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City Lights
(25,575 posts)
(85,357 posts)and some of them well-organized, to remove him. They had a chance a few years back and blew it.
WHY does this individual get ANY votes at all? What goes on, Wisconsin? WTF do you see in this guy???
(5,644 posts)
Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)A "guy" is a human being who has a mind of his own.
Walker is a Koch whore.
(5,644 posts)I totally agree.
(97,964 posts)TerrapinFlyer
(277 posts)End his political career now.
(65,820 posts)disgusting creep...
but Skeletor Scott is pretty bad.
I can't decide which one I want to lose the most, Skeletor or the Koch Dummy.
(97,964 posts)Bettie
(17,917 posts)That and Joni Ernst getting sent back to the hole she came out of are my greatest wishes this election season.
a kennedy
(32,960 posts)
(17,917 posts)his turtle tunnel forever.
(28,394 posts)Hope she smacks the hell out of Walker.
(65,820 posts)Whatta great thought to groove on!
(1,628 posts)sitting in a cave, grooving with a pict.
Pink Floyd
(1,649 posts)bigwillq
(72,790 posts)PeaceNikki
(27,985 posts)but not as confident as you.
(36,063 posts)Spotted Cow, from New Glarus Brewing.
It took months but I finally found something I -really- feel strongly positive about her.
(27,985 posts)The party is doing well rallying in Dane and Milwaukee counties, I really hope we can pull this off.
Ugh. Nervous wreck.
(36,063 posts)looks like I've got all my election-day necessities ready.
(27,985 posts)At least Rahm has some evil genius type charisma.
(36,063 posts)and that was WAY before GOTH.
(27,985 posts)
(11,626 posts)WE had a hella nail biting time here during our last go-round. We ended up electing Mcauliffe, Northrop and Herring -- the big three in the state politics are all Dem here now.
We were always cautiously optimistic in Virginia during that election. Good Luck to you all in Wisconsin!
(27,985 posts)It's been heartbreaking to watch my state fall so far from its roots.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)I am cautiously optimistic, too. I cannot stand to see what has happened to our state. As you probably know, I am in education. And teetering on the edge of retirement...
(72,174 posts)will be in wausau for gotv the last 4 days.
chompin at the bit.
and yes, rahm does have evil genius charisma. and i, apparently only i, think he is doing a pretty good job. makin the hard choices like smart dems do.
(27,985 posts)Rahm cracks me up and I'd take him over Walker any day. I especially relate to his fucking foul mouth.
(72,174 posts)i knew who the grown up in the room was.
sorry our paths wont cross, but i have a nephew in white folks bay who has promised to put in some hours. if he doesnt make the trip to wausau, imma send him to you.
(53,661 posts)
(47,209 posts)I'll ask you to hook me up with a call list?
(72,174 posts)if she wins, mary burke wins.
and the head waters of lake superior stay pristine.
if you dont get a quick response, pm me.
that goes for anybody else who would like to spit in the cock brother's eye.
(47,209 posts)Worried senior
(1,328 posts)too and I am very fearful.
Since we had such terrible results with the recall I don't know how I'm going to make it thru election day.
(27,985 posts)People who aren't from here think that there's NO WAY PEOPLE SUPPORT THAT CREEP. Well, they do. A lot of them. You and I see, work, play, shop and talk with them every damn day.
Worried senior
(1,328 posts)On the way to Marinette today saw quite a few I stand with Scott Walker signs and a couple of Mary Burke.
People especially in the Waukesha and surrounding areas also support him because they've got theirs and don't think anyone else should.
(27,985 posts):/
I'm in Lake Country. It's rare to see Burke signs here. There is a house right on 83 in between 94 and 16 that always does it up good for Democrats. Otherwise it's mostly a huge sea of Walker here in Lake Country. Every once in a while I see a Democratic sticker or sign and I smile and wave..
Worried senior
(1,328 posts)in Waukesha so when they were collecting signatures for the recall I managed to sign one on the sidewalk in front of Bed, Bath and Beyond in Brookfield.
I'm surprised the house you mentioned hasn't been egged.
We used to live in Grafton, you can imagine we were the exception to the rule with our Democratic signs. The mail lady agreed with us tho.
(27,985 posts)Worried senior
(1,328 posts)if so Hi.
Small world isn't it.
(6,145 posts)Could be one of those silver linings in an otherwise tough election day.
(40,233 posts)all have two things in common, besides being assholes.
Names, and they are going to lose.
(281,661 posts)I hope Scott Walker ends up in prison
The Great Escape
(1,235 posts)totodeinhere
(13,568 posts)LynneSin
(95,337 posts)I see Democrats picking up about 5-7 GOP held houses although one of those might just be us kicking out a GOP for an Independant/Democratic Hybrid ticket (Alaska).
(27,985 posts)In fact, we've been far more focused on that here in Wisconsin.
(813 posts)not so much. That ass Kasich seems to be bulletproof for some reason. He's tried to fly under the radar since his public union debacle but, make no mistake, he's as bad as the Scott's.
(641 posts)in both Senate and Guvships. Of course he said that too in 1998 when he was with ABC. BTW, I saw a rerun of that SNL episode the other night. Laughed 'till I was sick.
(13,568 posts)mahina
(19,529 posts)Wish I could rec it twice. What a pure POS. He stands naked before the voters.
(6,852 posts)I am also extremely superstitious. Don't jinx it.
(27,985 posts)CK_John
(10,005 posts)DocMac
(1,628 posts)RBInMaine
(13,570 posts)mopinko
(72,174 posts)goin up for the last 4 days.
getting excited.
(53,475 posts)Response to malaise (Original post)
Warpy This message was self-deleted by its author.
(113,131 posts)even as they despised the man and his policies. They thought any duly elected thief should be able to steal for the full term and maybe they were correct, they allowed Walker enough rope to hang himself completely instead of allowing him to escape the noose and possibly run for other office.
Maybe the Koch boys could use another yes man in the business instead of in the government.
(27,985 posts)We do great in general elections but we need to step it up in midterms and special elections. It's how we got Walker and lost Feingold.
(72,174 posts)they are doing that here. they are supposed to be doing it everywhere.
but i dont think kelly is getting the kind of help she deserves.
we will see on nov 4. i am bringing the party dress.
(74,459 posts)But it is a mixed bag when talking to folks. Some days I am encouraged and some days I am not. I really do not know what kind of support Kelly gets from WI Dem Party. I have not ever received any literature to drop off for her--but have for others.
(50,983 posts)That would be a wonderful outcome.
(10,493 posts)I hope you are spot on--as usual! I can't wait either. If he does lose, join me on DU GD election night and we'll have a drink together!
(281,661 posts)election night.
(10,493 posts)rurallib
(63,496 posts)rustbeltvoice
(457 posts)Walker's facial expression looks like a congenital idiot, he isn't the only one: Cotton from Arkansas, and Gowdy from S. Carolina too. As cosmetically conditioned a people as we are, and these buffoonish looking characters are elected. Then they open their mouths and they prove themselves as crazy as shit house rats, yet they have electoral success. I have not seen the Wisconsin advertising, i do not know why they do not just play the recording of Walker being absolutely obsequious to his master an impersonated Koch. It was a prank that the boot licking idiot fell for completely. But the fault is in the electorate when such a high degree of malicious stupidity and/or insanity is rewarded. These are individuals that a rational person could not trust to patch a tire, or pour a glass of milk; yet they mangle the lives of many.
(53,235 posts)
a kennedy
(32,960 posts)no tricks in counting, or recounting.
(10,453 posts)MontyPow
(285 posts)RBInMaine
(13,570 posts)MontyPow
(285 posts)There is no TeaLeft. Only Democrats and BlueDogs. And you know what they say when you lie down with dogs.
(44,173 posts)But I remain unoptimistic.
(36,594 posts)Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)Judge Randa gets impeached
Paul Ryan gets to stay home in Janesville forever.
Ron Johnson gets to move back in his mansion and yell at kids on his lawn
The Koch waste millions in Wisconsin
These are a few of my favorite things
Total wet dream material
The John Doe goes to trial. Walker and state conspirators get indited. Due to records kept, non-state conspirators are implicated. Evidence overwhelming, federal charges filed. Evidence gathered in federal investigation proves massive campaign finance violations. Evidence gathered in that investigation indicates large scale tax evasion. And then, things pick up steam.
(281,661 posts)They will try to steal it again but it will not work.
(4,949 posts)Wow! Those are seriously my favorite fantasies as well! I'd love to see those dominoes fall.
When will even one of them actualize? Like Peace Nikki I'm afraid to get my hopes up, yet I admit I have a spark of hope...
(44,397 posts)Cleita
(75,480 posts)spanone
(138,395 posts)Initech
(104,058 posts)At a fundrasier for a bigoted, corrupt charity I might add. Oh please let him lose!
(10,044 posts)Just what he needs, to have her beat him up again and she's not even in the race....
(17,601 posts)More doors this week.
(12,296 posts)... and end up back in the Governor's office.
Our votes don't even matter anymore.
(27,985 posts)Your post implies they shouldn't and that's shit.
(281,661 posts)He's been doing it from college days - this time he will be caught
B Calm
(28,762 posts)a kennedy
(32,960 posts)
(20,166 posts)Hoppy
(3,595 posts)Why, who amongst us doesn't recall the phone call he got from David Koch, praising him for stiffing the union members and their contract. That was about three years ag...'
Wait... my brother says the call wasn't actually from Koch but from a Democrat prankster.
W.T.F.. and all the time, I thought...
(9,688 posts)He's basically destroyed the state of Wisconsin.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)
(281,661 posts)Scott Brown, Rick Scott and Scott Walker
(14,807 posts)Dirty rotten cheat, liar and wolf hater.
(13,568 posts)It's all going to come down to turnout but those who seem so sure that Walker is going to lose might be a bit too optimistic. It's too close to call and could go either way.
(15,435 posts)Down is Up and Up is Down! Only when it's over will I BELIEVE!
(34 posts)MBS
(9,688 posts)Gothmog
(159,627 posts)maced666
(771 posts)One more week...
(771 posts)too.
(281,661 posts)I still can't believe people are this dumb
(13,568 posts)RandiFan1290
(6,494 posts)
(13,568 posts)through rose colored glasses. All of the indications were there that this would be a Republican sweep yet a lot of posters refused to believe it and predicted Dem wins that did not materialize. Wake up people. It's the real world out there.