Bishop Larry Gaiters Calls Death of Joe Biden's Wife, Daughter and Son 'Satanic Sacrifice'
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Omaha Steve (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).
Source: Newsweek
Bishop Larry Gaiters, a far-right conservative host, has claimed that the deaths of Democratic President Joe Biden's family membersincluding his first wife Neilia Biden, his daughter Naomi Biden and his eldest son Beau Bidenwere all a "satanic sacrifice" to help him acquire political power.
In a recent broadcast of Up Front In The Prophetic, a QAnon-aligned religious podcast, Gaiters said "my two contacts in the FBI" told him that Beau Biden didn't actually die of brain cancer in 2015.
"Beau Biden was a sacrifice for the political rise of his father," Gaiters said, "just like the first wife of Joe Biden, Neilia Hunter Biden, was a satanic sacrifice, going back to 1972, that will give way for the rise of the political career of one Joe Biden."
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WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!! To say that this is insane is so many light years from the level of psychosis...I mean what the hell can anyone say, can I SAY. just what?!! I'm no legal expert, (FAR from it) but DAMN, this has to be some kind of libel, slander, something.
Chime in, those in the know, what this can mean for the idiot saying these things...
(2,114 posts)fugging repuliqons need to be institutionalized
(19,487 posts)I'll read it, but this is no man who believes in God.
Maybe it's like my friend Gunner. He doesn't even own one.
They say to talk about a person to stimulate conversation with them. I'll start:
"What the fuck is the matter with you Gaiters?"
COL Mustard
(7,037 posts)Oh, never mind.....
(18,052 posts)By the Biden family especially the statement regarding Beau. I would the f__k out of him.
(47,919 posts)Harassment. If he says it's protected political speech, should a tax-free ministry be making such?
(29,074 posts)Hope he has fun answering to Jesus for this.
(891 posts)As a Believer who wasraised to respect the SANE positions of others as LONG AS THEY DON'T HURT OTHERS, I would give an eyetooth to watch what they'll have to say at judgement!
GOOD LUCK, Larry! Oh yeah, Don't Forget to Bring your FLAMEPROOF a feeliong that you'll need be needing them.
(6,607 posts)There is no afterlife.....or any other so-called "judgement".
These fucking sub human ASSHOLES have to be judged NOW.
(6,452 posts)...sodomizing goats.
(4,889 posts)Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)I can't find any information on him or his church that clearly wasn't planted by him or one of his helpers. No educational background. No proof of the claim of "2000 churches worldwide." Why would Newsweek give him the time of day?
(16,254 posts)He has a lot of posts calling him a false bishop, kook, etc. He had also commented on Kobe Bryant's death. Lots of crap. He apparently brings up these types of topics to draw people to his various sites, podcasts, etc. I didn't open any of the items for that reason.
The problem with the Biden post is that too many people would fall for it, as the Repukes want Biden to fail. Too bad Biden won't sue him for defamation.
(19,487 posts)Which could be one reason he's saying outlandish nonsense.
Looking for recognition.
(53,445 posts)crazy right wing.
This headline could as easily have been "Unknown bat-shit Qanon imbecile says bat-shit things that will make people click on us."
(37,497 posts)Scrivener7
(53,445 posts)PortTack
(34,937 posts)XanaDUer2
(14,794 posts)There Are no words.
(4,696 posts)Bishop Gaiters is no man of God. He sounds like a charlatan who says ridiculous things to get attention and collect money.
(32,854 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)and something in his head or history that he's just trying to get out.
Isn't that how it usually works?
(7,188 posts)He's certainly evil enough to qualify.
George II
(67,782 posts)Beaverhausen
(24,594 posts)Seriously? Who cares what some Qanon sicko says?
(32,854 posts)The_REAL_Ecumenist
(891 posts)some of the most insane to take it on themselves to "rid the the world of "SATANIC" democrats & other people who think normally and YOU think that somehow, I am one of them or what the fk ever you want to believe? I am NOT new to DU and only had to get a new username due to a long but ultimately successful battle with stage 4B metastaic cancer. ECUMENIST was my original UN. I've been a member since 2005, about a year less that you. WTAF, man?!!
I had the misfortune to see these racists, misogynistic lunatics from the early 70's, when my parents enrolled me into a "Christian School", that turns out to be staffed by people as far from what Christ taught as possible. I was physically abused by these so called Christian teachers and principles, told that African AMerican Gospel music was evil & "Jungle Music", that slavery was good for people who looked like me, (sound familiar?) .. Hell, I remember Jack & Rexella Van Impe coming through the "schools" in that part of SoCal when he was the most vicious. I KNOW first hand , LONG before the metastasis of the Cancer, aka extreme right wing cult fundamentialism was a deeply entrenched carbuncle in American Politics.
I am also a BLack woman who comes from a different subculture than you and have to the right to ask questions and POST what is an actual danger that you don't seem to believe is an issue. It's these types that used to Bible to justify lynching people like my gGreat Uncle in SC lowcountry on my father's side; while forcing another great uncle to flee Mississippi in the dark of night & a flatout attack in 1932 on my mother's grandfather's farm by "night riders" in Corsicana Tx. I could go on but clearly, you know more than I do.
Ignoring the symptoms of Cancer will ultimately be deadly for the physical body, just as IGNORING & CHUCKLING at the growing cancer of disiniformation, lies, vilification of certain ethnicities, creeds & most importantly in this instance, POLITICAL groups. Laugh if you want to but one only needs to look at conflicts leading to the slaughter of innocents in Kosovo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Rwanda, etc, etc ad nauseum.
It's bullshit like this that leads to flatout, in your face fascism, complete with concentration camps, genocide, rape, etc. GRow the fuck up!
(32,854 posts)Ialwaysvote
(12 posts)Why magnify crazy thinking?
(53,445 posts)chwaliszewski
(1,528 posts)If they think Trump is their messiah, then it's time someone nail him to a cross or something. These freaking people frighten me; it's like we're all living in Stephen King's The Stand.
(1,332 posts)And the filthy parasites call themselves christians.Feckin fillthy scum. May they choke to
death on the shit they spell.
(117,160 posts)Any questions?
(18,517 posts)llashram
(6,269 posts)idiot kkkristain...can't stand them.
(2,698 posts)Galraedia
(5,210 posts)It's off putting.
COL Mustard
(7,037 posts)I hope this charlatan (no offense to actual charlatans) burns in a special, white-hot place in hell. For fucking ever.
(85,166 posts)Mr. Evil
(3,000 posts)I'd love nothing more than to punch this disgusting piece of shit until my fists were bloody and raw to the bone! If my fists couldn't handle any more I'd find a brick and hit him with that! I'm absolutely sick and tired of people like him doing and saying whatever they can to destroy what little decency we have left in our society. This has to stop!
He needs to be institutionalized at least or arrested and convicted of whatever he's projecting at best. I'd better stop now because my blood is beyond boiling.
Bo Zarts
(25,764 posts)And then it stayed there. Sick Motherfucker, indeed.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)CountMyVote4Reality
(217 posts)AllyCat
(17,318 posts)Man of the fuckin' cloth?!? What kind of sick, twisted individual says something like this?
Disgusting person.
Martin Eden
(13,644 posts)Of how low they will go.
Evolve Dammit
(19,336 posts)niyad
(121,044 posts)TNNurse
(7,183 posts)Did he give himself that title?? If not, who did??
(23,791 posts)Its laughable that the man they worship is the most evil unchristian man ever as president. I guess this guy would love Jim Jones!
No Vested Interest
(5,217 posts)on anything.
Please move on.
(19,192 posts)This guy however stinks of the devil.
Vile. Shameless. Liar.
(38 posts)What a horrible excuse for a human being. May he burn in whatever hell there might be.
(1,281 posts)They are bat fucking crazy .
Omaha Steve
(103,967 posts)Unimportant news and opinion.
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