Legislator files ethics complaint against governor
Rep. Tammie Wilson, R-North Pole, has filed an ethics complaint against Gov. Bill Walker for a statement included in a press release issued from Walker’s office on Wednesday morning.
The press release, which accompanied a six-page report outlining the consequences if the Legislature fails to balance the state budget, concluded with this paragraph:
“I will ask every legislator and every candidate for the Legislature to choose which of these three plans they support. Failure to choose a plan will constitute support for the No Action Plan (NAP). After Alaskans become familiar with the type of Alaska each of these three plans represents, voters will be much better informed about who should represent them in Juneau.”
The Alaska Republican Party, in a statement responding to the governor’s press release, said in part that “‘I will ask every legislator and every candidate…’ is code language for using the governor’s bully pulpit as a campaign stump.”
Read more: http://juneauempire.com/state/2016-07-14/legislator-files-ethics-complaint-against-governor