DU'ERS, LEND ME YOUR EARS! The solution to all this poison is to stop taking it. Issues don't change. Issues will win.
Choose from column A or column B.
GOP agenda:
• A society that excludes and criminalizes necessary health care and personal sexual preferences.
• A society that warps the constitution to establish one religion and encourage violence against others.
• Americans pitted against each other along lines of race, color, religion, gender, sexuality, and income.
• Vilification of blacks, Jews, Muslims, lgbtq+ , homeless, and women of strength, encouraging violence against them.
• Destruction of public schools and the opportunity they provide to all, minorities included.
• Funding of private, religious schools to increase class division and unequal access and opportunity.
• Banning of books.
• Devastating climate change
• Leveling the Gaza waterfront to create a Hotel Strip
• A deadly all-out war on the rights of women.
• More welfare for the rich.
• Private health care companies replace medicare and deny needed treatments -- basically "death panels"
• Every civil right is eroded by clown judges living in the 18th century rewriting the constitution.
• Worker's rights and benefits reduced in order to create greater profits for businesses.
• Safety nets removed, so that homeless, and jobless people are left to die on the streets.
• More, more, more of culture war.
• GUNS, everywhere, with no limitations or requirements. Mob rule ( warms Putin's heart )
• Unbridled support of authoritarian regimes across the globe, who eagerly imprison, "re-educate", murder and commit atrocities on others.
• Lies, hate speech and threats are welcomed on "social media" and given support by government officials.
• Medical care and prescription drug costs skyrocket.
• Leadership by people with the lowest morals of all. Grafters and grifters.
JOE'S AGENDA (as I see it)
• Support of women's health care and sexual preferences.
• Separation of religion and state, and protection of minority rights.
• Americans of every race, color, religion, gender, sexuality, and income honored and treated fairly.
• The wealthy pay their damn fair share.
• Acceptance and embrace of blacks, Jews, Muslims, lgbtq+ , homeless, and women of strength.
• Zero tolerance of hate and violence.
• Strong action to reduce gun violence.
• Vigorous support of public schools and the opportunity they provide to all, minorities included.
• Getting private, religious schools off the dole.
• Slashing the divide in education, opportunity, internet access and access to the levers of power.
• Banning book bans!
• A local and global "Manhattan Project" to counter climate change
• Guaranteeing the rights of women.
• Support of Medicare, so that some day, we can have UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE, SINGLE PAYER.
• Taking profiteers of "Medicare Advantage" plans to task.
• Restoring the Supreme Court to one that serves all people, and it not a religious tribunal or den of thieves.
• Worker's rights and benefits increased and guaranteed.
• Safety nets bolstered for homeless, jobless, and other needy people.
• Holding social media accountable for calls to violence that they harbor or actively foster.
• Sensible gun control
• Putting authoritarian regimes across the globe on notice.
• A better society by POSITIVE EXAMPLE