George Conway Flips A Republican Dog Whistle Right Back On Donald Trump In New Ad
Source: Huff Post
Oct 4, 2024, 06:59 AM EDT | Updated 6 hours ago
Conservative attorney George Conway put a Donald Trump-trolling spin on Republican claims that Vice President Kamala Harris is the “DEI candidate” in the 2024 election. The former president is actually the “DEI candidate,” Conway declares in a new 60-second ad from his Anti-Psychopath PAC that will air on Fox News, ESPN and the Golf Channel.
The “D” stands for “deranged,” Conway explains over footage of Trump falsely claiming that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating people’s pets.
The “E” is for “egomaniacal,” he continues over clips of Trump boasting about his “so beautiful” body and his intelligence.
And the “I” is for “incompetent,” the lawyer says over footage of just some of Trump’s bonkers comments during his botched response to the coronavirus pandemic. “Don’t vote for the DEI candidate. Don’t vote for Donald Trump,” Conway ends the clip.
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(36,747 posts)I guess he's not in The Lincoln Project anymore? It seems like he's going out on his own now.
(148,038 posts)I think that allows him to go more OTT than the more "polished" Lincoln Project vids.
ETA - he also uses the PAC money for billboards too.
(23,365 posts)Nepos, baby!
Blue Owl
(55,462 posts)The Spawns of the Sick Fucko
Blue Owl
(55,462 posts)
(54,816 posts)KS Toronado
(20,853 posts)speaking of ads I wish someone would make one where it's KFC having difficulty speaking, saying words,
forgetting names and basically acting like a grade school bully. An ad so hard hitting that the majority of
us could agree that here's the one to run 24/7 everywhere. This one is knocking on that door.
Maybe hit him about being afraid to debate, he backed out of Oct 23rd & 60 Minutes.
KS Toronado
(20,853 posts)Well known Republicans stating their names and their reasons for not wanting him back in the White
House. I'm Xxxx Xxxxxxx and I was Secretary of Xxxxxxx under KFC , he's the dumbest person
I've ever meet. etc, etc. Dick Cheney, George Bush?
Surely Bush has been approached, can't anyone get him to speak up for the good of the Country?
(718 posts)D on Jr.
E ric
I vanka
(148,038 posts)

(4,453 posts)at the end of the last clip of TSF ....
(992 posts)It was actual laughter at TSF’s speech before the United Nations General Assembly in 2018]
(85,264 posts)progressoid
(51,037 posts)Submariner
(12,894 posts)that is what is called becoming the laughing stock of the planet moment.
(11,049 posts)It's called "George Conway Explains It All ('To Sarah Longwell)." He goes over the latest Trump info in detail. One of my favorite political podcasts.