Executive pay at state-owned companies exceeds pay for governor, agency heads
Executive pay at state-owned companies exceeds pay for governor, agency heads
Dermot Cole
February 5, 2015
A new report on the salaries of executive branch employees in Alaska state government shows that top managers at state-owned corporations — with one exception — earned more than state commissioners or the governor in 2014.
The report covers nearly 200 top officials in 14 departments, plus the University of Alaska and 12 state-owned corporations.
Salaries for the leaders of five of the corporations topped the governor’s salary of $145,000 by more than $100,000 last year, while two of them exceeded it by more than $200,000. At the University of Alaska, the president, three vice presidents and three chancellors all earned more than $200,000 in 2014.
One reason for the differential between pay at the top of state departments and state corporations is the degree to which salaries are subject to public discussion and debate.