Donald Trump rushed off stage at rally after sound of gunshots ring out
Source: The Guardian
Donald Trump was whisked off stage in Pennsylvania after apparent gunshots rang through the crowd.
Video footage showed Trump being escorted to a vehicle by secret service agents.
Read more:
Trump seen bleeding from the ear from a possible gunshot graze at the start of a Butler, PA, rally.
A "Bolsonaro" ploy?

Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)Oooops, I mean Satan .
(95,902 posts)He walked off the stage and got in the Beast not an ambulance.
(6,645 posts)...If someone actually took a shot they should be prosecuted. Prosecuted for lousy aim.
(this has Russian staged disinformation written ALL OVER IT....)
C Moon
(12,736 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)Traurigkeit
(1,290 posts)The Grand Illuminist
(1,769 posts)The last thing we need.
(33,424 posts)oldsoftie
(13,538 posts)asuhornets
(2,427 posts)Polybius
(19,371 posts)Response to Polybius (Reply #37)
58Sunliner This message was self-deleted by its author.
(19,371 posts)lodownhodown
(8 posts)just ask George Wallace
The Grand Illuminist
(1,769 posts)Wallace had it worse and there was dancing in the street when it happened. Trump is no different.
(33,424 posts)Richluu
(126 posts)onandup
(701 posts)?
Silent Type
(8,626 posts)onandup
(701 posts)hm
(20,224 posts)to look wounded
Now he can be head wound traitor
Just remembered there was a biblical prophecy that the had a head wound that was miraculously healed and the people marvel. Someone is amping up the religious crap.
Blue Full Moon
(1,834 posts)He hasn't been in the headlines.
Sorry but he is a rather large target to miss.
I'll send thoughts and prayers.
Biden and Harris need extra security. They seem to do something like this and then really do it.
(3,684 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)calimary
(85,357 posts)But then again, I wouldn't put ANYTHING past him, for the sake of getting more attention and dominating the headlines.
I expect he'll milk the dickens outta this. For sympathy, mainly.
(9,490 posts)Polybius
(19,371 posts)debm55
(43,446 posts)Response to onandup (Reply #3)
groundloop This message was self-deleted by its author.
(32,707 posts)

(144 posts)From my experience (former USAF Military Police) it appears there is a hole in the top of his ear. My estimate a .22, and not 223 like an AR. An AR, even with civilian ammo, would have taken that ear off. Seem genuine wound. I hope no one in the crowd was hurt,
Linda ladeewolf
(774 posts)But there are some really powerful pellet guns out there, if it would kill a squirrel. It would leave a hole in an ear. I dont know if it would go through someones head though.
(8,281 posts)Bluethroughu
(7,003 posts)Why would the secret service even allow this dude up off the ground until the threat was eliminated. There could be more than one shooter... looks like political theater.
Biden is winning, Thomas's Russian rendezvous is hot, epstein files with trump all over it hot, and people pissed he broke our Constitution. He wanted to become a Raygun martar. This needs heavy investigation, it stinks like trump.
(2,821 posts)Fist pump? A person in fear for his life, no matter if he is as stupid and demented as trump, huddles and crouches inside a circle of SS. He only puts up his fist when he knows he is safe and he is trying to make a point. The fist pump is very telling. I see posts where the shooter is dead. The shooter was hired, assured that trump would get him out of prison, and then betrayed. He is a loose end and mob folks like trump cannot leave loose ends. Just another patsy. Where have we seen this before?
(8,281 posts)They would have held him down FLAT for minutes or rushed his azzzz out of there at light speed. They stopped TWICE to let Trump pump his fist.
FAKE BS people!!!
(7,003 posts)raccoon
(31,675 posts)Bluethroughu
(7,003 posts)As he raised his fist. What's he channeling Helter Skelter?
This needs to be investigated throughly.
(31,675 posts)Response to LeftInTX (Reply #12)
wnylib This message was self-deleted by its author.
(109,763 posts)AKwannabe
(6,642 posts)Asking for a friend
Blue Full Moon
(1,834 posts)samnsara
(18,434 posts)Blue Full Moon
(1,834 posts)I would think this is a PR stunt to grab headlines.
(18,434 posts)oh dear im gonna be glued to the news again!!
(54,505 posts)peppertree
(22,850 posts)That said, I hope he's ok.
(3,015 posts)so he can be sentenced to Prison !
(7,977 posts) he can lose in November fair & square, & go back to the obscurity he so richly deserves.
(8,281 posts)Pretty soon they'll have a dossier on the shooter faster than Oswald.
(3,248 posts)This stinks...if it was a bullet that "grazed" him, it would have hit someone in that crowd. Let's just say I have my doubts.
(12,638 posts)I don't support violence of any kind, but 45* is such an accomplished showman and con artist that I wouldn't rule out this being staged.
(32,707 posts)Either the bullet grazed him or he's seriously injured. Just because he's fist bumping doesn't mean anything.
You can tell he "feels faint" as he is led off.
Historic NY
(38,599 posts)so seeing his
(32,707 posts)I was 13 and suddenly realized why cartoon characters "saw stars". Blood automatically rushes to your feet. (Actually it rushes to your heart, but it feels like it's rushing to your feet).
Heck even doctors and nurses deal with this. (I've had to catch myself while watching a C-sect) It's a weird reflex.
(53,544 posts)And everyone just standing around.
(3,021 posts)Somebody starts blazing away at a target surrounded by thousands of people and he only gets grazed and nobody behind or beside him gets hit.
Did the bullets just dissappear?
(1,246 posts)you'd think if someone was shooting at the person in front of you that you'd at least duck or start running.
(3,021 posts)That's terrible
(577 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)Slider19
(8 posts)Where did you read no one else was hit?
(3,248 posts)It was right after it happened, and no one had been reported as hit. It just seemed strange that he was grazed, and nobody behind him flinched, or appeared to have been hit.
Born Free
(1,629 posts)Stages, and they will blame it on Biden
NH Ethylene
(31,046 posts)House of Roberts
(5,891 posts)
(23,554 posts)
(157 posts)MistakenLamb
(790 posts)how did a gunman get in to get close to shoot?
(12,638 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)pnwmom
(109,763 posts)hamsterjill
(15,673 posts)Seriously. Didnt sound like gum shots to me unless it was a very small caliber.
Come on! The guy is a reality tv producer. Dont tell me he wouldnt stage something like this to get sympathy.
(51,982 posts)They are also reporting the gunman has been killed by Secret Service officers, so we'll eventually know what kind of gun was used to shoot him.
(13,670 posts)RWers are saying 9mm sound. Not trustable.
Video of entering vehicle with fist raised showed top of left ear bright red around curve of top.
(103,206 posts)Some people at the top of the stand behind him were looking to their right, ie to our left as we see it from in front of the stage.
A Repub politician in the crowd says some people in the audience may have been hit:
Link to tweet
"Meuser says he heard 8-10 shots. Says it appears mulitple people in the crowd may have been hit and were down."
(3,213 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)Festivito
(13,670 posts)ZonkerHarris
(25,577 posts)ArkansasDemocrat1
(3,213 posts)Insanity later
(113,131 posts)I think there are metal detectors to get rid of any gun toters.
(12,189 posts)birdographer
(2,821 posts)By a tv game host. Attention-getting. But he did want to be sure there would be people there to witness it. All hell breaks loose? How, unless he means a shooter in the crowd shooting blanks while he has a squib in his hand to apply to his ear? First, I don't buy this. But second, if true, dammit, 4" to the right...
This is trump putting on a show. He will be back out at a hate rally tomorrow or the next day, because he knows there is no real danger.
(113,131 posts)and that a spectator was shot dead and another seriously wounded.
(24,435 posts)Katcat
(437 posts)No doubt
(15,673 posts)Looked completely fake to me.
(2,317 posts)Blue Full Moon
(1,834 posts)Would hear shots even from blanks they would be spooked.
(15,673 posts)The blood can be a prop. I would not put anything past this asshole. He reacted way too fast. And then he fist bumps????
Sure, sure. Hes a real tough guy, right?
The crowd wouldnt know it was fake.
(2,317 posts)Trump is terrible but this fake shooting is whacky, crazy, and without any support. I cant believe anyone on this website is pushing that story.
(15,673 posts)You think Trump is an honest person? Thats the part thats nonsense.
(2,317 posts)Is completely different than wild conspiracy theories that he staged a shooting at his rally. The secret service didnt seem to think it was staged, nor did the crowd. I dont know who is or isnt pushing this nonsense but its nonsense, and not worth discussing.
(15,673 posts)Do you honestly have any sympathy for Trump? Because if you do, then I would question why.
He is a complete bully and coward. If he were really in danger, he would have pissed his pants. He wouldnt get up and fist bump to the crowd.
As to the blood, Ive bled more than that from a mosquito bite.
So stop replying to me. Let me have my opinion and you have yours. Because it seems there are plenty on DU right now who feel the same way that I do, or are you only reading MY posts?
(2,317 posts)The idea that this was staged is nonsense. And embarrassed that anyone is taking it seriously. And if Im wrong Ill come back tomorrow and apologize
(15,673 posts)And youve continued to respond. Thats what I mean.
Now, go and have yourself a great evening. It was nice visiting with you.
(2,317 posts)And I do mean that sincerely. Its ok to disagree here sometimes
(2,821 posts)now that you two have made up. If a man is shot at during a (hate) rally, particularly supposedly from outside the rally locale, this man would be very wary of going back into an outdoor location for his rallies. Let's see how many days pass before Donny is back at the airport tarmac or the beach, or some other spot just like this one. If it was staged, as I believe it was, he has nothing to fear and he will be right back out in outside venues surrounded by trees or perhaps a book depository. Let's wait and see.
(15,673 posts)The next few days will be telling.
And since Im wishing everyone a good evening, let me wish you on, too!
(15,673 posts)Do you honestly have any sympathy for Trump? Because if you do, then I would question why.
He is a complete bully and coward. If he were really in danger, he would have pissed his pants. He wouldnt get up and fist bump to the crowd.
As to the blood, Ive bled more than that from a mosquito bite.
So stop replying to me. Let me have my opinion and you have yours. Because it seems there are plenty on DU right now who feel the same way that I do, or are you only reading MY posts?
Response to hamsterjill (Reply #89)
Post removed
(52 posts)imagine it was for a second. The shooter will very very likely get caught and end up doing many years of prison time and would have to willingly do it for perhaps a sympathy bump for Trump. Whatever weapon was used was likely small with a short barrel and perhaps non metallic to be easily smuggled in. This would likely be hard to aim/target properly and would very much risk the life of the candidate the shooter would presumably be willing to risk his life for.
While there may be some 'false flag' events of someone holding up a rude sign in the background or something that the press would never investigate, has there ever been a confirmed false flag event with such risk and of such magnitude in all of recorded history?
(43,446 posts)Last edited Sat Jul 13, 2024, 09:00 PM - Edit history (1)
(122,587 posts)debm55
(43,446 posts)
(122,587 posts)bee_peaceful
(60 posts)His favorite ploy.
(13,568 posts)Come on people. Comments like yours make us look silly.
(16,927 posts)is for Trump to be a martyr.
They will play this up (whatever the actual story) as "liberals are out to get me, boo hoo."
(51,078 posts)Delphinus
(12,189 posts)congress critter has already said the orders came from Biden.
(16,927 posts)These cultist are nuts and now will be hellbent on revenge.
The Grand Illuminist
(1,769 posts)They know not to get to the generals.
(31,675 posts)Bengus81
(8,281 posts)FAKE as hell. I think this was a rigged up shooting that went totally wrong. No one was supposed to be hit,just the stage or somewhere else.
(25,190 posts)alarimer
(16,927 posts)BooScout
(10,407 posts)...everyone in the audience was probably armed.
(23,554 posts)It was a stroke
(39,200 posts)Watch as they shove him in the vehicle: Huge, I mean huge, baldspot. His hair is standing up all around it.
(97,964 posts)TexasDem69
(2,317 posts)Whats this staged nonsense?
(36,631 posts)TexasDem69
(2,317 posts)Multiple stories now that the shooter is dead, as is someone in the crowd.
(36,631 posts)TexasDem69
(2,317 posts)And said his brain was exposed not proof enough?
(36,631 posts)TexasDem69
(2,317 posts)How about the statement from President Biden?
(36,631 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)anybody who reads mysteries or political thrillers knows, the scenario is not hard to fake. And he has excellent reason to do just that!!!
Concerning this TRAITOR**, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I would put past him. Was it real? Was it fake? We may never know.
(2,317 posts)Two people are dead. Trump was injured.
(122,587 posts)mysteryowl
(7,752 posts)He would stage something like this, I have no doubt.
The Grand Illuminist
(1,769 posts)nt
(7,752 posts)Not the same at all!
The Grand Illuminist
(1,769 posts)Yet there are things we should never resort at all. If people think this is false flag fakery, then they would be no different than Alex Jones. We don't need those on this side. It really doesn't matter who were dealing with.
(25,577 posts)Last edited Sat Jul 13, 2024, 08:16 PM - Edit history (1)
(18,854 posts)It doesn't look like anyone else was hit which is very strange.
(19,529 posts)Kablooie
(18,854 posts)BrightKnight
(3,684 posts)It also sounds like a dog whistle. It is very difficult to take this at face value.
(13,568 posts)His supporters will undoubtedly try to blame the left for this.
(36,014 posts)We're entering a massive shit show.
(15,177 posts)started off in 2016. This, the GOP penchant for refusing to even consider any gun control, coupled with the Wall Street and billionaire funded right-wing propaganda organs that have driven wedges and built up a fever pitch of hate and polarization, have all created a very dangerous campaign environment for both Trump and Biden. This is pretty bad.
I cannot morally wish ill on Trump.
The truth is Biden can beat him fair and square. This just adds an element of chaos and danger into an already fraught election.
This is very sad for all of us.
(13,670 posts)His own followers could be very angry with him when they start getting the truth.
Where did those bullets go. That cannot be that hard to figure out.
I don't care which hospital, nor helicopter rides,. Find that shooter.
(2,493 posts)Hours before the start of the Republican National Convention.
I'm not saying it was staged . . . just sayin' . . .
(21,432 posts)BaronChocula
(2,583 posts)Richard Simmons died?
(162,403 posts)
(20,856 posts)I wouldn't trust TFG to pass me the salt at a dinner table.
Could he have had a tiny squib in his hand and slap it to his ear when he heard the gunfire? Find the shooter. Find the gun. Find the bullet.
(13,028 posts)Have been more careful . Looks like his ear got clipped .Oh well.
All I could think is trump does not deserve that kind of protection or care especially after Nancy Pelosi s husband was beaten with a hammer by a piece of magat trash looking for Nancy that is real danger.
I think it was a sympathy ploy and maybe a justification ploy to stir up the base.
Watch for more and more vicious hate speech and threats aimed at liberals and democrats.
It also could be friendly fire.
Magats are known to pack weapons and some have no sense when it comes to firearm safety.
Hopefully magats wont attack anybody.
Be safe my fellow dems.
(18,876 posts)Its all in The Bible. /s
Wingus Dingus
(8,824 posts)my husband told me this happened. Jesus.
(32,707 posts)Wingus Dingus
(8,824 posts)Oh well.
(2,821 posts)Except not nearly as tragic. Me, I was baking a challah loaf. (My first time and it came out great!)
(28,713 posts)I_UndergroundPanther
(13,028 posts)Nobody hit in the audience yet 8 or nine shots how could 9 shots be fired in the middle of a crowd and hit nobody?
It stinks to high heaven to me.
(13,568 posts)They probably figure that a staged attack will cause a big bump in the polls for him.
Blue Full Moon
(1,834 posts)One of those Jan 6th vets found out about Project 2025 taking benefits away.
Betty Boom
(325 posts)Here we go
liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)This clown plays victim and this will be off the charts
11 Bravo
(24,088 posts)Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)LeftInTX
(32,707 posts)valleyrogue
(1,826 posts)I experienced enough of that in my youth in 1963, 1968, 1972, 1976, and 1981. No more, please.
Trump is our best bet to retain the White House, which we will win. Nothing like this should ever happen to him.
(939 posts)Deminpenn
(16,605 posts)turbinetree
(25,836 posts)while being whisked off............
liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)This is a pro gun group who offers thoughts and prayers for every shooting, so thats all I have for this.
Blue Full Moon
(1,834 posts)Talitha
(7,512 posts)
(21,083 posts)Youd have your butt down on the ground to protect yourself from further injury.
(8,281 posts)Guess who hung around with pro wrestlers and WWE or whatever it is??
(19,529 posts)And used them
(4,174 posts)Im not heartless, Im saddened by the actually important news of the day, that Richard Simmons and Dr. Ruth died. I hear that these come in threes, so maybe douche poopy pants will get a secondary infection. Fingers crossed when it comes to shit bird 45.
(1,787 posts)at their own nazi rallies.
(11,756 posts)You know what it is.
(13,568 posts)And part of his brain was on the ground. Also the shooter has been neutralized according to the Secret Service.
(27,471 posts)catbyte
(36,510 posts)Festivito
(13,670 posts)SpankMe
(3,394 posts)...YOU'RE NOT HELPING.
Absolute transparency from the Secret Service is called-for from this point forward. If they learn anything important and withhold it (like they did with the texts from Jan.11) then they'll lose even more trust from the people.
(20,856 posts)To bad God didn't protect the innocent bystander.
(16,605 posts)nt
(3,044 posts)And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.
(1,151 posts)AdamGG
(1,633 posts)How can he get slightly grazed on the ear to cause small amount of blood, but no damage and no bullets hit anything around him? This looks like a PR stunt on the Saturday night leading up to his CON vention.
(13,568 posts)it was fake?
(1,633 posts)should have taken this down or waited to post until I'd read more. I started by watching the video clip.
Still not sure how no one on frame in the video behind him showed a reaction if bullets were whizzing by, but now that I see more info. it must have been real.
I definitely think that Trump would be willing to stage something like this and the timing and the image looked like it.
(13,568 posts)I am emotional about this because obviously this is not helpful. Whatever the facts may turn out to be the right wing will use this against us even though we know that the main source of political violence now in this country comes form the right.
(1,633 posts)Last edited Mon Jul 15, 2024, 07:43 PM - Edit history (1)
I already have seen the right rallying around this online - saying that it makes Dump heroic.
This image, with streaks of blood on his face, fist raised, positioned beneath an American flag, end of the day on Saturday when his convention starts on Monday - is so perfect for his propaganda that it's hard not to question how naturally occurring it is. I don't doubt Trump's ability to understand the performative moment he was in and play to the cameras when it did happen.
(4,350 posts)A bystander was killed and it was staged.
(25,836 posts)Shooter and attendee killed in incident at Trump rally
Butler county district attorney Richard A Goldinger has confirmed to the Associated Press that the shooter at Donald Trumps rally, as well as an attendee, are dead.
(13,670 posts)SpankMe
(3,394 posts)The pictures of him thrusting his fist up and the bleeding ear are psy-op-approved, wounded martyr material. This will dominate headlines and Trump's public outreach until the election.
I hope we learn something about the shooter soon. If it's a progressive Trump-hater, we're finished. Our only hope is for this to have been a false-flag op by a Trumper.
I also question how the Secret Service couldn't prevent this. They have metal detectors and all sorts of security protocols in place. Between this and the Jan 6 shit, I don't think I have a lot of faith in them to protect the president or candidates any more.
Biden should make a public statement ASAP.
Also, Biden's office should authorize SS protection for Kennedy ASAP. They've denied it up to now. But, the ante has been upped and we should be at ThreatCon Charlie - at least - for candidates.
(11,750 posts)BBC reporting shot came from outside perimeter, 200 yards or so
Our US news partner, CBS, is quoting two law enforcement sources who say the attacker was armed with a rifle and stood outside a cordoned-off area at the rally, about 200 yards (182m) from Trump.
The officials say the suspect was stood on an "elevated structure".
They were killed by a member of the US Secret Service counter-assault team, CBS reports
(7,710 posts)I posted the following on Facebook.
"This is not good. I condemn in the strongest words the actions of this idiot or idiots who attempted this. It also shows that there are serious consequences when the pot (of emotions) is stirred endlessly. It reminds me of the shooting of George Wallace back in 1968, when his rhetoric was also hot and somebody took things into their own hands."
Now is a time for calmness but I doubt that Trump will permit that. Not when his first reaction was closed-fist defiance. Now to see how MSM covers this.
(3,813 posts)DallasNE
(7,710 posts)From memory, I thought it was shortly after a firey Wallace speech in Omaha stirred up a small riot in May 1968. That was my last year in the National Guard and we were activated to back up the police. We ended up not deploying, unlike our July 4th weekend riots 2 years earlier when we did deploy. My date error does not impact the rest of my message.
(3,813 posts). . . planted in Arthur Bremer's apartment to suggest that fellow Democrats were behind the assassination attempt.
Response to peppertree (Original post)
Lulu KC This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,174 posts)John1956PA
(3,813 posts)Lulu KC
(7,330 posts)If I can just remember which newspaper said it--looking.
lonely bird
(2,142 posts)I dont care what the shooter believed or who he was.
This does nothing but exacerbate the fucking mess we have in this country.
(3,021 posts)But I also can't say that I am astonishingly surprised. Just look what he wants to do to this country and the people in it.
He's a fucking monster.
(13,670 posts)Festivito
(13,670 posts)The Grand Illuminist
(1,769 posts)He should neither condone nor condemn.
(19,371 posts)Biden shouldn't condemn this?
(8,281 posts)JoseBalow
(6,949 posts)
(10,453 posts)performance and how he needs to exit the race.
(6,949 posts)But I wouldn't bet money on it
Sky Jewels
(8,895 posts)tonekat
(2,170 posts)"This will bring everyone together!"
Bullshit. He's reaping what he sows. He's a danger to our hope of a continuing democracy. It won't do diddley for any "unity", we passed that stop years ago.
(122,587 posts)eggplant
(4,037 posts)There was at least one bystander killed there, and the shooter is dead. This isn't supposed to be FreeRepublic after all.
(13,124 posts)with "2nd Amendment" gun rights, setting the stage for Trump as an imperial president that can do what he wants with Seal Team 6...
The situation will not get any better with Trump raising his fist urging people to Fight!
(13,670 posts)Richard Goldinger source by voice
Lulu KC
(7,330 posts)This surprises me a lot and makes me worry about Joe even more. I thought they covered this potential scenario. Does JFK ring a bell? Bizarre.
(13,670 posts)Imagine the IQ of agents wanting to protect Donald versus the ones protecting Joe.
(8,281 posts)They had mags checking for guns on the crowd going in.
(15,673 posts)Many have a lot to lose if Trump takes the US about of NATO.
a hired assassin wouldnt have missed the target.
(13,670 posts)Too early also. A death could end up with someone who would attempt to pass all Trump's stuff, including dismissing NATO, with a unified patriotic ferver behind them.
Russia already spent too much on advancing Trump to kill him. China, Iran, ... need Russia.
R's have the best reason to get rid of Trump this way. He's going to lose and he won't release power.
You're right, a professional assassin would not have missed in part for not using a small caliber shot that would cut an ear, it would take out a lot more than an ear. I think someone goaded a well practiced amateur. The real losers if Rs lose are the rich and the military intelligence industrial complex.
(4,587 posts)"Something has just shifted in American politics."
That might be one of most stunningly stupid things I have ever heard on the news.
(1,290 posts)what a drama Queen
(3,095 posts)He's lucky that it was minimal.
We usually think of "bleeding from the ear" as caused by internal damage.
He'll be back acting like a superhero super-asshole.
(906 posts)Meatball Ron has his own personal praetorian guard. Means, motive. Just sayin.
(1,296 posts)three names?
like James Earl Ray
Lee Harvey Oswald
Then we can really discuss whether this was staged or not.
(171 posts)jcboss
(21 posts)It was all staged. If you watch the video, you will see that trumps right hand appears to squeeze or push a button because he flinched before the charge.
that was attached to his ear like a stunt man uses for a bloody scene
(13,670 posts)Festivito
(13,670 posts)Looks al little gruesome. Kind of looked like light tan camouflage. I guess he is still there. Guy on street notified local law before the shots.
(20,856 posts)Festivito
(13,670 posts)Who sold him his gun, who goaded him, .who helped him, ...
His body still lies on the building.
I'd bet his car told them who he was.
(20,856 posts)How was access to that roof not secured? Trump isn't just a candidate. He's a former POTUS and they get Secret Service protection for life. There's something about this that just doesn't pass the smell test.
(13,670 posts)A guy outside the venue notified local law enforcement. How it went from there is not reported.
We D's have more to lose from this shooting. If it is not a lone wolf act, I'd look at R's wanting to replace Trump.
They know they have been using Quinnipiac polls and avoiding PEW polls.
(13,670 posts)Dyedinthewoolliberal
(16,015 posts)that this can be traced back to him. It's rigged, so to speak........
(6,642 posts)😜 hehe
(2,301 posts)TexanIndian2
(1 post)Please stop. Right now is not the time to think this was staged or it was anything other than violence against a candidate. No amount of hatred towards an individual justifies such violence. Peace!!
(13,670 posts)mahina
(19,529 posts)Traurigkeit
(1,290 posts)Bayard
(24,435 posts)There's no way that trump would immediately jump up from an assassination attempt, and be doing the fist pumping thing. How would he know there wasn't more to come? His diaper would be overflowing, and he'd cowering behind the podium.
Maybe that's what he's been doing lately--rehearsing. He'll be the headline now, ad nauseam. And Biden will be blamed.
I am sorry that one other person was killed, and more injured. Dying for Donald..... What an epithet.
(13,670 posts)There we saw the true Donald saying "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
He still needs the violence . Jan 6 did not have enough.
(1,513 posts)bamagal62
(3,808 posts)Makes me want vomit.
Response to peppertree (Original post)
bamagal62 This message was self-deleted by its author.
The Mouth
(3,331 posts)WTF? I know they are going to give Trump the 'B' team, but letting someone with a full sized rifle get within a hundred ot two hundred meters of someone they are trying to protect?
Head need to roll in that department. The folks by him did their job, but whoever let the shooter get that close needs a different line of work.
(208 posts)makes me realize conspiracy nuts are not confined to one party. And to see replies like that get recommended makes it even worse. There are photographs of the shooter with a rifle on the roof while he's alive and after the secret service took him out. It happened, it was real. Some people need to "wonder" less and think more. Thank god, Daily Kos has a no conspiracy theory policy, unlike here. I am a democrat, I don't tolerate conspiracy theories and propaganda well. Was the gentleman who died a crisis actor? Really some people sound as nutty as Alex Jones. C'mon man, were better than this.
(162,403 posts)it's natural for people to question everything about him
(15,871 posts)Deminpenn
(16,605 posts)a local cop actually climbed up to the roof where Crooks was, but when Crooks turned and pointed his gun at the cop, the cop let go of the ladder and fell. I guess he valued his own life more than Trump's or any of the other rally attendees. During this news segment, this cop's boss or colleague told the reporter the cop did the right thing not confronting Crooks.