Western Alaskans concerned about Graphite One project's impact on subsistence
Seven years ago, Graphite One began its exploration program at a project site near the Kigluaik Mountains, fewer than 60 miles north of Nome. Now, the company is planning to finish up its pre-feasibility study by the end of 2019, which involves more test drilling.
Stan Foo, the chief operating officer for the company in Alaska, explains the project’s progress thus far.
“Based on our drilling last year, we were able to improve the mineral resource to the measured, indicated category, and that allows us to go to the pre-feasibility study stage. We will continue to drill and continue to do the engineering work to get to the feasibility stage, and with additional drilling and gaining confidence in the deposit, we will work towards having a proven and probable ore reserve. But we are not at that point yet.”
According to Foo, Graphite One’s summer work will include 2,000 meters of exploratory drilling at their summer camp site.
Read more: https://www.alaskapublic.org/2019/07/26/western-alaskans-concerned-about-graphite-one-projects-impact-on-subsistence/