Democratic senators urge Biden to try to limit Trump's ability to use the U.S. military domestically
Source: NBC News
Dec. 2, 2024, 7:00 AM EST
Two Democratic senators are urging the Biden administration to issue a policy directive that could temporarily limit President-elect Donald Trump's ability to deploy U.S. military troops domestically after he takes office.
Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., both members of the Armed Services Committee, sent a letter dated Nov. 26 to President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that urged them to issue a policy directive that would ensure that U.S. troops can be used only when local or state authorities ask for federal help or are unable or unwilling to protect the public.
We write to urge you to issue a policy directive that prohibits the mobilization of active duty military or federalizing National Guard personnel to be deployed against their fellow Americans unless specifically authorized, they wrote.
After he takes office on Jan. 20, Trump could issue his own policy directive that would reverse the directive issued by Biden. Warren and Blumenthal, whose offices said the letter speaks for itself, apparently hope that publicly highlighting the issue might deter Trump.
Read more:
Link to Senators Warren & Blumenthal LETTER (PDF viewer) - Letter to Biden and Austin Requesting Directive On Use of Force
Link to Senators Warren & Blumenthal LETTER (PDF) -

(18,765 posts)I hope he decides to do everything possible, because these bastards will go after our throats if a few rethuglicons don't help stop them.
Response to BumRushDaShow (Original post)
drray23 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,846 posts)deterred by "publicly highlighting the issue" etc? FFS, he's such an oppositional defiant man-child that Biden doing this might make TCF more likely to do it, just to show he can.
(11,617 posts)a similar, new law would restrict him?
Trump already believes he is above the law. (...and, he's right, for the most part.)
(12,145 posts)Military leaders should remember that the new presidential immunity does not apply to people who carry out Trump's unlawful orders.
(10,142 posts)I'm not sure what these people are going on about. Posse Comitatus should already prevent this from happening.
Short of declaring martial law I'm not aware of a way around Posse Comitatus.
That being the case there is no legal way he can declare Martial Law.