AK Fireweed Cannabis Shop opens in Downtown Anchorage
This Saturday, AK Fireweed opened up for business to Anchorage Customers age 21 and over. I decided to check it out and see how things were going in my little part of the city. Located downtown, AK Fireweed is located right smackdab in the center of commerce in downtown, right by the courthouse! As I arrived, I saw a few people heading into the shop, so I followed them right inside.
As you enter the store, you will provide your I.D. to the security personnel, and enter the queue. The lines are long, but they move fast. While you wait you can conversate will your peers in line or check out the merchandise on display. Or you can observe the police who are busy observing you! Apparently they just LOOOVE hanging out there. It's a great place for everybody. Just leave your children with a responsible party. They are not allowed into the shop.
At the counter, you are attended to by a customer service specialist, who will show you the varieties and give you pricing and even a magnifying glass to check out the crystals on your product.
Once you make a purchase, it is placed into a child-proof pouch, handed to you, and you are good to go.
All in all, I found it a normal, even boring shopping experience, even with the cops there. Which to me means, all is well. Shopping should be routine. And it was at AK Fireweed. A routine shopping experience.