The simple reason why Kamala Harris has Donald Trump running scared
The simple reason why Kamala Harris has Donald Trump running scared
Trump is terrified of Kamala Harris because she will put his violent misogyny in the spotlight
Senior Writer
PUBLISHED JULY 23, 2024 6:00AM (EDT)
(Salon) It was mere moments after President Joe Biden announced he would not run for re-election when the new narrative of the 2024 election snapped into place: The prosecutor vs. the criminal. Vice President Kamala Harris got Biden's endorsement immediately and, despite all the wishcasting articles from political journalists longing for a dramatic Democratic convention fight, it appears the party is swiftly lining up behind the former senator from California. Her jobs before getting to Washington D.C., as a prosecutor, San Francisco district attorney and California state attorney general, drew the most attention. The hope is that Harris will dust off those prosecutorial skills to make the case that Donald Trump, with his 34 felony convictions and endless other court cases involving criminal behavior, is not fit to be president again.
Trump enjoys committing pretty much every type of crime, from siccing a murderous mob after his former vice president to epic levels of business fraud, so there's a cornucopia of options for Harris to choose from. But a Harris ad from the 2020 campaign went viral online for one simple reason: It forefronts his long history of sexually assaulting women.
So no surprise Harris went straight for this issue again in her coming-out-as-candidate speech Monday. "I was a courtroom prosecutor" who went after "predators who abused women," she told the crowd. "So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type."
Harris, however, is not hobbled by the issues with talking that plagued Biden in the end. More than that, sexual violence is an issue that she can speak about with a level of authority that Biden really, most male politicians never could achieve. Her gender is only part of it. As she often discusses on the campaign trail, Harris got her start in criminal law by working in the sex crimes division of Alameda County. She spent years talking about these hard issues in a court setting, and it shows in the way she strikes a deft balance between sensitivity and frankness when speaking about sexual violence. I recommend watching this co-interview she did on MSNBC with Hadley Duvall, a child sex abuse survivor who has been speaking out about abortion rights. Harris tells the story of her high school friend who told her that her stepfather was molesting her. "I said to her: you have to come live with us. I called my mother and my mother said, of course she has to come stay with us." .........................(more)

(3,032 posts)Unbitten
(8 posts)it will be impossible for him to hide his misogyny and racism, especially while she mops the floor with him.
(28,835 posts)He's not going to hide them. He's going to display them proudly.
(20,379 posts)
(85,363 posts)Yep. He'll likely keep talking a gutsy game and then find some excuse/any excuse to bail when the date's too close and he doesn't want to have to be confronted. Especially by a girl.
But his sadly gullible voters won't know, and probably won't care, either, as long as they think it ensures their grip on power.
(35,289 posts)spicysista
(1,731 posts)2naSalit
(95,912 posts)So get ready for all the hatred toward women to become exposed. It will help us show just how fucked up it is and how damaging it is to society in general.
Clouds Passing
(4,000 posts)Kamalas courage
(5,412 posts)I know we all hate the fucker and rightfully want to see him jailed, but it should not be a focus.
(35,289 posts)...criminal running for President before now, and I personally think that a prosecutorial frame is completely warranted. The rest of course falls in. She has worked with the most experienced and successful President of my long lifetime, so that much is covered. These people need to be treated exactly this way, by prosecution.
(5,412 posts)That Trump is a criminal is obvious and that would be a focus, as it was in Biden's campaign. That and running against DT's record and his party, plus what she as a candidate will do, and what we as a party will do, is more relevant.
I would very careful jumping on any journalistic bandwagon for how they want to frame our candidate after all they have done for Trump and against Dems.
(35,289 posts)I fully understand that the right wing media has selective attention and has failed to address in any fashion the fact that Trump is a criminal, and thus it is less obvious than it should be.
It needs constant repetition so that it cannot be ignored as it is being ignored, just as the fact that Trump is old and obviously suffering from encroaching dementia needs to be repeated constantly. It is, in fact, a means to discredit the right wing media (much as Biden did with Lester Holt when pointing to his selective attention in the debate.)
She can, and I believe will, run on the outstanding Biden administration's record. But there is, and always has been, strength in going negative, from Willy Horton to Swift Boating and beyond.
We need all the tools, and VP Harris has them and will use them wisely I believe.
(96,604 posts)Do you understand that Dobbs is literally a matter of life and death?
Only one example: when my Mom was having her miscarriages in the 1950s, standard of care was a D&C. Now the legal (not medical) standard of care is to let women bleed to death or let them get sepsis before lifting a finger to save their lives. The old D&C necessary to clear remnants of dead fetus and placenta out of the uterus is now called an abortion and doctors are threatened with prison and loss of medical license for saving a womans life.
Please let that sink into your consciousness. It is happening in every Red state.
(5,412 posts)It isn't a question of speaking to the reality of their positions or laws, my remark was to the framing of a prosecutor vs a criminal. I think it looks like a mischaracterization to do so. She won't be prosecuting him. The focus on prosecution plays to the right wing revenge politics, something we don't need. Upholding the law is separate.
I know all too well what is at risk, I nearly died from a miscarriage that needed a D&C, technically an abortion. Lucky for me it was legal.
(96,604 posts)Its an old & common term in this sense, and during the first 24 hours after Joe dropped out, I noticed many of the talking heads used the term repeatedly. So its already out there, attached to the concept of a vigorous public debate, but also apropos of Kamala and her specific background.
Its very appropriate under the circs he is an actual criminal, has spent his whole life twisting the law to his advantage, has skated endlessly. His daddy taught him how to do this the Trump fortune has meant that from the very beginning of his life no ordinary person could outspend him in a court of law, indeed they can literally lose everything trying to get justice.
Upholding the law in the face of a criminal is not revenge it is the whole point. He must be stopped.
I am glad that you are medically okay and yes thank God you had access to the necessary medical care.
(5,412 posts)Can she appt someone as president to look into his past conduct? I believe she can ask that this be done. Yes, thankfully I had access to health care that is now being criminalized.
(85,363 posts)Unless the Electoral College can save you this November (as it did after Hillary won the popular vote in 2016), you just might be sunk.
And frankly, finding women candidates who dress like Kamala and Hillary but sound like the donald, won't be nearly as easy as your superiority complex has come to believe it is.
I am SOOOOOO eager to see Kamala Harris upend ALL the old memes, cliches, and stereotypes!!!