Sanders: Democratic Convention Could Be 'Messy'
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May 23, 7:05 PM EDT
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Bernie Sanders says the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia could be "messy" but that "democracy is not always nice and quiet and gentle."
Sanders said in an interview with The Associated Press Monday that his supporters hope to see a platform at the July convention that reflects the needs of working families, the poor and young people.
He said he will "condemn any and all forms of violence" but his presidential campaign is bringing new people into the process who have never gone to a political convention before. He said he hopes "their voices will be heard."
Asked if the convention could be messy, Sanders said, "So what. Democracy is messy."
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(51,743 posts)arcane1
(38,613 posts)So why post made-up bullshit?
(20,999 posts)The Hillarians are high-fucking pissed that the Democratic National Convention may not be the hoped for Third-Way Clinton Love Fest, and that there may even be -gasp- open dissension on the Convention Floor. Not only that, I would not bet on Wasserman-Shitz being the Belle of the fact, there may be OPEN DISPLEASURE expressed. Because by any barometer - EXCEPT for the "I Helped Hillary" standard, Wasserman-Shitz is a spectacular fucking failure, and hopefully will be treated as such.
LIKE IT OR NOT, the new blood coming into the party is Progressive, and if truth be told, there are more Democrats that want to see our party return to the Party of the People, the Party of FDR, and NOT the party of the DINOcrats.
(16,964 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)pacalo
(24,739 posts)arcane1
(38,613 posts)pacalo
(24,739 posts)jmowreader
(51,743 posts)"Bernie Sanders is a Democrat."
(38,613 posts)But your unthinking loyalty to The Party would fit right at home in "1984"
(392 posts)frylock
(34,825 posts)fasttense
(17,301 posts)That's a RepubliCON characteristic not something Democrats do. Heck we let Joe Lieberman in.
(51,743 posts)arcane1
(38,613 posts)More made-up bullshit.
Why must you always make up shit?
(51,743 posts)Public Facebook group: Dems Bern the Convention
Now. Tell me how I'm supposed to interpret this. You guys are making plans to go to Philadelphia and hold huge demonstrations. Do not deny this. I got it off your side's postings.
Simple question that requires a simple answer: Are Bernie Sanders' supporters planning to go to the convention to try intimidating superdelegates and pledged delegates into standing for Bernie against the will of the people, or are they not? Yes or no.
(38,613 posts)Go eat yourself. I'm staying in California for the convention.
(2,925 posts)9th grade?
(38,613 posts)One of the more lame retorts I've seen today
(2,925 posts)thank you for the laugh!
(50,983 posts)olddad56
(5,732 posts)Locrian
(4,523 posts)now now.... we're not supposed to upset the coronation, errrr, I mean convention don't you know?
Worldly Traveler
(34 posts)the ermine-lined cloak and scepter are already ordered and they are not returnable? If so, Hillary's supporters will have to eat the cost of those, if in the meantime, the super delegates read the polls for the general election or the FBI finishes Hillary's investigation either before or during the convention. We live in interesting times!
(1,674 posts)anigbrowl
(13,889 posts)Are you saying that slogans are actually bullshit? 'Cause I'd agree with that, but quite a lot of people seem to enjoy mindless chanting in the US from what I can see.
(10,056 posts)Definitely a mindless slogan chanted over and over.....
(16,649 posts)and consider those events in Chicago as somehow "romantic" -- and want to create that same sort of group experience in Philadelphia this summer.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)of the voiceless heard, to have those who are not invited to participate in a "democratic" system to be allowed to participate, to run the convention with honesty, integrity and fairness. That's what Bern means.
(13,889 posts)But on past form I'm inclined to think that if Bernie doesn't win on the delegate count that his supporters won't just accept the losing result and sit down for the speeches.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)rule changes, illegal electioneering, that's what Bernie supporters object to.
Bernie and his supporters care about fairness, honesty and integrity. That has been flushed down the toilet by the DNC and DLC, cheat, lie and cheat some more is their motto.
The shitstorm has already been started. It's been started by the cheaters. Shitstorms are always started by cheaters. Create chaos, then steal. Ask Naomi Klein, that's what Shock Doctrine is and the DNC is playing the Shock Doctrine Game.
(50,983 posts)And, I don't think most of the Party members take kindly to threats.
(17,933 posts)not even including superdelegates?
who's being undemocratic?
(5,082 posts)The sky isn't falling. You can't act afraid of you're own shadow. This isn't a coronation. Have you ever fought for anything in the political arena? It should be contentious. This is our future we're talking about. Unbelievable the crap I read on DU these days.
(17,505 posts)Just one? It OBVIOUSLY means he's gonna start 5 riots!
No...really.... you're hysterical.... in all senses of the word.
(15,882 posts)of crap running things now, so it won't be any worse.
(96,882 posts)JonLeibowitz
(6,282 posts)I know which candidate I will blame.
(Hint: it ain't any of Sanders' people who would propose something like that for the platform)
(1,674 posts)murielm99
(31,599 posts)when Bernie does not get his way.
He lost. He deserves no slots. He needs to go back to his back bench.
(5,553 posts)Bernie is going to start a food fight by throwing pieces of the pie at people.
The current power holders deplore "messy". They're all very fragile. In fact, just shouting at them causes them to fear for their safety just before they flip the finger and taunt those shouting. So scared they make up stories about violence and ignore other real stories about violence.
I get great satisfaction watching the entrenched power holders being uncomfortable, scared and "in fear for their safety" due to people being angry and showing it. It means we're on the right path. This is only the beginning.
Bleacher Creature
(11,474 posts)What he's talking about is overturning the will of the voters. That's not democracy.
(13,685 posts)First, not all the votes are in.
Second, I doubt 5% of the voters have voted for Hillary. So to say 5% is democracy is >>> see headline.
You should not repeat it again. In fact you should delete your load of crap so as to not embarrass yourself further?
Bleacher Creature
(11,474 posts)Clinton won a large majority of the people who voted in the Democratic primary, using the process that Sanders agreed to by virtue of running as a Democrat. That's how a candidate is determined. How that somehow relates to the overall population is irrelevant to the question of whether the process was fair and democratic.
He lost, and there aren't enough votes left between now and the end of the primary to change the result.
(13,685 posts)And I called you on that clearly stating that it is not really democracy. Then you go on to say that your supposed idea of democracy is irrelevant.
Which leads me to believe you don't really believe in democracy. That maybe you don't even understand what democracy really means? Well, do you know what democracy means?
Bleacher Creature
(11,474 posts)Still not sure how it means that the guy with fewer votes and fewer delegates gets to claim victory, but it was super fun nonetheless.
(13,685 posts)You can't even back your own words.
The party rules are not aligned well with democracy. It is a contrived system. A system based on a mere small fraction of the population actually casting a vote. The whole set up is not democracy based. Not even the vote is, and that is my point. Votes were severely limited and the system was rigged, that is Bernie's point.
You may not favor Bernie, but to throw out democracy just so your favored one can win, is not believing in real democracy. But as we have shown, the system as gamed is not either.
So to complain that Bernie is playing by the rules, while complaining about the lack of real democracy, while you sit there and say democracy has been served, is hypocritical.
So your claim about the democracy being served is null and void, and you should stop saying it has been.
(58,546 posts)But whatever term is used, Sanders has come in second.
(17,505 posts)How very Teaparty of you to say so!
BTW.... a republic simply means you have a representational government (which we really don't have right now)
HOW you choose these reps can vary. The military can choose them (not Democratic).... Religious leaders can choose them (also not Democratic) rich people can choose them (not there either) the party can choose them (still not democratic), citizens vote for them (Democracy!)
(13,326 posts)procon
(15,805 posts)He's becoming increasingly bitter and unhinged as the numbers tighten and the odds against him go up. Hillary has tried to appease him but its not enough, so he'll retaliate for losing by making a big scene to damage as many Democrats as he can.
(38,613 posts)Hydra
(14,459 posts)These are the people who are supposedly going to "Fight Trump"...anyone else feeling underwhelmed?
(38,613 posts)procon
(15,805 posts)Sanders is becoming increasingly unhinged. Deny him at your peril. The press is already having a field day with his predictions.
(14,691 posts)in which parallel universe?
(13,326 posts)silvershadow
(10,336 posts)the shock and outrage at the likely (read certain) shenanigans by the HRC camp, a la Nevada.
(6,852 posts)Conspiracy theories are much more fun.
His people didn't turn up
(10,336 posts)blackspade
(10,056 posts)But were denied along with some Clinton delegates for some reason that has not been clearly explained or demonstrated.
(11,843 posts)People had their voice heard ( or will be heard in states yet to go) in their state caucus or primary.
This "voices heard" crap is no different than McConnell holding up Obama's SCOTUS nomination.
(39,215 posts)caucus where my voice was heard. I have also attended two conventions where our caucus votes were upheld. And we were allowed at that last one to elect our own delegates to go to the national convention. So far all is fair on that detail.
We will see what happens at the state convention here in MN.
But I have some real problems with some other aspects of our political system. At these conventions which are run mostly by Hillary supporters we also elect the committees that run the party for the next year. At the two conventions I attended 3 Hillary supporters and no Bernie supporters selected the slate of candidates. No one knew who they were or what they thought about the candidates. There was no opposing slate and they were voted to win on a voice vote.
In other words not one damned thing is going to change in the party. Which is really interesting because the speakers who were all talking Bernie issues were getting standing ovations. So if they were so happy about what their elected officials had to say did the Bernie delegates get ignored?
This is what will cause the messy convention in Philly. Things like a platform committee with 5 Bernie delegates, 6 Hillary candidates and 4 delegates selected by DWS. What exactly is DWS doing in there at all. I also wonder if they ever allowed any Bernie delegates on the rules committee?
I am 74 years old and I have never seen such cheating in all the years I have been part of this party. I am thoroughly disillusioned. This is NOT the Democratic Party I have known since 1945.
Messy - damned right I wish I could be there because I want my party back.
(19,544 posts)Hahahaha... screw you Sanders.
I have a feeling he's going to retire after this failed run.
Response to JohnnyRingo (Reply #27)
Post removed
(5,811 posts)from a very diverse group and I'm retweeting all of it
(40,130 posts)CrowCityDem
(2,348 posts)onehandle
(51,122 posts)I live here and have contact with the convention.
Trust me.
(6,991 posts)Your input.
I certainly hope things don't get messy.
(70,454 posts)PBass
(1,537 posts)Only Jon Soltz was a true liberal! Sherrod Brown was going to be a disaster in the Senate!
Turns out Sherrod Brown is one of the most liberal senators we have. He's awesome.
It was a similar story when Al Franken ran for Senate. He was a 3rd Way triangulator, etc etc. Turns out he is a reliably liberal voice in the Senate.
I think we will be fine if Hillary is president. Especially if we can get some additional Democrats into the Congress. The idea that ONLY Bernie Sanders is liberal enough to be a good Democratic president is patently false.
Lets get the money out of politics, that will go a long way towards solving our problems.
(39,215 posts)politics? The candidate who along with the DNC who made a deal with 32 states before the primary even began to collect money from Big Donors and give it to the Clinton Victory Fund and the DNC which would use it for Clinton. So far the states have received only 1% of that money to use for down ticket candidates. This deal with the states allowed Hillary to take even more BIG MONEY for her campaign.
Bernie refused to be a part of this because he has already gotten big money out of politics. Those of us who are Bernie supporters are donating to candidates outside of the DNC. We want to have control of who our money goes to support.
(10,345 posts)This has been a very, very messy primary filled with all sorts of corrupt shit.
Hillary is in a dead heat with Trump and dropping...
I'm sorry Hillary supporters, you need to jump off of that sinking ship before you take us all down with you.
(8 posts)Won't release Wall Street speeches ( if you have to wonder why, smh)
Clinton Foundation bringing in money from the Middle East
Proponent of failed neocon foreign policy.
no one who is anti war should be backing her. If she were running against Cruz it would be a wash but ironically she has found herself right of Drumpf on these issues.
(2,412 posts)Yes, foreign policy blunders by Hillary have gotten little play in this primary elections. It needs to be said over and over again that she will repeat a failed Neoliberal foreign policy.
(8,254 posts)complain jane
(4,302 posts)And if his douchebaggery ushers in a Trump presidency I'm going to start screaming and I'm not going to stop.
(11,360 posts)thereismore
(13,326 posts)kayakjohnny
(5,235 posts)The whole fucking process is messy!
Who gives a rat's ass at this point?
Let it be messy.
Let it be a complete train wreck.
Who couldn't see this coming?
(4,665 posts)Sorry to be the voice of reason and harmony here but...
These statements should be views through the optics of a campaign in the last stages of campaigning. I think things will be a lot calmer by the time of the convention. The primaries will be over and the healing will have started.
(29,876 posts)RogueTrooper
(4,665 posts)As long as we can tar and feather enough of the up-for-reelection Republicans with the taint of Trump there is i still a chance of some WWE type entertainment.
(11,360 posts)JNelson6563
(28,151 posts)if something happened to it.
I have been neutral throughout this primary but this graceless finale is so counter-productive as change a lot of minds in that respect.
Those claims of a "revolution" and a movement begin to ring hollow as it becomes increadingly apparent resources will be aimed at disruptive instead of constructive efforts. Disappointing to say the least.
(10,056 posts)Upsetting the establishment is not permitted.
We must all be good little bobble heads.
Helen Borg
(3,963 posts)"Bernie threatens to roughen up opponents!"
Don Draper
(187 posts)Progressives are tired of getting rolled over by the third way establishment. Change only occurs through conflict and struggle.