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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIs Monica Lewinsky's blue dress a relevant issue when discussing Hillary Clinton?
A very prominent critic of Senator Clinton (prominent at DU) has argued that the fact that a certain stain found on a blue dress turned out to have originated from the Clenis, that this means we should be less trustful of former Secretary and Senator Hillary Clinton, referring to the cumstains on the blue dress as a "relevant fact."
Personally, I think blowjobs that took place almost two decades ago are irrelevant and unworthy of discussion. If one wants to oppose Hillary Clinton's candidacy, there's plenty of other stuff (Iraq war vote, palling around with Kissinger) to talk about.
Which is correct?
26 votes, 1 pass | Time left: Unlimited | |
Yes, the fact that Bill lied about a blowjob is relevant to Hillary's candidacy | |
0 (0%) |
No, the fact that Bill lied about a blowjob is irrelevant to Hillary's candidacy | |
26 (100%) |
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(46,585 posts)If by dress you mean the sordid mess surrounding the dress.
(37,549 posts)AtomicKitten
(46,585 posts)msanthrope
(37,549 posts)AtomicKitten
(46,585 posts)Scootaloo
(25,699 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Beacool
(30,355 posts)I thought that he was old enough to be responsible for his own actions.
(71,265 posts)NoJusticeNoPeace
(5,018 posts)
Did the software break with that question? Or more accurately, did it break when nobody could answer your question?
(71,265 posts)
(46,585 posts)Odd that others chose to ask the same question. Do you need me to draw you a map to the response?
(5,018 posts)AtomicKitten
(46,585 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)Do you personal give her credit for his successes?
(12,778 posts)I'm looking forward to Clinton 3.0!
(71,265 posts)
(43,891 posts)AtomicKitten
(46,585 posts)And I answered your question in the post you responded to.
(43,891 posts)uponit7771
(92,496 posts)still_one
(97,964 posts)Points to the irrational thought process of the Hillary haters
(72,790 posts)solely because I find it hysterical that this much attention is being given to a critic on a message board. WTG, Critic! You've earned my YES vote!
stone space
(6,498 posts)Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)Her response and role in the aftermath, though, probably does still affect how some voters perceive her, whether or not anyone on DU feels it's of any importance in current discussions. Not every voter gives as much attention to 'wonky' political things, some simply read checkout counter magazines.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)raising the blue dress is a legit discussion in the Democratic primary, or whether it's superfluous crap.
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)Whatever impact it has or had is already baked into the electoral math.
So you can discuss it, but it's a waste of time to do so.
(30,355 posts)That's her business and no one else's.
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)But that doesn't mean that every voter agrees with you.
Reality is taking into account how other people actually DO think, not how they SHOULD think in an ideal world.
(30,355 posts)Including on this site (I'm not referring to you). The only affairs that tick me off are the ones committed by those who then have the unmitigated gall to point fingers at someone else for their failings. I'm talking about weasels like Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde and a slew of other Republicans. I would also include John Edwards, who back in the 90s had the nerve to extol his own marriage and point a finger at Clinton.
It's not the sin itself that drives me nuts, it's the hypocrisy of people who have sinned even worse, but still think that they have the right to judge others.
Thank you
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)I think there is some value to hiding your own feet of clay if you're otherwise inspirational. If you actually can inspire others to be better people than you yourself secretly are, there's value in that for them. Finding out the truth about you might cause them to disregard and abandon the other good things you were a part of leading them to do. But as you say, if you're going to do that, you shouldn't be throwing stones at others who also fall short of being perfect humans, especially in the exact same way.
Still Sensible
(2,870 posts)did Boehner and McCain clean that shit off their chin yet?
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)
(5,018 posts)
(92,496 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)Beacool
(30,355 posts)I don't care if it's Hillary or any other woman, no wife or girlfriend is responsible for her man's penis. I'm only responsible for my conduct, not my partner's.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)NoJusticeNoPeace
(5,018 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,677 posts)If you take them seriously they win.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)If a person takes a 1995 blowjob seriously, I tend to not take that person seriously.
(30,355 posts)over the Bush years and subsequent lousy economy and high unemployment.
Then, that's just me. I don't give a flying fig who's getting serviced as long as it's not my guy.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)In_The_Wind
(72,300 posts)
(47,446 posts)up in their post or OP about criticism of Hillary it would be an appropriate response and a reasonable discussion since if Hillary becomes President then Bill would be First Man and the bj is a fact. Which the bj was a fact
(37,549 posts)Autumn
(47,446 posts)msanthrope
(37,549 posts)Autumn
(47,446 posts)anything. You would have to look for that yourself.
(37,549 posts)to discuss a 20 year old blow job?
(47,446 posts)hifiguy
(33,688 posts)NoJusticeNoPeace
(5,018 posts)they are or what their agenda is.
(308,408 posts)"Hell NO". We know who will be bringing that up though.. the desperate teabagger candidates IF she's the Dem candidate.
(57,272 posts)And only people it's relevant to today are the same people.
They lost back then, they will lose again now and they will keep losing because that's what loser's do.
(12,402 posts)It should never have been brought up by Ken Starr in the 1st place and he never should've asked Bill Clinton about having sexual relations with Lewinski, since it was immoral but know illegal and had nothing to do with the case he was trying to make against Clinton. It was a sad attempt to embarrass the Clintons and sadly Bill lied giving them some ammo.
So the dress has nothing to do with HRC.
(484 posts)that repeatedly cheated and had affairs on her to only further her own political aspirations .
Shows lack of character
(100,677 posts)
(484 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,677 posts)Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)Scootaloo
(25,699 posts)This is starting to sound like a very complicated soap opera.
(100,677 posts)The whole "what goes on behind closed door" thing.
(71,265 posts)
(484 posts)who continued to stay married after repeated affairs you would
feel the same way.
Same scenario where her political aspirations were very clear to eventually run for POTUS or some other high position in the federal government .
You can save your post because I know you would say that person lacks character to subject her self
to that abuse only to further her own political ambitions .
This is not a person who was trapped or abused like so many poor woman are in this country.
Some stay with the man because of fear or some other mental issues and it's clearly not the fault
of those women .
Hillary didn't stay because of fear or some other mental issue.
She stayed because politically it wasn't the right move .
Lack of character ..
(71,265 posts)Second I do not judge politicians private lives unless it is a case of clear hypocrisy.
Third you do not know why she stayed.
(30,355 posts)Their marriage was none of my, or anyone else's, business. I detest Bush for what he did to the country, not for who he may have slept with.
Martin Luther King cheated on his wife, so did John Kennedy, so did Franklin Roosevelt and so did Jesse Jackson and a slew of other men. Does their lack of fidelity lessen their accomplishments?
As for Hillary, you know squat about her. Have you met her, worked for her, attended a meeting with her? Have you ever heard her speak of Bill? If you had, you would have seen how animated she becomes. How she explains that the first thing that she noticed about him were his hands. Bill may be flawed, but she loves him.
Your judgmental self righteousness is downright depressing, considering that I assume you are a liberal.
(484 posts)I know you're saying you wouldn't care if she was a republican during this but frankly I don't believe you.
You would have wrote what I wrote if she was a strong GOP challenger running in 2016
Just on a side note you asked me if I'm liberal ?
I'm far left liberal
but in my opinion Hillary isn't a liberal , she's closer to being a republican and I think we are making a big mistake with her.
(37,549 posts)NoJusticeNoPeace
(5,018 posts)is economically dangerous.
I sure hope all women dont have to answer to your set of rules and morals; only the powerful ones, please.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)That's her damn business. Full stop.
Your finger-wagging about "character" related to decisions about HER marriage smacks of RW morality scolding.
(30,355 posts)You don't know her to make that kind of judgment. At that point, Bill needed her much more than she needed him. It was pointed out at the time that he probably wouldn't have been able to remain in office if Hillary had walked out on him.
(10,362 posts)There are some very loving photos of them when they were young. Such a contrast to the coldness between them in the last 20 years.
I think the repeated cheating killed off whatever affection they had for one another, even before Bill was elected president. He had been with so many women before Monica, based on the sheer number of stories about his philandering. I think she has remained married to him for reasons other than love.
It's not relevant to her as far as a presidential run goes, but it is interesting. They seem like Frank and Claire Underwood from HOC.
(23,664 posts)Once he does, and you know he will, it's going to become an issue.
At that point, it becomes relevant because the media will keep bringing it up.
She can't use him as part of her campaign spiel and expect that the opposition keeps quiet about his faults.
(100,677 posts)He was even here in L A campaigning for Wendy Greuel. She lost to Eric Garcetti who I supported.
That being said I don't remember the media discussing a nearly twenty year old "affair" but I don't want to discourage you from pursuing that line of attack.
(23,664 posts)I have plenty of other reasons to oppose Ms Clinton's candidacy.
The question was is it relevant and my response is that it will become so if Clinton becomes a presence in the campaign, particularly if Ms Clinton receives the nomination and competes in the general election.
(100,677 posts)If the Republicans want to make the election a referendum on the Clinton presidency I relish that challenge.
(78,249 posts)I saw it with my own eyes!
(37,549 posts)Bonobo
(29,257 posts)In the same sense that it is irrelevant if a candidate has an affair. Personal matters of that kind don't matter much wrt their role as an elected leader.
(19,288 posts)With any sense of decency it would never have been an issue. I believe it was fomented and overseen from early on and then beaten to death like a dead horse, year after year. The humiliating flogging of someone who was contrite. Nobody cared. How it was kept in the courts for so long? It was manufactured just like Bengazi has been. Trumped up bs.
That being said look who you are dealing with. They don't play fair. It's ugly and relentless. I find the former first lady a national treasure. She is like a mother figure and an example of competency in law and government. And the Republicans are poised to start a shit show just to stink up the place.
It's especially hurtful to see the party of family values attack a woman, wife, and mother, but expect it. It will provoke our sympathy. And hurt our feelings.
Get used to it.
(44,326 posts)and they both appear comfortable using the same tactics against her.
(25,699 posts)Always maintain those fig-leaf words, Sid.
What exactly is the "fringe left' and how does it differ from 'the left' in general?
And don't go with circular arguments like "they're fringe" or "they hate Hillary."
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)between those who are interested in what can be done, and those that seem more interested in posturing and asserting their sterling principals.
It's not unlike the schism that John Boehner has to deal with.
One group isn't any more leftwing than the other--indeed a person can be a clear-eyed dedicated socialist while recognizing that the institutions, power dynamics, voting patterns, etc in this country do not lend themselves to a lot of overnight change--the constitution was created to resist change, not create it, after all.
So, I don't think of it as left-baiting so much as describing those who are only interested in being a voice of opposition--never wanting the burden of governing, which inevitably means that icky compromise thing.
Indeed, the so-called squishy pragmatists are rarely the ones who say stuff like "we'd have been better off if McCain had won" or expressing indifference between democrats and republican policy platforms.
(11,641 posts)about her stance on those issues as they are their own....
(40,416 posts)uppityperson
(115,916 posts)tenderfoot
(8,982 posts)That led to Newt Gingrich's resignation.
(65,616 posts)I can't even believe it has to be brought up in a poll! The Blue Dress(tm) has no relevency to her or Bill Clintons ability to govern while in office. It might be the lamest and weakest claim I've ever read about. Someone here said it was relevant?
Fuckingplease. I'm not accusing someone of Hillary Hate, but I am not not accusing someone of Hillary Hate either.
(32,886 posts)... I don't know what is.
(5,614 posts)you must acquit.
(11,619 posts)We expect that from Republicans.
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)n/t
Dems to Win
(2,161 posts)Plenty of DUers criticized Anne Romney and presented their reasons they did not want her to be First Lady, as one of a million reasons NOT to vote for Mitt.
Bill Clinton is subject to the same scrutiny when seeking to return to the White House as First Gentleman. Knowing that, it's worthwhile for Democrats to consider whether the presumptive nominee's spouse, with his well known history, will be a help or hindrance to Democratic victory in the general election.
(16,113 posts)Of course, that was referring to a 17 year old Laura Bush running a stop sign and killing a classmate in a car accident.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Remind me again how many people the Clenis killed?
(16,113 posts)Explain to me how a first lady car accident 14 years before she met her husband is relevant, but cheating on the first lady in the oval office is not?
Personally, I don't think either is relevant, but that's not to say it won't play a role in the campaign.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)I will confess to having a bitter, partisan bias against all things Bush.
(16,113 posts)I just couldn't help being a wiseass when I found it which only took a minute.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)like President Obama's campaigns unleashed the torrents of racism.
(1,508 posts)It's going to be brought up over and over.
(96,882 posts)still_one
(97,964 posts)Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)But that still does not make it relevant to Hillary Clinton in any way.
(14,177 posts)Discussing Bill Clinton. It never was relevant it was just a tool to try to score political points on the right. It worked to a degree. Now it should just be ancient history it should actually be something in history we ignore. It's such a small issue yet it gets blown up to gigantic proportions. I would rather if people focused on how the poor were completely eviscerated than a stupid blue dress.
(25,348 posts)...have more Integrity and Class than all the Republicans on the face of the earth.
(22,457 posts)Liberal_Dog
(11,075 posts)The Clinton's marriage is their business not mine.
Tom Ripley
(4,945 posts)NO
(23,571 posts)hah haha ha ha hah ha
This is an attempt at a joke, right?
(39,961 posts)But this is a horrible thing to paint her with. Her husband fooled around. It wasn't her fault, and has nothing to do with her.
Why, exactly, am I explaining this on DU again?
(12,778 posts)
(51,720 posts)If Bill had been my husband I would have strangled him.
B Calm
(28,762 posts)