U.S. to deploy troops to help with Saudi Arabia's defense
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by JudyM (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).
Source: CBS news
President Trump has approved the deployment of U.S. forces to Saudi Arabia that will be defensive in nature, top military officials said Friday.
After meeting with the president, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs Chairman Joseph Dunford informed reporters at the Pentagon about the provision of military support to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Read more: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pentagon-briefing-live-stream-today-2019-09-20/
Now I know why Twitter banned me for posting many links about Donnie being saved by the Saudis.

(8,220 posts)herding cats
(19,658 posts)😑
(63,340 posts)cstanleytech
(27,358 posts)without seeking and gaining Congressional approval the DoD budget will face a significant budget cut.
(23,738 posts)Human shields that Trump is probably hoping get attacked.
(13,913 posts)generalbetrayus
(726 posts)what got Osama Bin Laden's panties all up in a bunch and led to the USS Cole bombing and the 9/11 attack on the US?
(118,750 posts)Fighting for a kingdom stuck in medieval times.
(8,558 posts)well, they're protecting tRump and he's just as bad
(14,390 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,840 posts)Vinca
(51,594 posts)C Moon
(12,703 posts)Snake Plissken
(4,103 posts)They do not want non Muslims policing Saudi Arabia. They will give their lives to kill as many Americans as they can until we are out of there, just like last time.
(3,473 posts)not_the_one
(2,227 posts)He wins...... He KNOWS that is not going to happen without massive cheating by pootie and the pubes..., where it will be SO obvious that they cheated it will not be sustainable...
He loses, but refuses to accept it...... He may be able to drag THAT dead horse around for a very short period of time, but knows it will end badly...
In either of the two above scenarios he is facing jail.
He can't do jail. He just can't.
His only other option is to flee.
Putin would kill him, just as soon as look at him. He will be of NO use to Putin after he loses. Unless the turd thinks he can take Air Force 1 as a gift to the poot. Then we could shoot it down.
Saudi Arabia wouldn't kill him. They love him for many things, including giving them cover for the murder and dismemberment of Khashoggi.
He will be going to Saudi Arabia in the dark of night, on his own private plane, entire clan on board. He won't complete the term, he will make Pence pardon him, but it will not keep him out of jail due to state charges. He will not go to the inauguration.
Jared has been setting this relationship up for years. It will be his only option.
WE must make sure the tires are flat on his plane.
If he thinks orange is so becoming, he should live in an orange jump suit for the rest of his life. While we reverse everything and every appointment he did/made, remove his name from every building that has it, then go about forgetting him, except to point to him as the worst president in America's history, and the epitome of failure.
At least that would be a good start...
(61,741 posts)They've spent the past 40 years exporting their bullshit Bronze Age fanaticism in the form of madrassas, so that they don't have to deal with said fanaticism at home.
They behead people for "blasphemy", crucify convicted criminals (including those convicted of crimes when they were children), and their religious police forced girls back into a burning orphanage because they were "improperly" dressed when they ran outside.
Their clown prince orders the brutal murder and dismemberment of a journalist for saying "bad things" (i.e. the truth) about their corrupt, rotten little kingdom, and then blatantly lies about the whole affair.
They treat women worse than dogs, are busily engaged in a genocidal war in Yemen, and then expect us to fight a war against Iran on their behalf to defend oil we don't need.
They want to stir the shit-pot of the Middle East, then let them play plumber - but no, that would get those starchy white robes all icky.
Fuck the Saudis.
(29,537 posts)Dupe: https://www.democraticunderground.com/10142370548
Duplicate posts are prohibited in LBN.
Please continue discussion in that thread.