Joe Biden selects Kamala Harris as his running mate
Source: MSNBC
Aug. 11, 2020, 4:15 PM EDT
By Deepa Shivaram
Joe Biden has chosen Kamala Harris, the prominent senator from California whose political career has included many barrier-breaking moments, as his running mate, his campaign announced on Tuesday.
The decision comes more than a year after Harris, who was also a 2020 Democratic candidate, clashed with Biden over racial issues during the first primary debate. If elected, she would be the nations first female, first Black and first Asian American vice president.
Picking Harris, who is 55, will also provide the ticket with some generational diversity. Biden, who is 77, would be the oldest president-elect in U.S. history.
Harris, the only Black woman in the U.S. Senate, was first elected in 2016 after serving as Californias Attorney General and, before that, San Francisco District Attorney. A native of Oakland, California, and the child of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, Harris has said she was inspired to attend law school after joining civil rights protests with her parents.
"Shes been a fighter and a principled leader and I know because Ive seen her up close and Ive seen her in the trenches," Biden said of Harris at a virtual fundraiser in June.
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(72,505 posts)AZ8theist
(6,645 posts)tecelote
(5,141 posts)YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(38,601 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)soothsayer
(38,601 posts)It was before the PC explosion I think. Too ahead of its time. They sold it off.
Bleacher Creature
(11,493 posts)Whatever, I'm absolutely over the moon with this choice!
(38,601 posts)AZ8theist
(6,645 posts)No text but sh**ting myself I'm so happy....
Still Sensible
(2,870 posts)I was and am very pleased.
(38,601 posts)Dont want to hurt his feelings or anything
(38,601 posts)Wow!!!
(2,454 posts)I would be pissed off about donating all those times so I would be "the first to know." I got my text at 3:45 CST. I read it first on DU 15 minutes before that.
(38,601 posts)Ha darn it
(6,983 posts)On edit, just got it. LOL
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)CanonRay
(15,114 posts)I can't wait to see her demolish Pence.
George II
(67,782 posts) worth the price of admission.
(6,645 posts)How is the repressed, ignorant asshole going to appear on stage..
ALONE? with A GIRL?????????????????????
(9,426 posts)be there, of course. Kamela will show Joni Ernst "how it is done" (meaning emasculating a male, apart from a sheep) Milquetoast Mike must be quaking in his loafers.
(6,645 posts)What a wimp loser....
(17,289 posts)white as a ghost when he heard the news - oh, wait - how would one know?
(471 posts)70sEraVet
(4,387 posts)CanonRay
(15,114 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)lapucelle
(19,814 posts)Kudos to our ticket!
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)I wanted Harris as AG to run down the ousted administration. However, I think she is an excellent choice.
George II
(67,782 posts)Harris is probably the most effective for the campaign and as a "partner".
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)Personally, I don't think any of the finalists would have been a bad choice. I can still fantasize about Harris as AG and eviscerating the failed administration and making them cry on the stand; it makes me giggle with delight!
(23,100 posts)as would several others
There are 2 or 3 attorneys who are regulars on Stephanie Miller's morning show who would kick some serious butt as AG - some of whom would not have to leave Congress
(16,015 posts)Maybe he could be AG?
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)He can be pretty brutal too. It's just that Harris has this je ne sais quoi in the way she questions people which makes me happy.
(405 posts)There needs to be a day of reckoning.
(49,929 posts)as AG, though I think his presence in the House is very important. Maybe the Speaker one day or perhaps he could run for Harris's seat in the senate.
(6,383 posts)bsiebs
(798 posts)Native
(6,983 posts)onetexan
(13,913 posts)MyOwnPeace
(17,289 posts)Wow, would he snap things into place - and have the ENTIRE department behind him!
(13,913 posts)I would love that he be AG or in the least be appointed to a major post. Same with Sally Yates & put away the criminals of this crooked administration.
(6,383 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)Eyeball_Kid
(7,604 posts)off the floor. The Dems are poised to take over the Senate and need every incumbent. Duckworth as Majority Leader?
(24,906 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)totodeinhere
(13,568 posts)am sure.
(1,711 posts)Love Duckworth and shed be hard to attack. But Kampala is great as well. Tough and Charismatic. I was worried it would be Rice. Not that Rice wouldnt be an excellent VP she would, but GOP Senate would have pulled her into a trumped up Benghazi investigation or Ukraine investigation. Cant do that with Kamala.
But I LOVE the idea of Hillary as AG. Has a delicious sense of justice. Can you see her investigating Barr or Trump? That would be karma.
Sapient Donkey
(1,568 posts)I like Harris and think she'll be a great VP, but all day I've been defending her from irrational attacks on twitter. Not people from the right either. It's expected they would attack any democrat. Particularly one who is as strong as a candidate as her. They would have attacked Duckworth too. But the main people who get me going are the ones who attack her from the left. There are some valid issue, but there is just so much nonsense. They are literally trying to make her out to be basically no better than a republican. Saying she is anti-LGBTQ, anti-black, pro police state etc... It's one thing to offer fair criticisms of people, but they make stuff up and ignore anything that runs counter to what they want to believe. I got the same feeling of total frustration that I usually only get when arguing with stubborn low-information Trump supporters. Changing the topic. Goal post moving. Irrational complaints and expectations not based in reality. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
George II
(67,782 posts)Link to tweet
(6,645 posts)You are part and parcel of THE TREASON, you FUCKING SCUMBAG.
(15,891 posts)Tweeting out the news!
George II
(67,782 posts)Mersky
(5,340 posts)And from TheFerret, toooo
(62,584 posts)in the debates. By a Woman. By a Woman of Color! It's gonna hurt.
Travel Hat
(135 posts)Any good manager does not want a yes man, like Pence with his head up Trumps ass.
(308,408 posts)AldebTX
(801 posts)ancianita
(39,937 posts)
(20,219 posts)
(49,929 posts)She was my first choice.
(43,349 posts)onetexan
(13,913 posts)

Lets show Joe & Kamala some love fellow Dems!!

Fla Dem
(26,341 posts)PatSeg
(49,929 posts)She ticked off all the boxes for me!
(225 posts)K&R
(113,131 posts)I sincerely hope the type of man still wearing a MAGA hat is insulted.
I'm delighted.
Heres to the magats choking on this insult for a good, long time. 🥂
(442 posts)I want to K/R every single KAMALA post!!!
Damnit...I've got tears in my eyes!
(47,997 posts)the GOP will never forget this!
(1,720 posts)It's going to be a behind the shed whupping so bad for the GOP they will be talking about for decades in the Swamps of the South.
(47,997 posts)I supported Biden in 2008. Hoping for a repeat of that blue wave!
(49,929 posts)And i was 95% sure with both of them. My biggest disappointment, I think was Tim Kaine. I really like Kaine, but I was hoping for a more inspired pick for VP, like maybe Elizabeth Warren. I knew it was unlikely, but I thought it would have been a really dynamic ticket, whereas I think Kaine was a predictable and safe choice.
Kamala Harris was the perfect choice for Joe! Things are going to really pick up now.
(47,997 posts)so this should be the winning ticket to crush Trump and bring long coattails to win downticket races all over the country.
(49,929 posts)but I'm still rather overwhelmed right now. I love it when Democrats make "bold choices", a sign of things really turning around. Also, I think a lot of progressives needed to see that Joe wasn't the moderate, safe choice that many thought he would be.
What a great ticket!
(7,337 posts)Now give it a little time for that to be the top news.
But then start telling us what you are going to do with the other very smart women who were also-rans.
There are great jobs for them as well to start repairing the damage Trump has done.
(3,460 posts)
(1,720 posts)I picked Susan Rice. Good for Harris. Safe pick, competent, bulldog after Trumps behind. Watch your back though Joe!
(2,647 posts)JI7
(91,504 posts)AZ8theist
(6,645 posts)machI
(1,285 posts)
(11,885 posts)A great day for America, and watch trump come out and make a fool of himself again today saying something really stupid. That's all he can do.
(29,690 posts)Take no prisoners, Ms. Harris.
(3,750 posts)I think it a poor choice. She will not make a difference for the ticket and could actually hurt because of her history in California. I said my piece. I will vote for Joe/Kamala but this makes me afraid.
(2,113 posts)I'll still vote for Joe but not quite as enthusiastically as before. No matter, I guess, a vote is a vote is a vote.
(7,334 posts)She is an outstanding pick.
I'm a far left type of guy...and I LOVE the pick. My bestie is a centrist...and THEY love the pick. My Mother-in Law is a right center former Repub turned Dem for Obama...she loves the pick.
What else could you want!
(6,983 posts)thucythucy
(8,830 posts)this might be of interest:
I think she's an excellent choice.
Also a plus: the Democratic governor of California will fill her Senate seat with another progressive Democrat.
One of my reservations about Elizabeth Warren (who was my first choice in the primary) was GOP Baker would no doubt have replaced her with a Republican.
(20,224 posts)whenever a really great senator gets tapped for a different job, I wonder how he/she will be replaced. We need every seat in the Senate we have and the rest that we need, turn this nightmare around.
(7,115 posts)bronxiteforever
(10,113 posts)

(20,219 posts)herding cats
(19,659 posts)
(6,294 posts)I love her prosecutorial style of debating, very appropriate for the job! Cant wait to see her debate Pence.
Does this means Adam Shiff is the next AG? I say - hell yes!
(10,407 posts)

Old Terp
(468 posts)deurbano
(2,961 posts)Woot!
(2,454 posts)Kamala is a fighter and she will rip Pence a new one in the debate.
(4,281 posts)

Cousin Dupree
(1,866 posts)McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)Where can I get one?
(1,538 posts)California/Gen X FTW (just kidding)
(148,594 posts)Today has been something else.
(44,139 posts)I'm so happy and teary eyed too.
proud patriot
(101,669 posts)social distance hug with happy tears

(11,346 posts)Senator Harris is a great choice.
(26,240 posts)SHE WILL EAT THEM FOR LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can believe I am finally getting a wish come true in politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can finally relax............. and concentrate!
(951 posts)My senator will chew up mikey and spit him out
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)ihaveaquestion
(3,475 posts)I want signs and t-shirts!
(18,155 posts)

(10,681 posts)chia
(2,493 posts)sarchasm
(1,246 posts)...right on!
Captain Zero
(7,716 posts)nt
proud patriot
(101,669 posts)Smiling from ear to ear ... Great Choice Joe
marble falls
(63,641 posts)roamer65
(37,488 posts)Great person to have as our next VP and as President in the future.
(16,344 posts)even before this news, because of Joe's age. Can you imagine if she ended up being our President some day?
I'm just giddy right now.
(37,488 posts)Just a gut feeling that Joe may step aside once things are on a more even keel.
Nothing more than a gut feeling and I would support it if he did.
(16,344 posts)and I think it figured into his choice also.
(4 posts)to say YEA IT'S KAMALA!
Now let's get to work people!
(53,061 posts)jackster2020
(4 posts)feels good!
(122,587 posts)gristy
(10,719 posts)Woot!
(3,127 posts)Im thrilled!
Great choice! Out of a great field, so much talent!
(19,115 posts)I'm sooo happy! Wanted her to b AG, BUT now my choice for AG is Adam Schiff!! He would be AWESOME as well!!! What a GREAT ticket!!!
(9,887 posts)BIDEN/HARRIS 2020!
(471 posts)Sedona
(3,828 posts)Klaralven
(7,510 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)One of my favourite scenes from any movie. And Estelle Reiner's line had me choking with laughter.
(39,375 posts)
C Moon
(12,736 posts)BobsYourUncle
(165 posts)Im ready to walk past some more open windows.
(5,420 posts)

Harris is a great choice.

(599 posts)Mortos
(2,454 posts)OldManTarHeel
(435 posts)So sorry !
(37,748 posts)Guess we both had thoughts.
(41,553 posts)Polybius
(19,371 posts)Obviously I'll still vote for him though.
(104,058 posts)
(16,344 posts)Just came in from an afternoon of yardwork and I am so thrilled at this selection!
Now let's all of us do our part and get out there and CRUSH Trumpie and the potted plant who's his running mate.
(7,334 posts)I am thrilled with this choice.
I wish SHE could debate The Donald Duck.
Thanks Joe. Sincerely.
(122,587 posts)displacedtexan
(15,696 posts)I had to switch to CNN because Chuck was tossing backhanded compliments. "Her campaign was failing..." was the last straw.
(2,657 posts)This is why he lost his evening slot.
(14,893 posts)

(1,286 posts)Never took down my Kamala Harris poster.
What a ticket!!!
(14,308 posts)

(13,972 posts)😀👍😀
(19,438 posts)Ms. Harris is as sharp as a tack. She'll make a GREAT VICE-PRESIDENT and a superb PRESIDENT IN 2028!
(43,349 posts)I LOVE YOU KAMALA!!!!!!!11
(7,604 posts)skipping a beat, if necessary. We should all be fully confident that the ship of state will be in good hands if Bidens health falters.
(515 posts)I would have wanted Elizabeth Warren if her governor wasn't a Republican. I predicted former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, but hoped for Kamala!!! Yay!!!
(14,414 posts)council on this critical decision.
Biden/ Harris 2020 !!
(62,584 posts)ehrnst
(32,640 posts)angrychair
(10,275 posts)best ticket since 2008.
(21,083 posts)

(9,927 posts)Wes huntin Nazis!
(24,435 posts)But still pleased. I do worry about bringing in the Midwest. And South.
Let the slurs and lies begin. I'm 100% in!
(13,568 posts)SunSeeker
(55,019 posts)totodeinhere
(13,568 posts)She will make a great VP and she is well qualified to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. But she won't be a lock on the presidential nomination in either 2024 or 2028. She will be a frontrunner although other great candidates will step forward as well including other people of color and other women.
(6,330 posts)Politicub
(12,309 posts)I started out as a Harris supporter and couldnt be happier.
Get out the vote! Our lives depend on it!
(47,997 posts)I only wish my grandparents had lived long enough to see Kamala Devi Harris become VP of the country they immigrated to back in the turbulent 1960s
(42,862 posts)

(55,019 posts)

(29,690 posts)calimary
(85,357 posts)What a perfect choice!
She's super strong on multiple levels! And she represent the future of the Democratic party.
PLUS: All the other women who were under consideration have been elevated as a result. They all looked good (and I'm not talking just physically). They all showed their brains. They all have acquitted themselves well. They all are strong. They all have strong, relevant, and credible backgrounds. They all are brilliant, impressive, powerful, accomplished, and formidable women. They ALL make me proud! They ALL shine as role models for my granddaughter(s) - the one here already and the one on the way. They ALL are ready to lead our party, AND our country, into a brighter, more hopeful, and healing future.
AND assuming the Biden/Harris ticket goes all the way, her Senate seat will stay true-blue because Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom is the one who'll choose her replacement.
And on debate night, she'll eat Pence's lunch, dinner, midnight snack, and breakfast the morning-after.
(1,285 posts)
(15,088 posts)I just shot Ms. Harris a congratulatory email!
(3,496 posts)My husband and I are delighted. What an awesome woman she is, warm, empathetic, charismatic, delightful. Not to mentioned highly accomplished and an amazing communicator.
(12,051 posts)PatrickforO
(15,177 posts)I urge all of you to do the same. Let's give them a nice DU boost!
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)tRump be damned!
(14,505 posts)ucrdem
(15,720 posts)

(1,690 posts)She's a Democratic Senator. We need to work that much harder for a senate majority now.
(8,830 posts)assuming Biden wins, until a special election can be arranged.
So I don't think it will make a difference in terms of a Democratic majority in the Senate.
(11,845 posts)I really am optimistic, for the first time in a long time, that not only are we going to crush Trump, but take control of the Senate.
(52,670 posts)when my very Dem family was having a big, special dinner and we were suggesting a 2020 team. I said Biden/Harris and everyone in my family liked the idea.
I wonder if I'm psychic. I knew tRump would win too (unfortunately).
(1,783 posts)You know what they say about opinions, right?
(17,601 posts)But real psyched about this.
(21,432 posts)I can see this whole thing now.
(308,408 posts)at the convention or tomorrow.. but not today!
Good.. I'm sure they vetted the heck of it and chose Kamala in in part to WIN!!
(3,321 posts)Exactly what I was hoping for.
Love to all Democrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tears of happiness now. I love it.
(13,109 posts)She'll make an excellent VP. Congratulations Kamala
(6,269 posts)let's get busy...congratulations to Kamala Harris our soon to be VP.
R B Garr
(17,531 posts)and were happy to vote for her as our Senator.
Biden/Harris 2020!
(9,263 posts)Harris will become the first female president in 2024
(536 posts)When she said she was a product of bussing in the late seventies early eighties I cheered, we had something in common. Now lets just see her kick some ass.
(15,167 posts)So would several of the other candidates, but I'm pleased!
Now let's get 'er done and win in November!
(10,414 posts)SunSeeker
(55,019 posts)Cetacea
(7,398 posts)I first became aware of her during the first hearings into the Russia debacle.
Trump should be afraid.
Great choice!
(2,172 posts)Tamara is intelligent, disciplined, honest, and a talented debater. She has the right disposition for the upcoming campaign. We are lucky to have her on the ticket.
(1,706 posts)FUCK lock them up!
(1,816 posts)So I'm very happy.