Apparent fake ballot found in Georgia
Source: WSB TV
SPALDING COUNTY, Ga. — State election officials say a possibly fake ballot was discovered at an early voting location in Spalding County Wednesday morning, officials confirmed to Channel 2 Action News.
A full-scale investigation is now underway about who created it and why.
“They identified one ballot that looked visibly different than the rest of the ballots and that appears to be a fake ballot,” Evans said. “They alerted us and we have opened and are conducting an investigation into the matter.”
The Spalding scanner showed 1,521 ballots had been entered into the system, but Spalding election officials showed only 1,520 voters checked in.
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Attempting to sow discord about election integrity?

(38,643 posts)Why isn’t that bastard in custody?
(38,643 posts)This is why we can’t have nice things
(26,975 posts)because this is just the tip of the iceberg. Also look for foreign governments to claim interference even if they didn't.
The goal is to make people believe that our elections are not legitimate, and it goes way back to when DOJ allowed a pro-Trump fake Cyber Ninja company to have access to ballots, election material and equipment and voter information, all in violation of federal law and DOJ only wrote a stern letter. The Cyber Ninjas flamed the Big Lie and it spread across the country, it became the rallying cry of the attack on our Capitol.
(1,068 posts)Most of these paper ballots have coding on them to detect fakes. The real problem is that they void the anonymous vote that may have been real. If you flood enough of these fakes in a black neighborhood then you completely skew the results. We should be very alarmed if more of these show up... Whoever is behind this idea would have to intercept real ballots, and replace them with fakes. That would take a lot of planning, with people in key post office positions to do this.
(3,355 posts)This happened at an Early Voting location. There was one more ballot processed than there were people who checked in.
Probably a Republican voter who was trying to show how "easy" it is to commit fraud!
And anyway, mail-in ballots aren't anonymous. You have to sign the ballot, and the election officials know who requested the ballots, at least in a lot of states - not sure about Georgia, though.
(13,538 posts)The verification is supposed to be on the outer envelope sig and verification info & then the ballots are removed.
(8,655 posts)Someone copied the sample ballot and thought they could just insert it with their regular ballot.
(6,618 posts)you have to put your State ID or License number on it.
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)A large number of people request mail-in ballots, so connecting a voter to their ballot based on knowing who requested an absentee ballot would be next to impossible.
Further, when the ballots come in, the outside envelope is used to verify the identity of the voter and is then stripped off and the ballots commingled. In most jurisdictions there is an inner anonymous envelope, which prevents accidental disclosure of the ballot contents when the identifying information is stripped off.
(3,355 posts)However, a truly “anonymous” vote happened here, in that no one had any idea who cast the vote!
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)BUT - just like they do in absentee voting, they have a list of people who appeared to vote on that day. And the pool of 150 is far smaller than the pool of absentee voters in a state.
The reality is that however you vote the board of elections knows who cast ballots. Every person is verified as a legitimate voter before they are given a ballot (whether an electronic ballot or a paper one, whether in person or by mail). Most paper ballots have a number on a ballot stub - which identifies you with your ballot until you tear the stub from the ballot just before running it through the ballot reader. If you vote using an electronic ballot, the same is true of of the card you are given - the number is associated with you (and the votes you are casting until you cast the ballot by pressing the button on the machine.
This tracking until the moment the vote is cast is a safeguard to prevent things like the extra ballot. If you mess up and need a new ballot, they have to track the spoiled ballot (by number) so it doesn't show up in someone else's hands - run through the ballot reader along with their own ballot (allowing them to cast two votes).
(26,071 posts)fake ballot? Repugs or Dems?
Why is this one fake ballot so critical/important?
(34,776 posts)nuxvomica
(13,186 posts)If the votes are Democratic, it's a Republican's attempt to sow discord; if the votes are Republican, it's just regular Republican ballot fraud.
Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)Not every stupid prank has an agenda attached to it.
There are people who get their jollies for no reason other than causing grief.
Online gaming, in fact, calls these kinds of people "griefers". They aren't trying to score a "win" for any team or themselves. They are just looking to piss people off.
A griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game (trolling) by doing things such as destroying something another player made or built. A griefer derives pleasure primarily, or exclusively, from the act of annoying other users, and as such, is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities.
(36,040 posts)dollars to donuts, it's a MAGAt "testing the system".
(60,160 posts)maxsolomon
(36,040 posts)I'd wager that was for a reason.
(60,160 posts)And mistake, irregularity, or entry by the precinct sheriff was called voter fraud by Republicans. Some of those were things like a political sign too close to the polling place, or the door was locked and we couldn’t gain access to set up before 6 AM.
On year we had 31 issues in our state, with only 2 were alleged voter fraud. Of course Republicans said we had 31 cases of voter fraud.
(26,975 posts)and I see no indication that DOJ is prepared to deal with rat fucking that is going to happen. There are going to be claims of fraud all over the country on election day. Where is DOJ?
I watched one Senate hearing about 9 months ago where Merrick Garland said he was going to investigate all of the threats against school board members and election officials. Every Republican on the committee accused Garland of violating people's 1st Amendment rights, by the time the hearing was over Garland backed down to DOJ working with local law enforcement to prevent violence. What happens when local law enforcement is a part of the problem?
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Ford_Prefect
(8,286 posts)Chainfire
(17,757 posts)Pack it in Joe, the smoking gun has been found...
(9,696 posts)instead they will report it was "found."
(24,455 posts)NJCher
(39,220 posts)I almost didn't click on it because I read him hard copy.
However, from the above posts, we run the gamut of possibilities, to someone "testing" the system before they go full throttle on some illegitimate votes to griefers (new term for me).
It will be something to watch, for sure.
And I agree, merlot, with the way the media will probably phrase the headline. That sort of thing counts because it frames the story.
(27,472 posts)yardwork
(65,785 posts)Hassin Bin Sober
(26,948 posts)Dump a bunch of obviously fake ballots and use that as an excuse to stop counting and/or throw it back to the States.
(10,226 posts)moondust
(20,782 posts)Last edited Sat Oct 22, 2022, 12:44 AM - Edit history (1)
Makes me wonder what GQPers will do when they "discover" the fake ballots that they planted? Is it just to screw up the works and cast more doubt on elections, "proving" that they haven't been lying? To provide an excuse to have their co-conspiring legislatures declare the winner because elections can't be trusted?