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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsLOL---Cali battling the pinheads at Jackpine is a sight to behold.
Last edited Mon Jul 11, 2016, 07:02 PM - Edit history (1)
Not sure if you know---but it appears that Cali left us and took up residence at Jackpines hole in the wall---you know..the hole that Jerry hides in when chased by Tom.
Cali and I go way back as protagonists--- with her getting the best of me more times than not---Lady has energy to spare and I'd just run off instead of engage. She can wear you out.
She's left a few times in the past but always returned. I always made sure to welcome her back hoping that she knew that although I disagreed with her---A LOT!--- that I respected her passion and resolve.
With that said---she's sullied herself just a bit by joining forces with ---well honestly I don't quite know how to describe that gang over there.....How about just bitter fucking losers?--- and she's getting a serious dose of what it's like to engage said bitter fucking losers.
Here she is trying her damnedest to be pragmatic and as you can see---it's not working out to well.
Third-Way trumad
Oh fuck that stupid Third-Way shit!

(27,787 posts)Alex4Martinez
(3,096 posts)
(34,648 posts)jonno99
(2,620 posts)Why is this bad? To me that sounds like discussing ideas.
Isn't that a good thing?
(27,787 posts)... given that JPR is filled with crackpots, it should either be (a) avoided, or (b) studied by licensed professionals from the fields of sociology and psychology seeking approaches for dealing with severe mental illness.
(30,481 posts)
(27,787 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)But haven't been there since, except when links of the lunacy are posted here.
(30,481 posts)There are a couple of members there I like. Very few things in life are absolute.
(34,582 posts)Sadly, I saw a post over there from someone I thought was an alright person.
(934 posts)that's coming tomorrow.
constructing a seemingly good or logical reason, as an attempt to justify the act after the fact, for oneself or others"
(1,474 posts)"But at least she isn't secretly 'winning' by actually losing," I snidely answered. And that, I would like to say, was the last time I was ever unpleasant, ever.
(58,785 posts)a long-time member, but this was posted outside DU for obvious reasons.
Vladimir Putin is a very canny, ethical man. His bio is interesting on so many levels. He really cares about his people and his nation. Can we make the same claim about ours?
He’s saving his blackmail for (1) if it becomes necessary (2) if it will make a significant difference. I suspect he’s already diverted some of Obama’s worst ideas…perhaps by reason, perhaps by blackmail….I don’t care why or how, but I am grateful that the Syrian adventure was scaled back and allowed to succeed against terrorism, not against a legally elected Syrian president. Too bad Ukraine didn’t get the same courtesy. That little fuckup told Putin all he needed to know about Hillary and Obama…and guided his policy since.
Have to say admiration of a "legally elected" member of the genocidal crime family that took control of Syria, and of course "ethical" Putin (!) saving us all from Obama's bellicose incompetence, almost makes Cali look (insert evaluation) by comparison, though she has not weighed in on this thread. Also makes me wish I'd majored in some political sociology discipline.

(44,163 posts)Wait, let me guess who posted that!
(58,785 posts)If you make a correct informed guess about the right ONE in that group, you get a big gold star on your forehead. Or a free delousing.

(177,385 posts)I guess it's good that my irony meter broke a few weeks ago, because that would send it absolutely berserk.
(28,749 posts)LuvLoogie
(7,897 posts)arely staircase
(12,482 posts)is in an echo chamber of like ten participants and maybe as many lurkers?
(6,419 posts)that the Russian gov is not only controlling the media there, but then paid trolls are writing all the comments (with fake debate pro and con) in the same media. It's truly Orwellian. The only ones posting on many news articles in Russia are paid trolls, pretending to argue. It's bizarre.
Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)That's why he's willing to ruin his nation's economy just so he can have Crimea back. Putin ain't missing any meals from this, but his people sure are.
(58,785 posts)of many of the stresses of decision-making and is determined to eventually produce a completely stress-free populace.
(96,614 posts)
(96,614 posts)Could you please pm me with a clue? I'll give you extra butter for your popcorn.
(44,163 posts)

The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)sock puppet trying to stir things up. I looked, and it appeared to me that they were all yanking each other's chain without breaking character.
(26,355 posts)Online, it's mostly Drumpfucks trolling/sockpuppeting.
The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)However I also think that much of the support he has on online places such as the aforementioned might be paid agitators and trolls from the political right, posting with the intent to egg these people on and further smear plain old liberals and progressives.
(58,785 posts)of Bernie supporters who have shifted or are shifting to back HRC do still like him, and we should respect that and them. They are us.
The others are not us, as they make clear proudly so.
The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)Stubborn and difficult, but that can be worked with. I disagree with the socialism thing, but that doesn't mean we can't find common ground and work on many things.
(3,457 posts)As far as I can discern, everything progressive is about socialism. For instance, Social Security, Medicare, public education, national parks, and much more. Why do you dislike those things?
The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)functions.
My definition of socialism is the one that can be found in the dictionary. Just about every dictionary I ever looked at. And my political science education, in which I have a bachelor's degree.
Socialism is government control control of production. (Communism is government ownership of production.) I think the default on production should be privately owned, with government regulation. That makes me a liberal, not a socialist.
You give examples of what could be socialism. How about a definition?
(25,699 posts)That's kind of like learning how to be a parent by seeing some Gerber commercials.
The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)to UCLA.
I noticed in your criticism, that you declined my request for a definition from thread participants. Is there a reason you decline?
(25,699 posts)It's kind of a large subject and you're not paying me enough for my time.
The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)I know very well what socialism is, because I have studied the matter over 35 years. It's control of production by the government.
(25,699 posts)if you have spent three decades "studying the matter" and all you know is a dictionary definition, I would suggest seeking a refund.
The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)and as a feature, it does not respect the ownership of private business when it gets in the way of that production.
(58,785 posts)a better, prosperous world, where all common men walk tall and confident, none ever worries about sliding into poverty, the hated "elites" are no longer, and corruption is easily defeated. I'm kind of surprised you haven't learned that in 35 years. Sure you're reading the right material?
(10,558 posts)No, not a dictionary definition nor is it likely one taught at university but this definition so far has shut down all argument I've had from supporters of the Republican party:
"What part of a government of by and for us..... where we the citizenry are the final arbitor in any and all matters that concern us.... isn't socialism?"
The Second Stone
(2,900 posts)and I want something more useful and less smarty pants. Something that will tell me the nature of its character.
(I admire a good dodge, but what you've got there is a fine piece of sophistry without any content.)
(33,424 posts)Human101948
(3,457 posts)Excerpt--
2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.
3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.
4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?
(33,424 posts)You may have your own private definition of socialism but that is all it is.
2) Highways are not socialism. Romans built highways all over Europe. Didn't know they were socialists.
3) Public Libraries. Libraries have been around in mass for hundreds of years and some go back thousands such as the Library at Alexandria.
4) Police have been around for 200 years in the U.S. Some of the forces came into being to fight radicals in the 1870s and 1880s. No, not socialist.
You seem to confuse taxes with socialism. Every government has used some form of taxes for thousands of years.
(3,457 posts)Socialism means government ownership of the means of production, and governments necessarily own the land on which roads are constructed. Therefore, governments are always going to be involved in the provision of roads; the only question is what role the government should play.
You are probably confusing socialism with communism which is not uncommon due to the incessant propaganda conflating the two.
(58,785 posts)of the states and nation. I'm not sure, but the library in Alexandria almost certainly belonged to King Ptolemy and his descendants. And so on. I think you may be confusing taxation of the people with ownership of, by, and for the people.
(33,424 posts)The state does. They determine who goes there and who does not. A very bizarre definition of socialism at best. Look at any dictionary and see if any support you.
(3,457 posts)Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production;[10] as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim at their establishment.[11] Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective, or cooperative ownership; to citizen ownership of equity; or to any combination of these.[12] Although there are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[13] social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms.
(58,785 posts)

(34,582 posts)I was a BS supportter, still like him, and will be voting gor HRC in November.
(58,785 posts)unified the GOP far more than the Democrats are so far. Unbelievable. His nose should have broken off from growing too long.
We're already far more unified and will be more so. One major pollster estimates our eventual defection rate to be in the typical 10% range he said both parties tend to have every 4 years. The GOP no one is sure about.
(53,544 posts)backscatter712
(26,355 posts)JPR has a bunch of genuine progressives there, and I suspect a few right-wing ratfuckers.
OTOH, the r/SandersForPresident subreddit has pretty much been taken over by denizens of r/The_Donald - one of the top stories there yesterday was from Breitbart. Breitbart. With a fairly obvious upvote brigade, courtesy of r/The_Donald. I think it's pretty obvious what happened there. All the reasonable people have fled.
(159,754 posts)Some of the JPR posters are real nut cases
(34,582 posts)I know she can handle herself
(148,731 posts)I support everything Sanders stands for.
If he decides to make a third party run I’ll vote for him. If he doesn’t run I’ll have to do something else.
However, if he endorses Clinton I still won’t vote for her. I have despised the Clintons for a quarter of a century, way before I ever heard of Bernie Sanders.
I will not vote for any senatorial candidate who endorses her.
And I will vote for my crappy republican congress critter because I know he will be a reliable vote to impeach her in the unfortunate event she is elected.
I mean really?

(28,749 posts)redStateBlueHeart
(265 posts)Please tell me they don't actually believe that.
(7,963 posts)ProudToBeBlueInRhody
(16,399 posts)That's what being a Rush Limbaugh fan, and a right-wing conservative will do for ya.
Would love to know which "Duer" that is. I bet I won't be surprised.
(148,731 posts)is using their DU name. You can go to the link and find the post.
(16,399 posts)Recognize the name, though can't say anything they've ever said has stuck with me.
Oh well, fuck them. Yeah, I said it. FUCK them.
(3,316 posts)just a step below FR but not by much
(6,366 posts)It is a spirited discussion many at DU seem to miss. Even so, I believe you mischaracterize the majority of the posts at the linked thread. Several in the minority there have been specifically linked in this thread, but over all, there isn't the spectacle you imply.
(54,555 posts)Hekate
(96,614 posts)Response to unc70 (Reply #12)
yallerdawg This message was self-deleted by its author.
Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)Supported him from the get go, and I got banned from the Bernie Sanders group for daring to point out that Hillary was beating Trump is the polls and that their memo of Bernie or Bust really just wasn't accurate. They were trying to push the idea that Clinton had no chance against Trump but Bernie does. I think we've all seen that's flat out horseshit based on recent polling.
So yes, I will agree with you that many Bernie supporters did not tolerate discussion. Not even a little bit. They have developed a cult like system of devoutness with this man that I find more than a little troubling. At least Hillary supporters acknowledge her flaws. But Bernie can do no wrong and neither can they in supporting him.
(4,377 posts)Seriously?

During the primary both sides had significant numbers of supporters who jumped off the handle at the slightest suggestion of a flaw in their candidate.
(6,366 posts)Almost all the worst of the Hillary supporters are still at DU, in spite of 10-15 hides and repeated "timeouts". The core 30-40 core offenders were and still are every bit as obnoxious as the similar number of Sanders supporters. With some on the Sanders side now gone from DU, it is really obvious who remains. While there were originally many more Sanders supporters in total, the number of problem DUers was split fairly evenly in actual numbers. Those who support Clinton are now mostly left to argue with each other.
Response to unc70 (Reply #82)
yallerdawg This message was self-deleted by its author.
(54,555 posts)Those who don't exclusively post slurs on Democrats.
Those who don't plan to vote for Trump.
(2,978 posts)Squinch
(54,555 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)Kind of shocked at some of the rhetoric.
I think most will return here.
(11,949 posts)I hope will not return here. Besides, they will be more comfortable at FR anyway. The ones who say the will vote for Hillary rather than Trump or Greens will soon be run off.
(53,544 posts)snooper2
(30,151 posts)A- Mock them for the stupid shit they have posted
B- Let Skinner deal with it and just ban their asses on the spot
C- Tell them we are sorry they went delusional for a couple months and give them a big hug
(51,308 posts)But the big hug is always good.
(19,877 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)A little frightening if taken seriously. Amazing how detached from reality people can make themselves in order to fit the narrative they have already drawn.
(20,620 posts)Response to trumad (Original post)
Post removed
(4,373 posts)discourage bringing over fights from other sites - and honestly, a great idea on their part, it prevents posters like this one from stirring shit for fun.
(229,860 posts)
(54,555 posts)That was up till very recently.
(4,373 posts)expressly asked new members not to spend time discussing DU - I hadn't seen that forum you mentioned, but may have just not looked at it. I remember another site, years ago (Elm Tree something) that devolved into nothing more than nasty comments about DUer and failed.
(54,555 posts)TwilightZone
(28,835 posts)You really should take a look around.
(25,816 posts)I have taken a look around. I joined last year.
(28,835 posts)That is the operative word.
(58,785 posts)Sanders logo, but for "technical" reasons it hasn't been added to the face page yet. A natural-enough evolution, including an understandable dissimilation in what is very much an emotional and volatile transition period.
(41,692 posts)It took me 30 seconds to read the name Killary at that site.
Fuck that place
(16,399 posts) impeach Hillary.
You soak in that shit?
(17,196 posts)this OP is stupid.
(1,957 posts)Interesting discussion.
Thanks for the link.
Added: BTW, my take is a bit different. The jpr folks held their own pretty well.
Personally I don't care for the Nader-blame meme. Way too simplistic. If there's blame needed, I'd point to whoever decided joementum would be an asset.
(26,001 posts)Interesting that an OP in clear violation of the "new" "rules" is still standing.
(28,835 posts)It's about an anti-Clinton website that thinks that calling Hillary Clinton the c-word and openly supporting Trump as the lesser of two evils are just peachy keen.
Besides, the folks on JPR are being trolled by many of the same trolls who've been here for 15 years. They just haven't figured it out yet.
(6,366 posts)The ones using the c-word were hidden - all or nearly all.
Just like here, they have trolls just trying to make the site look bad. We had posters during and after the Dallas attack who were claiming it was a RW attack to discredit BLM.
As for the trolls, I mostly agree. Whether trolls or not, we have been having too many outrageous posts all around. For example here at DU we just had "Fuck the Dallas Police Chief".
(41,692 posts)TwilightZone
(28,835 posts)Some of them were up for days prior to that.
As for your link, the majority opinion appears to disagree with the OP. It also appears to be an opinion based on only part of the police chief's statement and not overt trolling. You may disagree.
(6,366 posts)The majority of responses were sane. That was just a recent OP here I thought a bit much.
(20,805 posts)Plus ca change...
(26,001 posts)
(41,692 posts)Bashing Free Republic is against the rules?
(17,196 posts)Response to 840high (Reply #70)
Post removed
(17,196 posts)dead 30 years +. You made a stupid op just to stir trouble.
(41,692 posts)snooper2
(30,151 posts)Scootaloo
(25,699 posts)Right now the lead thread over on Freeperville is one that that claims Black Lives Matter and ISIS are in cahoots to kill white cops, spark a race war, and let Islam triumph over America. Broguht to you by anti-Muslim hate site, "JihadWatch."
You need to learn the difference between progressives who don't agree with you, and right-wing nutjobs.
(41,692 posts)Funny how Jacks site does the same.
(25,699 posts)No. They don't "use the C-word." it got used on one thread, by one poster on the old site.) This sparked a debate over whether or not there should be "word policing." The consensus was no, there should not be mandatory "word policing," that the community ought to enforce its standards through debate and argument rather than moderator fiat. Since that thread, it's not been said, except for mentions of that particular discussion... Which amounts to exactly the same thing as you and I saying "C-word", just with fewer letters.
As for "Killary", a search shows that it is exactly one poster over there using that term. one dude. he uses it frequently, but it's definitely not a "they."
Again. A progressive who disagrees with you is not the same thing as a right-wing nutjob.
(34,582 posts)Agschmid
(28,749 posts)trumad
(41,692 posts)mopinko
(72,174 posts)upset that they cant spew their nasty here, so they take their ball and start a new game elsewhere.
this one will go the way of the others- they will dry up and wither on the vine, poisoned by their vitriol.
du is better off without the bitter dead enders.
(6,896 posts)Third Way Manny, for one.
that guy.
hard to believe he wasnt banned sooner.
(24,689 posts)Funny!
(110,159 posts)DianaForRussFeingold
(2,552 posts)
(10,772 posts)One stating they would vote for trump, and in case he didn't win they'd vote straight line repug in hopes that a stacked congress would impeach her. That's just mental...
(98,069 posts)AWFUL PROSPECTS, in her reference to Hillary verses trump, and she knows that
(2,552 posts)
" Tom and Butch even rescue their pals from a fellow cat and dog."
"But then a steak falls off a truck and they can't decide how to divvy it up,
ultimately losing it completely, and the truce is off."

(25,704 posts)brush
(59,183 posts)giftedgirl77
(4,713 posts)Not going to be sullied up by reading their insane rantings & idiotic perpetual whining of those loons. I'm glad the clueless fools found a new home.
(6,896 posts)what are those internet website relevancy ratings?
clueless but curious.
how long can they last with that extreme leftist bias in America?
(251 posts)are letting JPR live rent free in their head.
What is it now, about a thread a day about what's going on over at JPR? Maybe it should be a sticky.
Lots of free advertising.
(34,648 posts)She does not hate Hillary or Democrats enough to remain there
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)the ticket, if she has. She is mean as shit and I rarely agree with her , except for who to vote for in general elections. We have gotten into it a lot. But I have talked to her on PM and she is good person. Takes no prisoners, though. God help anyone she is fucking with over there.
(34,648 posts)She is not one to take any shit so I do not see her posting there working out. She is just not fucking crazy like them.
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)They seem to not be very happy with her since she is not taking their shit.
(6,896 posts)After a few years of NONSTOP Hillary bashing posts?
she didnt relent until the election was getting close.
I assume her numerous protracted absences were due
to being on long time outs repeatedly?
was she simply on vacation?
I really havent seen anything as over the top and redoubled as
the many many many posts about how bad Hillary was that she
put out.
How much hate is enough?
(34,648 posts)Those folks take it to a whole nother level.
(4,825 posts)It's annoying when people complain about other sites. Why not try to make DU a more progressive place to be? So that progressives don't leave in droves.
(41,692 posts)Had one since I joined this site in 2001.
Appreciate your concern though.
(30,481 posts)All while lecturing someone else not to.
(2,495 posts)Response to trumad (Original post)
yallerdawg This message was self-deleted by its author.
The Straight Story
(48,121 posts)Now they bitch about fellow democrats who aren't in the same tent they are in - even though they are all in the same big tent.
(28,835 posts)As they never tired of telling us when they were here.
(28,327 posts)Including saying they will vote for Trump to beat "Killary."
(1,134 posts)*edit* Nope. They are not.
(3,835 posts)
No such thing as bad publicity.
puffy socks
(1,473 posts)as would Gary Hart, Jimmy Swaggart
and a host of others.
(48,734 posts)
(34,582 posts)that loophole existed.
(20,649 posts)It doesn't matter whether those Kool-Aid drinkers are at The Other Site, or right here at good old DU, which is why some people had issues with her.
Quite frankly, she is one of the most objective posters I've ever interacted with at ANY site, let alone DU, and DU is way worse off for her departure. I'd love to see her back here, but can totally understand if she'd prefer to take a break.
(3,284 posts)too many insufferable people crammed onto one message board. No thanks!
(4,311 posts)We all had our fun on the monster 1000+ post thread, but we have an election to win here. Those people are not going to help us do it. The more time we spend talking about them, the less time we spend getting Hillary into the WH. And also, the more publicity we give them (they're only a tiny fringe site now, but we're giving them a HUGE platform) the more audience they have to spread their hateful rhetoric.
(28,327 posts)Big ones.
(55,670 posts)I was all for the first thread on JPR, but I think we've had enough. Let's move on to promoting party unity. We can hope they will come around to supporting the party, but regardless our goal needs to be to turn out Democratic voters.
(34,210 posts)I know its your schtick, but still....
(96,614 posts)People here obviously miss butting heads with ya.
We'll leave the light on
(6,716 posts)Last time I'll ever be reading that crap!
(20,317 posts)Unless you're saying you're both heroes in separate stories.
(65,616 posts)