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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHeeeeeeeere's... Hatemail!
Well it's been a long time since the last DU Hate Mailbag, but since the bag is now overflowing with excreta it's time to empty it out and start all over again. Here are some of our favorites from the past... however many months it's been. Feel free to vote for yours in the poll at the bottom!
And of course, there is strong language ahead... you've been warned.
Subject: Inappropriate moderation
You suspended my account and I do not appreciate it. I broke no rules and did not say anything that was profane.
I suggest you put my post back up and reinstate my account if you do not want me to contact the LLC office directly and ask them to explain why you have censored the free speech of a member of a federally protected class.
Subject: Why
Why in the hell was I revoked? Truth to much for you? The nude Cubs bear mascot shows what life has. The devil hates it. People should say Hi shirt or hi pants instead of the name of whoever. That is what people accept.
Subject: (no subject)
I am considering getting the Netflix account. I've been told you have the season 5B of Breaking Bad, supposedly starting today, the 29th as you have stated several times. I look under another account and see you don't have this.. Is this par for the course? Aren't you keeping your word ? I'm in a very large corporate atmosphere and several would enjoy this service, but not if you can't keep your end of the bast gain. What can you say to me about this? It makes me a little angry to have you mislead not just me , but many of us. I'll wait for your reply if you're good enough to respond.
Subject: Lack of response
Since you have chosen to not respond, you have given reason to trash you on other sites.
Have a nice day..............
Subject: I know...
I hundreds of Democrate idiot's. The Democratic underground is one.
Subject: F bomb!?
I support your right to puke out your liberal jibrish, but could you please refrain from using the F word to title your stories. The proper question to ask is this: Does the Democratic underground know how crude they are?
Subject: (no subject)
What a gaggle of gestapo GARBAGE!!!
Piss on your echo chamber of Constitution hating, freedom hating, communist bits of rancid tallow.
There isn't a single freedom loving, open minded, real human being in the entire staff of your dungheap underground.
You would have gladly assassinated Martin Luther King if you had the chance!
Subject: you
suck c-ck
Subject: Rejection
Yes sinner oops skinner sounds like a racial name to me. I was rejected from your site of liberal assholes for not talking like this but expressing my opinions about a subject, which must had offended one of your little fairy skippers. I love guns, I love my country, and defending it, i believe in the death penalty, and i hunt animals when they become legal to hunt for food. I believe the Republicans have to go and if Rommeny could run again i would vote for him again. I also believe that MSNBC started this whole mess about race and i believe Our Fearless leader has no business meddling in the issue. Now you all i believe you think you all are so high and mighty that you can play GOD and oh i am afraid to say it so afraid that you you can BAN there i said it someone from your site that will soon fade into the sunset like many before that you want me to beg you for Fucking forgiveness well FUCK YOU DIP SHITS LOL
Subject: Censorship comes at a price...
Just thought I would let you know that when I finish up in DC I will soon be filing constitutional claims against you and your entire organization... It should make for some good reading material because right now Chief Justice John Roberts can't even defend himself... What do you think is going to happen when your readers see and read first hand what you did to me and how you violate your members constitutional rights???
The next time you decide to violate someone's constitutional rights, maybe you will think twice... Lawyer up! S~
[font size="3"]POLL: Who is your favorite hate mailer?[/font]
192 votes, 5 passes | Time left: Time expired | |
The person who is going to contact the LLC office directly | |
7 (4%) |
The person who thinks people should say hi shirt or hi pants | |
28 (15%) |
The person who thinks we're Netflix | |
13 (7%) |
The person who is going to trash us on other sites | |
0 (0%) |
The person who know hundreds of Democrate idiot's | |
10 (5%) |
The person who supports our right to puke out liberal jibrish | |
5 (3%) |
The person who thinks we would have gladly assassinated Martin Luther King | |
9 (5%) |
The person who can't write cock | |
8 (4%) |
The person who thinks MSNBC started this whole mess about race | |
13 (7%) |
The person who wants us to lawyer up | |
99 (52%) |
5 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
Show usernames
Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(25,699 posts)hobbit709
(41,694 posts)PeaceNikki
(27,985 posts)I hope all of these authors are reading.
(5,917 posts)csziggy
(34,189 posts)
(55,655 posts)uppityperson
(115,916 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)Liberalynn
(7,549 posts)
(16,184 posts)
(5,917 posts)Blanks
(4,835 posts)He was just choking on the word suck
Suck c_ck
(3,797 posts)sharp_stick
(14,400 posts)Thanks a lot.
The Wall of Stupid is back!
(148,652 posts)moron is my vote for the most moronic entry.
(4,524 posts)Has anyone informed the President of this!?
(148,652 posts)he means when he can safely leave the toilet he's sitting on in DC. That's my guess.
(4,542 posts)tblue37
(66,282 posts)I mean, WTF?
(31,493 posts)Gothmog
(159,627 posts)I love the lawyer post
(44,326 posts)and which ones come from far-far-left-fringe trolls.
(47,227 posts)
(177,382 posts)NightWatcher
(39,360 posts)Capt. Obvious
(9,002 posts)and cjeekdgg
(1,599 posts)

(115,916 posts)Soylent Brice
(8,308 posts)47of74
(18,470 posts)...if MacGyver wasn't available on NETFLIX.
(3,871 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)sarge43
(29,169 posts)uppityperson
(115,916 posts)nxylas
(6,440 posts)I kind of sympathised with the Netflix guy, because I've almost sent emails to the wrong address in the past. Fortunately, I've spotted them in time, but I couldn't help thinking "there but for the grace of God go I".
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)You don't know what you don't know.
(None of us do.)
(6,440 posts)I don't ever remember finding that I've sent an email to the wrong address after I've hit send. But that doesn't mean it's never happened. Which kind of reinforces my point, really.
(3,871 posts)notadmblnd
(23,720 posts)Sometimes it looks just like Netflix to me too.
(7,429 posts)Hopefully it can be an ongoing thing . . .
(27,787 posts)Aldo Leopold
(687 posts)It must be him!
(27,787 posts)Aldo Leopold
(687 posts)llmart
(16,344 posts)I was thinking the same thing.
(34,845 posts)
[hr][font color="blue"][center]Birds are territorial creatures.
The lyrics to the songbird's melodious trill go something like this:
"Stay out of my territory or I'll PECK YOUR GODDAMNED EYES OUT!"[/center][/font][hr]
winter is coming
(11,785 posts)I'm having fun trying to map these letters to some of the yahoos we banned when I was serving on MIRT recently. Believe me, there are many, many candidates. One might even say there were a gaggle of them, which tended to cause of gaggle of giggling and/or goggling in the MIRT forum.
(5,909 posts)
(10,745 posts)I dunno, but from my experience, I'd be willing to wager that they're either one of those black supremacist crazies(believe it or not, more than a few of *those types*, like Mr. Farrakhan for example, seem to think that us liberals are actually MORE racist than conservatives, for one. Amongst many other things.), or a dickhead neo-conservative hypocrite(many of whom, from what I've observed, also believe that us liberals are somehow, magically, far more racist than cons.). I'm leaning quite a bit towards the latter, personally, since they're the far more common of the two, but it may perhaps be the former. Either that, or maybe just a troll looking for lulz.
Either way, all the others were funny, too. Thanks EarlG.
(47,755 posts)You mean DU doesn't have Breaking Bad? What have I been watching?
(11,833 posts)is a racial name. But I love them all. More hate mail, please.
(22,165 posts)FSogol
(47,227 posts)Wonder if we could vaccinate the Freepers?
(7,549 posts)Vaccinations because education doesn't seem to work on freepers.
(34,582 posts)
(53,475 posts)LuckyLib
(6,939 posts)LOL! These are priceless!
(5,264 posts)I guess I gotta go with the MSNBC guy, with honorable mention to the "liberal jibrish" guy, just because of his spelling making me laugh so much.
Prophet 451
(9,796 posts)but the guy who thinks posting on a private board is covered ny the First won me over.
(22,165 posts)winter is coming
(11,785 posts)
(1,290 posts)I can't find the last season of Breaking Bad anywhere on DU either.
Prophet 451
(9,796 posts)jmowreader
(51,982 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker Motherfucker and tits.
(4,407 posts)Damn, that's rough.
(24,906 posts)was "And tits doesn't even belong on the list!"
That's my husband's favorite curse line when he gets extremely frustrated. Funny only because, unlike his foul-mouthed wife, he rarely curses which makes me roll with laughter.
amuse bouche
(3,671 posts)but I do agree the censorship here is absurd
(16,184 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)That's my kind of jibrish.
(19,089 posts)What a breath of fresh, rancid tallow air!
I had to go with the crowd on this ... I am awaiting grand jury indictment for violating a trolls constitutional rights! , ...
Delightful, Dave ... thanks ...
Aldo Leopold
(687 posts)Scary AND funny!
(11,833 posts)Hi pants!
(37,601 posts)...although in that case it was ethanol. Lots and lots of ethanol, from Kentucky.
(7,237 posts)But the "Lawyer up" one got my vote. This bit is hilarious:
herding cats
(19,659 posts)#2 I hope they sought medical help, because whatever they ingested was eating their brain cells at a rate they couldn't afford to lose them.
#3 Proud user of Worst Search.
#4 Bless their heart! As if they weren't already a charter member of a DU hate site. Too precious!
#5 Seems to think we're one collective intelligence. Wouldn't it be fun to blow their mind with a discussion on panpsychism?!
#6 Fucking fuckwit.
#7 Wins the creative writing award for this bag of hatemail.
#8 Is obviously a 10-year old child.
#9 Really needs to work on their issues with rejection.
#10 Let's just hope they don't homeschool their children.
They were all so funny! I had to give each their due respect.
Thanks for sharing these with us!
(1,290 posts)"I'll wait for your reply if you're good enough to respond."
I don't think that reply is coming any time soon...
(21,594 posts)the person who needed reason to trash DU on other sites needed love.
Would they have not had reason to trash if they received a reply, like:
suck c-ck

(189,215 posts)That cracked me up.
Everyone is commented in the c-ck letter but the intro also cracked me up "subject: you" short simple and you know nothing good is going to follow that.
(67,112 posts)Ratty
(2,100 posts)Filing constitutional claims. Sooo funny. I also always get a laugh out of ones that say they're going to report you to the internet.
(51,078 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)but JIBRISH won the day--the creative spelling pushed it over the edge!
This is frigging HILARIOUS...please bring this back more often!
(51,076 posts)one of the many reasons I fell in love with this place to begin with was the hate mailbag. I haven't the time to read this through right now but will give it a good going over once I get back home from the errands I must go on.
(18,998 posts)I voted for the one who said we would have assented MLK because it was closest to the crazy hate mail we used to have here on DU.
Get with it can pull in the crazies better than that batch.
(13,365 posts)
(24,347 posts)I would have written back "Come back! We have 3 seasons of Archer in HD!"
(308,408 posts)beerandjesus
(1,301 posts)1. The Top 10 Conservative Idiots
2. The Hate Mailbag
Been enjoying those since long before I ever actually signed up. Now I'm hooked anyway, but it's always good to see them come back!
(16,922 posts)NRaleighLiberal
(60,978 posts)

thanks...I needed this today!

(8,409 posts)Martin Luther King guy (?) edges it for me on use of alliteration in the first line, general style, and dismount.
(42,607 posts)Oh wait I see
Actually I like the lawyer up dude best. I'm assuming he'll need to get in line
(17,671 posts)because of the hate mailbag and conservative idiots.
Post all you want, I'll read more.
(55,655 posts)but I got such a laugh out of self-censoring cock in hate mail, I had to pick that one. You could say it picked me.
Brilliant headlines by EarlG. Definitely deserves a DUzy!
winter is coming
(11,785 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)
Another DUzy for winter is coming.

winter is coming
(11,785 posts)I'm still thinking about "monica". I'm not interested in the five gazillion threads about Monica that are likely to crop up, but I'd be crushed if I missed out on the latest harmonica news.
(919 posts)I really needed that today.
(20,219 posts)Hi pants!
The devil hates that.
(54,505 posts)Hi pants. The devil hates that.
This needs to become a thing.
(20,219 posts)Oh, wait...I was chopping onions at the time.....
Totally a thing, though! Totally.
The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)I am sure you will recall....
(43,203 posts)To confirm just tune in to Faux or OxyRush for just ten minutes.
(45,319 posts)nt
(96,604 posts)Oh yes, I voted for Mr. Lawyer Up. Think twice, indeed.
11 Bravo
(24,088 posts)blew by him in the stretch to win it going away.
(6,944 posts)
I LOVE DU hate-mail. ROFL!!!
(57,414 posts)I've been meaning to write them for months now, just haven't gotten around to it....
(4,734 posts)rurallib
(63,496 posts)it got a big chuckle out of me right off.
Now I admit threatening constitutional mayhem and all is funny, but 'office of the LLC' is just so absurd.
I do note that spelling seems to be improving however logic and expression are still stuck at 2 years old.
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)I voted for the one that said, "Yes sinner oops skinner sounds like a racial name to me." I don't have a clue as to what that even means. 'Course the rest of the diatribe was equally word saladish.
(115,916 posts)Squinch
(54,505 posts)You bast gain holding bastard.
I love the mailbag.
(113,131 posts)in that many of them can spell if they're not mortally offended by the word they've got to spell.
They're still clueless and I vote for the one who thinks the First Amendment preserves the right to bully everybody into listening to his free speech. I wish I could say it was a rare sort of idiot but these days they're all too common.
Let's hope he finds a greedy lawyer who takes the case.
(65,716 posts)He'd vote for him if he could, though, if he can find him on the ballot. Also for "fairy skippers," which is new to me.
And I want to know which episode of MSNBC started this racist mess. I can't find it on DU.
(7,221 posts)communist bits of rancid tallow."
Hang on... Where's this guy from? How the hell else do you marinate rancid tallow?
He probably cooks the shit straight from the can. How déclassé.
(12,448 posts)All are dunno...Oh hell, idiotic, drooling, knuckle-walking (with apologies to apes, chimps, etc) morons.
I voted for the LLC person (what the hell is the LLC office?) but any and all of these are "winners."
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)They would be the first to kick us off of any board they ran.
(162,403 posts)hatemail does more to invigorate me than does exercise
"..... i hunt animals when they become legal to hunt for food."
(533 posts)Because one DU is not Netflix
And two, Breaking Bad is real easy to find on Netflix. If you somehow miss it on several lists then use the search.
(1,314 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)

(1,314 posts)ut oh
(1,092 posts)
Why in the hell was I revoked? Truth to much for you? The nude Cubs bear mascot shows what life has. The devil hates it. People should say Hi shirt or hi pants instead of the name of whoever. That is what people accept.
and Gary Busey (sp?) should hang out. They both seem to like to greet their pants.
(56,177 posts)Decisions, decisions.
(37 posts)What a helluva way to start the day!
(68,918 posts)My favorite hate mail ever is the "I got called immature by someone named 'underpants'" or something to that effect.
(11,833 posts)thanks for sharing this. I love this stuff. Any more out there, anyone please post a link.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)Too many knuckledraggers cast a write-in vote for Rommeny instead. Those votes might have been counted had they not been written in jibrish.
(104,058 posts)
(11,689 posts)Because it doesn't make any sense at all. Although the guy objecting to the word "Fuck" (there, I said it!) who can't spell "gibberish" was a close second.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)You've been deporting people who are citizens again, haven't you... How many times do we have to have this discussion... Go to your rooms and no dinner for any of you.
(1,000 posts)Lighting a few candles for the sanity of EarlG
(67,112 posts)
(16,155 posts)lovemydog
(11,833 posts)My evening is complete!
(16,155 posts)We need a better class of trolls; they're just to lame to insult these days.
The Smell Test
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:38 PM
Subject: (no subject)
You A$$holes stink
DU RESPONDS: Then get your nose out of our undershorts.
A Laugh A Minute
From: To Be Announced
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 4:57 PM
Subject: bwahahahahahahaaha
Free speech?????????
har de har har no ideas, no balls, nothing to run on........
W will crush you in 04, get ready for the gulags!!!!!
Yes we stole the election, we are coming for you daughters next!!!!!!!!
DU RESPONDS: I'll let my daughter know you're on the way - I'm sure she'll be thoroughly impressed by your sloping forehead and tiny penis.
Mulder And Scully And Bonzer
From: John & Chris <>
Date: 4/14/2005 3:27 AM
Subject: No scull & bonzer.
Hi So why did you stop me from posting? No scull & bonzer. I would really like to know!! Are the You what you appear to be? {low life} ? founders of this board scared of someone who want to Impeach bush? YOU MAKE ME SICK TO MY STOMACH BANNING SOMEONE FOR A LITTLE TRUTH!! You should move to China{no free speech} there!!
DU RESPONDS: Sir, put your hands up and slowly step away from the paint thinner.
The Perils Of Watching Too Much Television
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 12:44:44 -0600
Subject: Democratic Underground
Your inablity to form an opinion that includes facts. You seem to believe that anyone who would dair to have a position that is not politically correct is an extreamist. Why not put the fachist in Berkley, Ca, that destroy news papers that publish facts that they don't like.
DU RESPONDS: You know, I've always found that reading books is an excellent way to improve one's spelling and grammar. You should try it sometime. If you can figure out which way up to hold them.
(171,889 posts)Soylent Brice
(8,308 posts)Yup.
Damn I love the hatemail.
(308,408 posts)Subject: Lack of response
Since you have chosen to not respond, you have given reason to trash you on other sites.
Have a nice day..............

(122,587 posts)GOVERNMENT interfering with your speech, NOT anyone else?
(35,211 posts)and you're just now telling me this isn't Netflix?
winter is coming
(11,785 posts)
(28,749 posts)Rex
(65,616 posts)Wait...What is a strange mix of quasi-babble even for your average RWinger. Amendment 28 is very important to remember, even if some moran figures out how to use a phone and directly contacts the LLC office...probably just a racist Foxnews fan on too much Oxycontin. "I hundreds of Democrate idiot's" deserves special mention for the legion of failure needed. It stands out as a tribute to all the semi-literate Foxnews viewers that think the POTUS is a Commie Fascists Muslim Atheist and hates Jesus.
Mailbag 300 Legion of Failure award goes to - "I hundreds of Democrate idiot's!"
(53,235 posts)BTW, anyone know where I can find a nude pic of the Cubs bear mascot? He's wearing a shirt and hat in all the pics I find.
Schema Thing
(10,283 posts)JustABozoOnThisBus
(24,006 posts)... only because I think alliteration always trumps logic.
Gaggle of Gestapo Garbage - cheap poetic tricks rock!!!11!
(2,977 posts)WTF would they care about the right to post on a blog! Another Republican Small (minded) Business owner.
(22,000 posts)But I'll go with the last one since obviously that's the one that's going to win. It's too bad polls are limited to 10. Next time you might have to do three separate ones with a run off final like on the picture threads. Yes, we want more hate mail!
(1,903 posts)Thanks.
(5,488 posts)berni_mccoy
(23,018 posts)liberalhistorian
(20,874 posts)"Hello shirt and pants, I'm a Democrate Idiot!" t-shirt or bumper sticker. And if I don't get it, I'm gonna complain to the LLC!
Response to EarlG (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(115,916 posts)
(23,213 posts)
(1,267 posts).........between "Hi, Shirt! Hi, Pants!" and "Lawyer up!". I struggled for a LOOOOOOONG time. Both were equally deserving of my vote, but for different reasons.
So, finally, being the good Democrate that I am, I came out in support of the underdog.
Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)Bluzmann57
(12,336 posts)I kinda like the "constitutionally protected" clowns myself. But I do have a question for the jackasses, er, people who wrote such tripe. Are my constitutional rights protected if I post in some cesspool masquerading as a rw website? One more thing, I have the freedom to say Fuck you to any and all rwers. Yep, I'm crude.
(37,549 posts)Endgames
(29 posts)I love these hatemail threads
(2,375 posts)Desperately needed a laugh today!