White House correspondents' dinner: Michelle Wolf shocks media with Sarah Sanders attack
Source: The Guardian
The comedian was scathing about Trumps press secretary and his daughter Ivanka in a performance dubbed disgusting by Sean Spicer
"The comedian Michelle Wolf stunned guests at a prestigious media dinner in Washington with a risque speech that eviscerated members of Donald Trumps administration, some of whom were in the room."
"Wolf started as she meant to go on in a 20-minute monologue peppered with sexual references. Like a porn star says when shes about to have sex with a Trump, lets get this over with, she said. Nodding to the case of adult film actor Stormy Daniels, who claims she had a sexual encounter with Trump, she said: Its 2018 and I am a woman so you cannot shut me up. Unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $130,000. Cohen is Trumps lawyer.
Noting the presidents no show, the comedian said: I would drag him here myself, but it turns out that the president of the United States is the one pussy youre not allowed to grab. He said it first. Yeah, he did. You remember? Good.
Wolf also excoriated Trumps daughter and senior adviser, Ivanka. She was supposed to be an advocate for women, but it turns out shes about as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons. Shes done nothing to satisfy women. So I guess, like father like daughter.
As the audience muttered, Wolf chided: Oh, you dont think hes good in bed. Come on. She went on: She does clean up nice, though. Ivanka cleans up nice. Shes the diaper genie of the administration. On the outside she looks sleek, but the inside, its still full of shit.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/apr/29/white-house-correspondents-dinner-michelle-wolf-stuns-media-with-sarah-sanders-attack

Mc Mike
(9,197 posts)Good brave woman. Very funny, too.
(30,102 posts)and her whiney toned delivery even worse -- The audience was fine They just needed a better comedian.
(34,195 posts)I wish they had Stephen Colbert.
LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,123 posts)Or when they thought Stephen Colbert was going to be a suitable act for the event because of how he behaved on his show, which seemed to be a funny Bill O'Reilly. Standing about eight feet from Dubya, he systematically chopped him into tiny pieces. For a refresher on Colbert's tour de force:
You know the hosts didn't know what they were getting into because they introduced Stephen as the star of the "The Colbert Report," enunciating the final t.
My favorite line was: "People have said you are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. I say they're wrong, that you are a man who aims high. You're rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg."
Mc Mike
(9,197 posts)Whiny is how I would describe her reichwing detractors.
(30,102 posts)and "whiney", as opposed to "whiny", is the way I would describe
her voice.. Whatever.
(4,341 posts)For people to feel offended by her jokes and not be offended by the constant vitriol of trump, sarah sanders, coulter, etc is ludicrous.
Bunch of hypocrites who created the monsters who now crawl the halls of the white house.
And she described Ivanka perfectly.
Mc Mike
(9,197 posts)Nitram
(25,124 posts)ck4829
(36,739 posts)KansasKali
(105 posts)while we still have it.
(29,690 posts)Perseus
(4,341 posts)I don't intend to give up on the liberties and freedoms this country has, for them to do that they would have to change the constitution, and if you see that happening then its time to fight hard.
I don't intend to send those vibes out there, these monsters will not prevail, they will go away and so will their evil rhetoric. When you accept things like that coming then you have your arms down, but that is not the case, they will go away soon and only be remembered as a horrible chapter in USA's history.
(6,096 posts)Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)
(58,785 posts)but welcome to DU -- with the caveat that you presumably should be too worried about fascist police using posts as evidence against you to be here.
I agree with those who feel that the correspondents' dinner cozying up of correspondents tg the people they are supposed to cover has only become increasingly inappropriate. The development of a cohesive DC society encompassing the upper echelons of all groups is inevitably signals corruption of purpose and standards. Trump may actually make a useful contribution by leading to its end.
And someday, students will also laugh in shocked amazement on learning that our presidents were once expected to entertain the nation as stand-up comics, the election of a genuine clown paradoxically what finally put a stop to that.
(21,646 posts)Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer deemed the evening a "disgrace" in a tweet, to which Wolf replied: "Thanks!"
Headline Sanders then nothing in the OP ?
(38,687 posts)"She drew gasps from some in the 3,000-strong audience at the Hilton hotel when she turned her fire on Spicers successor, Sarah Sanders, sitting just a few feet away at the head table.
Every time Sarah steps up to the podium, I get excited, the comedian said. Im not really sure what were going to get, you know? A press briefing, a bunch of lies or divided into softball teams. Its shirts and skins, and this time dont be such a little bitch, Jim Acosta a reference to a CNN correspondent who has clashed with Sanders.
Wolf continued: I actually really like Sarah. I think shes very resourceful. But she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like maybe shes born with it, maybe its lies. Its probably lies.
Sanders looked stony faced and there were both laughs and groans. But Wolf was not done: Im never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Is it Sarah Sanders, is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is it Cousin Huckabee, is it Aunt Huckabee Sanders? Whats Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women? Ah I Know, Aunt Coulter referring to the rightwing pundit Ann Coulter."
(20,054 posts)Sledge hammer to the woman who lies everyday nearly as much as meth head barbie.
(13,305 posts)Any Republican completely forfeits the right to act offended at anything.
Wretched, hypocritical pieces of shit, each and every one of them.
(4,558 posts)Fuck em. I want more of this!
(87,164 posts)At the White House correspondents dinner, the buzz was reduced to a snore until Michelle Wolf showed up
by Paul Farhi April 29 at 12:05 AM
The sedate and earnest nature of the event was disrupted by comedian Michelle Wolf, the evenings entertainer, who predictably went after Trump in a routine that swerved from raunchy to downright nasty. She began by saying, Like a porn star says when shes about to have sex with a Trump, lets get this over with.
Wolf vowed to get under Trumps skin by questioning his wealth, issuing a call and response with the audience (How broke is he?). Her punchline included such quips as, Hes so broke .?.?. he has to fly failed business class and he looked for foreign oil in Don Jr.s hair.
She was particularly harsh on the women associated with Trump. At one point, she compared Ivanka Trump to a diaper pail, and said Kellyanne Conway has the perfect last name because all she does is lie. Several cracks about Sarah Huckabee Sanders landed poorly, such as her alleged confusion over how to refer to Sanderss full name: Is it Sarah Sanders? Is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders? .?.?. Whats Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I know: Aunt Coulter.
Groans and cold silence followed.
(55,019 posts)"All sleek on the outside, but full of shit on the inside."
(54,505 posts)for all the jokes. Maybe some trumpers were stony faced, but there was plenty of the audience who were with her. I'd say a comedy set that leaves trumpers stony faced and makes everyone else laugh is very successful.
I thought she was hilarious.
(10,074 posts)Evidently the pukes can dish it out, but can't take it.
louis c
(8,652 posts)knows what it feels like to be body shamed.
Other women have the President* declaring them dogs, pigs, filthy, unattractive and on and on...
Sarah makes excuses for Trump. do I like it? no. But there is a big difference between being body shamed by a comedian, and being body shamed by the supposed leader of the free world.
How's it feel, Sarah?

Emily Nussbaum
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Follow @emilynussbaum
Wow. The idea that MW's joke "called out" Sander's eye makeup is madness. She PRAISED her eye makeupshe said it was a "perfect smokey eye"she just pointed out that it was made of the ashes of burned lies. Which it is! Both.
Link to tweet
(55,019 posts)MaryMagdaline
(7,934 posts)SunSeeker
(55,019 posts)I don't think they understand it was a reference to a style of eye shadow application. But of course that did not stop them from accusing Michelle Wolf of body shaming SHS. The irony is their outrage only reveals that they themselved think SHS is ugly. Otherwise, why make that adoption about what Wolf said?
(7,934 posts)Maybeline) not sure men got that or younger women for that matter. I don't know if that still s Maybeline jingle.
(55,019 posts)However, most of those journalists are not spring chickens and should have gotten the reference to Maybelline. I think they ignored that reference, choosing instead to assume the worst of Wolf. Habermann certainly did. Looks like they were more interested in scoring points with SHS. Sickening sycophants.
(7,934 posts)rzemanfl
(30,461 posts)I didn't think Wolf was very good, but now I am going to say she was the best, most watched comedian ever, period.
(7,934 posts)agingdem
(8,541 posts)while Sarah was at the correspondents dinner choking down the truth her monster of a boss was spewing at a Nazi rally in Michigan... as for the media in attendance at this clownish event...they created, supported, nourished Trump and his minions..Maggie...I mean this in the "nicest" possible way and from the bottom of my sick-of-your-having-it-both ways shit......shut the hell up!!!
(5,788 posts)Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)
(55,019 posts)yallerdawg
(16,104 posts)every day and every hour and every minute of the rest of my life as an alternative to listening to that horrifying, disgusting, incoherent, incomprehensible, racist, sexist, misogynistic pig who is temporarily occupying our White House -- and any of those sycophantic klown kar of a staff and associates who kiss his sociopathic ass.
The best thing about the White House Correspondents Dinner?
That jackass isn't there!
"Burning facts for smoky eye make-up?" "Like shooting fish in a Chris Christie?"
Good thing she didn't come to DU for material!
(13,913 posts)done by a woman and hitting the idiot and his ilk right where it hurts.
I applaud Ms. Wolf for burning them in such an effective way
(16,922 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)llmart
(16,344 posts)Did he come out from behind the bushes long enough to make that statement?
He carried water for Trump long enough before even he had enough, then he passed the tainted baton to Sanders.
(54,505 posts)true about the job they are doing. That's what we are SUPPOSED to be insulting.
Reading those jokes, they're very gook. Now I wish I had seen it.
She even complimented SHS's "perfect smoky eye." None of it even scraped at insult. It all was commenting on the truth.
(8,514 posts)McConnell's neck (getting it circumcized) and something about shooting fish in Chris Christie's belly, or something to that effect. I kinda wish she had tweaked those a bit. There's enough to make fun of about both of those guys without touching on their personal appearance.
But I thought it was great, and if you've got 20 minutes to spare, here it is:
That's pretty standard roast material.
Why are people losing their minds?
(8,514 posts)Some people just like clutching their pearls, I guess. We could have predicted their outrage before Michelle Wolf even opened her mouth. It wouldn't have mattered what she said.
(And they call US "snowflakes". )
(3,728 posts)Chemisse
(31,046 posts)But Trump's presidency has actually erased any lines of decency. People are being hurt in real ways, ripped away from their families, financially robbed, targeted with racism. Awkward would be a relief to people whose lives are being destroyed by this administration.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. A gentle, good-natured ribbing is clearly not what is called for in these times.
(847 posts)90-percent
(6,930 posts)To paraphrase my life long hero Frank Zappa.
Oh just to hell with it all. A rude off color disrespectful and perhaps sporadically unfunny WHCD is EXACTLY WHAT'S CALLED FOR in these our-president-is-wrecking-everything so badly we're all going to enjoy incinerating-extincting THE ENTIRE PLANET in short order.
These times are really THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT so who the hell cares about some DESERVEDLY HURT FEELINGS based on the mere words of a comedian brave enough to do a 2006 COLBERT-WHCS less funny and meaner than the COURAGEOUS PATRIOT Colbert did back then?
Republicans deserve everything (what's left of) polite society has to throw at them.
-90% Jimmy
We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.
― Chris Hedges
Efilroft Sul
(3,900 posts)Rorey
(8,514 posts)And I'd be fine with this being the opening of the flood gates. We've listened to their inappropriate crap for about a decade now, and the gloves are off.
(18,124 posts)
(38,687 posts)
Run to the toilet, honey,
Comb your hair

(7,358 posts)TNNurse
(7,264 posts)It is hard to imagine that anything she said is worse than what this administration is doing to this country. I am a fan of rising above, but we liberals have been pushed around by being too damn nice for too long.
If you do not want to be criticized for working for Trump and the GOP, get out of it and save yourself.
(18,093 posts)The right is losing their shit over a few jokes at a roast that their "dear leader" and his minions!!?? He didn't have the intestinal fortitude to even attend the event!! But we're the snowflakes? Ok!
(53,061 posts)dalton99a
(87,164 posts)Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)
(7,934 posts)TNLib
(1,819 posts)Not sure why there would be a controversy. She made fun of everyone. Just watched her complete set on you tube. It was good comedy.
(8,514 posts)And I'm not crying about it.
Cirque du So-What
(27,870 posts)...you know the rest
(1,583 posts)Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)Last edited Sun Apr 29, 2018, 04:46 PM - Edit history (1)

(13,792 posts)then left or right, you have no business in politics. Maybe you GOP can ask Barack Obama how he handled your insults with grace.
(11,885 posts)Her own show like rosanne has on the same time slot as hers on a different channel. I'd watch it. barr's show will quickly fade away, especially as she again goes crazy with demands and attacking others. It won't last. The Comedy channel could bring back roasts, then roast trump and people in this administration weekly. trump knows how hated he and his corrupt crew are. The networks should take advantage of this. The news networks already have.
(4,917 posts)Pretty interesting tbh...
(14,721 posts)more in the mainstream media speaking out like she did.
(55,019 posts)We have an administration full of brazen liars, and the media is offended that a comedian called them what they are?!
(13,913 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)good. Gave back what has been missing in our Party/crowd. The truth about the RW in general and specifically this latest 'family' inhabiting the WH. All the groans. SHEEP who got stung by the bee. She struck a blow for 'RESIST'.
(6,010 posts)The reference to abortion, which in anyone's book should be a sad event, and also the reference to the Southwest engine. The woman who just died in that incident was a mother and a wonderful person, and her family may have been deeply hurt by that reference.
Other than that, I didn't care what she said! She was right on target.
(55,019 posts)I am sick of the taboo about talking about abortion. There is nothing shameful about a women seeking an abortion. It is a responsible act, done in the best interests of a womans already existing children. The vast majority of women who get abortions already have children they are struggling to take care of financially.
As far as the Southwest joke, all she said was, "as broken as a Southwest engine." She did not mock the victims. That Southwest engine is a good analogy for this administration, an exploding disaster with many victims.
(6,010 posts)Abortions are always a sad event, and that includes being the result of an unwanted pregnancy. I meant that the unwanted pregnancy itself was a sad event as well. That was part of the abortion. Do not assume that I am against pro-choice; I understand what a relief that an abortion can be under many circumstances
(7,934 posts)But the absolute sting was calling them out for being anti-abortion except when they need one for their secret mistresses. this is headline news and totally true and within bounds
(1,819 posts)Why in the world would the news media invite a stand up comic known for this type humor, if they were going to get their panties all in a wad about it?
Its their event, if they didnt want a stand up comic roasting them then why bother.
(7,934 posts)She made the press look bad and they know it
(38,687 posts)Like Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter.
marble falls
(63,641 posts)lightening, she needs to stay out of storms and the Press Dinner.
If you really want to see a despicable performance, watch cheetolini unload on Hillary at their Al Smith dinner/roast.
(23,367 posts)Our completely dysfunctional administration. It makes me so happy to see them wallow in hypocrisy.
(12,236 posts)Shocked !
(25,124 posts)how to do funny.
(167 posts)Last edited Sun Apr 29, 2018, 02:38 PM - Edit history (1)
First of all, she said it to their faces! She didn't blog about it or post it on a message board. She had far more courage than so many others who sit silently and put up with the behavior of Big Con Don and the republiCON party. She just gave the media the kick in the pants they deserve. They have gotten way too soft and let too much bad behavior go unchallenged and our current situation is the result of that. And they tried to make Hillary's fake scandals a false equivalence. They put ratings over everything else. And the citizens of this country don't get a pass either. Too many people were too afraid to challenge family members and friends on their racism, sexism, bigotry, xenophobia, bullying, etc because it would have been uncomfortable. They knew it was wrong but said nothing. Well how uncomfortable are they now that this country has gone to crap? And republiCONS love to cry outrage when their little feelings get hurt but they don't give a damn when they destroy other people's lives. Their ACTIONS are far more dangerous and destroy far more lives than any fact-based jokes a comedian tells.
I'm also glad she pointed out that right wingers don't really give a damn about abortion or anything else for that matter. They have no problem with abortion when it can save their marriage or their reputation. They ultimately have no true beliefs because they want to force their ideology on everyone but themselves and the people they support. This country has gone to crap and we need more people like Michelle Wolf giving us all reality check.
(520 posts)...he grabbed pussies hoping change would fall out.
I'm not sure if there will ever be a Trump joke more telling than that.
(308,408 posts)Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)
(308,408 posts)Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)Works on several levels.
(308,408 posts)accident.. googlng.