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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIs Hillary currently your first choice for US President in 2016?
Simple question.
78 votes, 1 pass | Time left: Unlimited | |
Already got my Hillary 2016 bumper sticker ready! | |
4 (5%) |
No, but I'd still be excited for her. | |
4 (5%) |
No, but I'd vote for her grudgingly. | |
11 (14%) |
Nope, and would never vote for her. | |
7 (9%) |
Just plain No | |
51 (65%) |
i like 2 vote | |
1 (1%) |
1 DU member did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(34,556 posts)Trying to get Janice Kovach elected in the NJ 7th. Also - very few people knew of Obama as a viable candidate in 2006. Who knows? Maybe Tammy Duckworth would decide to run? I'm not saying that's a possibility - but the field is too wide open to make a decision like that so soon. But given a choice between Duckworth and Clinton? The Duckworth visual and story alone would be compelling.
(10,462 posts)djean111
(14,255 posts)
Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers this commercial.
(10,462 posts)Kurska
(5,739 posts)If knife fights break out in the replies though, I'm not going to complain.
(34,648 posts)Might settle this thing once and for all.
(5,739 posts)It is gonna take at least 3 more threads before we put this issue to bed.
Stop playing. You mean 3000.
(5,739 posts)That oughta do it.
(34,648 posts)Could be interesting. Maybe.
(135,425 posts)DU doesn't always pick winners, and they're way behind the eight ball when it comes to picking nominees. I can remember some nasty, loud, well-populated and pointless arguments by the Kucinich crew, who were firm in their belief that their candidate had a prayer and who lashed out with vigor at anyone who dared contradict that POV.
I can remember when most people here at DU LIKED Al Gore. Now he can't get a kind word, it would seem.
(12,958 posts)But no matter, we can all back whomever best represents our interests, unlike the GOP who march in lockstep behind their stupid of the moment.
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)Last edited Sat Aug 16, 2014, 02:09 PM - Edit history (1)

Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)so I've been attempting to look at it/her through a positive lens.
I believe she would be awesome for women's rights around the
world. But she lost me at Monsanto. And then her criticism
of Obama's foreign policy really pissed me off. So I am done
with her. Don't kill me.
(135,425 posts)Response to leeroysphitz (Reply #2)
wyldwolf This message was self-deleted by its author.
(12,958 posts)Flame test?
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)position in our government, are we supposed to just be quiet and not express how we, THE PEOPLE, remember THEM? feel about it?
For the record, I will never support any politician who supports our brutal, illegal and mostly bigoted FP.
Nor would I support anyone who is more protective of Corporate Interests than those of the people.
(32,017 posts)-Laelth
marble falls
(63,666 posts)Laelth
(32,017 posts)
(41,694 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)
(5,739 posts)Or JustAnotherGen. I got nothin beyond that. I'm an undecided voter. I hope CNN calls me up to be on a panel.
(5,739 posts)That way we can have a presidency more dysfunction than congress.
Ever played that game where you write a letter one person and one word at a time, state of the union.
(34,648 posts)My word would be plankton. That will fix you all.
Ok. I nominate ALL of DU for president. Better us than that silly libertarian.
(5,739 posts)On second thought, lets just let Manny write it, that'll be a hoot.
(34,648 posts)Not third Way Manny. No!
I think Trumad could do a great job. They could tag team.
But they have to do it like that show Drunk History.
(5,739 posts)Honestly, as long as BanesBane gets to be the press secretary, I'm happy.
(34,648 posts)I just want to be head of the DEA. I have no experience.
(5,739 posts)Always thought that sounded more like a fun Friday night than a government agency.
(34,648 posts)I'll do that then. For legitimate purposes, of course. I could store it myself for safekeeping. I'm very kind in that way. Always ready to do my part.
(5,739 posts)Weed needs to be disposed of by weekly burning in the parking lot.
It'll be open to the public and of course it only makes sense to sell reasonably priced snacks as well for budgetary purposes.
I expect the nation debt to be wiped out in a month.
(34,648 posts)I love you.
(5,739 posts)I love me too .
You're my favorite DUer (besides myself) to be honest, keep being awesome.
(34,648 posts)My list of DUERS i NEED to meet includes you. One day, we'll all get together for a DU conference. You will be required to kick it with me! Bonobo better come too.
(5,739 posts)Sign me up for DUcon if it ever materializes.
And it ain't a party till Bonobo shows up, that is for sure.
(34,556 posts)And I'm going to appoint Manny to head up the NSA.
MrScorpio to head the White American teen pregnancy task force.
msanthrope to head Dept of Education
Number23 gets to be SOS.
Freshwest is Sec of Defense
You all get jobs where either you don't give a shit or you will reform that shit!
And day one - I'm signing an edict stating that the cap on payments to Social Security are being lifted. No more caps on SS payments. That will reform real proper like! And lowering the age to 60. And free prescriptions for all senior citizens. This way we have more folks who are retired who can devote their energy to getting liberal candidates elected.
Whose with me?
(34,648 posts)JustAnotherGen FOR PRESIDENT!!!!
So, I guess 1SBM can be VP.
(34,556 posts)I'm making M0rpheus Press Secretary - told him he could give all Press Conferences in gifs!
(34,648 posts)I love that idea. Republicans would cry themselves to sleep at night after he clowned them to death. We need somebody for the Federal reserve.... CHA!!!
(34,556 posts)
Oh yeah - and we WILL have an ERA - and redqueen and seabeyond are going to be appointed to that task force.
BainsBane is going to head up ATF - it just makes sense!
(34,648 posts)I need to test the evidence to ensure quality controls. Or something like that.
Bettyellen needs a job too. Be nice if she could just take over for Boehner.
(34,556 posts)I gotta brainstorm this.
(34,648 posts)Solved. TBH, I think he could convince the righties to follow him. IMHO, it would take a special type to get her elected as speaker. He could be her wingman and sooth the ruffled tea party feathers.
(34,556 posts)YoungdemCA is going to be my Chief of Staff - if not young dem - then either Mineral Man or H20 man.
(34,648 posts)He knows whats up.
He always makes me smile, even when he's pissed.
And Bluenorthwest can head up the LGBT task force. Help us banish the homophobes to a patch of land nobody wants.
(34,556 posts)And behind_ the_aegis is going to shake up the faith initiative for us! Can't wait to see what behind does with the National Day of Prayer!
(34,648 posts)We gonna set it off!!!
(308,450 posts)

(34,648 posts)That's why we would do a better job than any republican. We WANT to work. They do anything to prevent work.
(90,338 posts)Here is MOrpheus now at a presser answering reporters....
Chuck Todd here, I have a question~
Sit down, Mr Todd!
Then the ladies in the audience swoon~
(34,556 posts)
(90,338 posts)However it makes me laugh my ass off. Good Goddess, we all need that. JAG.
(34,648 posts)Please. I hate 16 and pregnant.
(34,556 posts)And Teen Mom the other day. I didn't realize there was such an epidemic.
But what about the children!?!?!
(34,648 posts)!!!!!!!
Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)Spongebob. Spongebob Plankton.
Apparently plankton and spongebob go well together.
I never knew this, but then I know little about Spongebob.
According to google images, there are evil spongebob plankton,
and there are baby spongebob plankton, they're cute. You will
also find sad spongebob plankton, angry spongebob plankton,
variegated colorful plankton of every mood.
If all of these plankton can get along with Spongebob it
follows that anything is possible in this great country.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)
(308,450 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)I have a cute Zebra print dress that would look great on TV.
(308,450 posts)Somehow, I think I may be skipped over. I've never voted for one repub. Oh, well. There's more ways to get on TV.
(135,425 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,556 posts)You are going to be the ambassador to Italy!
(6,944 posts)I suspect there are a sizable number of DU-ers who feel that way.
(5,739 posts)ColesCountyDem
(6,944 posts)That's the trouble with adjectives. I've been disappointed a few times, when my candidate didn't get the nomination, but there was nothing 'grudging' about my post-convention support for our party's nominee.
(24,667 posts)rpannier
(24,667 posts)The republicans will run someone who is so incredibly vile that she will look like Polly Anna and Sweet Polly Pureheart by comparison
I have a friend who used to work for a (now retired) senator who told me he heard Scalia say (on more than one occasion) that he wouldn't retire unless his replacement mirrored his views.
If a Republican gets elected the dominoes fall: Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy
If a Democrat gets elected: Scalia hangs around, dies in office, Thomas follows (because he does whatever Scalia does)
And likely Brenner and Ginsburg would retire as well
(189,258 posts)dembotoz
(16,922 posts)she reminds me of gerald ford but does not trip as much
(43,891 posts)and by hurt, I mean real polls shatter people's illusions.
(5,739 posts)I know I read that in the constitution...somewhere.
(23,973 posts)Neither does anyone else who votes Democratic and never even heard of DU.
(18,184 posts)and Secretary of State Lee Mercer!
(5,739 posts)
(13,218 posts)That's Bill's problem.
(72,790 posts)AndreaCG
(2,331 posts)But in the primary my first choice is the veep. I think Biden has been an exemplary public servant and deserves a promotion.
(74 posts)it's really that stark a choice. Clintons' Bridge to the 21st century is a bridge to hell on earth (climate change). She and Bill have are totally OUT OF STEP with what humans MUST do now.
(12,958 posts)Perhaps you should study up on the activities of the Clinton Global Initiative.
(28 posts)Barney Frank? Elizabeth Warren?
(34,648 posts)Y'all need to be more like me.
(45,319 posts)I met Paul once. He'd have my vote.
(34,648 posts)The man is scary smart. I'd do some vote fraud for that one. Get him 110% of the votes.
(50 posts)Hilary is way too hawkish for my tastes, and her political views in general have shifted to the right over the past few years. At the end of the day, however, I would choose her over ANY Repub.
(71,265 posts)fadedrose
(10,044 posts)because I doubt if I'll be alive to vote anything. It's therefore, an honest answer.
I suppose if I were unfortunate enough to have all these physical ailments for another 3 years, I'd have picked "yes, but grudgingly.'
(25,699 posts)
(34,648 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)party from even greater absurdity.
Otherwise, never probably applies.
(31,493 posts)

(50,983 posts)Because she is just as bad and the Democrats will get the blame for her actions.
(26,314 posts)the making a mockery of and outright destruction of our civil liberties and limits on the powerful to Federal Courts!
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I am not sure I would in the first instance, but I absolutely will in the second should she get the nomination.
(16,113 posts)BainsBane
(55,670 posts)People need to get over this obsession with the Presidency. We have a midterm election. This notion of vesting everything in a single office is absurd and shows no conception of how government works or how power is allocated. Meanwhile, the GOP is working on 2014, The CURRENT ELECTION, that most people here pay no attention to. Midterms are where congress is chosen and state elections are determined, and it is state legislatures that control redistricting, the single most important act in the allocation of power. The obsession on the presidency is a stunning demonstration in how the self-described 'left" renders itself politically irrelevant. And then you wonder why so little happens. This is exactly why the GOP is able to exercise so much power while representing a minority of the electorate.