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Written by
Jenny Anderson
A friend posted on Facebook this mock note from her daughter:
I heard you on the news yesterday saying that you wanted to grab a womans pussy. I am ten years old so I dont know that word yet but it seems pretty important since all the news channels are covering it and it is on the cover of all the newspapers that they sell on my way to the playground. My mom says you can tell me what that word means.
Thank you!
Older parents will of course recall the pressure of conducting presidential-themed sex ed talks with their children during former US president Bill Clintons impeachment proceedings. His scandal required explanations for all measure of tawdry things, from blow jobs to the proper use of cigars to why Monica Lewinskys blue dress would be considered evidence if it was worn so long ago.
It all serves as a bold reminder that the Obama White House has been a paragon of decency for dinner-table talk for eight long years.
As president, Barack Obama has sparked debate over issues of substance: Is Obamacare the best direction for healthcare in the US? Why did he draw a red line with Syria and cross it? Why cant the US government stop gun violence?
As a father and husband, his actions in public have communicated themes of dignity and respect, perhaps best summed up in his essay for Glamour magazine about feminism, in which he talked about his relationship with his two daughters and opined, Its important that their dad is a feminist, because now thats what they expect of all men.
He has shown sensitivity, refusing, for example, to speak at his older daughters graduation so as not to steal the limelight. He has shown humor, whether donning a tiara with Girl Scouts or dancing with a 106-year-old woman in the Oval Office. And he has shown humility, whether apologizing, as he did in the Glamour essay, for dumping so much of the parenting burden on his wife or noting, as he was quoted by Timothy Egan writing in the New York Times, as saying: [A]s we get older, we learn we dont always have control of thingsnot even a president does. But we do have control over how we respond to the world. We do have control over how we treat one another.
It all shows how seriously he has taken his role of orator in chief. He chooses his words carefully. And arguably he had to, knowing that as Americas first black president, he would be held to an impossibly high standard.
One of the popular critiques of Obama is his aloofness. He has not been criticized for being insulting, or denigrating, or demeaning, neither to others nor to the office he holds. He has not been abusive, or crass. Hes right that we have control over how we treat each other. Unfortunately not all of us choose to deploy it.

(246 posts)He's truly been amazing. It has been a scandal free administration, despite massive efforts from Republicans to manufacture them.
(2,252 posts)thinks he's too good to sleep around with just anybody.
(34,582 posts)

(34,582 posts)but she is a stunning woman, who is also strong, caring, and smart
(3,355 posts)I don't read right-wing web sites, but occasionally I get sucked into a Facebook thread where many Republicans have posted their vile and divisive comments, and they truly believe that Obama is the worst president in history. I can't believe the vile garbage spewed against him and Michelle, too. It boggles the mind that they can excuse everything that Trump says or does, and yet they post the most hateful things about the Obamas. And I'd bet that most of them will be in church on Sunday, praising Jesus. Shameful.
Obama will go down in history as one of our best presidents, IMO.
(18,124 posts)best in 40 years. Period.
(865 posts)I know of only one in my lifetime.
(171,889 posts)who dabbled, 'that we know of'. The obvious, JFK, FDR, to name a few. And the Obamas were free of any kind of scandal, unlike most/any? presidents in my lifetime.
(63,221 posts)The Obamas were the epitome of grace, class and dignity. I am afraid we won't see that again for a while.