Trump: Gen Milley Should be Executed for Treason for Betraying Me!
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This post was insane.
Ron Filipkowski 11 hours ago
Donald Trump is coming apart in a hurry. Every day his social media posts and public statement become more and more insane.
Trump has always been incensed about reports that General Mark Milley contacted his counterpart in China about security concerns if an unhinged Trump continued to go further off the deep end in the closing days of his presidency.
On Friday night, Trump posted on Truth Social that act by Milley constituted treason: "This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!"
Link to tweet
Read more:
I think sooner of later--Trumps unhinged fan or fans are going to do something horrible and hurt someone--or worse.
Link to tweet

Mister Ed
(6,500 posts)And yet somehow, sadly, I can believe it.
(385 posts)since he projects all the time, he is saying HE tRump, deserves DEATH! I could not agree more. Now if the SS could just accidentally have a shooting accident and he were hit, well, that would fulfill this orange-anus deathwish, no?
(7,003 posts)Cleaning a public toilet, he gets to use for drinking from the top while using for intended purpose on the bottom, and it's not gold.
Meeting his cockroach, flees, and mice for lunch AND maybe even a maggot. I hope it is decades.
(12,523 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,156 posts)is an out and out right threat and must be dealt with.
(19,598 posts)Alexander Of Assyria
(7,839 posts)abandoned the reasons for having them.
If corporate media is not protecting democracy
or actively undermining democracy
then its Russia, now rapidly
(4,317 posts)pazzyanne
(6,662 posts)not even for his own golf balls.
(8,047 posts)I figured she would announce her candidacy by now.
(2,419 posts)Wow, this needs exposure. Where is the main stream press now, they should push it through the echo chamber to expose this outrageous opinion.
(54,447 posts)Grins
(8,113 posts)hlthe2b
(108,317 posts)what I could never do in real life. May his Karma come quickly (and decisively).
His "karma" is so slow to arrive one might deduce there is no such thing.
(12,236 posts)Get your boys together and have a public Shooting. You know they always wanted a real human target. Set the example Donnie we are tired of your words. So glad you have recovered from your Boo Boo feet that kept you out of the service tough guy.
(2,394 posts)Gen. Milley took an oath to the US Constitution, not a personal oath to "the Fuhrer"
(6,618 posts)and recognize a snotty despot.
(20,054 posts)I should have indicated that my reply was made as a measure of sarcasm.
(16,379 posts)
(49,131 posts)True Blue American
(18,430 posts)musclecar6
(1,884 posts)The voters pay attention, theyll see hes telling you what he will do if there are enough insane people to reelect him. We on here know all this, but its the voters out there, the Republicans and independents who need to pay close attention to this raving lunatic.
Alexander Of Assyria
(7,839 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)birdographer
(2,821 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,950 posts)Desert Dog
(95 posts)Not sure on proper honors but Biden should call an event at the Whitehouse and give Milley a medal for checking Trump during those most desperate days.
Biden is not that confrontational, but this would be an opportunity to visibly award a great person, show the world what SHOULD have been done by Trump cult and stress the importance of the constitution.
Boy would that piss off Orange Foolius..
(10,252 posts)Lately come out how Gen Milley protected us from his stupidity and criminality. So not surprising that Trump would wish him dead. I'm just continually surprised that Trump keeps saying out loud what he thinks to his own detriment. Let's just hope that no weirdo MAGAT takes a pot shot at the general.
(2,457 posts)At the time, anyone keeping as aware as they should be in positions of power, was committing treason by supporting that goon.
(9,308 posts)in response to such "betrayal". Of course he wants into that club. Hardly surprising.
(15,800 posts)paleotn
(20,054 posts)
Response to riversedge (Original post)
NowsTheTime This message was self-deleted by its author.
(25,494 posts)Put the Scared Puppy in his kennel and toss the key until he calms the hell down!
(9,831 posts)Last edited Sat Sep 23, 2023, 12:07 PM - Edit history (1)
you have your assignment.
How does this not violate the DC judges order?
This sends out all kinds of messages.
1) He's telling his violent posse to go after Gen. Miley
2) If they succeed, it tells other possible witnesses for the prosecution that Pendejo45 could send out an execution order on anyone that he considers betraying him.
This is all kinds of messed up.
marble falls
(63,641 posts)tavernier
(13,513 posts)in the WhiteHouse? Perhaps there will be a formal expungement of the traitor and 45 will be left as just a blank page?
(36,829 posts)This has really, REALLY gotten out of hand.
Is it really necessary for DU to repeat and comment on the lunacy that comes out of his mouth?
(24,954 posts)they do include Pres. Biden's doings too.
But, the point is, I am avoiding anything tRUMP says, that's its not worth my time and energy to read, absorb, etc. anything tRUMP says.
But then Meidas Touch plasters it all over, so we as readers can share in the outrage. I think that it's already beyond this point, and thus, one does not have to republish tRUMP's remarks again.
As a result, I no longer view anything Meidas Touch writes as they are going to plaster tRUMP's idiotic mutterings too. One can summarize tRUMP's mutterings w/o reproducing it in full, and then show how it's pure craziness as usual. Don't reproduce in full tRUMP's mutterings.
(18,986 posts)32 months and counting
(1,080 posts)NCjack
(10,297 posts)Justice matters.
(8,098 posts)about that post...
Come on Jack. You've got enough irrefutable evidence hair fuerher gives you every day. You don't need any more than he already gave you.
Lock him up!
(19,707 posts)If he were ever to achieve the position he seeks (i.e., not just potus but Supreme Dictator for Life), the purges would begin. He'd be Stalin 2.0 if he ever got the chance.
I don't think he will get that chance, but we have to do everything we can to nake sure he doesn't.
(258 posts)I think a president who betrays his own people and lets them die for his vanity should have all his assets sold off and the proceeds to be divided among the families of those who have died then sent to prison for a million or so counts of murder. And then when he's in prison he has to watch a live stream of veterans in wheelchairs gleefully spending their proceeds.
Fuck you cheeto encrusted shit gibbon. (Still my favorite nickname)
(10,557 posts)If Milley is a witness, this is intimidation of the worst kind.
(58,785 posts)This guy turned out to be a Woke train wreck who, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States.
This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH! A war between China and the United States could have been the result of this treasonous act. To be continued!!!
I'm not on Truth Social and haven't yet found verification for Filipowski's tweet:
(24,435 posts)Has security protection.
(159,627 posts)MorbidButterflyTat
(2,706 posts)not to tamper with or intimidate witnesses?
And then he did it anyway?
(177,382 posts)Omaha Steve
(104,711 posts)Source.
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