General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region Forumslet's all give a big, rousing FUCK YOU to the media!!
during the campaign, you relentlessly presented donnie as someone we all couldn't wait to hear from. whatever he was, he certainly was exciting. so exciting, it was preferred to gaze upon an empty stage awaiting the next shock jock comment from donnie rather than cover actual news, even happening at the exact same moment.
somehow you missed the story of the century, that donnie was neck deep in ties to russia.
somehow you missed the story of the century, that donnie has absolutely zero experience managing a complex bureaucracy like the federal government. you dismissed this by saying how big the "trump organization" is, as if running a corporation in a dictatorial model could translate into anything other than running a country in a dictatorial model.
somehow you missed the story of the century, that donnie has zero political skills, and that this could lead to tremendous problems in actual governance.
somehow you missed the story of the century, and were caught completely off-guard by the incredible debacle that the donnie misadministration has been in less than a month. could you see none of the clues?
somehow you failed in your duty to inform the voting population of the *news* they needed to know in november, that donnie would be a *colossal disaster of epic proportions*, and instead focused on how provocative he was, and how hillary should somehow be in prison for a highly technical decision that was perfectly legal and nothing about it could be prosecuted.
so, for that, media, we give you a big, rousing
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!

(97,964 posts)Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)they are not all equally to blame, but collectively, they fucked up "bigly"
(1,779 posts)From the above is this:
"Not that the CBS executive chairman and CEO might vote for the Republican presidential frontrunner, but he likes the ad money Trump and his competitors are bringing to the network.
""It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS," he said of the presidential race.
Moonves called the campaign for president a "circus" full of "bomb throwing," and he hopes it continues.
""Most of the ads are not about issues. They're sort of like the debates," he said.
""Man, who would have expected the ride we're all having right now? ... The money's rolling in and this is fun," he said.
""I've never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It's a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going," said Moonves."
You goddamn bet the media is responsible for Trump! Giving him billions of dollars of free advertising, engaging repeatedly in false equivalencies, in "both sides do it"-ism, in ignoring the debacle that is Donald Trump, etc.
(3,847 posts)reporter should have walked out and have a case laryngitis. See how fucking happy he would have been then.
(23,213 posts)But it would be really nice if we could all express to him what we are thinking.
I called the number and it is a direct line to CBS
Mr Leslie Moonves CEO
Telephone 212-975-4321
Postal Address 10019M
Related lists US Companies
Advice from Hints and Tips on how to write your email to the CEO
(22,240 posts)is next
(44,239 posts)Democracy. Nice.
Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)There are millions of rank-and-file media workers, led by corporate media CEOs with competing political beliefs.
Such a blanket statement needlessly vilifies those with progressive values---such as the media workers---in one of the remaining union-dominated industries in the U.S.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)CNN which put Corey Lewandowski on the payroll! But now they're on Trump's shit list, he's on theirs, too! I would say better late than never - but it's too fucking late!
(54,730 posts)yes, many of my complaints were in fact mentioned at some point, somewhere, buried on page 37, etc.
at best this is burying the lede.
you can't give 80% of the airtime to covering donnie breathlessly and later claim you adequately informed people that he was completely inappropriate for the job of president.
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)All for the sake of ratings and $$$$. Thanks for nothing. Bet CNN and Jeff Zucker are not feeling so smug now.
Now we learn Comey likely knew of the contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence but he chose to drop the email story into the middle of the election and not the treasonous actions of Trump and company.
No wonder Trump is keeping Comey on, he needs him to continue the coverup.
(54,730 posts)doesn't mean you have to give them more than a mere mention. if they're baseless pandering and shit-stirring, they don't deserve extensive coverage. the media routinely ignores plenty of what congress does. they can't pretend they have to give it a ton of airtime.
Glimmer of Hope
(5,823 posts)confirm and report on it.
(48,730 posts):middlefinger:
Va Lefty
(6,252 posts)
(1,271 posts)The spectacle of the Trump campaign and now, to some degree, the spectacle of his disastrous presidency.
If the Trump presidency ceases to be a spectacle, though, the media will lose interest in any malfeasance that is "boring" and therefore not a ratings grabber.
(54,730 posts)Not in the sense that they cover them well.
To your main point, yes. donnie is a one-trick pony and he's run out of tricks. His schtick is getting old fast and a bigger spectacle looms....
(1,271 posts)I probably should have said "feeds on" instead of "good with." It's hard to see much good in it.
My main point was that when Trump runs out of tricks, the damage will continue but the media will have moved on.
Useless in FL
(329 posts)It's the corporate media...they wanted him to win...they wanted to control the message...and they want to control us.
(54,730 posts)Boomerproud
(8,647 posts)They can't control HIM. He can't control himself.
(2,198 posts)them. We have to play smart whether or not we like it. They are willing resources now with a few who are 45-lovers like Andrea and Joe. But we can operate around them.
(54,730 posts)
(24,474 posts)By ignoring and then attacking the MSM chump has succeeded in getting them to do their jobs.
Golden Raisin
(4,700 posts)attend the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner to laugh, smile, rub elbows and normalize by their presence these lying brigands currently in the White House?
(54,730 posts)iluvtennis
(21,083 posts)-Steph-
(409 posts)Everyone, including the MSM, knew about all of this months ago during the campaign. While I do appreciate they are finally covering it, what took them so long? Where was this reporting when it could have made a difference during the election?
(9,866 posts)...for this tragic debacle.
Bernstein says that the great untold story of America, after the story of its racism, is the failure of its media.
We cannot survive as a Democracy (such as it is) without a real press.
And the Murdoch empire is spreading world-wide.
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)zentrum
(9,866 posts)It really needs to be a documentary.
(20,219 posts)Fairness Doctrine.
That's why I never watch. I hate them so much, I'd have an aneurism if I sat there soaking in their poison and false equivalencies.
(2,607 posts)We haven't had a true journalist in twenty years at least and maybe since Vietnam.
(54,730 posts)MarianJack
(10,237 posts)...was entirely complicit in and a party to and irresponsible with their coverage of this abomination of an election
Their deliberate incompetence for the past 2 years was abysmal and they bear a great deal of the responsibility in our country having a Russian puppet Grand Wizard today instead of a president!
They were played, knew they were being played and were willing and eager to be conned and I forgive them for NOTHING!
(37,549 posts)they went back to kissing Trump's ass for ratings. I remember posting on DU several times before the election
that the Russian connection should be investigated. Remember they dumped Manafort then the Trump campaign
made just one change to the Republican platform and that involved giving Putin a free hand in Ukraine. Didn't Malcom
Nance write a book about it way before the election?
(135,425 posts)the American way....when they covered every fucking one of his "rallies" even before he showed up, they talked him up endlessly, all while screeching emails/emails/emails and IGNORING anyone who said "WTF is up with all this RUSSIAN shit with Donnie Boy?"
Unquestioning, uncritical, a lot of "Oh, isn't he EXCITING" and "Oooh la la" but no "What is this guy doing? What are his QUALIFICATIONS? Who are these skeevy friends?"
THEY did this to us--we should never, EVER forget it. They denied us the most qualified and prepared candidate in history. They, and the Russians, are responsible for the crisis we find ourselves in today.
Impeachment can't come soon enough--and then we'll have another problem--we'll have to cage that End-Timer Pence.
UGH. I'm too old for this shit.
(54,730 posts)how could they not make it clear to voters that he has *zero* experience managing anything like the federal government?
how could they not make it clear that his business empire is *nothing* like a democratic bureaucracy?
how could they not make it clear that his defective personality makes the team-building that's essential to run a white house impossible?
how could they not make it clear that he might try to bust up families based on bigotry?
instead they made him seem like howard stern, just another shock jock, isn't he entertaining, what outrageous thing will he say next? tune in for the next four years and find out!
(71,843 posts)Another media member, Forbes, did an analysis that showed that if Trump had done NOTHING other than invest his inheritance in the market, he would be worth $2 billion more than he claims. IOW, he wasn't even capable of running a big business, because he would have been richer by doing NOTHING.
And all they had to do was report on someone else's reporting.
not fooled
(6,176 posts)from the guy who ghost-wrote Art of the Deal...David Cay Johnston's biography...journalists in New York who had covered dump for decades...all saying that this guy wasn't capable of running the Trump org, let alone the U.S. Cataloguing his mental defects, compulsive lying, lack of any sort of ethics, nonexistent attention span, bad business decisions, mob connections, etc.etc.etc...there was PLENTY of evidence that he would be an f-up in the White House.
The corporate media and Faux-bots chose to downplay or ignore the warnings.
(71,843 posts)There is nothing complicated over the idea that he would have made more money by doing NOTHING! Even the least involved voter would grasp that for all his endeavors, he would have been better off just playing golf ALL THE TIME!
(54,730 posts)there was no excuse to give him easily 80% of the coverage, and then to use 80% of the remaining airtime to trash hillary.
especially when hillary's drawbacks were mostly fabricated and/or blown way, way, way out of proportion; while donnie's drawbacks were/are of genuinely epic proportions.
(531 posts)those kind of folks are great at selling advertising to the most desired demographic (males 18 to 40) who want to actually believe that people with less advantages and opportunities than them really are the reason that they themselves are not doing better in life.
A lot of us forget that just about all media is driven not by journalistic ethics but by advertising, period.
(92,496 posts)... she actually gave a stupid ass'd excuse like this and so will the rest of them
(894 posts)The media didn't make a mistake with this.
You're missing the point. The media is showing how they have become the kingmakers and breakers of the US electorate.
They built Trump and and giggling with glee as they watch him flail and fail.
We have so many problems in our system right now. Trump is really only a symptom.
The money, the media, and the narrative needs are the 3 heads of this monster. Unfortunately, the people suffer while the beast gets fed.
(54,730 posts)my main gripe with the media is its editorial/programming decisions.
which stories they choose to harp on relentlessly, and which stories get barely a mention.
hillary's emails deserved barely a mention, and the coverage of the 9 investigations should have made it clear that it was all a hyper-partisan stunt.
meanwhile, coverage of donnie should have made it clear that he was incredibly poorly suited to actually being president, and what a disaster that could be.
(308,408 posts)they'll cop to it and take responsibility?
No, they're like trump and Sarandon.. Deflect.. never learn from their mistakes.
So yeah, fuck the media
(22,976 posts)How happy are you now? Yeah, "it's bad for America," you were right about that. Is Trump still giving you a ratings bump? Are you still having fun?
Now, good day to you, sir. Begone. And kindly fuck off!
not fooled
(6,176 posts)looking forward to his tax cuts. dump will work out well for Moonves.
(7,963 posts)itcfish
(1,830 posts)Sexy enough for the media
(148,594 posts)were (and have been over the decades) all over Drumpf.
However most of the populace no longer "reads the paper" and rely on the tv gasbags, and that is where it all collapsed. I.e., they allowed the rampant lying from everyone associated with the Drumpf campaign, to go on unabated... The mentality was established even before the campaign where (as an example) where you had idiots like Schmuck Toad proclaim that it wasn't their job to fact check.
Link to tweet
So the monster that we have today would not have been created had it not been for the M$M's coddling of liars spouting lies nonstop for YEARS.
Sucha NastyWoman
(2,991 posts)We need them now more than ever
(54,730 posts)For falling down on the job.
We don't need them to behave like they did during the campaign, we need them to behave like actual journalists.
Sucha NastyWoman
(2,991 posts)A lot of them are doing a really great job at this point. Having us lose faith in our media is exactly what Trump wants. Once their credibility is destroyed There will be nothing to fill that void but his propaganda
We need to work with them and let them know that we are more intelligent than they give us credit for, and call them out when they are wrong, but they are our only way for people to not just swallow Trumps propaganda whole
(1,051 posts)Turmoil. And, that's what keeps people watching them for "the latest." Their drive toward the almighty dollar knows no bounds. It's happening exactly the way they knew it would.
(54,730 posts)kwassa
(23,340 posts)Many of the major media outlets are doing an outstanding job of challenging Trump and his minions at every chance they get since the inauguration.
(54,730 posts)it is far more evident *now* that they did america a tremendous disservice.
prior to the overwhelming evidence of donnie's corruption, incompetence, suspicious ties to russia, and heartless executive orders, one could see a "fuck you" back in november as merely partisan.
i agree that they're doing a better job *now*.
(43,784 posts)Plus, "the media", much like "Congress" can't be considered monolithic, so I tend to shy away from blanket condemnations of the entire industry.
The effect of Congress being in Republican hands angers me immensely. But my local Democratic representative? I'm fine with him. No need to throw him out.
I despise outfits like Fox and Breitbart, and I hate that even amongst other media organizations Donald Trump was given a free platform to grow into the monster that he is today as opposed as to the single-digit joke candidate he should have been considered from the get-go.
But I can't fault the entire "media" for that. I see people like David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post who are doing incredible work. I see stories being published in the Post or New York Times that are doing a great job exposing the lies and fraud of the Trump administration. Even in the seemingly light cable news fluff of CNN you see some individuals in there who are not taking this President for granted and are calling him out.
Plus, when you see Trump himself lash out at the media as a whole (sparing the sycophantic outfits that do praise him), it doesn't seem right to glom on in that battle.
We need to pick our fights, and right now, "the media" isn't enemy number one right now, if it is even an enemy at all.
(189,215 posts)
(13,513 posts)Greenspan... who, despite her obsession, hasn't mentioned Clinton's emails once since election.
(54,770 posts)how stupid and bigoted he is -- it was plain to see -- or were happy to vote for a stupid, racist white winger.
Putting Trump on TV should have convinced voters what he was like. Anyone who is not an ignorant white wing racist didn't need a talking head to tell us the man on the screen wasn't going to be good for the country.
I blame the dumb fools and racists who voted for Trump.
(63,526 posts)quite a few articles that discuss what you say they never printed.
Printed. Not ran on TV. Printed.
(54,730 posts)real news sources did warn us. for example the daily show and samantha bee
yes, a lot of the stuff was out there, including liberal opinions of how bad donnie would be.
but the bulk of the media attention was focused on how exciting it was to hear what donnie had to say next.
my main beef with the media as a collective is not that they didn't present relevant facts at all, but that the relevant facts were dwarfed by an avalanche of sensationalism over how thrilling it was to find out what donnie had to say.
(332 posts)The great majority of coverage of the Trump campaign was negative!
The electorate who latched on to Russian information and miss-information, well they were never going to vote for the Democratic candidate anyway....
(54,730 posts)was not "negative". it was more like "wow, it's amazing that he would say that".
if you're capable of directly seeing the donnie quote as horrible, then the "wow" might seem negative.
but if you're looking to the media to tell you how to think (as many sheeple do), then the "wow" sounds as much like admiration at his boldness, candor, brutal honesty, whatever.
moreover, by *continuing* to give him extensive coverage, it validates those outrageous statements. many of his statements should have been disqualifying, and earned donnie a virtual media ban. he could have been dismissed as irrelevant and given minimal coverage.
by continuing to give him a disproportionately large share of the coverage, that effectively made it a media endorsement and approval of his offensive statements.
it doesn't really work to say "oh, he's horrible, let's ignore the sane candidate and focus almost exclusively on the wacko who would make a terrible president." the audience can't see it that way.
(10,493 posts)I'm counting on the media to bring these fuckers down! NYT, WAPO, Mother Jones, Rachel, Lawrence, Jake Tapper, Dan Rather, Bernstein, Bill Moyers, etc.
No more "lamestream media" in my house, thank you. They will save us all, including Colbert, John Oliver, Seth Meyer, Melissa McCArthy and a whole raft of people pounding away at these scum night after night.
(54,730 posts)du lbn is a fantastic news aggregator, plus the "comedy" news shows are great.
unfortunately, much of the public continues to watch the msm, so we need to give them a kick in the right direction from time to time.
(15,057 posts)dlk
(12,587 posts)Corporations are generally conservative in nature and that goes for the corporate-owned media, as well. Their primary reason for existing is to make a profit. No one should be surprised that the MSM promoted Trump and his bizarre antics, even at the expense of our democracy. Too many media outlets are really in the business of infotainment, no matter the consequences.
(54,730 posts)if they're merely scribes and gossipers, fine, just call themselves that.
but elevating themselves as if they're serving a vital national interest when there's mostly just a propaganda arm for the republican party, that's offensive.
(56,844 posts)was considered a great day for Trump by the media - his bar was so low, the media dug a hole in the ground and put his bar in the hole. Meanwhile, Clinton's bar was so high, she needed to be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound to clear it. Heck, when Fox News was running stories about Clinton being held to a much higher standard, you know it's bad.
(18,124 posts)to the media...all Now it's still a ratings scramble with these clowns falling all over themselves pointing blame...the media in this country is a joke in search of profits.
(3,429 posts)The lickspittles of the media need to get a real job. I'm thinking a Bolivian tine mine.
(3,063 posts)
William Seger
(11,458 posts)Cable news is TV, and TV is for entertainment. Look at what happened to the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, and the History Channel -- total crap now.
(54,730 posts)Response to unblock (Original post)
jayschool2013 This message was self-deleted by its author.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)Response to unblock (Original post)
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(17,734 posts)But they have realized in the last three weeks what is going on.
Even the corporate masters have seen what the SCROTUS and Bannon are up to.
And a large percentage of them are getting off their asses and trying to fix it.
So, let us encourage them.
Let us applaud their increasingly good efforts.
And let us support those journalists who do the good work.
The perfect is the enemy of the good.
(37,648 posts)They were as shocked as the rest of the country when Trump won. They presented the polls often (which showed Clinton winning). They thought the October surprise by Coomey was bad.
They gave Trump an outlet (finally Morning Joe quit having him on) because he wanted to go to the different political shows. They asked him good questions and let him bury himself.
I think they hawked the emails, but they also hawked Trump's failings. They replayed the imitating of the disabled reporter, the tape where Trump admits molesting women, Trump saying he wants to punch interlopers at his rallies in the face, and all the clownish and bizarre things Trump said and did.
There's news, and then there are the political talk shows. Two different things. News is news, and all Presidential election news should be reported. The political talk shows always discuss the big stories of the day and week. Joe Scarborough was quite vocal about the shocking weirdness and dishonesty of Trump. Many Republicans who were "never Trump" people were on the shows.
I see the investigations of the Russian connections and such...they are still just reporting on the news, and discussing those things on the talk shows because that's the news of the day regarding national politics.
I think they've been pretty balanced. Unless, of course, a show has a decided slant. Hannity is pro-Republican, always. Maddow is pro-left, always. Those are political entertainment talk shows, though, containing opinions, and are not "news" broadcasts. I think CNN is pretty neutral (the news part, altho it has opinion writers).
Just my take on it. Thanks to all the reporters, we're hearing about a lot of things that the politicians want to keep us from hearing.