Activist Headquarters
Related: About this forumI'm a volunteer for Obama. If you are too, check in and K&R.
I have been listening to and watching Democratic conventions on and off since 1952. Yes. Eisenhower and dear Adlai.
And this is the best Convention yet. It has the most progressive message yet. Sounds like the message of 1968 finally sunk in.
That means this is the best year ever to volunteer.
Things you can do:
Register voters.
Call voters.
Talk to voters (especially your family and friends) about the positives of getting Democrats into the White House, House and Senate and local offices. Write down your thoughts so that when you talk to people you will have no problem knowing what you want to say. (You don't need to memorize what you write. It's just an exercise.)
Table with brochures, etc.
Hang around your local Obama headquarters or Democratic Club headquarters and do what needs to be done. Sometimes volunteers need food, so if you don't like mixing with voters, etc., bring in some good food. Doesn't have to be homemade brownies or a prize-winning cake, but no one would complain if it was.
Let's ALL GET OUT THERE THIS YEAR. And if you can't afford the time, give a little cash to the campaign.
We need to work together and show the world that Koch's money and Romney's bullying and Ryan's sniveling are not going to pull down America.
Thanks to everyone who volunteers this year.
(68,644 posts)Reelect him and reelect Barack Obama!
My Saturdays are booked!
(1 post)I am out there Iand in the office making calls. Both of my daughters are also making calls with me and doing all they can to inspire the voters of their age.
Response to JDPriestly (Original post)
mpwatson16 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(1 post)Amen, Brother.
Meanwhile, anyone in the LA area with a sarky bent is invited to help produce a video for You Tube satirizing the other party's nominee. Contact:
A male vocal impressionist would be particularly helpful.
It might produce no particular results; then again it might be an international sensation.
(38,508 posts)I've been an Election Judge in the past & wanted to try something different this year. It sounds interesting!
If I had a bigger vehicle - I just have a small truck - I would volunteer to taxi people around all day. I guess I could put people in the back - ~lol.
concerned voter reg.
(3 posts)I do voter registration and I've heard the buzz that Repubs plan on turning away WOULD-BE VOTERS for not being registered in their current district. This could be disasterous for the campain since so many people lost homes and apartments since the recession started. PLEASE remind everyone you know, who resently moved, they may not be a qualified registered voter! GET THEM REGISTERED!!!!!!!!!