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2012-06-21 Transcript: Julian Assange's first interview from Ecuadorian Embassy
... Fran Kelly: To avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning?
Julian Assange: Yeah, and that's... I don't know where you get that from. We've never said that's the case, and that's simply not the case. The issue is about a very serious matter in the United States and an announcement was made by the Swedes and the Swedish Government that I would be detained, without charge, in Sweden, immediately on extradition. They tried to cancel the 14 days that I had here to apply to appeal the matter at the European Court of Human Rights. So my opportunity to exercise my asylum rights in the United States was at an end. And this is not a matter of onwards extradition from Sweden to the United States. The situation here for me in the UK is extremely, has been extremely precarious. And the refusal by the Swedish prosecutor has led to a technical... the refusal by the Swedish prosecutor to come to the UK for the past 18 months, despite that being absolutely normal procedure, and the refusal of her to explain it in any matter whatsoever to the British court, has kept me trapped in the United Kingdom while the United States has prepared a case against me. We now have intelligence, public record, that the FBI file in its case preparation now runs to 48,135 pages.
Fran Kelly: Okay, let's break this down a bit just in the name of complete accuracy, Julian. Yes, I did say that you had sought political asylum in Ecuador to avoid extradition. What you're saying is, you did it because the Swedish Government had made an attempt to truncate your curtailed freedom as it already is there in the UK, but you are not prepared to go to Sweden under the terms that you believe you would be held in there. Is that what you're saying?
Julian Assange: That's right. My ability to exercise an asylum right would be at an end, and even to exercise rights of appeal, would be at an effective end because the Swedes announced publicly that they would detain me, in prison, without charge, while they continued their so-called investigation, without charge. So we had heard that the Ecuadorians were sympathetic in relation to my struggles and the stuggles of the organization with the United States. And the ability to exercise that option was at an effective end and we had the surprise news that the Crown Prosecution Service here suddenly objected to the 14 days we were meant to have to file an EU appeal and were asking for zero ...
3 votes, 0 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
He now likes Ecuadorian women better than Swedish women | |
2 (67%) |
He's hurt because only two Ozzie consular officials showed up for his daily court appearances | |
0 (0%) |
So the Swedish prosecutors can interview him on an Ecuadorian beach | |
0 (0%) |
Quito has better-quality people than Strasbourg | |
0 (0%) |
Because (as he says), "I am Oz, the great and terrible!" | |
0 (0%) |
He been told too much about the Swedish Gestapo: they'd have to kill him | |
0 (0%) |
Queen Elizabeth is scheming to toss him into the Tower of London | |
1 (33%) |
Sweden is overrun with body-snatching aliens | |
0 (0%) |
The Americans want to sell him as a slave in South Carolina | |
0 (0%) |
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn | |
0 (0%) |
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(28,017 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)warrprayer
(4,734 posts)Last edited Fri Jun 22, 2012, 12:15 PM - Edit history (1)
what the U.S. did to Bradley Manning, he has the good sense to go to a country that doesn't kiss fascist amerikas ass.
(21,363 posts)
(4,734 posts)... was way ahead of his time. what a perfect description of the post 911 psychosis that got us into Iraq. Thanks!
(21,363 posts)
(110 posts)hifiguy
(33,688 posts)And welcome to DU!!
(14,180 posts)needed saying in this thread. Thanks!
(39,665 posts)I imagine he just wants to join their struggle, mm?
(4,734 posts)when he gave the airspace of right wing t.v. and radio stations to public broadcasting.
But not to worry, Fox and friends will take up the slack and make sure that Ecuadorians (?) know what's REALLY going on, right?
(72,790 posts)Welcome to DU!
(4,734 posts)and a halftrack to ya!
(39,181 posts)warrprayer
(4,734 posts)... however someone with the survival skills of Assange probably has his reasons. And I also have reservations about Julians being sponsored by Russia, ala his t.v. show. Accepting the endorsement of another power player isn't a good move, imho. However, I believe if U.S. gets their hands on him, things would turn ugly quickly.
(23,272 posts)If you google it, it sounds like a pretty fine place to land.
(4,734 posts)Ecuador actually has enviromental protection written into its constitution! Al Gore dream come true... a truly progressive country that got on the C.I.A. shitlist when it made moves to nationalize its oil and other natural resources...
Dancer bears uncanny resemblance to Assange

Voice for Peace
(13,141 posts)from the comments on Youtube:
(82,383 posts)What about his native land? Why does he not return to it or run to its London consulate?
(4,734 posts)did contract work for C.I.A..
(82,383 posts)Women who "do contract work for the CIA" are not people whom one is allowed to rape at will. Not in most civilized countries, anyway.
(1,674 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)He should go straight to Sweden and defend himself.
If the charge is not using a condom, and that's against the law in Sweden, then defend himself from that. And the penalty for that is probably not death or life imprisonment.
(4,734 posts).... wil hand him immediately over to the U.S.?
(82,383 posts)And so why not defend himself from the U.S. charges? Are you really claiming he would not have a trial here? That he could not get lawyers? And that his admirers could not raise money for all that?
What could he be charged with and what are the penalties? Persecution is being jailed for political opinion or race or religion or ethnic group. There are no such laws in the U.S. There might be such laws in a place like Ecuador (I don't know about now, but there have been S.A. dictators).
(26,549 posts)Her consent to have sex was based on him using a condom.
Not using a condom voids that consent.
(4,734 posts)... condoms or consent. It's about some people on here salivating at the thought of crucifying the man who lifted the rug to show all the dirt.
(26,549 posts)So why try so hard to avoid extradition if there's no crime and it's just an attempt to embarrass. Go there, get your fast acquittal, and get the story out of the news instead of being "Julian Assange, accused rapist" for years.
girl gone mad
(20,634 posts)Your knowledge of this case is less even less impressive than your knowledge of economics and finance.
(26,549 posts)It's not like they're massively close allies with nearly identical legal systems making extradition extremely easy. No, it's a far better idea to wait for a trial in diplomatically neutral Sweden to try and extradite.
girl gone mad
(20,634 posts)might help you avoid continually making foolish, uninformed comments.
Sweden has a record of assisting the US with its rendition and torture program. The Swedish justice system is extremely opaque. The UK is both more transparent and less amenable to bullying by the USA. There is no comparison.
(26,549 posts)Yes, Sweden helped us so much more than the British. Why, those limey bastards never did anything to help the Bush administration!
And the UK is obviously quite happy to extradite, since they're extraditing him to Sweden. So your claims of transparency don't matter - the UK would transparently extradite to the US just as much as to Sweden.
(3,317 posts)Not using a condom may be careless, but consent to sex is consent.
Both females in question neither claim to have been unconscious nor do they claim to have been forced to having sex with Assange - and THAT is the only thing that counts, even in Sweden.
In fact, they both threw themselves at him, both invited him into their bed and initiated the sexual encounters.
Further information:,04.shtml
(26,549 posts)And it doesn't matter if they threw themselves at him, gave him a fantastic blowjob and then said "Put a condom on so we can have sex".
They asked for condoms, didn't get 'em. So they get to file a complaint. Whether or not that really happened is up to a jury.
(3,317 posts)and yes, you can apply US law to these incidents, because rape laws are basically everywhere the same. The Swedish rape paragraph differs in some finer points from other penal codes, but these have no relevance here whatsoever.
Allegation 1: She closes her legs and grasps for a condom while they lie on top of each other ("his bodyweight pressing down on her" . When he asks what the trouble is she tells him put the condom on , he complies. Later the condom breaks (says she, he allegedly never notices a thing, nor did she ever talk to him about it). She believes he somehow broke the condom deliberately. Not rape.
Allegation 2: They sleep together several times throughout the night, with condom. In the early morning, while she is still "drowsy" or "half-asleep" (her own words), he initiates sexual intercourse without a condom on. She allegedly doesn't notice this at first, expresses concern when she does (doesn't want babies, doesn't want AIDS), but then continues with the shagging nevertheless. Gets breakfeast afterwards, lends him some money, everything is fine and dandy until Assange never calls again. She still doesn't allege she was raped, but the lawyer and the prosecutor currently in charge think the matter should be "investigated" further, anyway.
So, please, show us one, a single case, anywhere in the world, where concern over a broken condom or lack of one has led to RAPE investigations. Thanks.
(26,549 posts)I realize you love the guy, but that doesn't also mean he can't do any wrong.
And if he has done no wrong, then he'll be acquitted.
Well, there's this Assange guy....
(3,317 posts)Right, because it doesn't exist.
Rape laws are pretty much the same as they all require
a) violence, breaking the will of somebody, or
b) exploiting the state of helpness of somebody for taking sexual advantage
The Assange case meets neither of these two essential requirements.
(26,549 posts)'cause the one we're talking about had an investigation, and now there's a case.
You should really get out more. The rest of the world is not exactly like the US.
And again, if your claims are true, he'll win his case and go on with his life because the jury will decide there was no rape.
But he's not doing that. Instead, he's working really, really hard to stay out of Sweden. Kinda implies he might have something to fear. And I do realize you'll just claim it's to avoid extradition to the US, but as mentioned above the UK will happily extradite him. After all, the UK is extraditing him to Sweden.
Praise Assange for everything good you think he did, but that doesn't mean he can never do wrong.
(3,317 posts)Assange is obviously being harassed for political reasons.
The only way to counter that claim would be to come up with one, a single example of a case, or at least an investigation, of the same nature. Where was anybody ever investigated for allegedly not using or destroying a condom? True or not, the mere allegation is outrageous.
Feel free to include the ME and Asia in addition to Europe and the US. I'll be waiting!
(As to rape laws, I happen to have read many of them, as opposed to you, my friend.)
(26,549 posts)If you were more clever, you'd have asked for a DIFFERENT one.
Since I don't speak Swedish, I'm gonna decline your offer to dig through Swedish newspapers looking for another case. I'll just point out that this trial would be long over if what you say is true, and if Assange had not fled. He's been harassed much, much more by trying to avoid the trial.
Then post the Swedish one. You know, the one you claim doesn't cover this.
(3,317 posts)with comments and case examples. But I'm not surprised that you didn't even look for it.
Oh, and didn't our little conversation start with your claim that you know how the law works in Sweden?
Put up or shut up.
(26,549 posts)Yes. It was followed by your claim that Sweden's rape laws were copies of US law, just like everywhere else on the planet.
So, show me Sweden's rape laws so you can point out how they do not cover these acts.
Btw, if they didn't, then this trial would have lasted less than a day and it becomes even more silly that Assange has been fighting so hard to avoid trial. Which means you're gonna have to move on to claiming Swedish courts are corrupt soon.
Right back at ya.
(3,317 posts)to wit:
Rape laws are pretty much the same as they all require
a) violence, breaking the will of somebody, or
b) exploiting the state of helpness of somebody for taking sexual advantage
As I pointed out here:
this is not what the women say happened.
So, how about some examples? You claimed you know the Swedish law? Surely you did not make that up out of thin air, or did you?
Where has anyone ever been accused of rape because he allegedly didn't use condoms?
(26,549 posts)So show me the Swedish rape laws so you can show how they do not apply.
Next, explain why it made sense for Assange to spend so long running from a trial where the charges would be dismissed in under an hour.
(3,317 posts)I pointed out the two essential elements, either of which must apply in pretty much all laws covering rape--at least those I am aware of--and that would be most European and US penal codes.
Instead of empty blather, provide us with an explanation why you think I'm wrong, use a search engine if you want to find the English translation of the Swedish law that you claimed to know already but apparently don't, or shut the hell up.
It is pretty clear for everybody why Assange didn't want to go to prison in Sweden. He explained it, others did. Do I really have to break it down some more so you can finally grasp the concept?
(4,734 posts)... an expoding condom. It's an old Cuba trick.
(82,383 posts)Sweden gives him a chance to defend himself. Again, not persecution.
(4,734 posts)if Sweden would give Assange a legally binding guarantee that they would not turn him over to the U.S.. and as we both know, that isn't in the cards.
(82,383 posts)indicate that the UK could turn Julian over to the U.S. and in fact is more likely to as a US ally, and hasn't.
And if Julian really is the new Daniel Elsberg, he should be willing to face the consequences and even turn himself in to the U.S.
(26,549 posts)The UK is an extremely close US ally. If the US wanted him extradited, they'd ask the UK and not wait for Sweden.
(3,317 posts)"Infinitely" more likely, yeah, right.
The extradition treaties are not much different, and while the UK may indeed require less proof and documentation to comply with the wishes of the Big Brother, that doesn't mean they won't prefer to let the little brother do the dirty work.
Sweden is just as good a NATO puppet ally as the UK, they send soldiers everywhere they're asked to, and hand over prisoners for torture just like the UK.
Has it ever occurred to you guys that the US may WANT to draw this thing out?
(26,549 posts)Sweden isn't in NATO. They are far from a US puppet. Heck, they haven't been directly involved in a war since 1814. Though they have participated in UN-backed missions, including in Afghanistan post-invasion.
Under what theory? That Assange is dumb enough to remain in countries with strong ties to the US and thus easy extradition?
Does it occur to you that saints can commit sins?
(3,317 posts)Sweden deployed eight of its Saab Gripen fighters to Sigonella air base in Sicily over the weekend to join the expanding number of nations that have contributed to the NATO-led Operation
Afghanistan (ISAF) mechanised rifle company 500 men
Kosovo (KFOR) mechanised company 252 troops
Gulf of Aden (Operation Atalanta) 3 ships 160 men
As people in Sweden quickly found out, the possibly CIA-connected, anti-Cuba and religious activist Anna Ardin, who threw herself at Assange only to accuse him later of, guess what, destroying a condom! apparently has close family relations to one of those warriors in Afghanistan.
(26,549 posts)And Assange is free to bring this up at his trial.
Are you going to next claim that Swedish courts are notoriously corrupt? Or are you gonna go with the US will shoot down the plane transferring Assange to Sweden?
(3,317 posts)in your opinion, I take it.
No, I never said "Swedish courts are corrupt". But one prosecutor did something illegal with the effect of triggering a worldwide smear campaign, and another is going along with the persecution of Assange, under a pretext that has never been used before.
What makes you think there will be a trial in Sweden? Has anybody brought charges?
And even if they will, it wouldn't be the first time someone is held in prison for years during a rape trial only to be acquitted later, their reputation destroyed. I could cite you two widely publicised cases off the top of my head. Ms Ny reportedly thinks that's okay, the just burden that males have to bear. In the case of Assange, it would also serve the purpose of punishing him for the work he has done with Wikileaks, which the authoritarians of all nations will welcome with glee.
(26,549 posts)So....didn't read that UN-backed mission part, huh?
Because it is utterly impossible for Swedish authorities to review the actions of their prosecutors. They just get to do whatever they feel like whenever they want.

You can't have someone extradited until there are charges.
And if there's no trial in Sweden, then he doesn't have to stay in Sweden.
Because running for years does wonders for someone's reputation. It makes you look super innocent to do everything you can to avoid facing a trial.
Sweden has the concept of a "speedy trial".
(3,317 posts)Yes, a prosecutor can pretty much do what they want as long as their superiors don't object.
Yes, you can have someone extradited without charges. That's what the British courts have decided, Assange is wanted for questioning, no charges have been brought.
Up until now, Assange was at least among people who spoke his language, and he may have hoped the courts would decide in his favor. If you are being investigated and possibly indicted for "rape" in Sweden, they'll hold you in prison right until you are acquitted. And yes, this can take years.
(26,549 posts)Sweden issued an arrest warrant in December 2010. Those are charges.
Which is why he's trying to flee to Ecuador. Makes perfect sense.
If you are an utter moron. Because the Swedish equivalent for a motion to dismiss would be trivial to create, and would have to be granted if your claims about Swedish rape law were true.
I fully understand that you love the guy. Doesn't mean he's perfect. The sooner you stop grasping at conspiracy theory straws, the less you'll be hurt. If you'd like any examples, talk to those of us who strongly supported John Edwards.
(50,414 posts)SidDithers
(44,327 posts)Sid
(4,734 posts)... accomplished more in one minute than you could in two lifetimes.
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(23,973 posts)Being a 'Sixty-Second Man'.
(8,556 posts)RZM
(8,556 posts)SidDithers
(44,327 posts)
(4,734 posts)I'm having a blast
(35,773 posts)
(4,734 posts)
(35,773 posts)
Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)Also, induced heart attacks and "suicide".
(25,481 posts)WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 2012
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Uruguay government plans to sell marijuana to registered users
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay - Uruguay's government plans to take a step beyond legalizing marijuana. It wants to sell it.
Local news media and lawmakers report that the government plans to send a bill to Congress on Wednesday that would legalize marijuana sales as a crime-fighting measure. Only the government would be allowed to sell the cigarettes, and only to adults registered as users.
Those who exceed a limited number of cigarettes allowed would have to undergo drug rehabilitation.
The idea is to remove profits from drug dealers and divert users from harder drugs. There are no laws against marijuana use itself in Uruguay.
Ruling party Sen. Monica Xavier tells local TV that if the measure passes, it should be accompanied by efforts to get people off drugs.