Activist Headquarters
Related: About this forumPretty quiet in here. Is "activism" what we need to be doing at this moment?
Enough time has passed for me to set aside the grieving and do something about it.
Our local races had mixed results with DINO wins and progressive losses.
A stronger local action plan if implemented in enough communities could make the difference.
I'm stepping up my local game, I'm going to lean in harder and take on some roles on committees, etc.
Is anyone else?

(6,821 posts)Her district includes the highly successful carpet and floor covering industry which has been built on undocumented immigration. Her railing against non legal immigration is a total fraud, yet we have let her get away with it. Time to fight back and expose the bs.
(3,091 posts)She's so terrible, it's both tragic and funny!
Happy Thanksgiving!
(6,821 posts)Her district includes the highly successful carpet and floor covering industry which has been built on undocumented immigration. Her railing against non legal immigration is a total fraud, yet we have let her get away with it. Time to fight back and expose the bs.
(3,091 posts)Good luck in the good fight!
Happy Thanksgiving!
(19,765 posts)There are some big organizations like Indivisible, Our Revolution which have zoom meetings.
I have signed up for a lot of things which enable me to send letters to my representatives about every single vote that is coming up. Normally I don't do this, but I figure now is the time. One of my Senators and my Congressperson will always do the right thing, another Senator will never do the right thing, but he gets to hear from me anyway.
And of course, getting involved with one's local Democratic party is always a good thing.
Next Tuesday is giving Tuesday, and I'm planning on making some donations to independent media sources. They're always asking, and we are going to need them more than ever.
Its all the little things that add up.
(3,091 posts)I'm lucky to know my State Senator and Assemblymember and US Congresscritter very well from past activities and contributions to their campaigns.
Locally, County Supervisors wield a lot of power as do members of City Councils, so I do my best to engage them all.
Unfortunately, we just lost a Supervisor race to a climate denier when a far better candidate was running and we're stuck for 4 years with that bad apple.
All I can think to do is work harder and, maybe, differently but it takes effort.
We can't expect others to do it for us.
Happy Thanksgiving!