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Capt. Obvious
(9,002 posts)Red State Rebel
(2,903 posts)genwah
(574 posts)blackspade
(10,056 posts)That would be Democratic challenger.
(2,961 posts)LoisB
(9,607 posts)Response to Capt. Obvious (Reply #1)
Heather MC This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,286 posts)ChiciB1
(15,435 posts)is AWESOME!! This is scaring the SHIT out of me! Think about the guy who beat him! WORSE THAN CANTOR!
Even the sorta, kinda. iffey Repukes that might even give a THOUGHT to being normal, says this country is going FURTHER OFF COURSE!!
I don't think anyone saw this, but not sure I can take this RIGHTWARD LURCH, heading off a cliff. Am I alone???
(16,286 posts)sawdust
(199 posts)This fuels the flame of discourse and in fighting among the repugs.....who is the next in line for speaker now? hahahaha..
(7,747 posts)was immigration. Good luck seeing any changes in law with respect to immigration happening now. The Dreamers will have to keep dreaming I'm afraid.
(2,312 posts)Immigration reform is stone cold dead right now.
We have to hold the Senate and get back the House or it's 2 more years of stalemate and assquackery.
(7,747 posts)there is a part of me that wants to dance around because cantor got the rug pulled out from under him, but the price will be too high for the innocents...
Berlin Expat
(956 posts)we need to hold the Senate to block the worst excesses of a wingnut House of Representatives.
(21,506 posts)We just got a freshman senator for the majority leader! That is a win even if the guy is batshit crazy the level of power traded out there was immense. The new guy wont get anything done and will be a sole vote nay. I will take that trade every day of the week.
(12,882 posts)This rube will be a vote - nothing more. What tickles me is how Cantor's smile/sneer we've seen as he's been chomping at the bit for Boehner's gavel - will now mean ZIP! LOL!!!! Eric - go back to VA and sulk - you mean-spirited piece of s**t.
(3,300 posts)
(9,950 posts)And they've swapped a Rand Paul for another Ted Cruz.
(3,300 posts)
(9,950 posts)It's a safe district for the GOP. But other than their dislike for Cantor, Republicans there don't seem so out of step with the majority of Americans.
It would appear the mainstream media is going to muck this up again by wrongly claiming loud and long that it was immigration policy that booted Cantor.
(37,137 posts)This is a safe red district, but anything can happen.
(574 posts)In the mean time,
(15,071 posts)of leadership that Cantor was and will be (at least for some time) about as useful as Louie Gohmert.
(82 posts)I love the Hell out of seeing this putz take this hit, but if there was any prayer for Immigration Reform, forget it now, and maybe for the next 3 years at the least.. This comes from my hubby who is an activist, who explained it at length to me..
After this result, no repubz will utter a word about it, and you can throw in moderate Dems in hard races in November. Now, if we aren't careful and we lose a few seats in the Senate, you can forget about it in the next Congress as well..
If we should lose the Senate.. ba bye. The President could do it by executive order, but that may be impossible until after the November election at the earliest, and the next Pres. Dem candidate may not want him to do that until after the 2016 elections..
(7,747 posts)billhicks76
(5,082 posts)Is that possible? At least this guys not coached and developed by Big Money and the War Machine. I'm sure he's a conservative crazyman but at least he had a PHd. You don't think this gives the Democrat the edge? But what if this guy wants to bomb Iran like Cantor did? Where the Hell is our version of the Tea Party??? We are dropping the ball...people are fed up with business as usual and we could squeeze some Progressives in if it weren't for our own Eric Cantors trying to keep the club exclusive.
(33,424 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)Capt. Obvious
(9,002 posts)nadinbrzezinski
(154,021 posts)Last edited Tue Jun 10, 2014, 08:41 PM - Edit history (1)
and that is not a bad thing... I think
He is losing to a tea party crank that makes Cantor look rational if I remember correct though.
(15,435 posts)Other than Cantor being gone, there may now be an even CRAZIER idiot in Congress! Tell me I'm really, really wrong, I need you hear it. A really conservative District, you think it's minimum wage??
(154,021 posts)an issue locally.
And yes, Brat is a strong dose of tea
(15,435 posts)What do you READ in these tea leaves?
(154,021 posts)though I suspect part of it was immigration, the other not approving funds after the quake.
Now if Issa was the one out the door, I would be able to have a more informed opinion, my beat to a point,.
(15,435 posts)Florida is mine, so I'm out in "Left" field too. Just wondering why I don't feel so happy.
(154,021 posts)dhill926
(16,953 posts)piece of shit with an absolute madman? Or does a Dem have any chance in the general?
but Dem Party didn't do a THING for a real winner last time around.
(12,051 posts)pointing out that national dem orgs sent NO money to Powell, even though he was polling at 40% before the election. Everyone wonders why that happened. Was there a high-level agreement between R and Ds that Cantor would not be challenged? Or what?
No one has come up with a decent explanation for that. If the dem orgs do send money to this new Dem challenger, what will it tell us? If they don't, it will most certainly tell us they don't care if tea partiers win.
(138,720 posts)defended the 'decision' to not 'throw money away' on Powell. We had several 'discussions' here at the time. Allegedly, it was because they had to decide among numerous candidates, and decided they could not beat cancer.
(12,051 posts)beaten, it was still important to show state democrats that national democrats and the Party itself was still behind their own candidates. Otherwise, local Dem parties wither and die. After all, the Repub Party has thrown money at its candidates all the way down to dogcatcher, and they've done well with that tactic.
(138,720 posts)I think I just slammed my fist on the table, NOT at all constructive.
(33,424 posts)He has $1000.00 cash on hand.'s_7th_Congressional_District_elections,_2014
(119,281 posts)Most of Cantor's voters will probably move over to Brat, but it is an opportunity.
(3,121 posts)HooptieWagon
(17,064 posts)... a rookie Representative isn't going to have choice committee assignments, committee chairs, or much influence as compared to Cantor. So even if the Dem candidate loses, its still a bit of a victory for Democrats in that the GOP loses some experienced leadership.
(138,720 posts)How apt!!!
(308,408 posts)Republican 51.2% Reporting
D. Brat
E. Cantor (i)
We can't get him from the left maybe we can get him from the right?! If he loses then a Dem will have to run against Brat, no?
Bet he's sweating right now and the smirk is gone.
(138,720 posts)genwah
(574 posts)
Response to elleng (Reply #13)
littlewolf This message was self-deleted by its author.
(25,111 posts)elleng
(138,720 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)which means he's even worse than Cantor, although probably less effective. It would be nice if he turned out to be nutty enough to lose in November, but that's a long shot in VA.
Cantor is losing because fracking caused earthquakes have caused damage in his district and he was stupid enough to oppose any government aid to help fix it.
(308,408 posts)against him and Win!
(138,720 posts)but surely if Dem party does NOTHING to support the Dem candidate, like last time.
(33,424 posts)Which is nothing in a Congressional race. If the DCCC does not support him with money he will go nowhere.'s_7th_Congressional_District_elections,_2014
(138,720 posts)genwah
(574 posts)Nay
(12,051 posts)$400,000 (NONE from Dem national orgs, all his own money or local donations). And Powell STILL got 40% of the vote. So money from Du, Act Blue, etc. is critical.
(15,071 posts)how could he be any worse than that smirking weasel?
(154,021 posts)Oy... I hope that gives the dem a chance, and makes a non contested district one that is.
(6,145 posts)I can't wait to see that weasel's concession speech.
(138,720 posts)malaise
(281,661 posts)Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah hahahahahaha
(138,720 posts)so maybe some hope that repugs would change their ways, and actually GOVERN???!!!
NV Whino
(20,886 posts)Even if the teabagger wins the general, and I hope he won't, he will be a freshman. And Cantor will be toast either way.
(71,265 posts)tk2kewl
(18,133 posts)D. Brat
E. Cantor (i)
Brother Buzz
(38,240 posts)Looks like the Democrats torpedoed Canter. My money says this seat will flip in November if the numbers hold.
DCCC, please pick up the nearest white courtesy telephone.
(24,096 posts)Hallejuah!
(22,974 posts)I live right next to Virginia and I don't want it to be wackjob-land.
(20,453 posts)
to the DCCC!
Brother Buzz
(38,240 posts)Whisp
(24,096 posts)Be still my heart.
Eric Cantor, the evil thing of all evil things.
(14,035 posts)Boehner might push it through since his Majority Leader has only six more months on the job. Or maybe Cantor will push for it simply to piss off the Tea Party types that rejected him.
(71,265 posts)former9thward
(33,424 posts)Cantor was the one pushing it. Other Rs will see what happened to him and run away from it. No one can 'push it through.
Rosa Luxemburg
(28,627 posts)that is why immigration is going to be topic of the year
(19,537 posts)I would hope that if we can get a more Democratic majority in congress instead of a Cantor controlled majority, that we could get a more clean bill out of the house that does REAL immigration reform, and not trying to use that to expand legalized slave labor here that screws working class both of those working as H-1B workers and those of us that get put out of work and our salaries lowered because of it. H-!B is NOT immigration, but temporary worker legislation, where ultimately the work experience is transfered out of this country instead of building it up here.
(33,424 posts)There is a big conflict in the Democratic Party on immigration. The unions generally oppose it, especially the H-1B. The tech companies who give heavily to the Party support it. A bigger Democratic majority will not resolve these differences.
(19,537 posts)... with the corporate lobbyists in the past to infect bills like this with the H-1B crap in them. But even Clinton lately has been trying to appear more "progressive" as a part of sounding out whether she's running for president in 2016. We as progressives can also make this an issue in coming primaries too, so that we make sure and nominate those who will get out the H-1B programs from such legislation. The tide is building now. Perhaps even some tea partiers that are less corporatist in allegiances amongst Republicans would like to see this stuff pulled out and work together to see that it is.
(38,761 posts)David Dewhurst sez hi.
(22,298 posts)couldn't happen to nicer people.
I do hope this means the Dems win, otherwise it will be "cuckoo for Cocoapuffs" time....
(38,761 posts)I will begin phone banking come October/ November.
(3,580 posts)Hope it doesn't 't backfire on dems. If Brat wins dems better put up a fight. Brat is a loon.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)Wipe that smirk off his face.
(22,913 posts)that's great! i know nothing about this district. dem beating cantor would be hard but surely we can make a campaign of it against a teahadist, right?????
(90,319 posts)Poor wittle Eric.
Now we need to take that seat! Go Dems~
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)that long ago and have been clawing at it for years.
A challenge from the right according to the brain dead media who say it is a safe seat for any crazy Republican without daring to mention the distorted, convoluted gerrymandered District or the voter turnout.
Cantor was not rusty or lazy, he refused to cross over to the tea party crazy.
(88,117 posts)Don't know which is worse.
(11,441 posts)to the extent they are. A Democrat hasn't held that seat since 1971... we're talking George "Macaca" Allen territory.
(33,424 posts)Someone more right wing than Cantor will take the seat. And it kills immigration reform which Cantor was pushing for.
(11,441 posts)I'm just logging on for the day and this map may have been discussed already, but thought I'd share it here:
What the hell is going on in the Richmond 'burbs?!
This comment at WaPo was rather interesting:
(33,424 posts)I wish I knew more about the area.
(38,197 posts)easier than Cantor. Plus, with the new guy going in, he won't hold so many committee seats and other leadership positions like Cantor. At least, that seems to be the gist of the idea that I have read here.
It sounds like a gamble to me, not something to cheer about. If the Democrat loses to the new extremist, it definitely won't be something to cheer about. I wish someone would explain why Teabaggers winning primaries is a good thing, in their view.
(71,265 posts)Puglover
(16,380 posts)to report on this. It's a big big deal.
(37,364 posts)They didn't see it coming.
(16,380 posts)I have always loathed that smarmy creep. But not sure how this will play out.
(15,071 posts)done to stop everything Obama? There is no chance for any compromise on anything that involves the President, so Cantor being replaced won't matter. Put a bag over Brat's head and you would not know the difference between him and Cantor. "No" and other crazy teabagger crap would still be coming out the mouth hole.
(36,510 posts)AlinPA
(15,071 posts)VanillaRhapsody
(21,115 posts)SoCalNative
(4,613 posts)are beyond thrilled over this
(3,580 posts)Cantor has his support there out in the more rural areas Brat may beat him
(71,265 posts)malaise
(281,661 posts)
(71,265 posts)
(281,661 posts)Damn!!!
City Lights
(25,575 posts)
(25,704 posts)My lung felt great.
(71,265 posts)gwheezie
(3,580 posts)His dad hired him to work in the family business then got him a job with the GOP. Eric should call George Allen for help
(17,199 posts)
(10,115 posts)elleng
(138,720 posts)apparently fracking an issue, tho not being told, and immigration reform a big issue as cancer apparently was supporting 'reform.'
(25,061 posts)Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)malaise
(281,661 posts)sufrommich
(22,871 posts)Yavin4
(37,110 posts)Boomerproud
(8,647 posts)Pukes created this monster and are being eaten by it. The rest of us are next unless people in this district come to their senses.
(16,149 posts)spanone
(138,395 posts)madinmaryland
(65,303 posts)
(22,913 posts)Lee-Lee
(6,324 posts)That is the wedge issue he got defeated on.
I suspect the recent news coverage of immigrant children pushed this race over.
No Republican in the House will even think about supporting it now after seeing what happened to him. I suspect it just made many Democrats in moderate districts pretty gun shy on immigration as well.
I can't smile too much his defeat when it signals the much bigger thing we most clearly just lost any chance of.
(15,435 posts)Whooping this up isn't how I'm feeling!
myrna minx
(22,772 posts)Jefferson23
(30,099 posts)Ilsa
(62,584 posts)Cantor? I realize he would be a freshman if he won in November and wouldn't have the same power and influence. Could the Dem win in November?
(7,940 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)

(7,264 posts)But someone beat Eric Cantor..... how can you not be happy about that!!!!!!
(2,157 posts)tosh
(4,453 posts)ucrdem
(15,720 posts)

(119,940 posts)

(90,319 posts)
Thanks justin.
(653 posts)Good riddance!
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)Cantor didn't take the challenge seriously. Lets hope this guy has a closet chock full of skeletons.
(574 posts)LadyHawkAZ
(6,199 posts)
(281,661 posts)rug
(82,333 posts)mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)the GOP are all teabaggers now!
(10,115 posts)Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)that, I'm pretty sure, doesn't have anything to do with the saki...
(106,886 posts)By Jake Sherman | 6/10/14 8:03 PM EDT Updated: 6/10/14 8:22 PM EDT
RICHMOND, Va. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was toppled on Tuesday night in the most shocking primary defeat since Republicans took the House in 2010.
Dave Brat, a local economics professor who had tea party support, became the second challenger to defeat a House incumbent this primary season. Texas Republican Ralph Hall lost to a tea party insurgent at the end of May.
Continue Reading
Brat also halted one of the most meteoric rises in national politics, and his win illustrates the strong anti-incumbent fever that has taken over Cantors Richmond-area district.
Cantors defeat not only reorders Virginia politics, where Cantor was the highest-ranking Republican, but it completely throws the House Republican leadership into flux. Cantor, 51, was long seen as the next speaker of the House after John Boehner retires.
Lint Head
(15,064 posts)nadinbrzezinski
(154,021 posts)go to his website
Strong dose of tea right there
(8,554 posts)Never thought I'd be recommending a tea-party win, but if that's what it took to send Cantor packing, so be it.
Majority Leader comes crashing down!
(904 posts)...yep, he's gone, but next stop is likely K-Street. Watch his annual income increase exponentially in the coming months and years.
If he's astute, he might be more dangerous out of Congress than in. He had the spotlight on him when he was serving his constituents. Now the spotlight is off - which means he'll be able to get away with a lot more than before. And that's saying a lot.
(16,286 posts)Is there any chance of the Dem beating the terrorist in Nov?
(3,245 posts)This is going to scare away the rethugs who support it, and probably some democrats, too.
(15,435 posts)Can a Democrat win?? I certainly hope all the hoopla here is real, cause I'm really worried. YESTERDAY, a Democrat threw the legislature to the Repukes, TODAY Cantor loses!
Please keep posting stuff that will make me feel better. As with most of we who follow politics, this is a shock to me but is it even possible a Democrat can win? And will a Democrat from that District be even a real Democrat???
(24,663 posts)Just...WOW!
(24,347 posts)First House Majority Leader to lose his seat in a primary in 115 years.
The Tea Party Frankenstein is destroying its creator.
(34,541 posts)[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=]GIFSoup[/URL]
(15,071 posts)Both are teabaggers.
(33,594 posts)I'm shocked.
(13,568 posts)AlinPA
(15,071 posts)totodeinhere
(13,568 posts)I just checked Freeperville and they are just ecstatic over there. And good news for them is bad news for me.
(15,071 posts)we won't be celebrating. With all the obstruction by the House of anything Obama, it probably won't make a lot of difference anyway. It's still no to everything and a continuation of the Repeal Obamacare loop.
(33,594 posts)He is still a candidate.
Also, if the teabagger wins, he will not automatically assume Cantor's leadership position, and that is a good thing. It will still go to a dickhead, as that's about all the GOP consists of these days, but it won't be that teabagger.
(3,300 posts)

(7,858 posts)loyalsister
(13,390 posts)Former congressman Ben Jones (D-Ga.), better known as "Cooter" from Dukes of Hazzard, has a plan to knock Eric Cantor out of the House. He's urging his fellow Democrats to cross over and vote for a tea party-backed candidate in Virginia's primary election.
The question I have now is whether it's possible for him to be a solid candidate?
(390 posts)
(2,157 posts)From Day One of Obamas presidency, Eric Cantor has used every dirty trick to block the Democratic agenda. There are so many big issues we could make progress on without Republicans like Eric Cantor in our way: raising the minimum wage, passing comprehensive immigration reform, student loan reform, and making millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share just to name a few.
And tonight, Cantor has been thrown out by the Tea Party base that hes kowtowed to at every turn.
If youre also glad that Cantors been shown the door, sign our card to let him know:
Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)Now, can the Dems pick up the seat against a Bagger?
Since when was Eric Cantor too moderate for the Tea Party? Eric, my man, reap what you sow.
Bonhomme Richard
(9,267 posts)ChiciB1
(15,435 posts)because the guy who got elected is a NUT JOB! I have no idea who the Democrat is, and yesterday a Democrat GAVE the legislature to Repukes! What kind of Democrat could possibly win here? Just asking.
(793 posts)especially Eddie Cantor, do not get into politics, and if you do, don't be a RePUG!
(20,166 posts)
(71,265 posts)

(9,222 posts)NuttyFluffers
(6,811 posts)i'm pretty sure i won't miss him. wait, let me reflect... nope, still pretty sure.
(15,435 posts)OMG, puleeeeze! Here we go!
(8,554 posts)Or do you mean the tea-bagger?
(15,435 posts)Commenters are saying the winner is anyone who's against immigration! WOW, sure hope I feel better tomorrow!
I'm kind of having some weird thoughts that "batshit goonies" are really taking this country SOUTH! And not the border south, the idiot SOUTH!
(8,554 posts)to another batshit goonie. Both tea-partiers, and both destructive, but Cantor was smug in his seat, big in the various committees he was a member of, and confident that he could continue to lead the House down a rabbit-hole. The new guy doesn't have any such power.
I know, it's scary shit to be cheering for a tea-party victory, and I'm not real comfortable with it at all, but Cantor was a slithering snake. Now he's probably wondering what could have brought this all on...his promotion and crackpot support of the tea-baggers is what caused it. They eat their own.
(15,435 posts)Maybe Democrats cobbled together and voted against THE SLIME BALL CANTOR!
(7,463 posts)
(25,111 posts)3....2....1.....blame game and guess who and political group its gonna be.
(380 posts)were sent packin I would really celebrate. I say it wont change a thing because come voting time in Congress their votes would be the same anyway.
(2,647 posts)

F*** you Cantor.
Hopefully the bagger is on the Akin/McDonnell/Angle-level of crazy.
(148,594 posts)

Hope that the Democrat can be propped up there.

(2,236 posts)But I can't help being happy because, well...I hate that guy.
(11,639 posts)Use THIS as a theme song...
marble falls
(63,641 posts)totodeinhere
(13,568 posts)she got run over by a freight train.
(280 posts)Good grief, now the Supremes can say I told you so. Cantor with his campaign millions lost to a first timer with a few hundred thou. Citizens United gets a boost.
(894 posts)Hell of a Frankenstein's monster with the Tea Party.
It's turning on them, but this has to be put down in the general. Can you imagine a TP controlled congress?
We'll be Farked, Fracked, Frigged and Fucked in no time...
(5,811 posts)domestic terrorist Eric Cantor LOST
(26,791 posts)
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)n/t
(2,522 posts)The GOP primaries sure bring out the fringe.
(6,151 posts)Now the key is to convince the idiot to run as a write-in candidate, thereby splitting the nutjob vote as much as possible and encouraging a leftward win. I encourage Mike Huckabee to run for president for that very reason.
(39,937 posts)
(1,620 posts)MrMickeysMom
(20,453 posts)Well, it looks like he's private right-wing educated and can't tell the difference between church and state, if you ask me.
Brat launched his campaign in January. Like many tea party-aligned candidates, he said he wanted to address the nations ballooning deficit and that he wanted to be Cantors term limit.
But, even for a conservative hopeful, he took on the Republican establishment in unusually harsh terms. Shortly after launching his campaign, according to an account in the Culpeper Star Exponent, Brat held an event in which he suggested that Washington politicians charged money to pass laws. He also said that, to get a seat on the House Ethics Committee, a member would have to pay $150,000.
Read more:
(20,176 posts)Puzzledtraveller
(5,937 posts)Aerows
(39,961 posts)getting beaten is the first time a Sitting Majority Leader got ejected in a Primary since 1899. So yes, this is a good thing. It is telling how little respect the members of his district have for him.
Besides, he's so sour, I hope he goes home tonight and recognizes that despite how highly he thinks of himself, his constituents don't!
(71,265 posts)Aerows
(39,961 posts)smarmy and condescending, I think everyone on the left (and some on the right) are pleased to see that arrogant snob get his behind handed to him. He's like Romney, so arrogant he didn't see it coming, either.
(39,961 posts)has lost, much to his surprise. Couldn't happen to a more richly deserving smarmy clown.
(65,616 posts)Kennah
(14,465 posts)My bad. Thought this was a different game.
(753 posts)Many reps will be scared to support reform.
(6,445 posts)It's been dead for awhile and as we've seen, nothing of any importance will get done while Obama is in office because he - and the country - can't have a win.
(320 posts)That smarmy fucker is gone! Good riddance!
(3,300 posts)
Historic NY
(38,599 posts)

(40,094 posts)Hom from a come back hee hee
(18,470 posts)struggle4progress
(121,814 posts)About 7% voted for Brat, about 6% for Cantor
(13,792 posts)How Debbie Wasserman Schultz manages to make Tramell lose.
(16,149 posts)SmittynMo
(3,544 posts)At first, I thought, OMG, a tea party POS overtakes the GOP? It's getting worse than I thought.
Think about it. Based on many postings I have read on this, many dems came out to vote against Cantor. Cantor needed to get the boot. He was the extreme of the GOP and stood for nothing. But replacing him with a tea party idiot? Could it be worse than Cantor? Perhaps. Perhaps not. He does not have the recognition Cantor had, and will most likely lose in November. I think it was a good move. The dems now have a chance to take it all in November. I just hope they don't blow it. A good offense starts with a good defense. And then there's the fact that this a a huge blow to the GOP. They are falling apart on a daily basis.
Either way, then end result is that Cantor is out and I couldn't be happier. Good riddance sucka.
get the red out
(13,692 posts)by the monster they created in the "Tea Party".