White House press corps recoils at Trump's threat to shake up briefing room
Source: The Hill
12/04/24 6:00 AM ET
Signals from President-elect Trumps team that a shake-up of the White House press briefing room could be coming are roiling journalists preparing to cover his second term.
People close to Trump have said in recent days he should dramatically change who gets access to the president, suggesting podcasters, internet personalities and media deemed more friendly to him could replace outlets like the major television networks, The New York Times and The Washington Post in the rooms front rows.
Reporters covering The White House, in conversations with The Hill this week, described a feeling of annoyance, frustration and dread at such an idea. Several reporters declined to comment on the record or requested anonymity to speak candidly about the possibility of a drastically changed press room and the likely kerfuffle it would spark.
It would be a total mess, one White House reporter told The Hill this week. I would expect people would probably boycott the briefings, though that would put certain outlets in a tough spot deciding if they want to go along with what the Trump people are trying to pull.
Read more: https://thehill.com/homenews/media/5020455-trump-proposes-shakeup-press-briefing-room/

(36,607 posts)Cover news except for the crazy thing the Trump administration says that day? I dunno?
Every word out of his mouth is important news! We need 24/7 365 coverage of him. Everyone has been doing their part to make sure that a day without Trump ever happens, including MSNBC, CNN, Meidas Touch - "Trump in complete MELTDOWN!" - and all of the rest of the liberal podcasts and video channels, the massive right wing radio network, 3 cable networks dedicated to Trump worship, social media...
(19,382 posts)We need some democratic podcasters in the mix. We have to progress on our media space.
(27,988 posts)The friendly outlets would still go and would now dominate coverage of the administration - always with friendly spin. The other outlets would lack content.
The Unmitigated Gall
(4,708 posts)Would boycott the press room in this circumstance.
Well, there's my answer.
(1,704 posts)Time for the execs to fly down to Mar A Lago and kiss the ring if they expect to have access.
endless summer
(55 posts)Youd think that they would have seen this coming. Major television outlets werent that concerned during the election. Maybe they should have done their jobs.
(45,345 posts)They're the ones who insisted on treating the election as a race between two equivalent candidates who merely had differing philosophies.
(12,503 posts)calimary
(85,162 posts)Just absolutely and utterly DISGRACEFUL.
When I was still working, integrity meant something. So did speaking truth to power. Not anymore.
(67,289 posts)to hear one or a few of those reporters call him out on his lies (if they have the guts to do that). The emperor wears no clothes scenario. The felon needs to be shaken off that perch he's on.
(578 posts)Hope he bans all of them and just does press briefings with MAGA media. Little stinkers.
(16,836 posts)Now theyre going to be treated like boorish assholes by complete assholes.
Prairie Gates
(4,053 posts)A more useless bag of imbeciles could not be found.
(16,226 posts)imagine the shot of Jake Tapper sitting next to the Hawk-Tuah girl.
If "journalists" exist that are still dedicated to "journalism", you'd only be able find Donnie Dipshit coverage on only Reich-wing websites and podcasts, not on actual news sites.
I wish the press would take my approach for the next 4 years; "Not my circus, not my monkey"
We don't have a press anymore. We have a bunch of porn scene "fluffers". Both jobs require doing all they can to make a dick function.
(1,588 posts)angrychair
(10,139 posts)For this bootlicking sycophants that have abandoned all appearances of objectivity and impartiality.
They've now spent days ripping into Biden over that pardon but barely a word when it comes to what trump is doing.
I mean he is giving a position to every billionaire that ever gave him two pennies.
Barely a word from the news media that could ever be construed as criticism.
(545 posts)You MSM fuckers made this possible. What did you think was going to happen? "Business as usual?"
(952 posts)Anyway .....
red dog 1
(29,935 posts)Heil VonShitzInPantz!
(9,398 posts)Hungary with a splash of Putin.
LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,085 posts)Get used to that phrase. It's going to appear in a lot of headlines for the next four years.
Eventually, it will be replaced by: "Donald J. Trump -- the 47th, strongest, smartest, best-looking and last PRESIDENT in the history of this nation which bears his name ('Trump States' ) -- has decreed that hence forth all citizens will __________________. MAGA!"
But hey, the price of eggs is down, and that's what really matters, isn't it?
Justice matters.
(7,855 posts)What? After a decade of being called FAKE NEWS they still didn't get it??
(535 posts)Montauk6
(8,846 posts)QAnon, Newsmax, InfoWars, Stormfront, Breitbart, Pravda, The Ron Paul Newsletter, Washington Times, National Enquirer, The Rubin Report, Soldier of Fortune, Atomwaffen, Chick Publications???
liberal N proud
(61,032 posts)We wouldnt be in this situation
(23,053 posts)Now sleep in your bed.
(2,444 posts)Leopards Eating Faces News were especially shocked.
(11,177 posts)But he will never answer actually challenging questions. Like his first term round table events where each member stood up and glowed about dear leader or even his daily nonsensical COVID briefing where experts could only express their horror by rolling their eyes. Call ins to loyalists and socially connected wannabes Mika/Joe and FoxNews when Trump needs an immediate ego stroking in public will be sufficient.
(1,519 posts)Bluetus
(581 posts)I have an idea. How about you lame-ass "journalists" get outside the Beltway and start covering the point-of-view that people actually care about.
(11,597 posts)have warned everybody!"
(118,611 posts)33taw
(3,058 posts)bdamomma
(67,289 posts)to that weak, disgusting, felon.
Miguelito Loveless
(4,792 posts)You helped get him into office, twice. He flat out said you were the enemy.