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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsPoll: If you could have Hillary Or Bernie for President, who would you pick??
Forget if you think they are electable.
If you could magically pick the next president, who would you pick??
425 votes, 3 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Hillary | |
37 (9%) |
Bernie | |
388 (91%) |
3 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(2,337 posts)LOL.
(82 posts)We are in serious trouble, Hillary, and the Clinton family are disingenuous in the minds of true progressives, and their second choice is a fantastic guy, but in reality, is not electable in a general election.. Fire away, but if you are honest, you have to agree with me..
(45,251 posts)OLDMADAM
(82 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)If my crystal ball tells me something different about next November than yours tells you, that does not make me dishonest.
(82 posts)If you believe Sen Sanders can win in a general election, we surely disagree.. A politician in this country, who proudly says he is a Socialist, has little to no chance to win outside his home state, let alone the battleground states.. If you honestly believe that he can, you are in serious denial, IMHO..
I would fight for him in a heartbeat, but I really believe, it would be an up-hill battle, with little chance of success..
(45,251 posts)OLDMADAM
(82 posts)But I am now convinced that you really believe Sen. Sanders could win a national election..
(45,251 posts)It has nothing to do with whether Sanders can or cannot win an election. It has to do with your claim that anyone who disagrees with you is dishonest.
(82 posts)Actually, my new belief is you are nothing but a bitter bully, looking to be offended, and picking on a low count poster, it's why I post so few comments.. I will grant you my choice of words could/should have been better chosen, but I tried to explain it, you decide to make a federal case out of it, so be it..
You can accept my apology or not, it's your choice..
(45,251 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,193 posts)Merrily a bully?
(15,429 posts)Only small people refuse to accept heartfelt apologies.
(34,825 posts)OLDMADAM
(82 posts)trillion
(1,859 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)still_one
(97,424 posts)OLDMADAM
(82 posts)Where do you people come from, jumping on an apparently harmless post, with no intentions except to start a useless fight? WE had better find a better way to unite this party, or the end may be closer than we think..
(97,424 posts)using someone's number of posts or lack there of used to be against the TOS
"Where do you people come from"? What are you insinuating? Keep going with your judgmental rhetoric you will go places
(82 posts)Why are you coming out of nowhere to start a useless fight with an ally? We are both fighting a real enemy, having diverse opinions on who would be the best.. Hell, I'll vote for any of them, but, like you, I'm sure we both want the best.. I'm not at all a confrontational person, and seldom post to avoid these petty skirmishes..
We come from different backgrounds, and see things through a different lens.. So why not listen to each other and try to find common ground..
I know now I started out with a clumsy post but tried to rectify it several times.. I have read many of your posts, and never felt a reason to address you, because I mostly agree with you..
I am truly worried about this election, especially after the midterms, we need the best to stop these bastards.. I'll fall in line at the end, you can be sure..
If we could start again, and I'll start by saying Hi, and good luck..
(97,424 posts)stop the insinuations, and wish you a nice evening
I realize we are we are on the same team, and that is good
Take care
(82 posts)peacebird
(14,195 posts)The R's hate her with a passion.
(82 posts)Android3.14
(5,402 posts)This was six months ago and a lot has changed. Do you still think Sanders is unelectable in the GE?
(82 posts)I now believe we are DOOMED.. Not only do I believe Sen. Sanders, will not become the nominee, I am now convinced Sen. Clinton can't win the election.. It's a real conundrum.. She's can't tell the truth, he won't lie..
(10,122 posts)I thought when I voted for Obama we would see a lib. This is the way.
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)higher office in decades (that is my luxury
I live in San Francisco, California). I've worked my ass off for to get out the vote, in state and national elections, to get out the vote for Socialists or Greens.
I'm going to volunteer for Bernie. My husband and daughter will faint when they find out. And seriously? I think the National Green Party should back him.
(21,115 posts)obnoxiousdrunk
(3,061 posts)little higher than Dennis Kuchinich in 2008.
(13,521 posts)continue to get better. With all due respect to Dennis, he was a congressmen, and we haven't elected a congressperson directly to the presidency for over one and a half centuries. But of course Bernie is a senator.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)Lol, I'm guessing Bernie will have the Unions and Teachers and Nurses and all those who have warned the Dem Party to no longer count on their votes unless they start standing up for them.
Bernie is just getting started.
I like that he is making Campaign Financing a big issue. He's a smart man, he will be up against billions of Corporate dollars and the best way to fight that, is to make it the issue it should be. It has corrupted our entire system and we know that the public agrees.
I think he knows some things you don't know right now or he would not be running.
The winds of change are blowing and it's way past time.
Enough with the inequality that is destroying this country and others since Corporations began buying elections.
It will be an uphill fight, but I think Bernie is going to surprise a lot of people.
Kucinich is a great Democrat, right on all the issues, but he was way ahead of his time. Things are different today.
I have a feeling Bernie is going to get that all-important Independent vote.
(57,936 posts)Kucinich. Also, Bernie projects a lot more confidence and moral authority than Kucinich. Kucinich was a great and moral man, but he was very different from Bernie Sanders.
(1,150 posts)It's April 2015 - the general election is on November 8, 2016. Sanders officially announced his candidacy today. Seriously, polling?
(7,023 posts)Liberals that have skipped the last elections will come out, re-register and vote. Bernie has a chance.
rufus dog
(8,419 posts)Bernie is real and will have a much stronger group of supporters.
(12,958 posts)nt
(17,796 posts)
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)By you, that's a bad thing?
What matters is where voters end up...not where they started.
He's running as a he always said he would if he did run for president...what more could you ask?
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)a Democratic town. I belong to two Democratic clubs. The members know I am a Green Party member (and I am not the only one AND there are some socialists, as well.) They don't mind. Politically, I am an anarchy-syndicalist which the organized Socialist Party's seem uncomfortable with and why I am not a registered Socialist. Though, oddly enough, the Democrats that I work with have no problem with my uber lefty philosophy.
(38,613 posts)
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)CountAllVotes
(21,245 posts)

(43,193 posts)and I been a democrat since I first registered to vote, at 18!
(3,747 posts)I'm not convinced I should be investing my time in his campaign yet. I think my time is better spent elsewhere in my community and in the ISO up here in Seattle. I will be voting for him, though.
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)heat up.
(45,251 posts)In Massachusetts, we can vote in a Dem primary only if we are registered Dem or indie ("unenrolled," they call it here).
If we were registered Green, Green is the only primary we would be able to vote in.
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)cross-party voting (and I request a Dem ballot). The Democratic Party ordinarily informs the secretary of state that they will allow but to be sure, I have already changed my registration.
(45,251 posts)causing a lot of people who had registered Indie or so-called "third" party to register Democratic again. Not to mention energizing those who had become disaffected entirely.
(45,251 posts)the primary cross over for the 2016 primary. (It will be very interesting to see if it does this time.)
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)Democratic clubs.
(20,234 posts)Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)I just realized, that Yoda in German syntactic patterns speaks.
(3,894 posts)preidents have been in my lifetime. Purely selfish on my part, but I can't handle the acrimony anymore.
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)
(12,958 posts)nt
(72,631 posts)He Speaks the truth.
Those that speak as politicians should watch the fuck out.

(5,764 posts)If it was the GOP would no longer exist as a viable party. The truth as a defense requires a national press core who gives a shit about informing their viewers who's telling it instead of just broadcasting he-said-she-said false equivalencies for the drama of it all.
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)
(5,764 posts)Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)gcomeau
(5,764 posts)...the grey hairs and the significant minority of the country who think he's secretly plotting to enslave us all or something. That's a *little* the worse for wear...
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)gcomeau
(5,764 posts)Millions of the people you're supposed to govern thinking you're secretly plotting to destroy the country is an issue all by itself.
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)I really think he just "shakes it off", to paraphrase Taylor Swift. I absolutely agree that he has been attacked relentlessly like no other President before him, it's just the "torn apart" that I disagree with. Thankfully, Barack Obama is a very wise and strong individual.
(45,251 posts)Response to WillyT (Reply #48)
1000words This message was self-deleted by its author.
(13,521 posts)Stardust
(3,894 posts)AgingAmerican
(12,958 posts)You have it backwards.
(15,741 posts)MisterP
(23,730 posts)grahamhgreen
(15,741 posts)Oilwellian
(12,647 posts)Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)Oilwellian
(12,647 posts)
(7,906 posts)What do you want? A coronation?
(43,193 posts)at least until Clark Kent shows up... and throws his hat into the ring.
(10,622 posts)Do you have any music video links for her?
(43,193 posts)I am not a pop star!
(10,622 posts)
(43,193 posts)In fact I sing horribly... so off key its not funny. My friend Lexxi wanted me to be a cam model, but I have a decent job.. and frankly I think she HAS A BETTER BODY and is cuter than I am!
(26,314 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,193 posts)on line...I just think she is grand! I could never do that... even my other friends say they can throw clothes off in a second, and be comfortable with a live cam right there. I couldn't do that in a million years, but that's how they get paid.. doing silly stuff like that. I am glad they are happy with it, but it won't last long and few years, I am sure they will be ready to get out. Not only that, but I am sure, since the internet lasts forever, no matter where they go or what they do, the Naked Cam girl thing will follow them. For some, it may not be a problem, for others might.
(33,688 posts)If you were any cuter you'd be Fluttershy.
okay, if you say so
(25,699 posts)From the planet krypton
(43,193 posts)
(38,613 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,193 posts)got one! Old Pa Kent, might have had connections at City Hall!
(39,909 posts)he can go back in time and write out a birth certificate.
Geez. I thought everybody knew this.
(450 posts)I've never seen Bernie without his glasses. Hmmmm...
(43,193 posts)I wonder if a PRESIDENT COULD TAKE off their glasses and Jump into action to save the world?
Do you think so???
(15,472 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,193 posts)go to GOTHAM and personally ask THE BAT!
(62,444 posts)There's a lot to like about both of them.
(8,178 posts)Bernie.
(10,622 posts)Dem2
(8,178 posts)who would I pick?
or Warren if she ran.
At this point in time I am relatively certain I'll be voting for Hillary in the general, but this is just my sense of things.
(10,622 posts)Dem2
(8,178 posts)SheilaT
(23,156 posts)What bothers me so much about Hillary Clinton is the assumption on the part of her supporters that she simply deserves the nomination this time, and anyone who disagrees is a pile of shit. And should sit down and shut the fuck up.
What we need more than anything, in my opinion, are new people in the race. And even though Bernie Sanders has been in politics since 1981 (from what I read on Wikipedia), and even though he's over 70, he comes across as a fresh, new voice. He comes across as someone who really cares about the working and middle classes, and has little use for the very wealthy.
I will volunteer for him until such time as Elizabeth Warren may declare her candidacy.
If nothing else, he will bring a genuine debate to the primary season.
(22,457 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)I am taking a break from here. PUMA 2016 will make PUMA 2008 seem tame.
(11,489 posts)nationalize the fed
(2,169 posts)

(1,662 posts)Lets make it happen!
(36,063 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)mvd
(65,570 posts)I know it will be hard to beat Hillary, but I agree with others that she should not be handed the nomination. I think Hillary would win and she knows the Repukes' attacks very well. I don't know if Sanders would win. But philosophically, I am with Bernie. I hope all those running for the Democratic nomination run positive campaigns.
(82,383 posts)Still thinking the Presidency is all powerful and magical and the right POTUS can solve everything.
(4,835 posts)And if Bernie leaves congress where is all the legislation that he wants to see going to come from?
Hillary's seat won't come up for election because she's not holding a seat. Bernie will bring a lot to the debate, but the republican machine will tear him apart if he's the nominee. The Clintons are numb to the republican machine.
Wanting to do the right thing isn't enough. There's a skill set that the president needs to posess that has more to do with psychological toughness than it has to do with ethical considerations.
Look at how much the office has changed Obama. There were a lot of things that he wanted to do, but without control of congress - there isn't much any president can do.
John Poet
(2,510 posts)somewhat surprising to me, considering all the "sit and down and shut up for Hillary" that goes on in here... I would have thought her supporters to be much more numerous. Maybe they're only real loud.
90 to 10 for Bernie?
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)This. And some of them are very new here and suddenly very "popular" (ie, visible everywhere and extra-talented at schmoozing) and therefore somewhat suspect in my mind. Thinking ptp.
Ms. Toad
(35,885 posts)For the same reason.
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)noise.
(22,457 posts)liberal_at_heart
(12,081 posts)Response to liberal_at_heart (Reply #33)
1000words This message was self-deleted by its author.
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)
(31,493 posts)KMOD
(7,906 posts)joshcryer
(62,513 posts)Maybe they haven't voted yet or maybe they aren't dignifying it with a response (or maybe they're ignoring the OP).
(45,251 posts)joshcryer
(62,513 posts)I have an official stalker, folks.
(71,265 posts)Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)I prefer you vote your conscience in the primary then get on board the Bernie express in the general.
(71,265 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,548 posts)Look at all the mocking and baiting of her supporters here...
i subscribe to what my best friend says about the net...It's not what you do on the internet that matters but the shit you do in real life.
(71,265 posts)..the HRC room. I wonder if the get a free toaster.
(100,548 posts)I don't expect that courtesy to be returned over the "internets" but I have no doubt it would be returned in real life.
(71,265 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,548 posts)I will leave it at that.
(45,358 posts)Banned because I asked a question.
Maybe that's why the HRC group isn't growing.
(71,265 posts)tridim
(45,358 posts)And was banned before she even announced.
Despite this, I continue to support Hillary's run for President.
(71,265 posts)Metric System
(6,048 posts)Hillary supporters, probably now more than ever. The antipathy toward her here is in direct contrast to multiple polls showing her popularity among Democrats.
(71,265 posts)Metric System
(6,048 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)
(30,352 posts)Then again, what does it matter? This place is the reverse coin of the Freepers. They live in their own world, where someone like Sanders is a viable candidate who can win a general election.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)from consideration in this poll.
So, the actual decision-making process gets more nuanced.
(14,195 posts)Many progressives will refuse to vote for her. End result? HRC loses.
(20,317 posts)so extreme that they alienate everyone from GW Bush leftward.
A Hillary nomination would energize the right like nothing else-- and it will sap the hope out of a big portion of the left. I mean, there's a reason Obama beat her so handily when his actual policy positions ended up being more or less identical. He didn't have two decades of record behind him, so he could reasonably pretend to be a liberal. Hillary cannot do that.
(31,493 posts)peacebird
(14,195 posts)I think when people hear Bernie, they like what they hear. He is authentic, the real deal.
(97,424 posts)Fearless
(18,458 posts)I guess I should sit back down because clearly Bernie has no momentum at all.
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)but this is one hell of an indication that we're sick and tired of status quo.
(18,458 posts)Clearly people care.
(7,906 posts)Cancel the primaries. It's over folks. lol
(18,458 posts)I said it shows Bernie has momentum. FULL STOP.
Have a good night.
(7,906 posts)I'm very curious to see his bump.
Bernie has been winning DU polls for months now, yet it's not showing up in the national polls.
good night.
(38,613 posts)That changes after today's announcement
(15,162 posts)But he'll drive the Democratic dialog to the left, where it belongs. I've had a gutful of corporate shills. ALL the Republicans are that, and far too many Dems. We need a populist in there. And we need to elect a bunch of populists to Congress.
(46,585 posts)Geronimoe
(1,539 posts)What if Bernie asks Elizabeth Warren to VP?
(33,982 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)That wouldn't be good, IMO
(62,513 posts)A nice rebuff of TPP would bring her over the top since she'd have a better chance getting the party back in power.
(18,998 posts)Considering that she was for it before she was against it and Bill gave us NAFTA.
I think her best bet is to try to sell it like Obama is doing, and hope we fall for it again.
(62,513 posts)Do a speech like she did on women issues or as she did today about our prison state.
In that 60-90 day timeframe there's a vote on it she can go through it and say where she disagrees with it. Even if it passes at least she'd be on record being against those aspects of it.
But I don't see that happening, just fyi, but I'd believe her if she gave a substantive speech on it. I think she'll just differ to Obama and leave open the possibility to "fix" any of its problems.
(18,998 posts)She was in the senate where she could have had an impact and she was silent then...and it is not like this just happened in the last year or has been going on for decades, as long as she has been in politics.
Not everyone just believes the things politicians say in speeches...not me for sure, I judge them by what they do and have done.
(62,513 posts)It's not new or controversial at all:
What's important is that she's making a national speech in a time of crisis and not backing away from it or waiting a few weeks to get the message down. She likely had the speech written up the night of the riots or the next day. Like Brooklynite said, they aren't getting much sleep.
A lot of the stuff people say Clinton doesn't champion or hasn't championed is just silliness, she's a Democrat, if it's part of the platform, she likely supports it.
What's interesting is how she channeled inequality in the speech, not just mass incarceration, but economic inequality, talking about how in less than a 5 mile radius between two areas in Baltimore life expectancy dropped 20 percent.
If you look at her crime and civil liberties votes they're not too shabby:
(45,851 posts)And until the drug war ~ends~ the status quo on mass incarceration and civil liberties will change only minutely if at all.
(62,513 posts)The "non-violent offender" rhetoric may signal an anti-drug war stance. At least in the case of marijuana, which is going to almost certainly be a party plank (4 states legalized it, the delegates can put it in the platform trivially in a late night DNC vote).
(45,851 posts)But the legal product will be so expensive that the black market will continue which will provide justification for crackdowns. We see the same thing going on with cigarettes to some extent, illegal cigarettes were the original justification for what happened to Eric Garner.
The drug war is part of the national security state and a national security state is a one way ratchet that only tightens and never loosens short of major societal upheaval.
(62,513 posts)Especially in Washington, but in Colorado it's not worth it, and people are "growing their own." Colorado has a decent system and reports have shown that it has already eaten in to Mexico cartels.
The eventuality is that the big cigarette companies start lobbying for legalization of weed and they'll likely succeed. It's not really that controversial of a position now. I expect Clinton to at least say "we'll reschedule if the state experiment works." And late into her second term she'll reschedule. (By then a half dozen if not a dozen other states will have legalized.)
It won't be some bold thing, I'm just saying. Non-violent offenders are mostly marijuana mules. So supporting getting those guys out of prison is indirect support.
(45,851 posts)We'll never get that where I live anyway, far too socially conservative. They might "legalize" it but they'll never allow it to the point people can have it without big corporations profiting hugely somewhere.
Not to mention that a surprisingly large portion of the economy is based on prison labor now and states have signed contracts guaranteeing a certain level of incarceration to the private prison corporations.
I don't think it's possible to end the mass incarceration, it's entirely too much a part of the social fabric now and if they let all those nonviolent offenders out of prison think what it will do to the unemployment numbers, both from prisoners out on the street and from guards and other staff who are no longer needed.
(18,998 posts)But not as Senator?
A: I think that the results--not only at the federal level but at the state level--have been an unacceptable increase in incarceration across the board & now we have to address that. At the time, there were reasons why the Congress wanted to push through a certain set of penalties and increase prison construction and there was a lot of support for that across a lot of communities. Its hard to remember now but the crime rate in the early 1990s was very high. But weve got to take stock now of the consequences, so thats why I want to have a thorough review of all of the penalties, of all the kinds of sentencing, and more importantly start having more diversion and having more second chance programs.
Source: 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum Dec 1, 2007
On Drugs: Reduce sentencing disparity for crack, but not retroactively
Q: The US Sentencing Commission recently limited the disparity in sentencing guidelines for those convicted of crimes involving crack cocaine versus crimes involving powder cocaine. Should that change be retroactive?
A: I believe weve got to decrease the disparity that exists. It is really unconscionable that someone who uses five grams of crack cocaine, compared to 500 grams of powder cocaine would face such disparate sentencing. And its further compounded because the possession of crack cocaine really is unique in the way that it leads directly to prison for so many people. So I am going to tackle the disparity. I think it definitely needs to be prospective on principle. I have problems with retroactivity. I think that its something that a lot of communities will be concerned about as well, so lets tackle this disparity, lets take it on. The sentencing commission hasnt come forward yet with its specific recommendation but Im looking forward to seeing it.
Source: 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum Dec 1, 2007
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)Reminds me of the TPP BS statement

She's really good at "watching" and "listening tours".
Solving problems, meh

(45,251 posts)joshcryer
(62,513 posts)As am I.
Clinton has waffled about "making jobs." She has not come out against it, though I think she should.
Otherwise they have yet to substantially differentiate themselves.
Feel free to add me to the private message cliques and criticisms for the ensuing witch hunts. Sanders' positions are clearly better than Clinton's, so far. If Clinton comes out strongly against the TPP, then I will be fine with her as a nominee. Big deal.
Fascinating 1 week 2 day old response though, I wonder what is going on, with a thread this old getting kicked and random people being harassed by regulars? Perhaps to put it in Google search records to slander anyone who dares disagree on some minor issue?
(45,251 posts)Never mind.
(62,513 posts)
(15,741 posts)still_one
(97,424 posts)Response to Logical (Original post)
1000words This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,992 posts)People are just tired of Center right policies. And also I do think the corruption doubts on the Clintons plays a part of it.
(12,958 posts)Because there are none. Of course the GOP is trying to push lies, but we don't care about what they think.
(22,457 posts)Iwillnevergiveup
(9,298 posts)to know truly what you're getting with candidate Bernie.
(10,558 posts)nuff said
(15,162 posts)tokenlib
(4,186 posts)...are all the Hillary people on vacation??
(46,179 posts)While there are more centrists here than there used to be, DU still has a strong contingent of those left of the status quo.
Early DU polls in '08 had both Obama and HRC running at the bottom...and Dennis Kucinich was the first choice, followed closely by Edwards.
(502 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)But they are free to post as much as they want about their candidate, which is good.
As for the poll: I am very gratified so many are willing to stand up and be counted. Hope more Democrats take note and more Democrats enter the race for the nomination.
(24,853 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)grahamhgreen
(15,741 posts)Cheese Sandwich
(9,086 posts)Maybe Hillary posters make more posts so it seems like there are more of them
(10,558 posts)He oftentimes cites things he sees here at DU. I am quite sure it should bring a smile to his friend Senator Sanders
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I am glad Sen. Sanders is in, though.
Ed Suspicious
(8,879 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)And, en masse, I like it.
I'm likewise familiar with the track records of HRC, Webb, O'Malley (to some extent) etc.
Still, there will be a primary process, there will be debates, and during this cycle the candidates will most likely both update their stances, add new ones, AND hopefully address some pressing issues relevant to 2016.
For instance, right now 3 states and DC have legalized marijuana for recreational use. It is entirely likely that come 2016 additional states, including California, will join them. Any potential chief executive will need, in my mind, to address the question of marijuana legalization. The days of politicians being able to laugh it off or ignore it, are over.
That's just one example. Beyond that, I see no need to commit to a candidate at this early date, other than to simplify matters for DU members who want to easily identify which 'team' someone is on.
I will say I have very good impressions of Sen. Sanders, and this comment:
certainly summarizes a salient, early argument in his favor.
(7,830 posts)Recursion
(56,582 posts)I can't answer until I see how good Sanders is at administering a large organization, handling the national media, and juggling multiple balls at the same time. Which is why it's a good thing there are campaigns.