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@BreakingNews: Jury returns guilty verdicts for all 4 former Blackwater guards charged in Iraq shootings - @AP
Jury convicts 4 former Blackwater guards charged in Baghdad shootings
Oct 22, 2014 12:14 PM EDT
A federal jury has returned guilty verdicts for all four former Blackwater security guards on trial in the shootings of more than 30 Iraqi citizens in Baghdad.
The Sept. 16, 2007 shootings triggered an international uproar over the role of defense contractors in urban warfare. Blackwater had been hired by the State Department to protect American diplomats in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. Blackwater convoys of four heavily armored vehicles operated in risky environments where car bombs and attacks by insurgents were commonplace.
On trial were Paul Slough, Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty and Nicholas Slatten. Slatten was charged with first-degree murder, the others with voluntary manslaughter, attempted manslaughter and gun charges.
CBS News' Paula Reid reports that the verdict sheet asked the jury to make more than 100 separate findings pertaining to 33 counts against the four defendants.

Solly Mack
(94,348 posts)samsingh
(18,000 posts)hedda_foil
(16,662 posts)LondonReign2
(5,213 posts)it's so rare, this was a very pleasant surprise.
Wish they could also take down that asshole Prince
(51,076 posts)burrowowl
(18,155 posts)He is a real criminal and so are those whose who hire mercenaries.
The US Government should rely only on our soldiers!
(47,209 posts)Dawson Leery
(19,408 posts)All mercenaries work dishonorably.
(60,160 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)aikoaiko
(34,210 posts)progressoid
(51,078 posts)
(4,259 posts)now we wait, I suppose, for appeals. At least they're not going to kill anyone else. Until they're in prison..then all bets are off.
Can't help but remark: what an interesting name "Evan Liberty" Really?
(11,065 posts)Too bad it took so damn long.
(38,197 posts)K&R
(58,785 posts)its weeks of deliberations on a bunch of others.
What IS "voluntary manslaughter," anyway? Is that what people who just sort of get carried away by the enthusiasm of mass slaughter do?
(5,227 posts)It relates to killings in which the prepetrator is criminally liable, but whose actions were not intended to take a life. Essentailly you lack either the premeditation element required for Murder One, and the "abandoned and malignant heart" element requried for Murder Two.
According to the California Penal Code:
192. Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without
malice. It is of three kinds:
(a) Voluntary--upon a sudden quarrel or heat of passion.
(b) Involuntary--in the commission of an unlawful act, not
amounting to felony; or in the commission of a lawful act which might
produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution and
circumspection. This subdivision shall not apply to acts committed in
the driving of a vehicle.
(c) Vehicular ...
So in essence, you knew or should have known that your acts could kill someone, but you didn't have the specific intention to kill. I kind of hate the "heat of passion" argument as I think people should be required by law to keep the temper under control--at least to the level of not killing someone. It is too easy for people like an angry husband or wife to plan to kill their spouse but then claim something stupid like "I don't know what happened. The gun just went off in my hands. I never meant to kill." Bullshit.
(40,416 posts)AmWay!
(34,541 posts)His father (her father as well) invented the sun visor/mirror visor/light visor which put his machine shop over the top.
These are not people I'm sympathetic to - but we have to make sure we are clear on details. If we make one mistake in connecting the Far Religious Right and how they influence - we will lose credibility.
So technically - Erik is the spawn of Prince Industries - and schooled and raised in Rushdooney theory (the sadistic). His sister being born into what a little of research finds is called the 'Dutch Mafia' in Western Michigan simply 'merged' with Dick Devos.
Regardless - these people have dark, darkness inside of them.
Glad to see some of their chickens come home to roost!
(281,661 posts)now let's try Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al.
(50,983 posts)hifiguy
(33,688 posts)All should be behind bars for the rest of their lives.
(4,040 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)enough imo.
I remember that horrific crime when it happened. I remember how outraged Democrats were and I remember the victims.
I hope this verdict isn't overturned. The US has a reputation for protecting its War Criminals. But for today a jury has done the right thing. Let's hope it eases the awful pain of the many victims' loved ones. I know they were fighting for some justice for a long, long time.
Good for that jury, that will do more for this country's image than all the 'humanitarian bombs' we drop on all these countries combined.
The jury spoke for us, our leaders rarely do.
(60,025 posts)Still lots of loopholes to sew up.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)spoke for us TODAY. I will be very surprised if they spend any time in jail. But hopefully they will however naive that hope is.
(85,357 posts)Fucking mercenary blackwater goons. Finally got theirs.
(50,983 posts)I would like to see much more justice.
(26,791 posts)That's the kind of justice we could really use.
~ littlemissmartypants
(50,983 posts)In many areas.
(12,789 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 22, 2014, 06:33 PM - Edit history (1)
And Mr. Blackwater...didn't he change the company name and then leave the U.S. for some country in the Middle East?
That POS needs some jail time too.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)dictatorship 'allies' of ours. There's more business opportunities there as we now fight 'proxie' wars, iow, we use our dictatorship 'allies' to funnel funds to finance the US biggest business, arms dealing and manufactured wars all over the place. I'm sure he's making money by proxy also.
They are blight on the world, brutal, murderous war profiteers.
(34,541 posts)And seems to have an obsession with starting new businesses.
He maintains the trademark name of Blackwater though.
He's currently in an entirely different endeavor - based out of Hong Kong - Frontier Services Group.
While we are blowing things up - China is investing in Africa while stripping it of its resources . . . it appears as the Chairman of the board - he's in hip deep with it.
(285 posts)Hekate
(96,604 posts)Mercenaries are a bad idea. If this nation ("the Homeland" wants an army so badly, then bring the draft back and make it accountable to the wrath of the people being dragooned to serve, as with Vietnam.
I've had it up to here with privatizing, well, everything.
(33,688 posts)May they never set foot outside a prison again in their worthless mercenary lives.
(40,474 posts)
(50,414 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)A corporation with a vested interest in armed conflict should not be in business, especially in a age of corporate fascism.
raven mad
(4,940 posts)Having a jaw-drop moment, here.
(20,166 posts)but pleasantly so.
(28,581 posts)LiberalEsto
(22,845 posts)EEO
(1,620 posts)By any domestic, intelligence, or military agencies. It is ridiculous that I even have to make that statement.
(37,549 posts)peacebird
(14,195 posts)Oh, and Eric Prince too, personally.
(1,648 posts)Now, about Wall Street...
(22,488 posts)for their own greed.
I am glad someone got caught, but it was the wrong guys.
(13,888 posts)These are just the fall guys. The wealthy owner of the company and its major players are riding high and free. There's no justice until there is. This just looks like justice and that's what it's about.