Judge Upholds A Missouri Law Requiring Voters To Show Photo ID To Cast A Regular Ballot
Source: Huff Post/AP
Nov 27, 2024, 05:03 PM EST
COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) A law requiring Missouri voters to show government-issued photo identification to cast regular ballots will stand after a lower-court judge found it constitutional Tuesday. Cole County Circuit Judge Jon Beetems decision upholds the law, which was made possible by a 2016 voter-approved constitutional amendment allowing lawmakers to enact photo ID requirements. To maintain a secure system for voting, it only stands to reason that a photo ID should be essential, Missouri Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft said in a statement praising the ruling.
Voter photo ID supporters such as Ashcroft say the practice prevents voter fraud and improves public confidence in election results. Voting rights advocates say getting the records needed to obtain proper photo identification can be challenging, especially for older voters and people with disabilities.
The National Conference of State Legislatures reports 36 states request or require identification to vote, of which at least 21 ask for a photo ID. Under Missouris law, people without government-issued photo identification can cast provisional ballots to be counted if they return later that day with a photo ID or if election officials verify their signatures. The law also requires the state to provide a free photo identification card to those lacking one to vote.
Missouris NAACP and League of Women Voters, along with two individual voters, sued to overturn the law in 2022. They argued that some voters faced substantial obstacles getting up-to-date and accurate government-issued photo IDs and worried that casting a provisional ballot could put them at higher risk of having their votes not counted.
Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/missouri-law-voter-id_n_674796e1e4b08e4755037a4b
(34,073 posts)But MO is going to do its MO thing. And that's the problem.
You can't vote your interests - if there is a barrier to voting for it.
(37,060 posts)If they really insist on this. I cant imagine say, for example, an old woman whos been voting at the same precinct for 50 years and the poll worker who knows her well asking her for her ID. This is not like buying cigarettes, this is your right to vote. Its what makes the democracy work. Like our is not working now.
(11,602 posts)It was mailed to me when I registered to vote back in 2002. It had all the info that my driver's license had except for the photo.
I have never used the card. It doesn't meet the requirements for valid voter ID for my state. So why do they even bother to issue the card? It clearly states on it that you have to bring it with you to vote. But I've never used the stupid card. They could easily enough make that into a voter ID.
When I changed my driver's license from PA, I had to show my birth certificate, proof of residency and another photo ID. Isn't that enough info to identify me? Why do I need another driver's license with a star on it to prove who I am?
Redundant, useless paperwork is the mark of incompetencey and malign manipulation to prevent people from using a necessary bureaucratic system.
(462 posts)Unless some States dont issue State ID cards & if not what ID do they require?
When my mom quit driving she got a State ID. Looks just like a drivers license. She used that with no problem. If you go to a hospital, doctor, bank, etc you need an ID. Everyone HAS one. Again, in MY state. But if a state passes this law but doesnt provide an acceptable ID, then the court should toss it. Thats simply not fair at ALL
(145,835 posts)It's because of this pesky thing in the Constitution -
Amendment XXIV
Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.
Section 2.
The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
If there is a "cost" involved to vote (e.g., having to PAY for an ID card or docs to get one like a birth certificate) then it is a "poll tax".
(462 posts)As I said before, if they DONT then make them do it or toss the law.
its not hard for a state to give you an ID. If they want the voter law, then give it for free. Simple. In GA you get a free voter ID card.
(145,835 posts)There were all kinds of court cases for the original 2012 Voter ID law because of a cost needed and the GOP loons had to keep changing the law to comply before a stay on it was put in place.
That law prompted this infamous remark from the-then GOP Speaker of the PA House Mike Turzqi -
Linda ladeewolf
(551 posts)Had to show my drivers license. Ive lived here in the same place for 35 years. I waited until after Id voted to get my new one so Id have a valid ID.
(10,418 posts)Unless you have a voter ID card, which is a piece of paper, slightly smaller than a credit card, which has a 4 digit voter ID number on it and no photo.
I didnt apply for it; they just sent it to me, apparently because I no longer have a valid drivers license. But then, Im an old white guy; sort of like 50% of the rest of the state, which begs the question: Why is photo ID so important?