'It Won't Even Be Close': As Many As 30 Republican Senators Are Reportedly a 'No' on Matt Gaetz
Source: MEDIAite
Nov 15th, 2024, 10:40 am
A new report from The Wall Street Journal paints a bleak picture of Matt Gaetz’s chances of being confirmed as attorney general.
President-elect Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Gaetz — who has no judicial or prosecutorial experience — for the powerful post on Wednesday, and Gaetz quickly resigned from his seat in Congress days before the release of a House Ethics Committee report into allegations that he “engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, accepted improper gifts, dispensed special privileges and favors to individuals with whom he had a personal relationship, and sought to obstruct government investigations of his conduct.”
Senate Republicans, who hold a 53-47 majority in the upper chamber of Congress, are apparently unenthused by the prospect of Gaetz serving as the country’s top cop. While just a couple members of the conference (Gaetz can afford to lose only three) have already announced their intention to oppose Gaetz, others have expressed skepticism. The Journal suggests that behind closed doors, the resistance to him is even more entrenched.
From its report:
One person familiar with the conversations among Republican senators said “significantly more than four” of them are opposed, which would be enough to tank Gaetz’s chances. “People are pissed,” the person said.
Other estimates ranged from more than a dozen Republican “no” votes to more than 30. “It won’t even be close,” another person said.
Read more: https://www.mediaite.com/news/it-wont-even-be-close-as-many-as-30-republican-senators-are-reportedly-a-no-on-matt-gaetz/

(6,997 posts)1. Recess appointment
2. Cover for his resignation to kill the ethics report so he can run again for his seat that he won 2:1 last week. And the ethics charges would have to start all over in the new congress (like Johnson’s gonna touch that live wire).
(64,957 posts)I am not sure which game is being played.
(6,997 posts)I don’t think trumpy needs any cover to place Russian assets. He’s in full public sell out mode.
(64,957 posts)I wonder how much Gaetz's rich daddy had to pay Trump for the favor?
(9,919 posts)Let the MSM draw attention to ALL the criminals.
(64,957 posts)Humiliating the country, and he will get someone else who will do as much damage as Gaetz
but was better at hiding his crimes.
Baitball Blogger
(49,391 posts)Irish_Dem
(64,957 posts)Throwing us off the trail.
Hiding something else going on we are not supposed to notice.
viva la
(3,967 posts)I'll resign, you hide the evidence.
Response to Irish_Dem (Reply #3)
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(307,980 posts)Amazing though that so many Rs don't want him anywhere near DOJ.
Why is that?
(64,957 posts)Why are R's suddenly acting upset about Gaetz.
They are sociopaths who could not care less about Gaetz damaging the country.
I guess we can assume Gaetz might get access to their own personally damaging material
gathered by the DOJ and FBI?
(19,583 posts)As in both houses of Congress. I think Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell both alluded to the night after his nomination was announced.
Apparently, he is widely hated by Democrats and Republicans alike. I'm not sure exactly why that is, but it dovetails with this story about so many GOP senators saying they won't vote for his appointment.
Response to Irish_Dem (Reply #23)
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(64,957 posts)That Gaetz is a bad guy?
Or that R's are afraid of their own crimes and wrong doing being exposed?
(8,270 posts)objection to him reflects how much of a colossal asshat he is, as much as for his individual crimes and overall sleaze.
Which is to say that along with his incompetence for the job they wouldn't trust him in broad daylight.
(307,980 posts)those Reasons.
(64,957 posts)Response to Cha (Reply #19)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(15,732 posts)It seems in the past democrats have kept the house in session to keep the president from making a recess appointment. Is it possible for democrats to do this when tfg is in office?
Tadpole Raisin
(1,561 posts)they could (but won’t) tell him that if he continues to nominate unserious people he will have a tough time doing anything.
P. S. We aren’t giving you recess appointments.
Gosh he would just screw them over anyway.
At least Gaetz resigned. He can’t withdraw that can he?
(90,062 posts)Not sure if it is true.
(26,733 posts)Seems odd he could resign, have the report quashed, say, "Psych!" then "I'm back!" (Like Jack Nicholson) and reclaim his coat closet like nothing happened.
(90,062 posts)Pervs stick together.
(19,583 posts)He resigned from this Congress, but that won't keep him from taking the seat he won in November when the new Congress is sworn in.
(90,062 posts)zipplewrath
(16,694 posts)He resigned, but from THIS congress. He was elected for the NEXT congress. At some point before January could he decide to take his seat next session?
(378 posts)he will be confirmed.
(8,855 posts)repukes always end up goose stepping
(6,731 posts)That once they become a majority party, they start cannibalizing their own.
(47,843 posts)It's best if he's not in any office. Gaetz for prison would be great.
(12,610 posts)I don't quite understand how, but that's what a few people in the know have been saying.
(64,957 posts)Arger68
(714 posts)cowards had voted for conviction in either of his impeachment hearings, we wouldn't be in this mess now.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,920 posts)before the ethics committee report came out.
(17,834 posts)if he actually wants gaetz.
(38,305 posts)
Prairie Gates
(4,264 posts)At the same time, that seems like a lot of capital to expend on saving Gaetz some embarrassment. Of course, the upside will be that the next nom will be viewed as God's gift and a "compromise" nom put out by a magnanimous and wise Trump regardless of how odious he is (it will 100% be a he, let's be clear). Still seems like a bit of an own goal.
(36,757 posts)If he knows in advance that the AG job isn't happening, he must believe that Chump has something else for him.
Otherwise he wouldn't have resigned.
Prairie Gates
(4,264 posts)That's the only legitimate reason to not release it: he's no longer a member of Congress.
(9,514 posts)Said he will start a PAC against senators who vote against his picks
(162,218 posts)FAMILY VALUES!
Baitball Blogger
(49,391 posts)iemanja
(55,609 posts)Trump will do a recess appointment. He has already said as much. And that ethics report will not be released.
(36,757 posts)Not that I was rooting for McCarthy. Matt's not a popular guy, but they know he's tight with Chump.
Just sayin'
(17,722 posts)He is a frat-boy Fascist who's rich Daddy is well connected in ReThug politics down in Floridah.
(6,822 posts)If they're not on the record, this doesn't mean shit.
(148,079 posts)and you already had 2 (Collins & Murkowski) come out "publicly" to say "no", and a couple doubters are out there (Ernst & Tillis).
Assuming that Casey is unsuccessful with his recount and the split is 53 (R) - 45 (D) + 2 (I), then the GOP can only lose no more than 3 votes (and have Vance break the tie for a confirmation).
(6,822 posts)The actual vote will tell, but I can predict right now that it won't even be close to 30.
(148,079 posts)that was only one of a couple of estimated number quotes, where others threw out different numbers...
Other estimates ranged from more than a dozen Republican “no” votes to more than 30. “It won’t even be close,” another person said.

(39,849 posts)Last edited Sat Nov 16, 2024, 10:08 AM - Edit history (1)
they'll show fealty to the dictator-elect by going into "recess."
(148,079 posts)if it doesn't impact their final votes but we shall see...
They would have to have BOTH Chambers write that into the Rules though and they haven't done it for 20 years because, at least from the Senate side, they are very selfish in terms of their power of "Advise and Consent".
(378 posts)Murkowski.
viva la
(3,967 posts)and he can't go back.
Or maybe he'll decide to run in the special election, LOL.
The Mouth
(3,329 posts)if he wins the special election you know the house won't restart any investigation.
He gets his seat back, charges dropped, Trump appears to make a reasonable compromise, 'disloyal', non-MAGA senators out themselves for future retaliation and he nominates someone who will be just as bad and less stupid.
(698 posts)Last edited Fri Nov 15, 2024, 05:25 PM - Edit history (1)
OK, before anybody starts losing their shit and moving to get me banned, hear me out.
If not Gaetz, then who? If the Senate rejects Gaetz, Trump's second choice will not be Eric Holder, Jack Smith, or even Merrick Garland. Trump's second choice would be every bit as horrible for the principles of justice and the creation of a dictatorship as Gaetz, but will have fewer cases of child sex trafficking on his record. Trump's second choice will be able to fly under the radar, making it very difficult to attack him based on his actions as AG.
Our very best option is for Gaetz to be the face of the Trump administration for the next 2 years. That gives us the best chances to show America what electing Trump means.
I am dead serious about this. And this goes for RFKJr and most of the others. If we are going to fight any of the appointees, it should be the Russian asset that is nominated as Director of National Intelligence. If she passes the Senate, her treason will all be conducted in secret and will be devastating to the country.
(3,580 posts)I saw his name mentioned before as a potential AG pick. He was impeached for corruption by his own party in Texas, which qualifies him for a position in the trump cabinet.
(5,619 posts)For the next month, Gaetz is going to be saying shit like "I'm going to fire 2/3 of the FBI and DOJ. And then we're going to move the DOJ Headquarters to Minot North Dakota"
The next nominee will receive the message loud and clear and will know what's expected of them.
The Mouth
(3,329 posts)So that whoever the actual nominee approved seems a compromise, even if they are as bad or worse but not blindingly so.
(12,845 posts)"Key Trump allies are warning Republican senators to fall in line—or else."
"Senator Tommy Tuberville threatened to oust Republican senators who don’t vote to approve former Representative Matt Gaetz’s nomination to be the next attorney general."
(4,562 posts)Except for a few days each year.
(1,835 posts)Better fall in line
(54,342 posts)Joe_Gadway
(49 posts)I believe every loss for Trump is a win for America!
(11,156 posts)Skittles
(162,218 posts)yup
(638 posts)His real intention is clearly to bypass the approval process entirely, in which case this really doesn't matter.
(28,018 posts)Congress just had the power to not take recesses
It's reasonable for people to make that connection here - but I think it's incorrect. Trump can't actually make a nomination until after he becomes president on January 20th. Congress's first recess wouldn't normally be until July.
Gaetz can't last nearly that long. He'll announce that he's withdrawing from consideration long before Trump can actually make a nomination (which means that it won't even count as a nomination getting rejected). It's just a failed trial balloon.
Likely not even that - because Trump had to know this would be the result. He was just giving Gaetz an excuse to get out from under the Ethics probe and help republicans fill that seat before the new term starts.
(10,562 posts)iemanja
(55,609 posts)He has said he’s ready to do that for his entire cabinet. Why people think Trump will withdraw Gaetz as his nominee is beyond me.
(148,079 posts)to change their Rules to restrict or eliminate their "Pro-Forma" sessions, that they have been using the past 20 years (when Shrub recess-appointed Bolton to be U.N. Ambassador, pissing them off), in order to actually "go into recess".
(518 posts)Last edited Sat Nov 16, 2024, 07:58 AM - Edit history (1)
-Asking for a spellbound and terrified populace.
(148,079 posts)there are plenty of positions in the government that don't require Senate Confirmation (e.g., as a "Senior Advisor", where there are "Councils" that handle various aspects of governance, like "Domestic Policy" - current)
Mike Niendorff
(3,586 posts)I think Gaetz has served his purpose, and is now more a liability than an asset.
Trump is, however, still willing to use him one last time -- but not in the way everyone thinks.
Trump doesn't at all expect him to get through. The real nominee will be whoever comes next -- especially if it's by recess appointment. In particular, watch to see if the Gaetz nomination is withdrawn at the last minute, in exchange for a "compromise" deal with Thune that gives Trump the recess appointment situation he desperately wants.
In the meantime, this makes Gaetz go away, and it also allows Trump to identify the next round of people he's going to target for "disloyalty" as he continues to consolidate power.
(912 posts)LonePirate
(14,026 posts)The rest of the party will gleefully fall in line behind their senile leader.
(378 posts)Collin’s will vote to confirm just like Beer boy.