Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations
Source: ABC News
President-elect Donald Trump on Monday confirmed he would declare a national emergency to carry out his campaign promise of mass deportations of migrants living in the U.S. without legal permission.
Overnight, Trump responded to a social media post from Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton, who said earlier this month there are reports the incoming administration is preparing such a declaration and to use "military assets" to deport the migrants.
“TRUE!!!” Trump wrote.
"On Day 1, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to get the criminals out," he said during a rally at Madison Square Garden in the closing days of the presidential race. "I will rescue every city and town that has been invaded and conquered, and we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail, then kick them the hell out of our country as fast as possible."
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Bernardo de La Paz
(52,834 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)I swear if I had a nickel for every time someone responded to me with that line...
(1,728 posts)patphil
(7,481 posts)Zero.
The only way a dictator every lets go of absolute power is by force, or death.
We have Trump as president on January 20th, until the day he dies. And then, it's up to the next in line to carry on as dictator unless there is a "discussion" about who that next in line person is.
We are witnessing the death of the US Constitutional Democratic Republic.
It's being done by the enemies within, with a little help from the enemies without.
The real enemy here is the millions of brain dead zombie Maga's who put him in office.
These are the anti-woke, who would rather not think; who want someone to tell them what to think, what to say, what to do, how to act, how to feel, and who to hate.
Perfect mindless human bullets that the Republicans fired at the heart of the Republic.
(177,324 posts)He'll do more damage to the country than any migrant.
(12,609 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)LiberalArkie
(17,495 posts)All caucasians are A-OK..
(57,596 posts)that Melon Husk has OPENLY admitted that he's in the United States illegally and nobody gives a shit because he's the right skin color.... Same goes for the Donnie's past two trophy wives.
(17,495 posts)on full. The fountains in segregated areas were "White" and colored. White meant white. I remember a Chinese laundry owner had to drink from the Colored fountain or be arrested.
(2,433 posts)He likes them. They make him money.
(17,495 posts)"work from home". It costs them a lot less to pay them Indian or Pakistani wages than U.S. wages.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,834 posts)- White, which included rich Japanese.
- Asian, meaning Indians (subcontinent)
- Coloured, meaning mixed race
- African
(17,495 posts)Response to Blue_Tires (Reply #39)
geardaddy This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,867 posts)White people who only speak Spanish.
(24,099 posts)deport him .
(18,860 posts)jmowreader
(51,940 posts)“You look Mexican. Out you go!”
“My great-grandfather was born in Cleveland and so was everyone else in my family. Dude, I don’t even like Mexican food!”
“Nope. You look like an illegal immigrant so out you go.”
(12,613 posts)I always wondered how Germany could allow a madman to take power and ruin their country. It doesn't seem so far fetched anymore.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,825 posts)Hitler has massive databases and nuclear weapons.
(51,940 posts)Your neighbor’s kids play soccer with their friends in the back yard and you’re tired of listening to it? “Hello Trump Department of Making America Pure Again? A family of illegals lives next to me. Can you come deport them? Thanks.”
(4,106 posts)Hitler was funded by Harriman Brothers, via Prescott Bush. Foreign money funded Hitler which was GOP and they helped launder some of the Nazi supporters loot after WW2.
regnaD kciN
(26,800 posts)...which was instrumental in developing a system for keeping track of Jews and how to hunt them down.
(881 posts)he might just report you as a subversive. Novody is safe.
(4,874 posts)Eggs are just a bit more expensive here …
(5,988 posts)All this shit they are starting will open huge holes where we can drive in the wedges of resistance.
regnaD kciN
(26,800 posts)Once you have the sort of power wielded by the White House, and no scruples about using it, all the wedges of resistance in the world will only give us a new crop of martyrs.
Seriously, don't you think that Trump will respond to the first provocation, even if it means a peaceful march supporting the undocumented in a west coast city, with Tienanmen Square levels of brutality? Leave enough dead bodies for everyone to see, and most people will just slink away into silence. (For reference, look at how the antiwar movement utterly crumbled after Kent State.) And that will be the end of that.
(5,988 posts)We resist. Direct, indirect, passive, creatively, stealthily…
If enough people participate, we survive him; If not, we’re fucked.
To roll over though, is to die inside. I’m 76 years old, and the neighborhood I come from most of the men were ww2 vets. They despised fascists. I guess it rubbed off. I will do what I can to toss a wrench into the works every chance I get. Anyway, it will do my spirit good.
(24,012 posts)He was born here but his father is from Mexico. He loves to fight online and is on his 3rd name on fb. He keeps getting kicked off.
regnaD kciN
(26,800 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(7,346 posts)There are far too many LGTBQ people, far too many political and social enemies, and far too many business competitors to lock up/deport before Miller's jackboots get to deporting people because they 'look' foreign.
regnaD kciN
(26,800 posts)...who is a citizen from birth, with a father who was a citizen and a mother who was a legal resident from South America, that she better make sure to have a copy of her U.S. passport and U.S. birth certificate on her anytime she goes out in public.
And I'm not even confident that will be enough.
(529 posts)I'm no expert in various treaties and agreements that may exist, but I don't understand how these "mass deportations" are supposed to work.....
The country these people are supposedly being deported to will need to accept the people back, and what if they don't?
Does the US Military invade Mexico and just dump them? I'm pretty sure the US invading a neighbor will not be welcomed by the rest of the world.
By rights Mexico doesn't need to accept anyone from (for example) Bolivia, so does the US need to invade Bolivia as well?
What if these people don't have passports? How is the country of origin ascertained or proven? I can't just turn up to my country of origin and say "I'm here, let me in!" without documentation.
I wouldn't be surprised if the incoming regime does something really stupid and for sure they aren't about respecting norms or protocol, but I can't see how this is anything except futile bluster because this can't be solved unilaterally without becoming the worlds largest international pariah.
If anyone can explain potential mechanisms I'd be super appreciative.
(12,613 posts)er, ahh, temporary housing.
The private prison industry is already salivating at all the money they'll make.
(529 posts)alexjohn1965
(7 posts)They'll also put them to work in the fields as prison labor picking all the produce.
regnaD kciN
(26,800 posts)Just declare them an invading force. Easy peasy.
(194 posts)Surely you jest, there will be few, if any deportations. They will be rounded up and placed in camps. There they will stay. Eventually, houseless folks will join them. Then we will go back to where we started as local business people contract with the local "resettlement camp" to get the crops picked and the manual labor done. MAGA!
(529 posts)Silly me, I never thought of that. I assume the Maggats will be fine with it, very cost effective.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,825 posts)or ELSE. What the rest of the world thinks is no longer germane. At best, countries refusing take back its "citizens" will face economic sanctions, at worst, military invasion/bombing. Remember, 45 wanted to launch missiles against Mexico last time. This time, all the people who said "no" will be replaced with people who will obey without question.
(529 posts)If they go for "dump them all in Mexico" I guess it would be the "North American War", but so many brand expansion opportunities into "Central" and "South".
Either way, international pariah it is I guess.
(3,629 posts)He’s probably itching to dig his first mass grave. I’m sorry I sound extreme ……well there is nothing more extreme thanTSF,
(529 posts)Hope22
(3,629 posts)And devastatingly sad.
(3,629 posts)He practiced during his first term. Betsy DeVos and the Foster Care group….. he never misses a chance for coin. Many of these people have homes and assets……he said he was taking them all. He’ll clean them out but we are all next in line! How many threat’s until they take this sick sole away!
(2,433 posts)Our Coast Guard drops off boatloads of Haitian, Cuban, and Mexican migrants regularly back in their countries of origin. Not sure how they establish its fine to drop them wherever they drop them since surely many/most dont have passports, but it's pretty normal. I imagine such systems are not set in place for the scale of numbers that might result from new roundups landside, but I guess the precedence is there.
(529 posts)that goes into some depth about how these things are treated and goes someway towards a comparison of the US and EU in how they each deal with the problem.
It's quite murky, but I suspect there will be some political maneuvering (eg visa sanctions as discussed in the article), pig headed bullying and a decent amount of long term detention, dehumanisation, death and suffering (totally on brand for the Trump Party and Magats). And on top of all of that, I suspect it will be lots of propaganda about how successful they are while lining the pockets of the rich and torturing the less fortunate.
(2,998 posts)PSPS
(14,337 posts)The round up is intended to include brown people who were born here, so there's no "where" that they can "go back to" outside the country. Herr Miller said as much in one of his RW media circle-jerks recently. "America is for Americans!! Not those who have no part in our American culture or values."
(1,284 posts)If he doesn't have the balls to do it, he should step down and let Kamala do it.
Do it now while we still can.
(253 posts)When is President Biden going to save our country (using his presidential immunity) from this meddlesome perv?
(1,284 posts)brakester
(253 posts)I miss seeing and hearing from her and Tim!!!
(51,680 posts)It's definitely worse than the "Muslim ban" which was his priority during the first reign of terror. It not only will be massively disruptive, it will cause prices to skyrocket.
(35,339 posts)regnaD kciN
(26,800 posts)It got shot down in the courts time and again -- until it got to SCOTUS, who ruled it constitutional. By then, everyone's attention had moved on to other things.
(12,865 posts)to round up immigrants, granting them immunity when they gun down those who won't come peacefully. These nazis have been dreaming of this day for years.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,825 posts)That are Pardoned will be hired, paid for by us, and issued all the guns and ammo they ever wet dreamed of. And, they will make damn sure collateral damage will happen to those that cheered their convictions.
(3,629 posts)No lucrative deal goes down without criminals being busted out of jail. It was pretty effective in Iraq.
(10,721 posts)Seems like the trump regime mirrors everything Pootie does. I wonder why?
(3,629 posts)It was really annoying that no one seemed pissed about it. And Turkey made out as well and it was never clear about the nukes we still had there. I think we have all been slowly desensitized to the absurd actions of this monster. When we say he gives it away it’s the assets of our country. I’m sure he is raking it in behind the scenes. No one would believe it if a book were written with the real story. This reminds me. I need to resupply the emergency alcohol supply at home!😁!
(10,721 posts)We are under Putin rule. About to find out what fucking around does.
(3,629 posts)He probably isn’t going to be happy with Biden’s long range missiles out of Ukraine. Did you see the YouTube video of Ukraines attack yesterday. Advisors helping Putin were holed up in a cruise ship amongst war boats. Definitely made a mess of things. Surreal! Sorry I. Can’t give a better description.
(10,721 posts)Just like Hamas in schools and hospitals. 🍆🥔’s gonna do 🍆🥔ing shit, cowardly.
(18,030 posts)The "prepping" will reach a fever pitch.
(36,766 posts)It's not going to come from US defense funds. Maybe Chump will pay them out of his own pocket?
(12,865 posts)people
(756 posts)we are very close to the 3rd r.
(96,490 posts)“I will rescue every city and town that has been invaded and conquered, and we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail, then kick them the hell out of our country as fast as possible."
(756 posts)According to the article cited, a CA farmer said this about T's plans:
"If you took away my workforce, you wouldn't eat. If you go into the San Joaquin Valley and you start doing what you're saying, it's over. The country will stop, literally stop because the food system won't move," said Manuel Cunha Jr., the president of the Nisei Farmers League.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,825 posts)he just made the list to be deported.
(17,628 posts)Why do you think the survivalists have been laying in years worth of food and ammo?
They not only wont care when there is no food, they will rejoice in it because they will have have theirs.
And so will the rich.
Its the poor and the cities that will starve. Riots that will get put down by the military.
Im hoping im wrong.
(18,030 posts)but well understood by the privileged group.
Surprising that these sentiments haven't made it into the (RW-owned) M$M yet.
(35,339 posts)getagrip_already
(17,628 posts)Youve never met the homesteading community?
Same thing. Its large.
Wicked Blue
(7,657 posts)and have the orange traitor arrested as a traitor.
(3,629 posts)My guess is that they are watching and listening carefully. In the end I would bet that Biden will be blamed for this and more.
(712 posts)Consumer prices on all domestically produced foods will increase dramatically. And Social Security and Medicare funds will take a huge hit due to lack of incoming funds formerly provided by undocumented workers using bogus SS numbers. Combine that with their loss of Medicare and Food Stamps to fund tax breaks for billionaires, the MAGAts are going to find out just how much it costs to "own the libs." SUCKERS!
(18,030 posts)and horrific.
Putin is actually the stable genius. trump is just the sagging old stallion.
(3,493 posts)Are we just going to start arresting city council members?
Clergy members?
Civil Rights attorneys?
Anyone who stands in their way?
…and then what?
(3,936 posts)It is scarily prescient. Everyone should read it.
(10,721 posts)Round up and deport those ”illegal Aliens”
Living under the sea, that Boerbert was ranting about at a congressional hearing last week?
Where do you send those illegals, will Space X and the Musty white man sell us rockets to send them home?
Yes, let’s end the department of education and outlaw science. And become a nation of Boebert/MTG brains.
Why I wear a mask still, everywhere. The Smell of Rotting Brains make me projectile vomit.
And that is what I tell the assholes that mention me masking.
“Because your fucking skull meat is rotting and you stink”.
Ya can’t call it brains anymore. It’s just filling up space with meat where a brain should exist. I’m
(3,711 posts)
(208 posts)Imagine the worst thing you can think of a President doing.
Then imagine something ten times worse. That's what Trump will do.
(3,711 posts)
(11,780 posts)This will give you nightmares.
D. Spaulding
(147 posts)N/T
(18,849 posts)That's how Hitler took control.
He declared a national emergency, promising it would be temporary, then never released it.
And so America will be run by a dictator for a minimum of 4 years and likely longer if Trump lasts that long.
Trump voters will get exactly what they voted for.
Unfortunately, so will the rest of us too.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)But before Hitler could do that, he had to be enabled by Paul von Hindenburg.
There's still time for Trump to be stopped, especially when there's credible evidence that he cheated to win the 2024 presidential election.
(64,827 posts)Well, we knew this day would come.
(2,998 posts)And we are not prepared for that.
(440 posts)He's following the Hitler playbook
Evolve Dammit
(20,198 posts)cannabis_flower
(3,867 posts)For his Waiver of Inadmissibility. He entered the US in 1997 illegally. In 1998, he received Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Since he came illegally he can’t adjust his status without a judge granting the waiver. Then he needs to leave the country and return to Honduras to get his marriage visa and enter the country legally to get his status adjusted. We were told it would take 2 years but it was 2 years in August. His lawyer said it might be three years. I hope they don’t cancel his TPS and deport him before his case is resolved.
(2,479 posts)Further proof Trump is a fascist thug.
(35,339 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 18, 2024, 01:59 PM - Edit history (1)
Mass deportation would cost 167 billion dollars. If you do a search, they all agree on the cost. Where’s that money going to come from?
Hey maga…you want this, start coughing up the money!
(40,915 posts)Will he sneak them across the border?
(35,339 posts)She also said she would start deporting Americans living there. She’s not just giving lip service.
This is gonna blow up in his face wildly
(30,223 posts)that the worst case is what they do.
this heartbreaking, truly.
(39,856 posts)Nor will the military obey illegal orders even if given by the loyalist Sec Def and loyalist lackeys of the Joint Chiefs.
(3,629 posts)And all of the uncle papas joining them! I feel like they really want to kill!!!
(39,856 posts)bluestarone
(19,020 posts)what the military will do. Remember he will install generals that will bow before him.
(39,856 posts)The U.S. Army JAG Corps was founded by General George Washington with the appointment of William Tudor as the Judge Advocate General on 29 July 1775.[2] The Army JAG Corps is the oldest of the judge advocate communities in the U.S. armed forces – as well as the oldest law firm in the United States.
The current (forty-second) Judge Advocate General is Lieutenant General Joseph B. Berger III, who was appointed in July 2024.
The almost 2,000 full-time judge advocates and civilian attorneys who serve The Judge Advocate General's Corps comprise the largest group of attorneys who serve the U.S. Army. Several hundred other attorneys practice under the Chief Counsel of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Command Counsel of the United States Army Materiel Command.
Judge advocates, legal administrators and military paralegals are deployed throughout the United States and around the world, including Japan, South Korea, Germany, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Qatar. They provide legal assistance to soldiers, adjudicate claims against the Army, advise commands on targeting decisions and other aspects of operational law, and assist the command in administering military justice by preparing non-judicial punishment actions, administrative separation actions, and trying criminal cases at court-martial.
In addition to the active component judge advocates, there are approximately 5,000 attorneys who serve in the US Army Reserve and the Army National Guard. Several hundred Reserve and National Guard attorneys were called to active duty to serve in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
(19,020 posts)Look what the retired generals are saying. They HATE the bastard, but they are no longer there. Not disagreeing with you, BUT i can't but fear it. We are in a whole new situation, that America has never in before (how this monster was able to do it is over my head)
(39,856 posts)Just got a text that Chuck Schumer just rolled out the "No Kings Act" in the Senate. A ray of hopehope. Gotta use all the tools we've got in the next 63 days.

(19,020 posts)Nice to have this site, and friends like you in times like this!!!
(37,517 posts)will cover their ass claiming they were killers, drug dealers, terrorists and gang members. Law enforcement will treat
it as an open season. Families will be broken up, meat and produce
prices will go up causing shortages and inflation. It going to backfire big time.
(35,963 posts)Name one "conquered" town. It ain't Middletown Ohio.
(10,566 posts)speak easy
(11,251 posts)and buy a Tesla.
regnaD kciN
(26,800 posts)...I have a bridge in Brooklyn Nüremburg you might be interested in buying.
And also, remember: "Bullets are cheaper than deportation. Or internment camps."