Postmaster General covers his ears from House Republican questioning during Oversight hearing
Source: The Hill
12/10/24 2:19 PM ET
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy covered his ears during a congressional hearing as Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) repeatedly pressed him on postal service oversight. McCormick during a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing Tuesday told DeJoy that he does not get an “A grade” when it comes to his leadership of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).
“You were graded by the United States people and they don’t use your service anymore,” McCormick said. “That is not true,” Dejoy said as McCormick continued over him. “Our office is growing.” “You are responsible for the fall of the postal service and the lack of accountability,” McCormick said as DeJoy interjected with, “This Congress is responsible for it falling apart. I am trying to fix the postal service.”
DeJoy told McCormick, “You’re talking to yourself” before covering his ears.
The back-and-forth follows ongoing criticism from election officials about how the agency handles mail-in ballots. DeJoy has previously said it is wrong to suggest they could be displaced. DeJoy claimed that some election officials don’t understand the USPS’s efforts to turn around mail during election season and said that the agency would be able to handle it, The Associated Press reported.
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Clouds Passing
(4,012 posts)Holding his ears like a 4 year old yelling I can’t hear you
(47,233 posts)lamp_shade
(15,148 posts)JoseBalow
(6,987 posts)Only drumpf could pick a clown like that.
(30,237 posts)I love Joe Biden and believe he may be the best president of my lifetime, but I still have complaints and this is one of them.
(6,987 posts)I recall something about only a board of directors could fire him, or something like that. Was Joe able to fire him, and chose not to? I hope that's not the case.
(30,237 posts)But Joe is a stickler for the law and respects the norms. He acts in good faith. Maybe because that worked for so very long while he was in Congress. I think there was something he could have done. Possibly replaced the directors if he couldn't fire him directly. I don't know and I should.
(65,785 posts)Biden couldn't get rid of him. He's not a presidential appointee.
(6,987 posts)I think Joe would do something, if he could.
(30,237 posts)but if TSFSF was able to load the BOD, why wasn't Biden able to change those people?
(65,785 posts)Kind of like the Supreme Court. When Trump won in 2016 a bunch of members retired , so he got to choose their replacements. Then the board chooses the head of the postal service.
(30,237 posts)something smells bad about that. Kind of like the Supreme Court
(65,785 posts)But Trump packed it with jerks who don't act in good faith. As he does.
I think you live in NC so you probably know DeJoy lives in Greensboro, and his wife, Aldona Vos, was a horrible head of our Dept of Health and Human Services. She brought us Medicaid managed care, run by the evil corporations, that don't reimburse for services.
(30,237 posts)years ago, but yeah, NC produces the worst of the worst when it comes to republicans. I've lived here 17 years and the past 14 they have fucked this state up.
I wanna go home to CA! But I have 2 children here now and of course, money. But as the years go by my homesickness only grows.
(754 posts)Biden appointed the majority of people in the postal board. There is no excuse for this crook remaining as P.G. Biden certainly had the option to choose people who would replace DeJoy, and he didn't. And here we are.
This is a problem bigger than the postal service. When the public gives us power and we refuse to use it, then we really can't complain when they decide not to give us power the next time.
(6,987 posts)Even without the legal authority to do so?
(754 posts)I said Biden has appointed the majority of people currently on the Postal Board.
Biden appointed 4 of the 6 Postal Governors, and Biden has left THREE SEATS OPEN, two of them for over a year without lifting a finger to try to get them confirmed when we controlled the damned Senate.
Why give Democrats any power when they refuse to use it? This is maddening. We work our asses off to try to elect strong Democrats. It is beyond demoralizing when they refuse to take any strong action with the power we are able to get for them. And each time things like this happen, it only adds to the public ambivalence of "both parties are the same. It doesn't matter whom you vote for."
We have to change that or else we will never have a ruling majority again.
If you want to see what really should make every Democrat angry, read this:
(6,987 posts)BeyondGeography
(40,328 posts)But that didn’t stop Big Money and the Christian right from winning the 21st century. Did it?
(754 posts)because the people who occupied the WH had a priority on stability and no drama.
30 or 40 years ago, that might have been the right way to be. But we are a country that has become dominated by oligarchs. A sufficient number of regular Americans recognize that, but they don't see us acting boldly on the things they care about: health care, environment/climate, jobs, gun safety, education, etc. We have mostly lost ground on those issues.
Our explanation for our inability to make bold moves forward is Manchin, but the average person doesn't understand that. It wasn't so long ago that we had 60 Senators. And even when we had 55-58, we were too afraid to end the filibuster, and the people DEFINITELY don't understand that.
When you have Presidents who aspire, above all else, to not rock the boat, you just can't inspire people who think the best needs some rocking. We had better be looking for a candidate who WILL rock the boat, and not just on the fringe issues, but on the core issues that affect every American.
(40,328 posts)On our watch rents and home costs have continued to soar, as has the cost of health care and the misdeeds of private insurers. College tuitions have gone through the roof and into the stratosphere. And of course wealth inequality has gotten even more pronounced.
We had no real bully in the pulpit on any of those issues.
Tuition debt relief is the one thing you can point to but that probably cost us more votes than it earned us because we didn’t get our hands dirty first by dragging university presidents into the court of public opinion and ask them to justify their prices.
Is the monetizing of the basics in late-stage capitalism Obama’s or Biden’s fault directly? No. Did they ever give the impression that doing something about these issues was their top priority? No. Did they ever jawbone private equity, insurance companies, university heads and/or any other bad actors? Not that I recall. Maybe check our approach to campaign financing for clues.
We spent more time promoting top line economic numbers than digging into the nitty gritty of household budgets and we’ve been rewarded with Trump, the sequel. In the real world that kind of result means heads roll. Not in Democrat World. I am not going to blame our leaders; they take their cues from us. We keep our heads down and we keep voting for them.
Say what you will about the Republicans, but after they got their clocks cleaned twice by Obama they wanted change. They not only got it, they’ve returned the favor to us now twice (don’t kid yourselves, there never would have been a President Biden without Trump botching COVID). So now it’s up to us to demand better candidates and a more assertive party. Since we have people with higher standards, ie the average Democrat, we can actually do this right and maybe save the country. But not without a fight.
(754 posts)and particularly the "Advantage" programs, but Biden seemed to have no concern about any of that. It is as if his only real concept in 2020 was to keep Trump from being President, and therefore return to some status quo. And he did accomplish much of that. But status quo is not an exciting story that motivates people, especially when the status quo includes such big abuses that are completely ignored.
Trump ran on big ideas. Big, TERRIBLE, dystopian ideas, but big ideas nonetheless. He ran on Project 2025, although he denied that was really him. That was just a cleaver wink to his base, who knew that P2025 was the central plan. The message here is that in today's politics, it doesn't matter if your plans are great or terrible, but you had better offer bold, aggressive plans. Harris never did.
(40,328 posts)The average American voter is highly impressionable. So you need to make an impression. And not just occasionally.
Don’t worry about the media parsing your words to death ffs. We just lost to a guy who cut a rally short, closed his eyes and gyrated to Ave Maria for 39 minutes. Not to mention his debate performance. There’s a basic lesson to be learned here. Hit hard, high and often.
(754 posts)so it is hard for Dems to admit that there is no path forward with "When they go low, we go high."
It is a sad commentary that such a kind sentiment was just about the worst political advice to ever pass any politician's lips.
But that is destroying us, destroying our ability to hold office where we can seriously oppose this fascism that is growing everywhere.
We must change, and right now. We need to be finding our standard-bearer for the future, and it had better not be a "Mr. Rogers" or "Captain Kangaroo" type. We need real fighters, people willing to engage, and people to speak the plain truth all the time at every opportunity.
From where I sit, the closest we have to that ideal are Newsom and Buttigieg, but I am certainly open to others -- if they will commit to bold ideas and real plans, and not just vague concepts and compromise.
(15,813 posts)fire and hire I think, but I was sure Trump fired the previous post master general. I am guessing I am wrong.
(148,731 posts)She retired.
Megan Brennan, U.S. Postmaster General Who Frustrated Trump, Announces Retirement
When she was recommended by Obama and approved by the Board in 2015, she had only promised to serve 5 years.
(122,606 posts)have no intention of doing so.
(20,072 posts)who's probably voted a hundred times to gut the Postal Service and now wonders why that service can't do its job.
(6,987 posts)I don't know anything about the other guy, but I get your point.
(9,668 posts)JoseBalow
(6,987 posts)Seinan Sensei
(887 posts)Dejoy is an asshole - a small, wee little man who was allowed to run amok through the hallowed halls of the USPS
(6,987 posts)
(15,813 posts)FSogol
(47,233 posts)of every envelope we mail.
(20,238 posts)Be a shame if something happened to your letter.
(15,813 posts)IzzaNuDay
(896 posts)They also sell individual non postal stamps with the same message!
I got mine!

(47,233 posts)C0RI0LANUS
(3,015 posts)
(2,510 posts)summer_in_TX
(3,498 posts)U.S. regular mail used to take 2 days for most deliveries in the same city, no more than 5 anywhere. I clearly recall a conversation with a Canadian couple expressing their envy. It took a week for their mail to go across their city, Vancouver.
(36,040 posts)“This Congress is responsible for it falling apart” ain't wrong. Repukes have been kneecapping the USPS (a service which I use frequently and am very satisfied with) for decades.
(11,098 posts)DeJoy has worked to undermine and dismantle the post office since the very beginning. The GOP congressman is correct: The Post Office has been heavily on the decline under him.
(Of course the GOP was likely cheering his actions in 2020 when it heavily benefited them on an electoral basis.)
Response to ColinC (Reply #11)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Seinan Sensei
(887 posts)How long do you think they would have lasted?
That's right.
Said mail-carrier would have been express-mailed right out of the building
(716 posts)most other similar positions.
(8,149 posts)Only if you are willing to follow the "norms" like we democrats insist on doing.
Trump had no problems removing the FBI director back on his first tenure even thought its supposed to be a 10 yr position.
Most of everything can be circumvented since they are governed by policies or norms, not laws.
(716 posts)turns a blind eye to an administration that hasn't even been sworn in yet announcing that it's simply going to replace whoever it wants whenever it wants, simply because they fucking want to.
Response to drray23 (Reply #9)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(64,861 posts)while Repubs are working 24/7 to destroy The System.
Response to Orrex (Reply #35)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,695 posts)DeJoy is a big baby, though - he can't defend himself so he covers his ears. I'm surprised he didn't say "nyah nyah nyah! You're a poopy head!"
(36,040 posts)So, he could have said that and been truthful.
(31,330 posts)Almost all of them act like entitled two year olds,
including Trumpl
(2,493 posts)LymphocyteLover
(7,525 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,860 posts)Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) on Postmaster General Louis DeJoy: "I hope you got that on camera. This is the response that the Postmaster just gave Congress when he doesn't like what he hears. Literally covered his ears and gives himself the grade of A." - 12/10/2024.
Captain Zero
(7,737 posts)PRIVATIZE the USPS.
Anyone want to bet?
(11,266 posts)He is going to destroy one of the largest unions in the nation, if not the biggest Union in the Nation.....He will expect extra notoriety for that as a bonus of his actions.........
Needless to say, if he does get the USPS to fold, and FedEx, UPS get the contract, a first class letter will cost fifteen bucks, mail delivery will only be one day a week, and the cost of last mile delivery, to rural America, with the USPS out of the picture, will double or triple by Fedex or UPS.
(11,357 posts)what I thought when he became PG. And I still believe it. Service has gone down and cost has gone up. Hello?
Privatizing and compromising elections has been his goal. And he's done a pretty damn good job of it. It's like he doesn't have to worry, as he won't be fired for tearing down the USPS! Why can this man not be fired????
(40,915 posts)DeJoy's new plan for USPS: Slower mail and higher prices, sources say
(Back in Trump's first term)
Self-serving sycophant of Trump with a goal of sabotaging the PO for two reasons: his own gain and loyalty to Trump.
Destroying mail sorting machines worth million$ and going back to manual labor.
Surely there must be a cost-benefit analysis to make such a business decision. Let's see it.
(96,614 posts)The crew of my regional sorting facility arrived at work on a Monday morning to, as one of them put it, “an apocalypse. “ Trays and trays of dead chicks were only the most stinking and tragic part.
Removing most of the blue mailboxes from in front of a local post office? — on a super busy street there was a cutaway that people could drive thru to toss their mail into the big blue mail collection boxes. Very convenient — also there was almost no parking. So why did DeJoy remove post boxes around the country? Hell if I know.
What a piece of scum.
(1,311 posts)the Fascist Five gifted Joe.
(8,649 posts)DeJoy is the 1 fed whose job is safe.
(4,777 posts)He oversaw lowered quality of service, ultimately affecting time sensitive mailings, including election ballots, and undermining customer confidence.
(36,846 posts)The truth is that the US Postal Service is a government-provided service to our citizens. It was never meant to be "profitable" or self-supporting. By that definition, Louis DeJoy is a complete failure.
(63,444 posts)the repukes want the postal system gone so people can't mail in votes.
be damned that the constitution requires us to have a postal system.
(130 posts)would help cover his ass?
(5,407 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,754 posts)New reporting suggests the president-elect has expressed "a keen interest" in privatizing the U.S. Postal Service once he returns to the White House.
Link to tweet
The United States Constitution doesn’t go into a lot of detail about specific benefits the federal government is supposed to provide to the citizenry — the document tends to rely on generalities such as promoting “the general welfare” — but Article I, Section 8 explicitly authorizes officials to “establish post offices.”
In other words, as long as there’s been a United States government, a domestic mail system has been a pillar of the American experience. There is, however, fresh reason to be concerned about that system’s future. The Washington Post reported:
President-elect Donald Trump has expressed a keen interest in privatizing the U.S. Postal Service in recent weeks, three people with knowledge of the matter said, a move that could shake up consumer shipping and business supply chains and push hundreds of thousands of federal workers out of the government.[/blockquote]
According to the Post’s reporting, which has not been independently verified by MSNBC or NBC News, the Republican has broached the subject of a Postal Service “overhaul” with several members of his team, including Howard Lutnick, his choice for commerce secretary and the co-chair of his presidential transition......
Asked about his apparent USPS disdain during a White House press briefing, Trump offered a long, meandering, hard-to-follow diatribe, in which he seemed to argue that USPS finances would be fine if it simply imposed higher rates on (a company Trump disliked because its owner, Jeff Bezos, also owns The Washington Post, which he also disliked).
His complaints were quickly discredited, though his scorn for the Postal Service apparently lingers.
In theory, it’s easy to imagine members of Congress having a problem with privatization plans, but in practice, let’s not forget that many congressional Republicans are on record supporting privatizing the USPS out of existence. In other words, if Trump is serious about such a plan, he might not face too much resistance on Capitol Hill, at least among GOP officials.