economy does when planned by a former Reagan guy, supported by our local state heros the Koch brothers and run by and through Sam's hand picked legislature with absolutely no one to stand against it (unless you count our 30 or so state democrats in office)
I want to go on but it is no use. Most don't give a shit, the party certainly doesn't give a shit and we have been left out here to try to hold on to something that we can build on once it all finally falls totally apart. Missouri is getting the same treatment I fear, at least it seems to be heading that way. If the dems abandon them like they did us it will follow us right down the toilet.
Thanks. I will go read. I can get the articles. Apparently the KC Star is still free online. Ya know, I would not mind at all paying for my newspaper online if was actually a newspaper. Even then I think $14.95/month is robbery. <---can you tell I am simply furious with just about everything going on around here? LOL, gonna be an exercise in just about everything to get through this sane.
(96,793 posts)For now it's 99 cents a month. It's going up in a month or so but I'm not sure by how much.
(34,502 posts)was about the Chiefs. LOL, at least I can get on the site and read it!
(37,573 posts)Kansas probably would have won the poll even before Brownback got elected.
Especially without Texas, Utah or Idaho on the list.
Still we beat Oklahoma pretty badly and that is saying something.
(96,793 posts)It helped educate a lot of people. Started a dialog.
(34,502 posts)I am certain it did not help but like proud I do think the dialog was important. There are so many other things though, so many that make this such a tragedy. I truly do not believe given an alternative most of these people would vote the way they do. When you can't get to them to tell them there is another way or that the other guys are lying to them then they never know. They are not stupid but very insulated. Sadly the protection they feel from that insulation is exactly what ends up harming them.
I hate the blanket hatred of DU for Kansas, other states as well, but the comments made on this site by people who are supposed to be better and know better are some of the most astoundingly stupid and outright mean comments I have ever heard. It often makes me wonder where I am posting because it sounds so much like nasty and bitter RW garbage. Ah well, I guess even supposed liberals need someone to look down on?
(96,793 posts)But hopefully it's being governed so badly that it will soon start getting better.
Call me an optimist. LOL
(34,502 posts)you are smoking! LOL A liberal optimist in Kansas. You are truly few in number. You will be very important in the years coming. Try to hang on to it. I lost all my optimism a good long while ago....under Reagan nationally and way way back under Joan Finney in Kansas.
I am not making fun of you. I think you know me well enough to know that but I certainly did not want to hurt any feelings. It is remarkable to feel optimistic in this climate here. I really am happy there are some of you left.
HAHAHA 99 cents a month for a real paper and $14.95 a month for devotional advertising and classified, then the heathen advertising and classified (must keep them separate, cooties ya know) followed by pages and pages of advertisements and business news, 4 pages of social news and what is happening in Topeka (NOTHING!) and 3 pages of news, one being national and one page of OpEd complete with RW cartoon and obits all thanks to the owners and operators in Georgia I think. Same people who made the Cutting Horse Newpaper which was a damned good paper for that.
(96,793 posts)It's sad the KC paper does such a poor job of reporting on KS politics.
(27,446 posts)South Carolinians just seems to elect a massive number of total nut jobs. Shame, too, because it is such a beautiful state. Maybe they should start testing the water.........
Response to Siwsan (Reply #2)
Post removed
(27,446 posts)But, you are completely entitled to your rather startling opinion. Hope you have a very peaceful day.
(33,594 posts)Or, Arizona. Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arapaio, etc. Even their state legislatures have ours beat, as have those in other states. It wasn't our leg. that came up with trans-vaginal probes, nor did they pass a bill banning Global Warming. The latter came from our neighbors to the north.
(27,446 posts)But Florida does seem to be making some positive strides
(353 posts)GoCubsGo
(33,594 posts) predict sea-level rises. That would affect coastal development, because we can't leave any land uncovered in concrete and asphalt, dontcha know.
(27,446 posts)Gotta take small victories where we can.
(2,621 posts)They're the state that gave us U.S. Rep. Paul Broun, the anti-evolution nutbag. He out-crazies all of our Congressional crazies put together.
(138,395 posts)CanonRay
(15,114 posts)There's just so many good choices!
(138,395 posts)Sekhmets Daughter
(7,515 posts)
(15,114 posts)Although I doubt Vermont or Hawaii will get many votes...
Sekhmets Daughter
(7,515 posts)I think you could probably eliminate any state that doesn't have a Republican governor and legislature.
(15,114 posts)and it has both.
Sekhmets Daughter
(7,515 posts)CA has been nearly destroyed by past republican influence....remember Reagan was governor there before he set about destroying the nation's finances. The people voted for a tax increase last month, which is a good sign they are coming out of their zombie like mind set on taxes.
(21,846 posts)I think I'd vote for Texas.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)that's just native-son pride speaking.
(3,510 posts)AldoLeopold
(617 posts)Sorry, man - I lived there for 17 years and I don't even go back to visit family if I don't absolutely have to. You live in Houston for God's sake - even Texans hate Houston.
Were you born in Texas?
(617 posts)I have an irrational hatred toward Texas in general. I didn't mean to jump your ass over it.
(3,510 posts)I truly wanted to know because the op was for the MOST screwed up. I know we're messed up but to say we're #1? Been here for 35 yrs. by the way.
(617 posts)No - probably not #1. But the state does lag in a number of key indicators including education and healthcare. My biggest gripe with TX is that its essentially become a Republican model of an ideal economy. Very little upward mobility and most wealth concentrated in the hands of a few. Its chief export, as my TX history prof used to say, is cheap land, and that's allowed it, combined with no state income tax, to become economically powerful. Its allowed a number of corps to open up cheap operations paying low wages and screwing over even white collar workers en masse. Very little state regulation, despite the fact that they have the largest state EPA in the country...though I'm still clueless as to what they do to keep themselves occupied aside from gently caressing the oil industry in the night and tell them its going to be okay.
Austin is cool - but less cool than it was. DFW just sucks bad. BAD. Kill it with fire.
That all aside, I just don't like TX culture, TX weather, TX topography, TX accents - well - you get the point. Now my whole family has settled there (that's right, I'm the only dem in my entire family - extended and otherwise with the lone exception of my aunt who is a movie actress in LA), and they all want me to move back. I told them that I will, but only when I have an army behind me and I conquer and pacify the state of Texas. Then there will be pogroms and purges. Stalin style.
Sorry, again. I'm texabitter.
(17,291 posts)Rick Perry, David Dewhurst, Gregg Abbott, Sharon Keller, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, Louis Gohmert, Dan Patrick, "Doctor" Donna Campbell, Ron Paul, Lamar Smith, Michael McCaul, Susan Combs, Jerry Patterson, Todd Staples, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee. . . just off the top of my head.
(3,510 posts)But still, THE most screwed up state?
(17,291 posts)But don't forget, the Legislature is coming back to town in a week and a half!
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)That was my first thought. Where's Texas?
connecticut yankee
(1,730 posts)between Florida and Arizona, but I chose Florida.
(20,600 posts)Can't even manage to run a presidential election properly. They did it again this year, it took them weeks to get things done and come up with a vote total. And everyone knows the epic fail Florida had in the 2000 election. The state is a national embarrassment.
(2,163 posts)Coyote_Tan
(194 posts)quinnox
(20,600 posts)Picks one of the most liberal states in the union. And most right wingers would agree with you.
(60,567 posts)There is no denying that fact.
(18,318 posts)bunnies
(15,859 posts)they approve marriage equality. Until then, they've lost the crown. meh.
(20,176 posts)A state that for all intents and purposes is a theocracy. Nothing against Mormons but a shitload against theocracies, the government should be crushing the LDS out of their overt political stranglehold over the governance of Utah.
(12,272 posts)They just do a real good job of keeping it all a secret.
(353 posts)blueknight
(2,831 posts)arizona not on there?
(2,546 posts)How could you not include South Carolina??
(22,165 posts)
(297 posts)of course, ``screwed up'' is highly subjective and I'm implicitly suggesting that not voting is more ``screwed up'' than voting for ``screwed up'' candidates and policies.
(2,667 posts)make that 5.
(22,000 posts)California, because they are crazy people...
(sorry a joke from an Oregonian)
(60,567 posts)Therefore I vote for California.
Screwed up by the rise of gerrymandering and the pursuit of politics as a career, and by decades of government that cannot or will not keep its finances in order.
(15,114 posts)I should have included California, Utah, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, at the very least. I may have to re-do the whole thing!
(9,323 posts)I have lived in California and a 5th and 4th generation 100% in ancestory, all arrived prior to 1880.
Also have spent 50 years in California and the other 10 in Oregon. I liked Oregon.
Don't think California is the worst state and is likely the state that would most thrive as a independent nation.
No way would I support succession but would like to see the state split (northcoast Californian to the bone).
(16,922 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)as my pre-coffee brain was thinking that, well at least Kansas still has that great bar-b-que--- but then after my first sip...ooppss-- Kansas doesn't even have 'Kansas City."
(2,679 posts)Don't all the nuts roll down to FL? And I am a floridian kind of used to all the weird stuff from here and it follows you too. Once back in the 90's and also probably the first time I heard that statement about fl and nuts. I was in LA on the set of the xfiles. Long story short I used to be the webmaster of anderson's website. Anyway this is one of the first times I was on the set and they are filming that one ep with a hurricane, and I remember Gillian asking if I liked their hurricane. It was a fan a hose and a palm tree. I said that I had seen better. And someone I forget mentions that line don't all nuts roll down to FL? I didn't get to respond as the java truck showed up. And much like a kid with shine objects they became transfixed by the java truck and lost interest in my take on their episode.
But despite the fact that nuts do roll down to FL Kansas wins this one. Sorry Kansas a few weeks ago I would have voted for my crazy home state but Kansas wins.
(22,144 posts)There is an imminent financial melting down coming and Jerry Brown is not doing near enough to fix things
(617 posts)Glorfindel
(10,074 posts)Not that long ago, Georgia was the most progressive state in the south. Now it's East Mississippi and deteriorating rapidly.
(10,479 posts)it a run for its money.
(39,196 posts)I'm so glad I don't live in any of the states mentioned!
I would have to choose between FL & AZ.
(17,671 posts)farminator3000
(2,117 posts)Dumb Laws in Arizona
Hunting camels is prohibited.
Gun imagery in political ads. Ron Gould, a conservative Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona's 4th district, made his point last week about his stance on Obama's health care reform law by loading his gun and shooting it in a campaign ad. "Because Washington needs a straight-shooter," he tells the camera.
More gun imagery in political ads. Though Jesse Kelly has been on his best behavior this cycle in the race for Giffords' seat, in the last election he was inviting supporters to Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly." This time around, the Move America Forward Freedom PAC is doing the dirty work for him, sending around an email to supporters with a picture of Kelly holding an M-16, used in the last election, that says Send a Warrior to Congress."
Not-in-a-good-place lawmaker. State Rep. Daniel Patterson stepped down in April, citing a "hostile work environment," which is evidently his term for accusations that he exhibited various forms of erratic behavior, including angry outbursts, pot-smoking, allegedly offering up his vote in the House in exchange for sex with a lobbyist, and allegations of domestic violence from his girlfriend/campaign manager.
(3,142 posts)EOM
(9,323 posts)The law is now irrelevant as no more camels.
Comatose Sphagetti
(836 posts)If you'll look at the electoral map Indiana looks like a big, red, middle finger sitting atop the deep south.
(8,361 posts)The mantle from close runners up Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Florida.
(17,291 posts)Smilo
(1,950 posts)
(27,670 posts)I live in Arizona, and to me, Texas is so scary I won't even drive through it on my way to the Southeast US.
Had some nasty experiences there a long time ago, and vowed never to go there again.
The Wielding Truth
(11,428 posts)TwilightGardener
(46,416 posts)I have relatives there who have now been sucked into the RW bullshit machine of that state. Nebraska is starting to catch the Kansas nutter disease too, sadly. It appears to be spreading.
The River
(2,615 posts)and a few of the purple ones.
After 40 years in Va I'm ready for bluer pastures.
(251 posts)Fiscal basket case.
(53,521 posts)Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)In Kansas, the voters are right wing, which puts it more far gone than any other. Texas has been that way for a long time.
Michigan (not a choice on the above list) has passed right wing laws, such as its recent right-to-work act. The emergency manager act is one of the most antidemocratic pieces of legislation passed since Jim Crow laws. Apart form being antithetic to democracy, it is an open invitation to crony capitalism.
Wisconsin (also not a choice) has a crooked governor who asks "how high?" any time the fascist Koch brothers tell him to jump.
Florida also has a crooked governor whose top priority in the state is to stop poor people from voting. The same is true of Ohio and her Secretary of State. Fortunately for those states and for America, the actions those two fascists took to suppress votes was insufficient and Obama carried both states.
(13,867 posts)Target the GOP Governors in Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin too.
(119,940 posts)Why does such a manufacturing dependant state elect some of the most anti-labor politicians around?
(1,551 posts)Fearless
(18,458 posts)Populist_Prole
(5,364 posts)For a potent combination of anabashed racism, ferocious anti-labor stance, and ground zero for religious fundie nutjobs. It's like a Florida that can get cold in the winter.
(1,033 posts)This state sux.
(39,157 posts)Little Star
(17,055 posts)Purveyor
(29,876 posts)tridim
(45,358 posts)Central Missouri is much worse IMO.
I went with Florida.
(96,793 posts)SW MO especially.
(31,315 posts)..
(4,033 posts)Chellee
(2,239 posts)They are unashamedly embracing dictatorship. It's stunning.
watch the sky
(129 posts)but I doubt the worst one is WA state, mine. The states are like a quilt.
(19,429 posts)Illinois should be in contention.
(20,782 posts)I usually say Oklahoma because it has not had a single COUNTY go blue in a Presidential election since 2000.
Maybe something in the water?
(46,436 posts)after this last gerrymandered election which gave us 100% republican rule (we previously had a bipartisan senate), but the good news is that the state Supreme Court just ruled that the gerrymander was illegal, so it's back to the drawing board and hopefully things will be more fair in 2014.
The good thing here, though, is that our beautiful surroundings make the political craziness tolerable or at least ignorable.
(105 posts)Blue_In_AK
(46,436 posts)but left right after graduation in 1968. I went back to visit in 2000 and 2004, but I think that's it for me. The last two or three times my husband has gone down there to visit his brother, I've stayed home. I just can't take it down there, even for a week or two.
(91,504 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)Because, otherwise, this thread is encouraging region-bashing when it really should be a poll for most screwed Republican.
(47,992 posts)is listening/watching.
(65,616 posts)Texas? Come ON! The Repukes here practically flop all over themselves to see who can offend the most and hurt the most.
(10,230 posts)And none are exempt - NONE. Couple years back, we in NH were in contention for some amazing douchebaggery by some freshly elected Teabaggers.
Time weighted average? Maybe Florida.... But not by a lot.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Helloooooo!
(1,212 posts)tama
(9,137 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)being backward, lack of opportunity, dearth of infrastructure, widespread poverty, lack of metro centers as economic engines and tax bases, minimal resources, bigotry fueled strife and repression, good ole boy politics, and bad education to me.
They may not lead in any category but are like top three in every one. Not much on the parks or culture either. There are other good cases but I'm hard pressed to not consider them upgrades from my travels.
(6,494 posts)